Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past, Chapter 411: Roasted Chestnuts with Sugar (please vote for the last

Yujiang Police Station.

He put away his umbrella and walked quickly into the corridor. His police officer Xiao Ke also came up to him: "Sister Qing, didn't you hear that your mother and sister came here? I'm still just suspicious now, and there won't be any results yet. You don’t have to come in person.”

"Haha, it's better to have clues than no clues." Mu Qingqing smiled guiltily, "How are you now?"

"We found some fragments of paper from the garbage bag we just picked up. After collaging them together, we felt that it should be the target that the Yutou group was preparing to take action. However, the drawings on the paper were very rough and a few pieces were missing. Some places were wet by rain again. It’s still difficult for us to determine..."

"Take me to see it."

"Sister Qing, have you ever thought that Liu Zhiming was basically lying to us, and his purpose was just for the informant fee?" Xiao Ke asked on the way to the office. **.**

"Hey, can you lend him some courage?"

"But his wife was sick and all the money at home was spent. He borrowed money from everywhere, even from loan sharks. Could it be that he happened to know what the Yutou gang was going to do, so he did this on purpose."

"It's better to believe that something happened than to believe something didn't happen. It's best if nothing happens. If something happens, it will be difficult for everyone." Walking into the large office at the end, several police officers gathered around the table all responded. He turned his head and said hello to make room. On the table around them, there was a broken picture pieced together from scraps of paper, and a detailed map of Yujiang City was placed next to it for comparison. but……

"Are there no other fragments missing? Have you also looked for them at the scene?"

"No, I've seen it over there. The Yutou gang has been gone for two or three days. It's been windy these days. Even if they were left behind, they would have been blown away long ago..."

"...You can't see anything like this. There are two intersections without signs. There are too many places like this.\\\\\\.\\\\\\Although there are a few arrows, but..."

Mu Qingqing frowned and took out a pair of rubber gloves from the drawer: "Take me to see that garbage bag."

In the small room next door, the mess in the garbage bag had already been divided into several piles, and there was an unpleasant smell from the leftover food. Although the smell was not strong because it was winter, it was still enough to see. Mu Qingqing was standing there. She kept fiddling with the little stick, and after about ten minutes, she came out of the room with a frown on her face, holding some chestnut shells in her hand and throwing them on the table. **.**

"It's the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China on Wuyi Street. They may be planning to rob the bank..."

"Uh, no, Sister Qing, although the Yutou gang was considered lawless before, they didn't have the guts... Besides, how do you know..."

Mu Qingqing has only been here for more than a year. He is not a local, but he is immediately the captain of the criminal police. Although his ability is considered outstanding, he is naturally not very convincing in many places. The subordinate who said this naturally does not believe it. Mu Qingqing shrugged, picked up the little gangster next to him and started drawing. Trying to restore the things on the broken piece of paper.

"Two intersections, buildings, buildings. The one here is larger than this one. This is a bank. **.** The Industrial and Commercial Bank near Yujiang is dominated by this one. When it was originally built, there was A place where the police can be dispatched very quickly, but I know that the police station was relocated three years ago and this place has become a relatively blind spot. Look at the arrow. If you do something there, escape this way and prepare a car. The most ideal way to do it. And the most important thing is these chestnut shells.”

Mu Qingqing picked up a few chestnut shells on the table, and then scratched the blackboard with chalk.

"The place I live now is near here. I pass by it every day. This is the intersection of the bank. It is a market. There is a man selling sugar-roasted chestnuts here. I often buy them. You must have eaten sugar too. As you know, roasted chestnuts are available all year round, but in fact they are always a bit bad after roasting. I usually like to eat them, and I have tried them in several other places in Yujiang, so I have the right to say, from Jianghai to Yujiang, I’m afraid this is the only stall that sells sugar-roasted chestnuts, and they are never bad. They should have been selected when they were cut..."

Everyone looked a little complicated after hearing these words, and Xiao Ke smiled and said: "Does this count as the number one scholar in the 360 ​​lines..."

"Oh, that's right. If we eat roasted chestnuts with sugar and eat bad ones, of course we will spit them out. But I checked all the shells and there are none that have been spit out. Even if they are lucky or other merchants I just happened to get a batch of perfectly good chestnuts. =Junzitang first release= But there is another point that cannot be a coincidence. This vendor's knife skills are good, and the cuts of each knife are just right. I can't figure out how he does it. You will notice it naturally after eating it a few times, like a machine.^^ Jun ^^Maybe it’s because...fools tend to be more focused..."

"Idiot?" someone asked in confusion, and then someone else said: "I heard that the man who sells sugar-fried chestnuts has something wrong with his brain..."

"I don't know." Mu Qingqing shook his head, "If you buy things with him and don't talk much, he will be just like a normal person. But when he has nothing to do, he just sits there in a daze, thinking about things very focused, and rarely talks to others. There was a conversation...but that's not important anymore. That place is the temporary settlement of Yutou and the others. At this time, they have probably already agreed on what to do. They can't just wander around on the street. They are most likely going to visit places..."

"The intersections match, the sizes of the buildings match, plus these chestnut shells, according to Liu Zhiming's tip, isn't it that Yutou has returned with a vicious cousin? So if they really want to do something, 80% Ten places may..."

She tapped the tip of her pen on the blackboard, "That's it!"

Driving through the intersection, Mu Qingqing stopped. =Junzitang first post=

The intentions of the Yutou gang are still only guesses. It is difficult to be sure that they really dare to commit such a big case as robbing a bank. The information from the informant is also somewhat unreliable. The only thing they can do is as she said, Take precautions early with the attitude of preferring to believe what is there rather than what is not.

I took some time to understand the situation at the bank and made some assumptions. The weather is bad. It may snow in the next few days - or it may snow tomorrow, after heavy snow closes the mountains near the city. It will be much more difficult to escape and track down. If the other party wants to take action, it is likely that they will choose the few days before the weather becomes worse. =Junzitang first post= As the New Year is approaching, their tasks are also heavy, so they have probably arranged a division of labor. A group of people came over thinking about her mother and sister and urged her to go home. It was close to ten o'clock in the evening. .

Driving slowly, she observed the buildings around the street, just as she had thought before. If you want to do something here, the bank is the most valuable place. Stopping at the intersection, she looked at the bank over there from a distance. At the market entrance on the other side, a yellow light was still on. It was the man selling roasted chestnuts with sugar.

Sometimes she really admires this young man who sells candies and roasted chestnuts - he looks younger than her, but the exact age is difficult to determine. It may be between 21 and 29. A very common face with a light beard. Several pieces of clothing look old, but not sloppy. It looks like they have been washed over and over again until the color turns white, but they can be worn as long as they are not worn out. They are very frugal. At first glance, the impression should be Clean, honest and introverted, if dressed up. ^^Jun ^^^Maybe you can also pretend to be a shy boy.

She had always felt that a man of his age would not spend his days guarding a cart selling candies and roasted chestnuts. Of course, things were not as she thought.

Ever since she saw this cart selling sugar-roasted chestnuts at the beginning of last year, she could see this cart appearing before six o'clock every morning, with its small warm yellow battery-powered lights lighting up before sunrise. The streets were filled with mist until dusk rose. The vendors in the market left one after another, and the lights came on again. He stayed there until all the people left. When the market was empty, he was still there, waiting until ten o'clock in the evening to close the stalls on time. **.** Every day every day. Rain or shine.

I didn't feel anything at first. But thanks to her gluttony and occupational disease, she gradually noticed this cart selling candied and roasted chestnuts. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, everyone should do something different or encounter any unexpected obstacles, but only this car is there every day, at least from six o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening. Every time she passed by, the car was always there, without exception. She has only been here for more than a year, and sometimes she feels that this car has become some kind of constant coordinate in space and time for her.

As if it was a sign placed there by God, the surrounding people or objects, plants or buildings will change over time. Only this car is parked here, silently watching the dawn and night of every day. . When it's still dark, it lights up, waiting for the street lights to go out, and when the sun rises, there are more and more pedestrians. When it gets dark, it still lights there, watching that the number of pedestrians in the street is getting fewer and fewer. Gradually it became quiet.

Of course, such thoughts only occasionally arise in her mind, but because of this, she often goes there to buy candied roasted chestnuts to eat.

However, all this may also be because the man selling sugar-roasted chestnuts is a bit weird. More people say that he is a fool, but he is different from ordinary stupid patients. If you buy something from him, he will not care about the price or other matters. They are all very skillful, and even with a few simple words, they sound like normal people. But he didn't talk to anyone else. He spent most of his time sitting behind the stall in a daze, frowning as if he was thinking about many things, meditating or reminiscing. Occasionally, he would smile slightly. Just looking at him from a distance, you might think he is very mature, which is why people are completely confused about his age.

He went to buy sugar-roasted chestnuts many times. Mu Qingqing also heard from the vendor next to him that there were a few times when he seemed to have returned to normal and said a few words to the people next to him. He was startled, but after saying a few words, he returned to his dazed state. Others thought: Maybe it was because he was a unique fool that he could make fried chestnuts so delicious. In any case, after all, he is just selling fried chestnuts with sugar.

After looking at the time, Mu Qingqing opened the door and got out of the car, then opened his umbrella and walked towards the market. The rain became a little lighter, and the air was cool, which helped her think. It was already time for the other party to close the stall. She wanted to buy some more for midnight snacks, maybe say a few words, and if she was lucky, she might even meet him. When this fool was normal - she decided to try her luck.

When she got out of the car, she didn't know that this joke-like thought would change many things after that, or in other words, determine many things after that.

No matter how many futures we have had in our imaginations, there is only one real future - the one we have chosen.


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