Hidden Assassin

Volume 8 The Door to the Past Chapter 413 The Small Building by the River

When I woke up, it was already daytime, and it started to snow outside the hospital window. My mother and sister were watching beside me.

There was a pain in her shoulder, and she took a few seconds to recall what happened that night, the gunfight, the roasted chestnuts, the bullets, the person who flew away, and the shovel. My sister was startled when she got up from the bed, and naturally she was in a panic again.

"...Sister Qing, you have been sleeping all night and were shot in the shoulder, but the problem is not serious. The doctor said that you hit your head when you fell, but it is not serious. We went there late last night and only caught a fish head in the tissue. The member's nickname is Duck, but the others ran away. We are currently stepping up the investigation and..."

"And Xiao Ke, please, even if you are in a hurry, can you add punctuation marks when you speak..."

"Oh, okay." The police officer who had just joined the criminal police team nodded, "That's all... Oh, also, the director said that you were shot and you can take a vacation. It's the Chinese New Year anyway, so this case I’ll leave it to Captain Zhong to assist you.^^ Jun ^^”

"Can you please help me? Zhong Jimin is taking my job..."

Mu Qingqing curled his lips and said, "It's such a big thing. Since there's nothing wrong with the injuries here, I'll go over there. The case is mine. Ask Zhong Jimin to step aside. By the way, is the man who sells sugar and roasted chestnuts okay?"

"He's fine. We originally wanted to ask him to go back and record a statement last night, but he didn't talk to anyone and just pushed the car away. Sister Qing, before you fainted, you said that he helped you. Then everyone knows that he is a fool. La, so...his confession. Basically we can't embarrass him..."

"Oh." Mu Qingqing nodded, "He was the one who knocked him unconscious and saved my life. =Jun Zi Tang first post="

"Yes, yes." Speaking of this, Xiao Ke laughed, "His shovel is made of iron and is very heavy. When it hits suddenly, most people really can't catch it. The guy nicknamed Duck was beaten It’s quite miserable. I’m watching it from the ward now, and I haven’t woken up yet.”

Mu Qingqing was beaten to death and refused to take a vacation, and even wanted to leave the hospital early to work. In the next few days, his mother and sister told him that being shot was already very worrying. Even if you have a holiday, you refuse to take it and don't want to go home to celebrate the New Year. What a shameful behavior this is. For a time, all kinds of words used to judge sinners throughout the ages were applied to her one after another.

In Mu Qingqing's view, this was indeed a big case that she was unwilling to give up. She was not transferred to this city voluntarily before, and there were many complications and conflicts involved. However, she has a stubborn personality and believes that as long as she works hard and has enough achievements, she can always apply to be transferred back. **.** It is much better to bite the bullet and transfer back to Jianghai once and for all than to take some time out every year to run home.

What's more, running back now is nothing to celebrate the New Year. She can almost clearly see a series of blind date banquets lined up in the morning and afternoon every day. Parents and relatives are nagging in her ears about getting married every day. God, that's all in normal times. Now she wears a bandage on her shoulder and a patch on her head to go on a blind date... Don't you think she hasn't been embarrassed enough in her previous life...

After all, her mother and sister had their own matters. They originally planned to come over for a night or two and then leave, but the matter of her being shot stayed for two more days. It's no big deal to see her. There was no way to persuade him, so he finally left angrily. The snow that was originally thought to be heavy fell into pieces for several days. The weather cooled down quickly, and the streets finally felt white. Mu Qingqing stayed in the hospital for three days and then went home. He commuted to and from work every day by a nearby street. A police officer drove to pick her up. When passing by the intersection, she specifically observed the food market entrance over there. **.** It’s as if the shootout that night didn’t happen. Everything is business as usual.

Roasted chestnuts, a man selling roasted chestnuts, a cart with a blue roof. When there are customers, the man stands up to sell things. There were no guests, so I sat there in a daze as usual, thinking about things. When she used to buy things, the other party quickly praised her and quoted the price, but when she said thank you, the person seemed not to hear it at all, and she didn't know what happened that night that made him temporarily regain his consciousness. Give that warning.

Over the next few days, the snow began to fall heavily. =Junzitang first post=

It is said that it takes a hundred days for a broken muscle to move, but that is the time for recovery. With proper treatment, Mu Qingqing has roughly returned to normal mobility after only a week. There is still a bandage on his shoulder. It is impossible. Just doing too strenuous exercise. On the other hand, things on the Yutou side have not made much progress.

Judging from the duck's interrogation and subsequent investigation, there were two people who came back from abroad, led by Yinhu, Yutoudi's cousin, and another person who was good at computers, explosives and the like, nicknamed Glasses. Both of them were considered extremely evil. Criminals are at least unambiguous when they kill people. Seven days have passed and no clues have been found, proving that the possibility of catching them is getting smaller and smaller. However, in Mu Qingqing's view, they still had a chance. The mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and the police closely monitored the roads to and from Yujiang. More importantly, her casual shot that night seemed to have hit the fish's head. If in such a situation, If someone is injured and flees under certain circumstances, there will never be any clues. ^^ First release^^

Judging from the tone of duck's interrogation, Yinhu and Glasses were not only bloodthirsty but also quite arrogant. They did not take the mainland police or anything in their eyes. After analysis, everyone felt that if the other party was really so vicious, This matter was blocked. If something happened to Yutou, he might even come for revenge. There were very few similar cases, but they were not unheard of. Most of them advised Mu Qingqing to be vigilant in the recent period. After this casual discussion, Every time she passed that intersection, she couldn't help but stop the car and take a look. It was more difficult for the other party to take revenge on her, but it was much easier to take revenge on that fool.

The goose-like heavy snow has been falling continuously for several days. Thick snow and ice edges can be seen everywhere on the eaves, telephone poles and market ceilings. Some branches have been crushed, and there are huge piles of snow. were piled on both sides of the road. =Junzitang First Post=The roads are also not cleaned enough, and the entire Yujiang has turned into a city covered with heavy snow. There is also snow on the roof of the small car in the field of sugar-roasted chestnuts, and I still wait there before six o'clock every day. At night, the street lights are turned on, the voltage is low, and it looks dim. There are no pedestrians on the cold street, and in the heavy snow, the battery-supported The lights are still on in that corner of the market. Be with this lonely world. .

Mu Qingqing couldn't eat roasted chestnuts these days, so he bought them twice and took them to the police station to share with everyone. Sitting in the car, looking at the light in the heavy snow, he was also a little confused, what can he do? Run over and tell him to be careful, someone may come to take revenge on you... It's really funny, he is a fool, he may not take it seriously even if you say it a hundred times. But no matter what, that shovel saved him after all. After watching this for two nights, I felt that the fool was wearing very few clothes. He had no gloves, no scarf, no hat, and even the few clothes he wore made him feel cold. He was really in good health. No wonder he could easily knock down the guy nicknamed Duck. ^^ First release^^

An incident happened in the past few days. The person whom her mother had introduced to her for a blind date called her again and asked her to go out for dinner and a movie. After learning about her injury, he even made a special trip to pick her up. Zhuhua visited her once. Mu Qingqing didn't have a good impression of this man, but that was how blind dates were, and she was no longer young. After a while, I just put this incident behind me and watched the future development of this relationship.

In any case, she was not someone who liked to owe others anything. On the night of the eighth day after the incident, she was a little late from get off work. It was a quarter past ten when we arrived at the intersection. The cart selling sugar-roasted chestnuts has left. She thought for a moment and drove up to take a look. It was still snowing in the sky, and the traces of ruts and footprints on the road were still clear. ^^    ^^ When she reached an uphill slope with too thick snow and narrow roads, she stopped the car. This section of road seemed a bit difficult no matter whether it was up or down, so it was better to just walk.

Put on your coat, gloves, hat, and scarf. The snow is about ten centimeters thick. It made a rustling sound when she stepped on it, and she looked at the marks and footprints of the car that pushed past. I couldn't help but sigh, it was a bit difficult to just walk in this place. It was really amazing to push such a small car up without slipping.

It goes uphill like this, and then turns downhill again. At this time, we have reached the outskirts of the city. Not far away, on one side is a dark rushing river and shadowy trees planted along the river. On the other side, there are few houses and fences against the mountain. In the small garden surrounding the vegetable garden, most of the street lights are broken, with only a dim one far away. There are also lights coming from the houses, but in this weather, the doors have been closed, and the sound of the TV can still be heard, but Overall, the entire road seemed to be stuck in a dark swamp, and the wind blowing from the river made it look even colder and biting. =Junzitang first post=

After walking along the rut for a long time, a two-story building appeared on the other side of the river. As she got closer, she realized that the direction of the rut extended in that direction. The door of a room on this side of the road was open. It was an irregular canteen. An old man was warming himself at the counter and watching TV. When he saw Mu Qingqing walking by, he glanced at her.

Suddenly, a sound of "Ah----" came from the small house facing the river over there, like a painful and suppressed groan, or like the roar of a wild beast at night. Mu Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and saw something next to him. The old woman in the canteen also glanced over there, and then walked over: "Auntie, what's going on over there?"

The old man looked quite friendly and looked over there again: "Oh, maybe that young man has a headache again..."


"You don't know... that house over there was originally a dilapidated building and was about to be demolished, but it has never been demolished. There used to be homeless people and beggars living there, but speaking of it, that house was built on the river Now I am afraid of people even if I walk up to it. Who knows when it will be collapsed? No one has dared to stay there. Last year, this young man came here and he got a car from somewhere and sold sugar-roasted chestnuts..."

"...Sigh, I don't know what kind of disease he has in his head. He is usually fine. At least he can sell things clearly. Sometimes at night, I think he gets a headache, not just once or twice. I also went up to see him. It hurts really bad. It's awesome, it tortures people so much... It's a little better now. It used to be more often, but it won't last long. It'll get better after a while. Alas, he actually looks like a good young man, in his twenties. , no one cares about him, so that’s all we can do... Do you know him?"

After listening to what the woman said, Mu Qingqing nodded noncommittally, then turned and walked towards the small building opposite. She turned on the flashlight in the darkness. The small building was built by the river and was covered with thick snow. It looked like It has been abandoned for a long time, and the earth and rocks on one side are also a little soft. The wind blows "wuwu", and it really looks like it is crumbling. Walking up the stairs, the door to the second floor was open, and a faint light came from inside. Opening the door, it was an extremely simple house with ventilation on all sides.

There was a hole in the wall on one side, there was no glass on the windows, and even the wooden frames were in disarray. The floor of the house was even obviously tilted. Among the lights connected to the battery, there were two small shelves in the room, where some random things were placed. , on the ground in the corner of the room is a thin roll of quilt, which is probably a bed. In the light, there is a sack filled with chestnuts. The bucket on the other side contains chestnuts that have been cut open. The knife is currently dropped on on the ground. The man selling sugar-roasted chestnuts was huddled against the wall, clenching his teeth and shaking violently. Sweat was oozing from his forehead.


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