Hidden Assassin

Volume Eight: The Door to the Past, Section 456: White Bear

The heavy rain in midsummer took away a little of the dullness in the air, and at the same time made many situations a little confusing. It was working hours, and people were coming and going in the lobby on the first floor of Zhang's Heavy Industry. The people who went to work were mixed with the applicants who came over at noon. The water stains on the floor were full of moisture. Living in the damp feeling of summer, the street outside the huge glass windows looks gloomy, the heavy rain is almost roaring down, and the lights of the passing cars on the street are turned on, splashing bursts of water.

There was a lot of voices, and behind the reception counter in the center of the hall, several female staff were too busy. Some people were inquiring about information in front of the counter, and some came to get forms, or went up to visit someone with a temporary pass: "Personnel affairs. We are not in charge of this block, didn't you say that the applicant has specially arranged a place?" Amidst the busyness, a staff member complained softly to the person next to him.

"Didn't you read today's news? It was originally scheduled to be on Haicheng Road. Didn't something happen last night? It was transferred by a temporary notice. The written test and interview that were originally scheduled to start in the morning were all in the afternoon. It is estimated that it will take one afternoon." Can't finish it yet..."

"It's not a terrorist attack..."

"The guns have been fired. Could it be the underworld fighting? I passed by there when I was going to work this morning. Didn't I see the army?"

Whispering among themselves, these good-looking reception ladies are skillfully inputting people's information into the computer, giving temporary passes to a few people who come to talk about business, and handing over the resume filling form to the applicants who came over By. Even in this busy atmosphere, when the boy holding the white bear doll entered the hall, he still attracted many people's attention. In any case, the company is a more serious place after all. Walked in with a doll that was bigger than a person. It is indeed a bit eye-catching.

A casual shirt, the boy behind the white bear looked a bit refined at this moment, he patted the rain on his head and stood by the wall to look at the floor map, then walked to the reception desk and said what he wanted. The few female employees inside who looked at the white bear and thought it was cute were also a little surprised: "Zhang Yahan... are you looking for Manager Zhang?"

"Uh...it's the manager..."

"No appointment?"

"I'm her former student, named Gu Jiaming, please ask, she will meet me."


Hearing what he said, the lady inside was obviously a little embarrassed. After all, they were not very clear about the fact that Yahan had been a teacher, and most of these high-level personnel had to make an appointment to see her. Even if they were just messengers, it would be impossible to ask their superiors for instructions if they had something to do. Besides, they more or less knew that they were going to receive an important guest from another company today. for a while. Finally made a call to the above. He came back half a minute later: "I'm sorry. Manager Zhang has important matters to deal with today, and I'm afraid I don't have time to see you. I think so, please leave a call first..."

Naturally, the call was not made. At most, she called her boss, but the other party spoke politely, and Jia Ming, who knew about these things, had nothing to do. After asking Yahan's position at this time, he sat in the lobby for a while with the white bear in his arms. Probably due to the consideration of commercial confidentiality, the entrance and exit of this building are all punched in and out. The reception desk is not far from the elevator. He is holding the bear. It is very easy to fool the card machine, but those receptionists saw him , naturally he wouldn't be allowed to go up, this time it was Yahan who came to meet, and he didn't want to make things too big, too outrageous.

After sitting for a while, he looked back at the rainy street outside, and the occasional lightning and thunder, then looked at the building on the opposite street, finally walked out with the white bear in his arms, trotted across the street, and entered the building. In a building.

A few minutes later, he appeared on the top floor of the building. Looking out from this place, the sky was so gloomy that he could touch it with his hands. After visually measuring the distance from the opposite building to this side, he sighed, and then rushed out...

In the office on the 23rd floor of Zhang's Heavy Industry, a little girl is sitting in front of the computer and watching cartoons, with a beautiful bow tie on her hair. In the room, another woman wearing glasses is standing and drinking water. Drinking water from the machine: "Taotao, are you thirsty?"

"I'm not thirsty...but cartoons are so boring."

The purpose of coming here today is to accompany my mother, but my mother is not here, and some precocious three-year-old girls have no interest in watching animation. She pushes the table with her small hands, and the office chair that can tell her body is completely sunk turns around. up. Since the chair is for adults, it took a lot of effort for the little girl to turn it. Facing the dark rain curtain outside the window, when the little girl tried to turn the chair up again, her hands couldn't reach the back of the chair. The table was broken, she curled her lips, and jumped off the chair with a bang, the red leather shoes made a crisp sound on the ground, and then her whole body fell to the ground, the woman who was drinking water was startled: "Taotao!" He hurried over. \\\\\\\\\\\\

"I'm fine." Waving her little hand, Tao Tao Nai Nai said something childishly, but there was already a slight choke in her tone. The feeling of wanting to cry didn't stop her from getting up quickly, she stood up with her hands on her knees, and the woman wearing glasses ran over to check her condition: "Did you fall somewhere? Does it hurt?" With tears in her eyes, she pursed her lips and shook her head stubbornly. Only when her hands were removed from her knees could she see that her tender knees were indeed broken.

"Why are you so careless? Is there any other pain, is there any other discomfort... Taotao?"

The injury on the knee was not serious, but it was the boss's daughter after all, and the secretary named Alan was also a little anxious. She looked at her knee in a hurry, and when she asked a question and then turned her head, she realized that the little girl was already there. Looking up at the rainy sky outside the window, eyes filled with tears blinked, and a small mouth opened into an "O" shape, as if he had seen something strange, and he had forgotten the pain in his body.

"What's wrong? Taotao... Taotao?"

"Aunt Lan. I just saw...a white bear flying across the sky."

"White bear?" The secretary looked up several times, "Where is it?"

"Really, Taotao is not lying, he flew from there to our side.".

The little girl was taught very well by her mother. There is indeed no record of cheating. But... what a joke, the road outside is six lanes wide, plus the sidewalk, the two buildings are separated by 30 to 40 meters, how can there be anything flying around on it. Probably seeing an airplane or something, children's imaginations are always very rich. Thinking of this in his heart, the little girl also began to ask to go out to find the white bear that flew over. Alan could understand the little girl's boredom after watching cartoons all morning. Circle, take a breath of fresh air, even if the little girl is well-behaved and sensible. But it's a very bad thing to make people stay in the office all the time.

Holding a big white bear doll, Jia Ming walked in the aisle of the company building, and many employees who passed by holding documents all cast their eyes on him, Jia Ming felt at ease. I didn't see it at all.

such time. What you want is to be calm. Of course, if it's really about sneaking in. This bit of pretense is definitely not enough, but anyway, all problems can be solved when they see Yahan. It doesn't matter to him.

All the way down from the top floor to the 23rd floor, through the busy office area in front, and when I came to Yahan's office, I found that there was no one behind the secretary's desk in front of me. I confirmed the sign on the office, and when I was about to go in, I just Finding the door was ajar, he took a peek and saw only a middle-aged man standing in front of the copier in the office, and he glanced at the badge from a distance, he was a director.

Probably there is some work to do... Yahan is not around, so it is not easy for Jiaming to go in. He walks to the crowded work area ahead with a white bear in his arms. When a female employee walks by with surprised eyes, he casually He waved his hand: "Wait, what about Manager Zhang, where is he now?"

"Manager Zhang...should be taking a representative of the Kelan Group to visit...you are..."

"Do your business, I'll wait for her here." With a wave of his hand, Jia Ming frowned, his originally harmless demeanor had already changed into a completely calm and mature demeanor who didn't take the other party seriously at all. The female staff member was pretty, and she was probably a very proud OL type, but at this moment, facing Jia Ming's casual shouting and drinking, her whole expression was a little unnatural, and she hesitated for a while: "Oh." Nodded, After walking a few steps, I looked back, and after I walked a few steps, I didn't dare to ask Jia Ming's identity again.

Going to the elegantly furnished reception room next to him and sitting for a while, Jiaming noticed the situation on the elevator side, and then thought about Yahan's office, but something was wrong. When he picked up the white bear and walked to the door of the office, there was a The middle-aged man came out sneakily, closed the door, turned around and collided with the big white bear that was approaching silently. When the man fell to the ground, a few pieces of paper floated from his clothes. When he came out, the middle-aged man met Jia Ming's eyes, and he froze there, seemingly at a loss.

At the same time, from the other end of the corridor, the excited voice of the little girl came: "Look... the bear! The bear! We found it!" The little girl ran to the front, pointed at the big white bear in Jiaming's hand, and jumped excitedly: "Aunt Lan, it's him, it's him, it's flying over... so beautiful..."

The one who ran over to protect her was the secretary Alan wearing glasses, who squatted behind the little girl with a smile, but his eyes were slightly puzzled: "Director Yan, why are you here..." When his eyes swept over a few pieces of paper on the ground, Only then did he really frowned, "Why...these documents are..."

In a hurry, Director Yan jumped up from the ground and put his finger on Jia Ming: "It's him! I saw him sneaking out of Manager Zhang's office just now! I wanted to come over and ask who he is, I was knocked down by him, and he took out these things!"

The whole situation became a little weird in an instant, the female secretary wearing glasses stood up slowly, looked at Jia Ming opposite, and after confirming that he didn't have a badge, asked word by word: "Sir, who are you? "He turned around and shouted: "Security!" At the end of the originally quiet corridor, figures gradually appeared.

His eyes were indifferent, and he looked at Director Yan in front of him with some amusement for a moment. Jiaming squatted down and looked at the little girl who was two meters away: "Let me guess, your name is Taotao, right?"

When he said this, the female secretary immediately protected Taotao behind her, Jia Ming didn't care too much, just smiled: "How old are you?"

"Taotao is almost three years old." Behind the woman's thigh, the little girl showed half of her face curiously, "Uncle, how do you know my name? Are you a bad guy who wants to kidnap Taotao and sell it?"

There was a lot of noise, and the security guard came over from the crowd. Director Yan spit and told the people around him what he saw. The female secretary protected the little girl and looked at him nervously. A meeting, in such an atmosphere, opened the curtain...

Without a pass, without a company employee's badge, and holding a huge white bear doll in his hand, no one knows how such a weird commercial spy got to the 23rd floor of the company. The security guards surrounded them one after another, and they didn't get violent for a while, not only because the situation was difficult to understand, but also because the man in front of him didn't pay attention to anyone for a while, he seemed only interested in the little girl hiding behind Secretary Alan . Everyone was also wary of him suddenly doing something dangerous, and wanted to let the secretary take the little girl away quietly, but it seemed that the little girl and the man in front of him seemed to be chatting speculatively.

About a minute later, the representative of the Kelan Group who was visiting nearby rushed over together with Manager Zhang who had heard the news. After a while, the group of people gradually became quiet in the discussion because of doubts, because everyone saw that, Right in front of this young commercial spy, the female manager who has always been calm and elegant, although she looks delicate but has never shown a weak look in front of anyone, first took a few steps forward in disbelief, and then suddenly Stretching out her hand to cover her mouth, everyone could see the glistening tears streaming down that face, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

The loud discussion gradually turned into whispers, and then, only the voice of the little girl was left in the aisle. She was sensible and shook the corner of her mother's clothes with her small hands, asking softly.

"Mom, why are you crying..."

"Mom, don't cry, okay..." I basically didn't go to q, let myself completely forget about hidden killing, do some other things, play games, read books, watch movies, and did something last night About the very sad dream in the past, I finally came out of the muddled state some time ago.

ok, let's finish the stealth kill.


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