Hidden Assassin

Volume Eight The Door to the Past Chapter 470 A Good Man

The class reunion started amidst the bustle and bustle, and then it ended amidst the bustle and bustle. Ambulances sped up amidst the neon lights. There are also bloodstained, sunken car roofs, and the crowds on both sides of the street are also pointing, looking at the blood on the car, the broken glass all over the place, and the scene on the second floor of the hotel. Afterwards, a large number of organized young people rushed over from the side of the street. Although they didn't carry any control knives, they didn't look like good people. Jiaming.

The leader of those people said a few words to Yang Chenguang on the side of the street, and with a wave of his hand, a lineup of hundreds of people marched along the sidewalk toward this side, and the people participating in the class reunion here were instantly nervous Get up, take a look at these people, look at Yang Chenguang, then whisper to Jiaming here, the teacher upstairs seems to be thinking about mediating, and at this moment, sirens rang from both sides of the road.

Cars carrying police and armed police appeared from both ends of the road. Afterwards, a large number of riot police surrounded from both ends of the street. Some young people saw that the situation was not good and wanted to leave from the side alley. After being forced to come back, a large-scale arrest followed. The leader was stunned, and Yang Chenguang was also stunned on the spot. When the chief of this group of policemen went to talk to Dongfang Road, he probably understood the situation. What is the cause of the situation. The previous batch of police officers did not touch him, but when several senior police officers came to ask his name, and then took him into the police car, he really became afraid.

"I'm going to make a phone call...my uncle is...you're mistaken..."

All the rhetoric was useless. After the mobile phone was confiscated on the spot, a criminal police captain who had some relationship with him ran over: "Young Master Chen, the matter is getting serious, come back with us first."

"Dongfang Road! You have to do such a great job!"

Since I was a child, I have never passed the police station or the like. \\\\\\At this time. He also knew that things were really serious. Or it could be said that Dongfang Road deliberately wanted to escalate the situation... Although he usually regarded himself as not much different from Dongfang Road, he still understood in his heart that it was when Dongfang Road was in a mild state. In terms of the power relationship between the two sides, even his side can't catch up with the other side. Shout out the words. When being escorted into the police car, Dongfang Lu really walked over and sighed.

"Sorry, this is the meaning of the above, I will tell you later." He patted Yang Chenguang's shoulder, "You are too impulsive."

Police cars came roaring, and then drove away one after another, such a large lineup. Most people are watching and talking about the inside story, and most of them think that the two forces are wrestling. If it's just a normal fight, I'm afraid it won't be like this. Those who didn't see the whole process just now basically put their guesses on Dongfang Lu. As for the relationship with Jiaming, they probably wouldn't think it was the main cause. As for the scene where Shen Jiawei flew out, it was really shocking. Those who were by the side might not be able to see it clearly if they were not prepared, and there were even guesses.

Even if such an accident happened, the time for people to leave the venue one after another would not be too short. Lingjing missed the state of her parents and left Jiaming to take care of the aftermath. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, they and Shasha took a taxi home first. Dongfang Road greeted several people, and then found Jiaming who was talking to Dongfang Wan.

"Why are you so impulsive today? I've always seen you as a sinister person before. It's the first time you've shot directly on this occasion... I thought the murder four years ago would happen again."

Dongfang Wan frowned: "Uncle Ye and Aunt Ye have been threatened, how can I bear it? If it were me, I would do it too. I have met them a few times, and they are all very good people. Then Shen Jiawei is purely a Idiot, Yang Chenguang is not a good thing either... This matter has nothing to do with you, Xiaowan, cut..."

She said it funny, and Jiaming also laughed: "It's the same, I didn't want to cause trouble before, because everyone is a child, and now I don't want to cause trouble, but I'm an adult now, so I can't let everyone feel that they can come and pinch me ...what do you decide to do?"

"It depends on what you mean."

Jiaming sighed: "As soon as I came back, I met others who let me know that they always thought that Xiaomeng and Shasha would come out to wave the flag. These people are used to being arrogant in Jianghai, and they can't explain clearly. Sooner or later they will do something stupid. I am going to Japan recently, and I have a trip to Europe within this year. If there is no such thing as today, it will probably be in the next few days. Now you take over and you will come. I don’t care what to do. Let them understand That's fine... As for Ye's father and Ye's mother, that's another matter..."

Dongfang Lu nodded, and Dongfang Wan over there asked curiously, "Going to Japan? Traveling?"

"Uh..." Jia Ming smiled, "A former classmate, you also know him."



The three chatted for a few more words, and Jia Ming left them with a smile. Seeing him waving his hands and disappearing into the crowd, Dongfang Wan was a little dazed, and then she was slapped on the shoulder by her brother: "What are you thinking?"

"Just now...he's different from before." Dongfang Wan thought for a while, then laughed, "But it's still the same in front of Lingjing Shasha. When both of them ignore him, he's like a doormat."

"The three of them have been together." Dongfang Lu blinked, "It's that kind of relationship."


"That kind of relationship!" She is over twenty-two years old, and her younger sister looks like a mature and independent urban white-collar worker regardless of her attire and temperament, but seeing her suddenly show a childish expression of surprise, Dongfang While emphasizing it with a smile, Lu couldn't help sighing. \\\\\\\\

No matter how attractive this man is, being a lover is not the way to obtain happiness, friends are enough, so far, Xiaowan...

"That...that kind of relationship? They..." Dongfang Wan thought for a while, then followed, and after a while, she looked behind again, and after a while, "No, I have always thought about it, but they Three people...the three of them...that's right. What he meant today. What exactly is it?"

Dongfang Road smiled: "Xinhe Gang is going to be beaten. Even if they are not killed, they must understand the difference. Those who have something to do with the Ye family will not end well. Shuanggui, those who go to jail go to jail...".


"Order from Uncle Fang. I don't want to get involved, but although today's incident is a big one, it's a great help to me." Dongfang Lu turned his head, "Next time I have to thank him well. Okay, when you see Yang Chenguang in the future, you won't hate it as much as before."

The two brothers and sisters on this side talked and went, and on the other side of the street, a small car stopped by the side of the road. The car window rolled down, revealing Yahan's smiling face, after several students greeted her. Jia Ming turned sideways from the sidewalk and got into the passenger seat. The car started again.

"By the way?"

"I'm going back to the martial arts hall today."

"I seem to have heard that something happened to Ye's father and Ye's mother. Is it okay?"

During the interrogation, Jia Ming talked about Shen Jiawei, and Yahan finally understood: "No wonder you don't even give Dongfang Lu the face to intercede in the past." During the four years since Jia Ming left, Dongfang Lu was indeed secretly supporting Lingjing. People like Yahan and Yahan have done a lot of things, and they are keeping their promises back then. Jiaming knows these things in his heart and has mentioned them to Yahan. \\\\\\\\ Dongfang Road is authentic in these aspects. Favors accepted. Face is also to be given, listen to Yahan talking about this. Jiaming smiled.

"Heh...Dongfanglu used to learn martial arts from Chen Guxia, and he usually practiced it. If he really wants to block Shen Jiawei, even with just one hand, Shen Jiawei can't run past him and then Dongfang Wan to come to me. kind of thing..."


"Probably because he thinks that Shen Jiawei is worthless and would only be a disservice. The biggest advantage of Dongfang Lu is that he is always a good person... Don't talk about that, how are you doing these days?"

"Very good." Yahan laughed as the car sped through the streets in the night, "You won't be able to live without me, these four years have been good."

"Heh..." Jia Ming lay in front of the passenger seat, then stretched out his hand and pulled her sleeves to look, then brushed away the hair on the side of her pretty face, and when she gently stroked her fair neck, Yahan finally Tilting his head, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "What are you doing?"

"It turns out that you don't have any jewelry with you."

Yahan glanced at him: "You are born beautiful."

"Oh, my Yahan..."

Jiaming nodded, after a while, Yahan rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you ask me what I chatted with Lingjing Shasha and the others?" "Yeah." Jia Ming sat up and made curious eyes, "Have you chatted for a while?"

"Death." Yahan burst out laughing, "Are you sure we won't quarrel?"

"Anyway...there was no quarrel?"

"I planned not to tell you at first..." There are not many acquaintances on the street here, Yahan lowered the car window to let the night wind blow in, her hair fluttering, "That's just chatting about some random things Homely, it's almost the same as before, but Rusha is quieter, Lingjing is still the same as before, and said to find time to go to the villa to play.\\\\\\At first I was really scared, I thought you were gone, and I met Lingjing I've never been so worried that time... It feels like you're just bullying us for being good-tempered, can't we quarrel?"

Jiaming was smiling over there, and Yahan curled her lips again: "I don't know what kind of mood I am in. I used to be good friends, and now I have to go on as usual. Lingjing and the others are the most pitiful, and I am also very pitiful. They said they would never see you again, but they thought of Taotao again... On the night when Taotao was born, I saw the wrinkled baby face next to me, crying in a mess, Taotao was also very pitiful...you are also pitiful, too When you wake up, if you always know what you are doing, you will always feel sorry for us..."

"However, it's inseparable anyway?"

"It's true..." Yahan glanced at him, "It would be great if you were more heartless."

"Oh, then be a little heartless."

In the carriage, two figures slowly approached, and then...

"Um... driving..."

"Leave it alone..."

"It's about to hit..."

The car roared and changed lanes, and after driving hundreds of meters, it stopped slowly on the side of the road. This is a road along the river, not far from the mouth of the sea, and the brackish wind blows over.

"Sit for a while before leaving."

"Well... don't move, let me lean on for a while..."

"Wouldn't it be better to hold..."

"Yeah...the shoe fell off..."




It's two o'clock in the morning. Jianghai Police Station. When Dongfang Lu walked into the bright interrogation room. Yang Chenguang, who had been sitting across the table for several hours, looked up at him.

"Sorry, there are a lot of things to deal with, so I'm a little late." Pulling out the chair and sitting opposite, Dongfang Lu looked business-like.

"Dongfang Road, what else do you want to say?"

"I know you are very angry now, maybe you are still thinking. What if I go out tomorrow, it is human nature, I can understand, I am here this time mainly to tell you what happened, as you said, everyone Friends, I don't want you to be unclear in the end."

"Heh..." Yang Chenguang looked around, then pointed to his own chair. "Do you consider me a friend?"

Dongfang Lu stared at him for a long time, shook his head and smiled: "At least you are still alive, if you do some things. What I can do now is to burn a stick of incense for you on this day every year... not much to say , let me ask you a question, Ying Zifeng, do you know? I remember you wanted to have a relationship with him four years ago."

"so what?"

"How do you think we compare with him? Is the power of the Dongfang family comparable to him? What about your family?"

Yang Chenguang frowned and guessed what he meant by what he said, but Dongfang Lu didn't wait for his answer: "The answer is obvious, the power of the Ying family in the south can only cover the sky, even if the elder brother Ying Zilan has always been in power in their family , Ying Zifeng had no one to offend in Jianghai back then. Neither you nor I could do it. But he has disappeared for the past four years, and you probably understood it until his whole family was killed a few days ago... Do you know what happened four years ago? What's the matter?"

"You don't mean to say..."

Yang Chenguang hesitated to speak. Before the words were finished, Dongfang Road spread his hands: "Some things are confidential, I can't show them to you, but some things can still be found out. Four years ago, when the Shazhu Gang unified Jianghai, Liu Huaisha Liu Zheng’s father, Liu Zheng, died. Liu Huaisha had been the leader of the local gang for half a year, banning drug trafficking in Jianghai. Later, he was counterattacked by the entire Jianghai forces. The Shazhu Gang collapsed, and the Xinhe Gang got a chance to rise. But if you deliberately If you go to investigate, you should find out that the counterattack of various forces at that time, and even the cooperation of the government, was due to Ying Zifeng's needles and threads, directly defeating the Shazhu Gang, and Liu Huaisha became a wanted criminal."

Yang Chenguang was silent for a moment: "What does this mean?"

Dongfang Lu sighed: "The next thing is the important point. Ying Zifeng did not appear in front of you for four years. What I can tell you is that for the next year, he was recuperating in a mental hospital. Heh, because some things frightened him to a mental breakdown, and after this incident, the Ying family's status began to decline..."

He said, pushing away the chair and standing up: "I won't talk about more things. It won't do you any good if you know about it. It's good for Shen Jiawei to suffer today. His whole family can't escape Tiantian, and the Xinhe Gang is over. The higher-ups want to beat them, and they will die if they don't die. Fang Zhitian, Mr. Fang, come down directly. Your family is the same, your father, your uncle will be shuanggui, and the rest will be investigated and suppressed. I know you have resentment in your heart, but the more resentment you have in your heart, the more you want revenge , the more serious this matter is, there are some things you can't handle."

"It's just like what you said, we are friends, I don't want you to die. I can't help you much at this level. Coordinate all aspects, and give up what should be given up. I have a few documents here. You see, when you think about it clearly, when will you contact me. "

He smiled, put a file folder on the table, then turned and left, leaving behind a cloudy face in the light...

ps: Happy birthday to Yinhu mm who is born today^^


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