Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire--Volume Nine Last Roundabout Volume Nine Last Roundabout Section 473 Cicada C

It has been a day of heavy rain in Tokyo. It didn't stop until evening, the air was still moist from the heavy rain, and the pedestrians on the streets of the city did not decrease due to the night, and the shops on both sides of the road were lit up with lights. The bright and clear atmosphere is reflected in the huge window glass.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Buntaro walked out of the Chiyoda Ward Subway Station. Crossed the road. Walked into a wine shop that hadn't opened yet. Then, led by the waiter, he walked into the corridor behind the wine.

Turning a corner, the noise from behind faded away. At the end of the road is a wall with a monster ukiyo-e. He tapped twice on the ukiyo-e with a special technique, and a secret door quietly opened. Walking in from here, there is a large room like a conference room inside. Twenty or thirty people had already gathered, and when they saw him, everyone looked over.

"Sato, what's going on?"

"Action is determined from above."

The room is big, and it looks messy at this time, and some people smoke. Someone is playing with a dagger. Someone took the gun apart and put it back together again. Someone sat on the windowsill and listened to music. Buntaro was talking. He walked to a computer next to him and inserted a USB flash drive into it. Shortly after. Documents are displayed on a large screen on one side of the room.

"This is the Hayakawa Building near Asakusabashi, Sumida District. According to the survey, a branch of the Sankou Group is also located there. You can take a look at the official structural diagram. There are guards on the front and sides, and there are cameras. It may be more than just statistics. so many..."

As he spoke, he manipulated the 3D graphics to rotate and browse. Moments passed. The middle-aged man sitting in the corner smoking a cigarette frowned and said, "Is it confirmed that Pei Luojia made the move?" As soon as he said this, several violent people among the crowd shouted. Get up: "Who else but them! These guys, the lessons they received four years ago are not enough. Now they are raising their heads again!"

"This time, they will have nowhere to hide! Let them know how powerful they are!"

"Heavenly punishment!"

It was originally four years ago. When Pei Luojia was so powerful. Everyone can only frown when they talk about it. However, when Yu Shoucang was killed, Pei Luojia was unified by Yu Shouxi after internal strife. In the past few years, he has been giving way. When encountering possible conflicts, they also take the initiative to avoid it and act as a shrinking turtle. The momentum is not as good as before, let's talk about it at this time. Everyone seemed to ignore Pei Luojia. These people had not experienced too cruel wars between the two sides. Although Buntaro had experienced it a few years ago, he had only just finished his training at that time, and his grades were excellent. But it may not be the main force, but at this time. Not too arrogant after all. He nodded before opening his mouth.

"The above is not sure, but there is a possibility. Right now we are at a disadvantage. There is no defense at all. Some things always have to race against time. If this is really one of their strongholds. Let's go now. Maybe we can still Get some evidence of a comeback."

"It is said that Mimori Ki has been in Europe during this time..."

"However, according to the information just obtained, Li Ming Daoxu, who has been in Europe for the past few years, has probably returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Combined with the conflicts that have occurred in Europe and China these days, Mishouki must be planning something .We can no longer be passive.”

"Speaking of it this way.

The middle-aged man nodded. Throwing away the cigarette in his hand, "That's no problem." "

"Okay, while we are operating tonight. Senior Fukui will lead a team to attack their gathering point in Setagaya, and Kimura-kun will go to Shibuya. What we need to do is to cooperate with them to act together, before midnight today... ..."

"...This will be our largest dispatch in the past few years!"

The time is approaching nine o'clock, and the streets and markets are becoming more and more lively. A small car drove out of the alley behind the wine. Merged into the torrent of car lights, at the same time. In a room on the 14th floor of a hotel next to the road, a man who was observing by a telescope picked up his mobile phone next to him. After pressing a number, after a while, he murmured, "Chiyoda...the snake came out of the hole...it's..."

In the misty night city. The game of the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole in the rear is going on as soon as it comes out. At the gate of an abandoned factory next to a highway in the suburbs of Tokyo, some vehicles drove out at this time. After a while. Disappearing in the distance of a relatively deserted road, this place is already close to the sea, and there are not many people living nearby. Vehicles pass by on the road from time to time. Most of the land outside the factory was abandoned. The trees are sparse, most of which are half-human highland punt grass, and from a distance, you can also look at the bustling city of Tokyo Bay. The beauty and magnificence of the entire city seemed to be trapped in a void. Where there is no light, there is nothingness.

On the other side of the road is a relatively dense grove. Shortly after the convoy left. A blue figure also quietly walked out from behind the trees. It appears to be a girl who looks like a student. Wearing glasses with black frames, showing an intellectual beauty, and a light black long-sleeved shirt. trousers. A head of short black hair is softly attached to both sides of the cheeks. The bangs draw a straight line across the forehead. Carrying a bag on the back, it looks like a friend who went out on holiday but missed the return tram. People seem very thin. Her expression was a bit cold, and although she was dressed simply, she couldn't conceal the chilling beauty of the girl.

She glanced at the abandoned factory. Then he walked towards the inside.

The field of vision pushes across the sea of ​​grass that undulates under the night wind and still has water droplets. We enter the factory. The abandoned factory building has not been taken care of for many years, and it looks deserted everywhere. However, on the other side of the factory building near the sea, there are many speedboats parked under the dark factory building. In a room above the seaside, a faint light was emitting.

The two people were staying here in the dark, only the computer screen in front of them was emitting light. They wear earphones, which is convenient for them to contact with distant companions at will, but there is probably not much going on at this time. While drinking coffee, the two of them were talking and chatting about some messy topics. One of them was even playing the card game that comes with the computer. Perhaps because of special training, if each game is played by someone else, it must be It took a long time to think about it, but he just kept clicking with the mouse. It's as if there is another computer in the brain that is calculating. All the actions are methodical, and the speed of completing the game is amazing, one game after another. .

During such games and conversations, I also contacted the companions who had already been dispatched through the walkie-talkie once. About half an hour later, they finished their coffee. The man playing cards stood up: "Mr. Shan Shang, do you want coffee?"

"Extra strong. No sugar added. Sorry to trouble you."

"Easy to do."

The man walks out of the room. There is not much in the other room. But there are instant noodles in the cabinet. There was coffee, and there was an electric water heater outside, which he filled and was about to plug in. A light gray trace passed soundlessly from the corner of his eye.

It was the gray-black rim-shaped pattern on the sleeves.

The body reacts almost faster than the brain. Act immediately. However, it was already too late, the blade swam silently past his throat. The hands that belonged to girls were smooth and fair. Touched his neck for a moment.

It was the last message of the world that he felt.

Twenty minutes later, the girl walked onto the road. The night wind blew her hair slightly, and she walked along the street lights. Passing by houses with lights on the side of the road. In another ten minutes, she had already sat down in an all-night restaurant by the nearby road.

This is a shop that can be called quite satisfactory in any case, with sufficient lighting. Tables and chairs are tidy. There was soft music playing. Surrounded by glass walls with a wide view, there is not much personalized design, but everything will not make people feel restrained. It is a model product that can be seen everywhere in Japan, a country of fast food. Although there are not many residents around, due to the storefront The ground is mainly car drivers on the road. At this time, the business is not very bad.

Sit down on a seat near the window. The girl ordered a coffee and a sandwich. Then he took out a small laptop from his bag and opened it. After turning on the machine, open several programs and close them again. She took out her earphones and started listening to music. After a while, coffee and sandwiches were brought up. She took out a thick book and began to flip through it, pursing her lips lightly. Take an occasional sip of coffee.

It was nearly ten o'clock. Then gradually pushed toward half past ten. People in the restaurant come and go. Staying at this time and this place, and such outstanding girls are rare. After a while, several hippie-like teenagers parked their cars outside the store. After coming in. Then come to strike up a conversation. But no matter what they said, the girl listened to music and read books without raising her eyes. More than ten minutes passed. They had no choice but to walk away.

Time passed gradually, the lights swayed from the window, and the cars drove past one after another. The girl's coffee was refilled twice. It was past midnight. Until one o'clock in the morning, several familiar cars drove past the store one after another. The girl folded a corner of the book, and finally raised her eyelids, her clear eyes turned. The eyelashes trembled slightly in the light.

She turned on the laptop, looked at the picture in it, and waited for the time.

A few minutes later. She took a deep breath. When pressing the Enter key and standing up from the seat, there seems to be a sense of relief.

The shock came from the other side of the earth.

The girl packed the things into the package unconsciously. The crowd in the store became chaotic for a moment. Japan is a country with many earthquakes, and people feel it immediately. Then there was another earthquake. But not for long. They didn't realize it was an explosion, and the trattoria itself had glass walls on three sides. Looking into the distance from one side of the wall. On the seashore in the distance, a certain colossus exploded, and flames gushed out from all directions of the building, almost turning the night sky red. The huge building began to collapse.

People rushed out of the store one after another, looked over there on the road, and some took out their mobile phones and started talking incoherently. In some places, a mobile phone with a camera function is used to take pictures of distant scenes. Some vehicles on the road began to stop, and the girl bought the bill from the flustered clerk. Walk to the other side with your backpack on your back.

The wind blows. Her footsteps were a little brisk, and the two cars in front of her stopped. Both the driver and passengers stepped out of the car door and looked over to where the flames were burning. She walked past them. She walked farther and farther, until a minute later, she suddenly slowed down.

Under the street lights not far away. There were two cars parked there, I don't know if they broke down or something, there were six or seven people around, and two of them seemed to be repairing the car with the hood open. Some were standing on the side of the road looking towards the explosion site. Although it was hidden, if they had been trained, they would be able to see that these people looked a little embarrassed. From under the brand new coat, they could vaguely see the scratches on their hands, and one of them was in the sleeve. Blood flowed down.

The girl glanced back at the explosion. Then he started walking forward casually. However. The gaze of the first man had already locked on to her.

This man is about thirty years old, looks young and elegant, also wears black framed eyes like her, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth at this time. But there was a faint sense of coldness in it, he stood there motionless and looked at the girl who came over, then tilted his head. Closing his eyes seemed to recall something. The distance between the two kept getting closer, ten meters, five meters, four meters, three meters... He closed his eyes. Take a step forward.

A man and a woman, the figures of two people suddenly settled there.

"It really is you..." The man opened his eyes and revealed a bright smile. The two rows of teeth are like white porcelain, almost reflecting the light of the street lamp. "I always feel like I've seen you before, in the downtown area, on the streets... I was prepared to go to Yuechi's house, so I guessed that something happened..."

The bodies of the two were less than half a meter apart. The man held a dagger in his hand, and the edge of the dagger almost touched the girl's clothes, and the girl also stretched out her right hand, pushing the man's wrist holding the knife directly, and the two of them stood in a stalemate for a moment. She opened her mouth lightly: "Liming Daoxu..."

The last syllable of the name seemed to detonate the bomb in the air again, the man swung his knife in the night sky, but the distance between the two quickly separated and moved away at this moment. Looking from behind the man, the girl seemed to use his body as a barrier, suddenly shrinking under the cover of his body. In an instant, he retreated across the entire road.

These people, including Liming Daoxu, pulled out their guns almost at the same time, and then. Flames and gunshots lit up the night sky.

The girl's body jumped towards the grass on the opposite side of the road. The entire body seemed to be covered behind the backpack raised in mid-air.

A small car drove past the road in a hurry, and when it passed in front of the seven guns. The glass on both sides of it suddenly shattered. Blood exploded in the vehicle, and the air on the other side of the vehicle. The bullets kept sparking on the covered backpack.

The girl's figure rushed into the grass, and the vehicle passed by at high speed. After rushing out of the road for more than ten meters, he hit a tree, and the flames of the explosion rose into the air.

on the road. The gunfire stopped, and the seven people chased after them. The half-person-high grass stretched in all directions, and there were houses and cities in the distance. The girl's figure had disappeared in front of them.

"Yuechi Kaoru." Holding a gun in his hand. Liming Daoxu was the first to step into the grass. The rest of the people followed suit and pushed inside. "Notify the others to come over."

He gritted his teeth and paused: "Kill her."

The horrifying wind blew past, the night fell to the grassland, and the waves moved...

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