Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire--Volume Nine Final Revolving Section 477 Farewell

The next morning. They left Yuechi's house. Didn't say hello to anyone.

Not much luggage. Precisely. She no longer has much sense of belonging to this family, and she really doesn't know what things she has to take away. Woke up before dawn. Under the light, staring at a lot of sundries in a daze. In the end, it was Jiaming who helped me choose some. In fact, it's the two puppets that she really struggles with. One is the original giant panda. The other was a lion bought four years ago. It's not always good to carry them all away. As for some things left by the mother. She didn't bring any of them.

"Mom, she... still wants to stay here..."

So when it was dawn. They packed small packages. Jiaming helped to carry it. Kaoru carried the patched giant panda doll on her back. She looked like a girl carrying a big child on her back. She has a plaster cast over her left arm. Boring graffiti painted on the plaster. The left leg was tightly bandaged from the knee down. Wearing a goose yellow dress. This somewhat nondescript outfit makes her image between a girl and a young woman. She looks like a student girl carrying a package and preparing to go on a trip. It is also like a young wife who got married early and now goes back to the countryside with her husband. At least the image of carrying a patched doll like no one else is indeed unique among his peers.

A cool breeze blows when you go out. There is a white veil-like morning mist floating in the sky. The entire Yuechi old house was quiet. But the lights on in the houses near and far showed that most people were up and moving. The morning birdsong faintly came from the woods. Figures walked by the side of the road.

Jia Ming was carrying two bags. Kaoru carried the panda on her back. The two walked the quiet road one after the other. People on the side of the road turned their heads or stopped to look at them. There was some doubt in his eyes. But in the end, no one dared to come up and ask anything. When leaving the gate of the inner house. The two stood on the side of the road and looked inside for a while. A simple and simple building in pure Japanese style. The ancient mountains and forests are lush and lush. Cover everything in it. The wall surrounds the view along the mountainside towards both sides of the view.

"Summer is really a good place to cool off... don't you need to say goodbye to anyone?"

"I said goodbye to my mother in the morning."

Therefore, the chances of coming back may not be many. "

not coming. "

Show a pure smile. Jia Ming reached out and rubbed her hair. She shrank her neck like a little girl.

"Go." He let out a breath. Jiaming is in front. Kaoru followed.

Two figures are in the morning light. Away from that old and deep house.

At this point in time. Yuechi Zhengkong probably also knew about his daughter's departure. And understand somewhat. No matter how much pain the girl has suffered because of this ancient family. How many times have there been. Now she has completely cut off all this. For these two people to leave without saying hello to anyone. Whatever thoughts they have in their hearts is fine. But no one dared to do anything in it. Don't even dare to come forward to say goodbye to them. Looking forward to using the relationship to achieve certain goals in the future.

Perhaps there is too much power in this silence. Kaoru's silence and struggle since childhood. To the bloodbath of that night. The scene of quietly waiting for death. Jia Ming seems to be gentle these days but rejects everyone. Whether it is the elders of the Yuechi family, Yuechi Zhengkong or Yuechi Tetsuya, who are not so rational, can vaguely feel one thing. If at this time they used to do some stupid things like reminiscing about the past and making up for their feelings. This man, who was able to escape after killing Yu Shoucang four years ago, is afraid that he will explode immediately. Take a gun and blow everyone's heads off. Cut off all unnecessary involvement for Kaoru.

The two waited for the bus to downtown Tokyo by the side of the road outside the house. Then drive from the city to the airport. Although the doll still looks weird. But the two looked like a pair of student couples who went on a trip. Kaoru held the panda in her arms. Looking at the scenery outside the window with novelty and joy. For many years. There is not much time for her to enjoy the scenery so easily. Even those years in Jianghai. I've never felt this way before.

I bought a plane ticket. Then the two waited for a while in a coffee shop near the airport. Got on the plane at ten o'clock. After more than an hour. Arrive at New Chitose Airport near Sapporo. Then have lunch in downtown Sapporo.

The itinerary is basically determined by Jiaming. Kaoru didn't ask anything. After lunch, we started to drive again. Turn around a few times. From Sapporo to Otaru by train. Then transfer from Otaru to a nearby city. The whole afternoon passed in constant transfers. The scenery of the North Sea is pleasant. But the most famous lavender fields are out of season at the end of July. But at this time, although you can't see the magnificence of a large sea of ​​flowers stretching to the sky. The scenery is still quite charming. Kaoru knows a bit about these things though. But it was the first time seeing it with my own eyes. Jia Ming occasionally introduced a few words. When a tram or car passes through the sea of ​​flowers and trees. She leaned against the window and watched. At this point in time. The temperature in Hokkaido has already started to drop. After Jia Ming found one, he found a coat from his bag and put it on for her.

Otaru is one of the most famous tourist cities in Hokkaido. The European-style gorgeous buildings, canals and ports all have a unique aesthetic feeling. They stayed here for about an hour. Jiaming chose a few small lavender products to take back to Lingjing and Shasha. Then left again by bus. It was already past four in the afternoon. The setting sun turns golden on the sea. The bus winds its way across the sea and rolling lavender fields.

Although it has been as low-key as possible. However, I was accosted on the bus.

A couple next to the bus. It seems that a college student who is also out for a trip made a few words. After that, the boy chatted with Jia Ming from time to time. Although most of the answers were Jia Ming. But you can see it. The man's goal was to put on his clothes and hug the giant panda sitting next to Jiaming, even though his body was covered with plaster bandages, he looked like a sick patient. Kaoru is still much cuter than the girlfriend next to this person. The woman sensed her boyfriend's purpose. There is a bit of meanness between the words. The conversation ended up being a little somber, too.

When the bus reaches the terminal. It will be night. It was a small seaside town. In warm lighting. It is beautiful and quiet. got out of the car. The brackish sea breeze blew over. There was the faint sound of waves. Jia Ming stepped on the ground. Open your hands: "We're here.


"The teacher is here..."

"Let me say goodbye." Jia Ming smiled. "Find a place to stay. Let's take a shower."

They found the hotel not far from the street. After a little washing away the dust of travel. The two changed into casual attire. Along the street all the way to find the destination of this trip. The town is not big. After more than ten minutes. A small ramen restaurant on the ramp appeared in front of them. The signboard reads "Fisherman Seafood Ramen". But the decoration is not formal. A store opened in such a small town. Basically, it is similar to Chinese food stalls. In the evening, it is a place for everyone to drink and entertain. The master clearly identified the noodle shop in front of him. Kaoru's body finally tensed up. There was a slight tremor in his hands due to tension. The name Jia Ming casually mentioned yesterday. That's when it started to come to her mind.

Yuan Lai Chaochuang! No matter how much confidence you have in Jiaming. The name is placed in the dark world. They are by no means to be ignored. He noticed that she adjusted her body to the fighting state in an instant. Jia Ming smiled: "Relax. It's fine. Just concentrate on eating noodles."

Push the door and enter. Under warm yellow light. This is a small shop. But it can be clearly seen. The owner of the store puts so much effort into the layout of the store. There are not many customers. That is, five or six people. It seems that they are all familiar customers. The proprietress who is about 30 years old is entertaining outside. Not pretty. But with a very gentle smile. The kind that can make people feel happy just by looking at it. There were busy sounds from the kitchen.

Jiaming and Xun sit at separate tables. Looking at the furnishings in the store. Kaoru ordered a bowl of ramen that had no effect on the injury. Jiaming also ordered some food. The proprietress went to the kitchen. After a while, Kaoru's face came up first. She took a sip under Jia Ming's nod. Although usually not picky about food. But it can also be eaten at this time. The noodles taste pretty good. Although light. But with strength. A feeling of life. Even compared to the craftsmanship of many famous chefs. It will never be the slightest bit inferior.

Ming | The food and wine ordered by the side began to be served immediately. Four or five things. It didn't take long. When it's the last one. The kitchen curtain was drawn back. A middle-aged man in an apron came out with a plate. When several familiar people greeted him. Kaoru couldn't help but look over.

It was a middle-aged man who looked like a fisherman—although the concept of looking like a fisherman was a bit vague. But it is really appropriate for the man in front of him. He was tall and strong. Smile sunny and healthy. full of life. There was a country air about him that was strong but harmless. Take a casual glance. It can remind people of the feeling of a fisherman fighting the waves-there are always some people in this world like this. It makes people feel intuitive at a glance. He was probably the driver. He was probably a worker. He was probably a lawyer. Etc., etc. And in front of you. It is the fisherman.

But that's the king of killers. Source Lai Chaochuang.

Under warm yellow light. He sat down in front of Jia Ming.

"For many years. I've always wanted to see... what this store is like..."


In the next time. Kaoru has been looking nervously at the two people at the table not far away. But until the end. They didn't fight. But just drinking and chatting like friends. I don't know what they talked about. An hour and a half later. This conversation is over. Jia Ming took her out of the small noodle shop.

when walking on the road. Jia Ming was a little silent. This silence was different than before. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the silence four years ago. This worried her a lot. But there's something different about it. They sat by the sea for a while. Jia Ming just said something softly.

"That guy... is better than me at everything..."

He seemed to be saying goodbye to something. But something specific. Kaoru couldn't know. For many years thereafter. Jiaming also didn't talk about his relationship with Yuan Lai Chaochuang. And Yuan Lai Chao created the name. It finally disappeared from everyone's sight. Although it has been mentioned since then. But after all, no one can have any more specific news about him. That's another story.

the next day. Jiaming called Lingjing. Then I sent Kaoru on the plane from Sapporo to Jianghai. That afternoon. He took a plane to the headquarters of the Dark Lyra in Venice. Seven hours later. Gao Tianyuan formally asked the dark Tianqin for help. And revealed a message. Since Tian Yuzheng lost contact with Longtang Wei in Rome half a month ago. Gao Tianyuan successively sent fourteen people with supernatural powers to investigate. All are now missing. This means the power deployed by a certain force in Europe. It has swelled to an extremely terrifying level....

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