Hidden Assassin

Part 2 Chapter 9 Abha

For Jia Ming, who is not very restrained in personality, traveling to Saudi Arabia is indeed not very interesting. Of course, this only refers to the matter of tourism itself. For him, his real self-interest is only a small part of his personality. If you really want to ask him where he wants to go, I am afraid that no matter where he is, it is not as interesting as sleeping at home, not just Saudi Arabia or the British and American. parted.

Traveling is organized by Dongfang Wan, once or twice a year, Dongfang Wan is happy, Lingjing Shasha Yahan is happy, he actually feels happy and comfortable, Xun has a quiet personality, happiness does not lie in traveling, no need Consider this.

But speaking of it, compared to China, the country of Saudi Arabia is indeed a place with many taboos or restrictions. Even if it is tourism, it may not be free. As a country that believes in Islam—no, maybe it’s just about faith Islam is still too superficial. This is the birthplace of Islam all over the world, where the holy city of Mecca is located. Islamic customs have penetrated into every part of this country and into the bones of everyone.

These strict teachings have led to the fact that there are no relaxing entertainment venues in Saudi Arabia. There are no cinemas and bars. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited in public places. Women must wrap themselves tightly when they go to the street. Talking to men other than family members, the religious police are very sensitive to this aspect. Local women who talk to strange men will be punished as adultery. There are also a lot of customs of worship and customs of interacting with people.

Of course, Jia Ming himself is a person with no beliefs, and he has no discrimination against religious issues. Saudi Arabia has also developed tourism in recent years. If foreign friends come over, the restrictions will naturally not be too strict, but that is only relatively In terms of. People like Lingjing come here, but there are still many restrictions, and it is basically impossible to have a carefree vacation like in other tourist destinations. Of course, Lingjing and Yahan are not as superficial as Jiaming.

"When you come to Saudi Arabia, of course you have to experience the customs and habits of the local people and feel how the people in Saudi Arabia live. You have to respect their customs."

This group of women had no resistance to this role-playing experience. The next day they put on black robes in the hotel, imitating the Saudi women to cover their bodies and faces. Of course, the Saudi women wore black scarves. Two holes are dug on the top, and only the eyes can be seen. For female tourists like Lingjing, it is enough to keep a mysterious beauty with a black veil. At Xiao Yunting's age, she doesn't need to dress up yet, but it's time for Taotao, who is twelve years old, to wear a scarf. A group of people are busy visiting each room, and Taotao is very happy to look in the mirror , looking at the half of his face that was only exposed.

"Aunt Jing, if you wear a ring on your nostrils and then wear a chain, will it be very beautiful..."

Yunjie despised her on the side: "Idiot, those who are linked are Indians, because they worship cows, later you go to the street and say hello to people and say Sawadhika to try."

"Silly man! Sawadhika is Thai."

"It's not that there are no Indian women who can speak Thai...you have no imagination."

The very imaginative Sha Jie bickered with the little girl Hei Tao on the other side, and Jia Ming whispered to Shasha on the other side: "There is a very good custom here in Saudi Arabia. If someone invites us to dinner, after arriving at his house, we You have to show a very curious look, what you are curious about, people will give you something, for example, if you ask what time is it, the other party will take off the watch for you, anyway, Saudi Arabia Treating guests is separate for men and women, if we go to have a meal, we can evacuate the whole house..."

Shasha held back her smile and stared at him for a long time, then suddenly stretched out two fingers: "Cross your eyes!" She had been trained in Venice's Dark Lyra before, and when it comes to Saudi Arabia, she probably knows best except Jiaming who is pretending to be stupid. , but the two of them don't often talk about it at home. They came with the delegation, and the Saudi side is very hospitable, so they will naturally offer invitations, but last night, Jia Ming told Dongfang Wan not to participate in these things, and asked her to help push them all out. Lose. How can there be any treats for dinner today? At this time, Jia Ming is just talking nonsense here.

Abha is indeed one of the famous tourist destinations in Saudi Arabia. The altitude here is high, the summer is full of clouds and fog, and the temperature is not high. There used to be a palace for the Saudi royal family to escape the summer, but now the palace has been converted into a modern hotel. However, the delegation did not stay there. They are currently staying in a newly opened modern star hotel with quite luxurious facilities. Over the years, Saudi Arabia has successively built economic cities with the entry of Chinese capital, and a large part of this hotel is also owned by Chinese people, so the delegation decided to stay here.

Although it was still raining in Abha on the second day after coming here, as long as you have a car, there are still many places you can go, but Saudi Arabia has strict restrictions on taking pictures. You can’t take pictures in public places, you can’t take pictures of people, you can’t take pictures of religious buildings and military affairs. Building government buildings, and so on, Lingjing was too lazy to bother, so she didn't bring a camera, and in fact it was not as strict as she said. Jiaming took out his mobile phone and took some photos for them, but no one really came to care .

This day I went to visit several fixed tourist spots such as the Summer Palace, and they were basically Jiaming and his group. Since Dongfang Wan and Yahan put down their business problems and went together, the official also sent a team There is no problem with the accompanying officials. Jin Shuping and her pair of children did not come. She looks like a housewife or something, but she is actually quite busy. This time, she seems to be helping her husband with something, mysteriously.

Jia Ming and the others spent the day playing outside, while the delegation each had their own tasks. That night in the hotel, when Jia Ming passed by the leisure area, he saw Ling Jing and Jin Shuping talking mysteriously there Things, probably Jin Shuping was instilling some very powerful anecdotes about the spiritual world to Lingjing again. After listening to it for a while, Jia Ming laughed as bored as yesterday.

Most women are animals with curiosity and a desire to show off. Lingjing asked Jin Shuping what she was doing today, and Jin Shuping went around mysteriously.

"...In recent years, although China has developed, Europe has accumulated too much. If you really want to compare it, you can send your children to Europe to study and see how much it costs. Although Saudi Arabia said it is Asian countries, but in terms of geographical location and past development, they are closer to European economies. In recent years, there is a hidden economy that everyone does not know. The establishment of Saudi Arabia has its shadow, and the Saudi oil trade economic organization also accounts for a large part of the share. If there is anyone in the world who can compete with economies like the United States and China, it is probably it..."

If ordinary people talked about such things, Ling Jing would probably say that this is a fantasy novel or something, but Jin Shuping's status is different now, and the things she has come into contact with are also different, not to mention that Jia Ming revealed some things before, which also allowed her to be zero zero. Accept these in pieces. She didn't like to hear what Jiaming said, and felt that it made her life unrealistic. She was very happy to hear Jin Shuping's gossip, she nodded with her chin in her hand, and Jin Shuping talked more vigorously.

"Below a certain level, you can't get in touch with such things at all. Let me tell you, some of the world's top 500 are all part of its control, and the leader of this organization is a woman. It's amazing... ...We came here this time not purely for a few contracts with Saudi Arabia, but mainly because we got in touch with them to discuss some matters related to new energy. If we can pull this line, Jiayu is the real one. A world-class company…”

Among the several large organizations in the dark world, Gloomy Tianqin may indeed be the most economically powerful underground manipulator, mainly because of her status as the queen. The first generation of Empress Gloomy Lyra is a natural evolutionary. She found some kind of method similar to immortality. After her death, the inheritance was passed down from generation to generation. Although the power is still weakening after all, the inheritance of thousands of years spans almost one-third The accumulation of individual human civilization history. Thinking of the natural evolutionary, Jia Ming couldn't help but think of Xie Baoshu, but he didn't know where he was now and what he was doing. However, unlike the first generation of queens who expected eternal life, he and Mu Cun Hiroki, two natural evolutionaries who only intend to become ordinary people, probably will not leave such a sharp scratch on the progress of human civilization.

After whispering gossip over there for a while, Jia Ming heard Ling Jing's suspicious voice: "Uh, what are you talking about... the Duke of Westminster... what Natalie? Annis?" ..."

"Ah, have you heard of the name?"

"It seems... I seem to have heard of it... Hehe, haha... I don't remember clearly, I forgot where I heard it..."

Of course I've heard of it before, either Jiaming's side or Shasha's side, but the two of them said it lightly and let it go, Jin Shuping said that she couldn't compare the name that "seems" she had heard of with such a name. Exaggerated background links.

Jia Ming shrugged, turned and left.

That night, Ling Jing rode on him and strangled his neck: "Tell me, that Natalie, the woman who took care of her so much when Shasha was in Europe, is she really such a powerful person? Jin Shuping and the others actually begged her to do something... ..."

"Ahem... I told you a long time ago that I am a very powerful person, and your husband and I are also very powerful. It is true that Jin Shuping asked her to do business, but it is impossible for Natalie to receive her personally. At most there is an agent..."

"Uh, when I heard you tell Shasha before, I knew she was a very powerful organization leader, but I didn't expect her to be so terrifying... I thought I should thank her for the matter of Shasha. ..."

"It's not as exaggerated as what Jin Shuping said. She really regards her as some kind of underground emperor... There are secret manipulations, but they are not to a very strict level. I am afraid that not many people in the top management of the big groups really know about Natalie. It exists. And the Xiaowan you often come into contact with is also very scary now, capitalists are nothing, but red capitalists, those who are involved in military industry, in the eyes of these foreigners, I am afraid that she is similar to the big warlord in some war story..."

"Uh, I don't feel it anymore after being in contact for a long time... Is Xiao Wan so powerful..."

"A few days ago, there was a traitor who was killed by her order..."

Ling Jing lay there distressed for a long time: "You said that Natalie is nothing, you said Xiaowan... I don't think it is realistic anyway, she went out with us today and discussed some jewelry with us It's pretty..."

Jia Ming hugged her: "Oh, I lied to you..."

Ling Jing also laughed: "Whatever, anyway... as long as Xiao Wan is my good friend..."

On the first day, I visited some fixed projects near the hotel, but on the second day, nothing happened. Because it was still raining outside, the original plan to visit the Asir National Park near Abha decided to postpone it for another day. Because it is said that Tian Sihao will meet with Natalie's representative today, and Jin Shuping will be free tomorrow, and then everyone will go there together, and it seems that if it rains for a while today, the rain will probably stop.

Jia Ming went out early in the morning.

Anyway, Lingjing and the others have to stay in the hotel all day. He has a date to go today. When he goes out, he is dressed like an Arab, wrapped in a white headscarf and wearing a white robe. Of course, if passers-by, The fact that he is a tourist can be seen at a glance.

The rain was not heavy. In fact, there had been a tendency to stop and stop since last night. He took an umbrella and walked around. In fact, he has experience in Saudi Arabia. He knows many things well. Generally speaking, this place is not as good as the outside world. It is a rich place that produces black gold. In fact, people here are generally lazy, probably because The reason for the well-off life is that the airport here and the security checks are very loose, and it is very convenient to carry bombs and so on.

The treatment of foreign workers here is very different from that of locals. In Arab countries, this is the most conservative area with many restrictions on life. In some respects, it can be said that the general public security is good, but in fact, when the underworld is connected with religion, it is quite cruel. Of course, most of the underworld here robs interests such as water resources. It is actually quite troublesome if you really get involved. , Than the Hong Kong triads, Japanese Yakuza or something more difficult to deal with.

Of course, these are just his impressions when he was a killer in his previous life. It all depends on whether the person is good to kill, whether the local people are difficult to deal with, and whether the operation will go smoothly. The half owner here doesn't have to think about these anymore.

The place to go is actually not too far away from the hotel. It takes about half an hour to walk. Compared with domestic, there are no sidewalks on the streets of Saudi Arabia. The locals drive very fast, and various vehicles pass by on the road. Among them are quite expensive sports cars, Jia Ming even saw Tian Sihao and Jin Shuping's small car passing by on the road, but Jia Ming's clothes today, if he is only seen in the car, he might not be able to recognize him.

The street where the destination is located is relatively quiet, the green belts on both sides are beautiful, coconut trees are lined up, and there is even a sense of solemnity in the light rain in the morning. There is a large area of ​​Islamic-style manors and buildings beside the road. If you are very familiar with this place The locals will probably call this place "Abdullah Semir's Manor". It is a mysterious place that is very grand and does not know who is currently living there.

There were two servants standing at the door, and Jia Ming walked over there, without handing over any invitations or even speaking, the other party had already welcomed him in, walked through the outer corridor, and the person in charge of welcoming him inside was An Arab woman wearing a black robe and a face mask is another corridor, an Arabian-style courtyard, a small pond, and coconut trees. When entering the golden and magnificent room in the center of the huge manor, the two women in the center of the room seem to be praying.

They are all dressed in black robes and black veils, but they are not completely wrapped up like the local women. They wear veils instead of headscarves with only two holes. One of the women sat there kneeling, facing Mecca. Fang Xiang bowed down, quite solemn and solemn, the other woman seemed to be a little out of business, and she didn't seem to be very concerned about worship. , then smiled and raised his hand, ready to get up: "Hi."

"Oh." Jiaming clasped his hands together, "Sawadika."

"Sa..." The woman was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Sarcasm, your mother...that's funny..." She smiled and tore off her veil and wiped her eyes with it. This woman is now One of the rulers of the dark lyra, Kelly? Fernim.

This side has not started to speak, but there are fast footsteps behind, and a crisp voice shouts: "Jia-Ming!" Jia Ming turned his head, and a vigorous figure in a white sweatshirt was approaching quickly. One of the identities that is widely known to the public is Janet, the queen of European pop music. The object whose real name is Heidi has turned into a cannonball and swoops towards her.

"Hey, wait..."

With a whimper, Heidi rushed into his arms.

Reluctantly stretched out her hand, picked up the bend of her leg, and turned the hanging beauty into a princess hug. Heidi hugged his neck and was about to put a kiss on his face when Kelly's voice sounded beside her. Voice: "Oh, you guys are interesting, how about me?"

"Ah, Miss Kelly..."

Another figure came crashing like a black cannonball, Jia Ming shouted "Hello", and then the three of them rolled to the ground, like bowling balls that had been broken up.

After a while, Heidi knelt up from the carpet and covered her forehead with her hands: "Ah, I hit my head..."


"I know you travel every year, but how come you come with the economic delegation this time..."

"It's just on the way, you know, Dongfang Lu is the team leader this time."

"How do you feel about Saudi?"

"It's actually quite boring on a rainy day. I thought I would go to Riyadh and see beheadings on Friday." (Note: Saudi Arabia still retains the punishment of beheading for felonies, and the execution day is set on Friday. In the capital Riyadh, the place of execution is the Grand Mosque Of course, there is not every Friday in the square in front of it, but in addition to beheading, there are also flogging punishments for criminals, cutting off hands and feet for thieves, adulterers—maybe just chatting with strange men and women—will be juxtaposed in the square People are stoned, and sometimes people are stoned to death)

"Decapitation is actually quite boring... You came on a good day. Even in Abha, it doesn't often rain."

"I heard that you came here for new energy this time?"

"New energy is what they do. I just came here for vacation. But speaking of it, according to the current situation in the world, new energy is imminent, but even so, there is not much progress so far."

"Oh, I don't know anything about that..."

This is a clip of Jiaming chatting with Natalie. The two are currently regarded as friends. In fact, they meet once or twice a year due to various things. Kelly and Jiaming have always maintained online contact. Open a video for new things, and you can often see it.

Heidi has often traveled to China over the years. As a singer, everyone naturally thinks that she wants to open up the Chinese market, but English songs are not doing well in China. Unpleasant things, she still does it. She is four and a half years younger than Jiaming, twenty-eight years old, but her Chinese-American blood makes her look pure and pure, and she looks twenty years old. Not long after, the two sat by the garden, and Heidi talked about her recent She has won an award, like a well-behaved daughter showing off to her father with a certificate.

"Actually, it's very boring here in Saudi Arabia. You have to wrap yourself up when you go out, and there's nothing to play...By the way, I learned a magic trick recently..."

"May I go to you... But I guess if I go to the hotel to find you, people will feel very strange... When I go to China in September, you will play with me for a day, okay?"

"That's right, a few days ago..."

Nagging about what happened recently and what was in her heart, it took a long time before she laughed: "By the way, mom is here too, in the room over there..."

She pointed to one side, Jia Ming nodded, and then she pushed her: "Go, go..." Jia Ming rubbed her hair, got up and walked over there, when Heidi looked back, Heidi Sitting there, leaning forward slightly, with her hands propped on the stone railing beside her, her slender legs stretched out in front of her, she is a girl with both the pure oriental temperament and the sexy beauty of the west. When she raised her head and smiled, the rain just Sunlight seeped from the stopped sky and was shining on her face.

Seeing Jiaming looking over, she pouted her lips with a smile and made a kiss expression. (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please log in. readnovel., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)


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