Hidden Assassin

Part II Chapter Eleven: Hei Xiaoshou

At 3:30 am on July 9, 2013, at a certain beach near Rasgray, Somalia, 36 hours after Taotao and Yunjie were kidnapped.

The stars are shining in the night sky, the sea is also quiet, and the sound of the waves is gentle and comfortable. Although it is the beach of the pirate country that the world is talking about, it is no different from the beaches in other places in the world. If it were in a more developed country, maybe such a beach would be developed into a holiday resort, but here, it is so barren that it only has the breath of nature.

A small yacht sailed towards the beach from the other side of the tranquil sea, and a small light was on on the yacht, like a will-o'-the-wisp floating on the sea, and gradually enlarged as the boat approached.

The sea breeze was whimpering, there were some trees and some rocks on the beach, a small black figure trotted over from the woods, stared at the boat, and then moved from behind the trees to behind the rocks.

Someone got off the boat. He was not tall. He was wearing casual clothes that are not often seen in Somalia. It showed some outlines in the dark night. The upper body was wrapped with a piece of cloth and a small cloak was probably used to block the wind. , This figure fixed the small yacht by the beach, turned his head, looked directly towards the reef, and just looked at it for a long time.

Then, the black and thin figure gradually moved out from behind the reef, and that person approached this way. Under the starlight, standing by the reef was a thin black girl who was only about 1.5 meters tall. Wearing tattered and thin clothes, she just stared at the person in front of her, and seemed to be holding something behind her back. When the person in front of her turned her head with interest, she turned her hand in front of her. A rather old cell phone.

"Uh, uh..." The black girl stammered, speaking English, not fluent in English. Although Somalia also speaks English and Italian, the main languages ​​are the local Somali and Arabic , most people still don't understand English, "You, hello... welcome... welcome to Somalia."

The English is blunt, which shows that her English is not very good, but it is estimated that her teacher has taught her this sentence many times, Jia Ming laughed: "You are the contact person?"

"Well, I am." The little black and skinny girl nodded and said slowly in English, "Are you from Saudi Arabia? Are you Chinese?"

"I am."

Although it was absurd to look at the small and thin Hei in front of him, the joint was completed, and then the black girl led him away from the beach and headed towards the city. He was thinking about Taotao and Yunjie in his heart. After confirming that the black girl was not a scam, he calmed down and pondered about his next actions. For him, he was a master of deception before. His judgment is even more keen, and basically no one can fool him in person.

The black girl's English is not fluent, Jiaming probably knows that the contact person that Youya Tianqin found temporarily is not a trained agent, and he knows nothing about the purpose of his visit this time. Found Samuel? Hassan was visibly taken aback.

"You, are you alone?"


"But...he is a warlord, a bad guy, very cruel..." The black girl's English vocabulary is not much, and she tried her best to express Samuel's heinousness at this time, and then she seemed to react to something, and suddenly felt a little depressed, " You... do you want to cooperate with him?"

Jia Ming looked at her with a half-smile, and after a while, he asked, "Why do you have that cell phone?"

"The mobile phone... left by the teacher..."

"Where's the teacher?"

"Dead, I was killed by those warlords..."

The black girl held the old mobile phone on the mobile phone, "I know... the teacher is doing very important things for our country...but he died... I helped hide the phone when he was caught, the phone is fast Broken...I'm having a hard time charging it too...it doesn't ring very often...I've only had two calls...yesterday...hard to understand...the phone is dying..."

Jia Ming nodded: "Understood."

To put it simply, the former teacher of the black girl was probably an agent of the dark Tianqin, and was later killed. The dark Tianqin made contact with her for the first time and found that the goods were not right, so she naturally broke the contact. Later, there was probably an investigation, probably They also sent new agents here. After confirming her identity, of course they couldn't absorb this kind of little girl, and then they temporarily gave up here. This time, because Jia Ming came over, finding a local person is better than nothing.

Oh, what an imaginative choice...

He sighed: "I'm here to trouble Samuel."

"But...you're only alone."

"Yes." Jia Ming smiled, "Alone."

At four o'clock, the two arrived in Lasgrey. Although it is a town, it is actually a simple slum. The black girl led Jiaming to her place of residence, which was only a few square meters. It's just a wooden shed, with a broken quilt. This little black and thin girl is very cramped, and seems to want to arrange for Jiaming to live first.

"Are you... like a teacher, came to help us?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid he's not such a great person." Jia Ming smiled, and then asked the other party to take him to where Samuel was. The black girl immediately became anxious: "Really, there are many of them! only one person."

"It's okay, just take me there."

"But...they have more than three hundred people, more than three hundred people!"

The black girl gestured for three hundred, emphasized it, and wrote "300" on the ground to show Jiaming, Jiaming shook his head: "I still have to go there as soon as possible."

"It's a long time to go..."

"So let's go now."

"But really...really...will die..."

It was quite difficult for Hei Xiaoshou to say these words. She held the old mobile phone, perhaps thinking of the teacher, with a sad tone. Jia Ming sat there thinking for a while, and stretched out his hand after a while: "Show me the phone."

Hei Xiaoshou struggled for a long time before handing the phone to Jiaming. There was no electricity nearby, but the morning light had already appeared in the east. Jiaming took out a small flashlight and turned it on. He took the phone apart one by one and checked it. Once again, after wiping the damp part for a while, I assembled it by hand again, and it turned on normally, but there was only the last bit of power left.

It is conceivable that since she got the phone from the teacher, she probably kept the phone turned on all the time, so she could immediately receive the contact from the dark Tianqin, but in such a place, if the previous charging If the device is gone again, I don't know how she can keep the phone charged. Jia Ming is not a soft-hearted person, and he has seen a lot of ups and downs in his previous life, but although this black girl is estimated to be seventeen or eighteen years old or older, she looks similar to Tao Tao, and she is a little thinner. As a girl, Amoy is slim but not thin. He somewhat thought of Taotao, handed the phone back to her, and nodded: "It will ring again."

"Uh..." Hei Xiaoshou held the phone in his hands, not quite understanding what he meant.

"Let's go, if you have to go far, you should start early."

Jiaming got up and made a decision. Seeing his firm attitude, Hei Xiaoshou had no choice but to start to leave, but he still emphasized the danger over there. In the early morning, as the sun gradually shone on the land of Shanglusglai, Jia Ming walked one after the other with the black girl, and asked casually, "What happened to your face?"

Last night, I noticed that this black girl not only didn’t speak English well, but another reason why she couldn’t speak fluently was because her cheek was swollen like a small bun. The little black girl turned her head and reached out to touch her cheek: “It hurts.” The...toothache."

Given the hygienic conditions here, although there is definitely not much sugar to eat, tooth decay is inevitable. Judging by her appearance, she seems to be used to the pain. After a while, the two walked to the streets of Lasgrey, and Jia Ming probably knew about it, Samuel? Although Hassan's small base is quite far from here, the small town of Rasgray is basically under his control. She said that there are more than 300 people in the base, but I don't know if it is accurate.

Lasgray is not big, there are only two main streets in the residential area, and there are not many shops. Jiaming, a Chinese, seems to be walking here alone. This has always been a strange thing. Due to the gaze of some people, Hei Xiaoshou didn't dare to lead Jia Ming blatantly, and Jia Ming also understood this, and the distance between the two was a little bit far. The girl in front of her took a detour to another street when she noticed a pickup truck parked on the side of the road ahead.

After walking a long way, away from Rusgrey, the black girl dared to speak. When Jia Ming asked about the pickup truck, she lowered her head and said, "That's Samuel's soldier..."

"Oh." Jia Ming nodded, suddenly realizing.

After walking for a while, Jiaming asked her to wait by the secluded road: "I'm hungry, I'm going to buy some breakfast, don't worry, I brought money, and I can speak the language here." Skyry.

Twenty minutes later, the pickup truck with a loud bang bang bang bang sound came, and the black girl hiding behind the tree was more careful to hide behind the tree—in fact, the soldiers would not suddenly regard her as an enemy, This is just a subconscious act of fear. However, the small truck stopped by the side of the road, and there was no movement for a long time. When she poked her head out to look, she found that the door was open. The man from China was sitting in the driver's seat, and he didn't look at this side either. He waved his hand gently.

She looked around, then trotted up and climbed up.

"Close the door." Jia Ming said, and when she closed the door, he said, "Open your mouth." He took out a pair of medical tweezers in his hand.

He had returned to Rathgrey before, went into the only small clinic in the town and dropped a large denomination dollar to buy simple medical supplies and a few painkillers. A short while later, there was a yell of "Ah!" from the truck.

Jia Ming helped her pull out the cavities, then handed her painkillers and a piece of cake he bought, and started the pickup truck.

This little black man has a lot of patience, even though his teeth were pulled out so simply, he still chewed hungrily in the car when he saw something to eat. After eating, she realized that she spoke with some hesitation.

"The car...how could there be a car?"

Jia Ming tilted his head, he didn't want to explain this, and the friendly negotiation failed. Naturally, a few more corpses were found on the streets of Rasgrai at this time.

Hei Xiaoshou probably doesn't have many opportunities to ride in a car, maybe he hasn't had one before, and sitting in the passenger seat is sometimes novel and sometimes unnerving.

"Is China a good country?"


"The teacher said before, he came, taught us to read, taught us things... At that time, other people came to help us... But then the teacher died, and no one else came, the Red Cross Not coming anymore... Many people have gone to be pirates. No one will help us. Those warlords know how to fight. The less people come, the more they want to be pirates. The less people come, the teacher said, Somalia has become like this..."

Hei Xiaoshou began to cry while talking.

After a long time, Jiaming finally said: "China is a good country now, but it was similar in the past."

"How did your China... get better?"

"I don't know, but it's probably because... At that time, someone started to think about the same things as you, and they cried too..."

"...Somalia will become a very good country too."

After a long time, the black girl said this sentence. Jiaming didn't answer.

The road was winding and bumpy, and the truck couldn't drive fast, but at around eight o'clock in the morning, the outline of the base that the black girl mentioned was already visible from a distance. Jia Ming drove the pickup truck into the nearby woods.

"There's no way to send you back. It's dangerous to stay here now. Can you walk back by yourself?"

Jia Ming pointed to the way to come and said, but Hei Xiaoshou was very determined this time, pulling Jia Ming to not allow him to go, anyway, he would really die, the people inside had guns and cannons, maybe there were more than three hundred people , Jia Ming didn't bother to say much, he just pushed her away, walked a few steps, turned his head and looked at her indifferently: "How do you know it's more than three hundred? Have you counted it?"


"It's really difficult to count more than three hundred people." Jia Ming nodded, "The next time you come over, you should be able to count a lot."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the base. After a while, it disappeared at the end of the field of vision.


Samuel base is a military base with good professional quality.

Although Somalia seems to be a very poor and backward place from the outside world. Over the years, the fleets and armies of various countries have spared no effort to block this cheap pirate processing factory, but since it is 2013, as long as there is a way to contact People at the international level may not be uncivilized black monkeys.

From a distance, the base is about 300 to 500 people in size. There are fences made of wire and watchtowers. The military base is roughly divided into three main parts. The most heavily guarded is probably Samuel? Hassan’s family, high-rises, and cronies live in villas, and there is even a small pond used as a swimming pool. On the other side, there is a black castle-like building with a height of about four floors. Not collapsed, this should be the main body of the base. Surrounding the side of the castle is a small area of ​​simple houses, which seem to be neat and orderly. They should be settlements for people who cannot live in the castle. In addition, there are simple sports venues, a gathering square, and gun targets erected nearby. Various vehicles were parked in an area southeast of the camp.

The soldiers here have relatively neat military uniforms, which shows that they can be regarded as regular troops rather than gathered pirates. Samuel? Hassan should be a relatively knowledgeable person among Somalis. He had participated in the Lahanwen Resistance Army before, and then he probably felt that he had no future in working with others, or he was not optimistic about the future of the Resistance Army. Now, if it is not a relatively outstanding person, it is impossible to take advantage of the opportunity of Yemen's civil strife and take the opportunity to open a route to Saudi Arabia. No matter what business you do, compared with Somalia, it is basically the two poles of the world in terms of wealth. There is no compensation.

In his previous life, Jia Ming did not do any major tasks in the Middle East or Somalia. In fact, he went to Europe to do the right thing with the dark Tianqin. Professional killers are not popular. In a relatively stable place, professionalism is the most important thing to do this kind of thing. In a chaotic area where wars occur, luck is the most important thing to be an outlaw.

After Jia Ming came over, due to a series of incidents, the situation in the world has changed a lot, but it seems that things here have not been greatly affected. If Jia Ming hadn’t come over, Samuel’s line might have reached It will take several years to attract the attention of others. He may become one of the most influential warlords in Somalia. He has a lot of connections and does everything to make money. The most important thing is that he specializes in business targeting Asians. He is quite proficient in this area, and will be killed in the end because he is too greedy. This is why it is still unclear to Natalie that he kidnapped people through the Yemeni line.

At Jiaming's current level, there are many ways to infiltrate such a military base, but none of them will take time. As long as there is time for investigation, even the White House, the Pentagon, or some secret nuclear base, he is sure to come. Come and go, but as far as the current situation is concerned, he doesn't have much time to delay and investigate.

If there is no time to prepare, this kind of place will eventually cause problems.

Wanting to sneak in silently, find the place where Taotao and Yunjie are being held, and then bring them out silently, this kind of plan is unreliable, but if you just want to go in for a stroll, the problem is still there big. He circled the far side of the base and spent about an hour and a half observing. At ten o'clock in the morning, the summer sun rose very high. Jia Ming squinted his eyes and looked up at the sunlight. On one side of his field of vision, two soldiers who didn't look like they were on patrol came towards this side. Jia Ming turned and walked over.

At 10:40, Jia Ming walked into the black "castle" in the barracks, observing the surroundings. This four-story fortress-style building is mainly used for the placement of soldiers here. Most of them are dormitories for soldiers. The inside looks like it is made of solid black stone. There will be no good things, all kinds of noisy sounds, and the light transmission is not bad. The windows are naturally without glass, allowing light and wind to pass through from all sides. In this summer, it looks cool.

The people in Somalia are basically black, and so are the soldiers. Jiaming's attire is not refined. Although he knows the key points of how not to be noticed, it is actually hard to say how long he can survive in such an environment. He just walked through as quietly as possible and didn't go to places that were too sensitive. When there were more people coming in the corridor ahead, he would naturally find a place to hide. Just like this, I quietly searched for some necessary clues and signals.

The time passed by like this. At noon, these soldiers ate in batches one after another. Until 1:20 in the afternoon, Jia Ming finally found the signal he needed.

A man with a red scar on his forehead who looks like a high-ranking military officer.

Jia Ming followed him through the building for about fifteen minutes, watching him from afar greet everyone, greeting each other, summarizing the information needed from the faint salutations and laughter, and then finally able to Are you sure, this person did come back from Saudi Arabia today and brought the mission target here, and his name is Kelan? Eivor, and next to him a burly black man, was also similar to the description of the Saudi gangsters.

The information was finally withheld one by one.

Although he followed closely all the way, he also confirmed that these kidnappers were indeed walking in front of him on the beach near Ilgai, Yemen, but when he got here, he must also confirm that these people were not killed by anything. It's only good to delay, otherwise, if he gets mad here and the child is still on the way, then things will be embarrassing.

Crane? Everl and others walked into a room on the third floor.

This is probably a large room used as a place for soldiers to rest and exercise. Of course, all kinds of exercise equipment are not particularly good. There are still things like weightlifting and sandbags. At this time, there are more than ten people in the room. Clothes off, shirtless, all of them look fierce, the wind blows in from the window, it is very cool, and you can see the scenery far outside, these people are probably sitting around for leisure, cleaning guns, juggling sabers, or bragging to others, Showing off his scars and so on, Kelan is obviously a celebrity. After entering, he stood in the middle and took two Nepalese Gurkha sabers to pose there. He didn't know what he was talking to. Good at fighting.

Jiaming stood at the door and looked at him for a few seconds, then Kelan? Eiffel also turned around, still talking to the person next to him, and then Jia Ming walked into the room and took off his hat: "Klan? Eiffel?"

"You've been with me for a long time, who are you? New here?"

"Just to confirm your identity first." Jiaming said lightly, his oriental appearance has obviously aroused everyone's vigilance, but here are not only pistols, some people even carry submachine guns, and there is no direct contact for a while. Point the gun at him. Jia Ming put it on the hat, and picked up the saber next to a strong black man who was cleaning his gun. The black man glared at him, but Jia Ming didn't have any extra expressions, just held the knife in his left hand, and flicked the fingers of his right hand. Fengkou walked towards Kelan.

The next intention is already beyond words.

Crane carried a knife in both hands, and even laughed absurdly—although he still didn't understand where this guy with an oriental face came from. The rest of the people "oh" became interested, and some people applauded.

Kelan's height is about 1.9 meters, and he can be regarded as a ruthless outlaw who has been tested for a long time. The two curved sabers are more than 40 centimeters long, while this oriental man is only about 1.7 meters, and his body does not look very strong. Shuo, ordinary, like an honest man who should not be bullied, the blade in his hand is only more than 20 centimeters, although it is a saber, it can also be regarded as a dagger, surrounded by more than a dozen people, all kinds of firearms, who would think What tricks can he play. At this time, seeing him looking for revenge against Kelan was like watching a drama.

Jia Ming walked all the way and narrowed the distance between the two of them. He touched the blade with his fingers, and his eyes lowered faintly. He was not looking at Kelan, but at the knife in his hand. Kelan swung the two knives in his hands, and put on a defensive posture. He did not underestimate the enemy. The two approached, and the light of the knives flashed, and Jia Ming raised his gaze.

The saber was switched to his right hand, and he raised his hand to meet the sharp edge drawn by the opponent.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff——

The sound that sounded in the blink of an eye was not the sound of metal crashing, the blade pierced into the flesh, breaking the bones and tearing apart the flesh and blood. At this moment, Jiaming slashed more than ten knives directly, and the cut marks stretched from Na Kelan's head, criss-crossing, the knife marks were more than ten centimeters deep, and the two vertical and horizontal gaps on his face almost The skull was completely chopped off, and then extended to the neck, shoulders, hands, chest, and lower abdomen. After more than a second, Kelan's hands fell to the ground, and his right hand had even been cut into three pieces. His stomach It was already like a smashed soccer ball, with blood and viscera leaking out into the ground.

The whole person was dismantled like this.

The body fell to the ground shockingly, a group of people were still in shock, and some people had already started to raise their guns, and shouted words in their mouths.

Jia Ming held the dagger and looked out the window into the distance. The wind blew over and the sunlight became more intense and dazzling.


The small, dark and thin girl was still wandering in the distance of the barracks, holding her mobile phone.

Although that person said to let her leave, she was still worried. In fact, she was already desperate. One person said that she was going to trouble more than 300 people, and she went there directly. What would the result be? Good idea.

She knew the gunshots would be fired before long, and in fact she could have seen the end almost from the beginning, but there was still a small hope in her heart that kept her here. She is actually an ordinary girl. In the past, the teacher came to teach them to go to school. She admired the teacher very much. Later, before the teacher was killed, she vaguely knew that the teacher was not a simple teacher. He was doing very important and important things. Although she never knew what it was, she felt that the teacher must be saving Somalia through some things the teacher said in class.

She was there when the teacher was arrested and killed, and finally got the teacher's mobile phone, which was entrusted to her by the teacher before his death. She felt that the teacher was a member of a great organization that wanted to save Somalia. Then she felt that she was too, because she had heard stories about this from the teacher before. But for a long time, there was no contact. She has been sneaking and keeping her mobile phone carefully, without a charger, secretly trying to charge it, it is really hard, once she was almost caught and beaten to death as a thief, but there is still hope.

Finally, the phone rang. She thought that maybe someone like the teacher came and felt that she had a mission. Although that person did not admit that he came to save Somalia, he came to find bad people like Samuel. Trouble, that's actually the same.

But looking for trouble requires skill, and you don't go alone. She couldn't understand this aspect. After the other party left in the morning, she wandered around. This kind of behavior was very dangerous, but she also wanted to see something from a distance, but there was no movement there. Not after ten o'clock, nor at noon, she thought, maybe that person lied to her, maybe he really came to find the warlord for business or cooperation mission, in short, what exactly is the teacher doing? In fact, she couldn't know clearly, maybe the teacher didn't want to save Somalia, even if it was just to save Rasgray.

So she was troubled by this emotion, guessing whether it was a good person or a bad person. However, at one o'clock in the afternoon and close to two o'clock, gunshots suddenly came from the base, and not long after, there were even rumbling explosions.

She widened her eyes and looked over there, at the same time relieved and worried. It was just a guy, he really ran to trouble Samuel, really did it! But she didn't know when the gunshots would stop. As she listened like this, she began to fear that the gunshots would stop suddenly.

Because it was a soldier in a barracks. Hundreds of people beat one person, and the gunfire would stop. Once it stopped...

Five minutes passed, and the gunfire didn't stop.

Ten minutes passed, and the gunfire didn't stop.

The gunshots and the chaos went on and on and on and on and on...

Under the bright sunlight, this was the weirdest afternoon in the entire Samuel base...


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