Hidden Assassin

Final Chapter Memory Fragments

Return to the martial arts gym on Sunday, clean inside and out, and tidy up those old things. After so many years of life, the attic is full of sundries, old cabinets, bowls and chopsticks, bedding, and old TV sets: "Mom, the things here should be thrown away..." When I feel tired Ling Jing, wearing a hat and dressed as a model worker, called out like this.

My mother was probably not outside, so she called Jiaming up and moved some things out to dry in the yard. Not long after, Shasha, who was wearing a ponytail and a worker's denim outfit, also came to help. In the past, I liked this small attic the most. I had to live there for a period of time every summer, looking out through the small windows and listening to the wind chimes. At this time, the whole space including the small bed was also occupied by cabinets and so on. She moved some things and beat the dust: "Tao Tao, when Yunjie Yunting comes over, maybe she will live in the attic. They like it best too."

The large items outside were removed, and the cabinets, bedding, etc. were taken out, and some things inside were also exposed. There was a broken photo frame. I remember it was used to hang her first award when she was a child. What year did you buy the broken old TV? It seems that winter is coming, and it was worth a lot of money at that time: "Jiaming, Dad finally bought a new TV today, let's come and watch it together tonight." Yes Yes, at that time Jiaming seemed to be shot when he ran away from home, and after a while, they met Shasha.

"I don't know if I can still use it..." After Shasha came up, she smiled and told the other party about the TV, and then the two sisters squatted on the ground and fiddled with it, plugging the wire into the socket, but it didn't turn on, " it's a pity."

"Go down and disassemble it, and then see if Jiaming can fix it. The quality of the TV used to be pretty good."

All kinds of things are gradually emptied, and more and more familiar things appear. Mom probably came back, and Jiaming’s voice chatting with her was faintly heard in the yard: "Ah... this is from the past... huh..." She cleaned the floor. She hasn’t lived in the attic for a long time. The window I looked at looked so small, and the small wind chime hanging there was old and rusted, and it just shook when I flicked it with my fingers, and it stopped ringing. Sitting on the edge of a small bed that has not yet been covered, it is probably because I am used to living in a big house, and the attic is a little narrower than my previous impression.

But some kids will definitely like it.

There were still a few boxes in the corner, which were her old things. Since Jiaming and Shasha hadn't come up yet, she just moved them out. However, it has been too long, and the box is not secure. When I reached out to carry it, it fell to the ground, and many old things rolled out. Various collection of trinkets. Rubber bands, beautiful buttons, origami stars, lavender bottles, beautiful girl stickers with only a few sheets, etc.

She smiled, knelt down on the ground and put these things into the iron box used to hold moon cakes. When she looked up, she found something in another box. She reached out and took it out. It was a small schoolbag with a red A few words were stitched on the thread: Hongxing Primary School, Ye Lingjing.


She took out other things, and she was deeply impressed, including her schoolbag, Jiaming's schoolbag before, and Shasha's bat. Although she couldn't play, she also bought a baseball to pretend. Transcripts, homework books, etc. I remember that Jia Ming always copied her homework in the past. After the junior high school was divided into classes, he didn't have to copy anymore, and he even gloated about it.

There were a few photo stickers in the broken music box. She, Shasha and Jiaming took photos together. It was when they were in junior high school. The three of them lived in Shasha's villa every weekend, just like playing house. There was actually an empty wine bottle in a box next to her. She picked it up and thought about it, and couldn't help hugging her arms and laughing. As for the wine bottle, Shasha found it from the villa later and put it here. If she didn't graduate from junior high school The accident that night, the three of them didn't know what would happen afterwards. At that time, the boyish Rusha wanted to help her pursue Jia Ming, but she didn't understand that she also liked Jia Ming... Heh, everyone at that time Still ignorant, Tong Zhen met Qi Luoxiang for the first time, and then they got together like that.

The notice from Sacred Heart College, the three of them rented a house, and various other things. Unfortunately, the two-story building is not a permanent thing after all. Even if it has commemorative value, it is not worth keeping it there. It was also dismantled. On the day they moved out, they took a photo in front of the house in the sunset, and it is still in the bedroom. However, looking at the bits and pieces in the box, I also remembered the scene when I entered that room for the first time...

The original key, the key chain carefully selected by her when she was just in junior high school, and the little doraemon pendant on it, all three are here now. Jiaming's is Daxiong, and Rusha's is Yijing. She took the doraemon, although Jiaming later said that Shasha should be Daxiong, he should be a doraemon, and she should be Yijing. Oh, whatever. I still remember that when the three of them went to buy key chains, they cost five yuan each. At that time, they thought it was really expensive. I just cut three of them down to ten yuan in a pitiful way. At that time, they had a lot of plans, and the money was not enough. ...

A broken and beautiful alarm clock, a small piggy bank with coins in it when shaken, a ticket for the Star Dream, a repeater that became parts, an English tape, and a yellowed notebook, After opening it, there are stickers, bulletins, copied lyrics of some old songs, and some stars, flowers, beautiful girls, etc., which seem to be used in middle and high schools. There are also two notebooks, which are the family income and expenditure books at that time. I opened a page at random and read: July 3, 1998, it was a holiday. Jiaming and Shasha ate popsicles for two yuan, and Lingjing ate jelly for one yuan. , go home to eat, no need to buy food... concept band performances, count income...

There is also a photo below. There are three masked monsters on the stage, cucumbers, bananas, and eggplants. Jiaming is too bad... In fact, Xun occasionally makes a guest appearance. The mask is a big durian...

There is an unopened Barbie doll, and the box is well preserved. It's...a birthday present.

Oh, Uncle Liu...

At that time, Liu Zheng didn't have any talent for giving gifts, mainly because he didn't know what to give girls. On the birthday of the first year of high school, he actually asked his younger brother to send this beautiful Barbie doll. My little brother bought a very expensive and high-end birthday present that girls like... Now that I think about it, my nose is sour...

All kinds, all kinds of things, piles of piles, many things have gone to the new house, but many are still here. In the third year of high school, the three of them took funny wedding photos, and sometimes Jia Ming Dressed up as a girl, sometimes I and Shasha pretended to be a boy. The photos are in the new house, but the lipsticks used to dress up still exist here. The medicine box in the old house, the picture postcards collected at that time, the beautiful pebbles, the "gifts" bought by Jiaming when he broke up and went to Guilin alone, the air ticket to Vienna, the notice...they are all the same. Take it out slowly, there are so many boxes, it feels like you can’t finish them all, after a while, Rusha came up, squatting beside him, quietly picking...

The air in the afternoon was comfortable and leisurely. When Jiaming came up, two older girls were sitting on the floor in the attic. They were both wearing the denim clothes they wore when cleaning. Lingjing took off her shoes, and the white socks were dusty and rustling. Leaning on her shoulder, she was playing with a Rubik's Cube in her hand, while Ling Jing was holding a cardboard box, took out the contents, and put them into the pile of items in front of her. The beautiful cheeks of the two were stained with sweat and dust, but now the sweat has dried up, leaving some marks, like the afternoons many years ago, when they were tired from fighting, they were resting in the attic or playing a game of chess together scenario.

In front, many things, big and small, were placed. In the center were two schoolbags, embroidered with Hongxing Elementary School and his and Lingjing’s names. Objects, dolls, stamp albums, pieces of glass, paper cranes, homework books, music boxes, old photo albums... all kinds of trivial things, too many to count, like a small mountain...

He looked at those things, understood, then walked over with a smile, squatted down, looked at everything, Lingjing and Shasha gently held one of his hands. There have been many times in this life, and before he met Lingjing Shasha, he experienced much more than now, but his memory did gradually start from the appearance of these things.

Not long after, Jiaming also sat down, leaning his back against the wall behind, and lay rustling on his lap, Lingjing finished arranging things, leaning on his shoulder with an empty cardboard box in his arms, quietly, eyelashes It was like falling asleep while shaking. At a certain moment, Jia Ming seemed to have discovered something, and stretched out his hand.

"Ah... so you're still here..."

The small wind chime at the window rang lightly, and a ray of sunlight slanted in from the small window of the attic, enveloping this small, quiet world in that meaningful breath, the light was warm yellow, it belonged to memory A color that never fades...


If this is a movie, if there is a theme song or something, it can be played with the wind chime. I have tried to add the last one to Xu Fei's "That Summer" or Luo Dayou's "Childhood" or Shuimunianhua's "Butterfly Flower" or such and such songs, and finally found that they are not perfect, so I will not recommend songs Yes, if you like it, just go and listen to it yourself.

When I finished Hidden Killing two years ago, I actually still had some ideas in my mind, and I promised to give the traditional side a sequel. Therefore, in my heart, I don't really have much feeling that the hidden killing is really over. Even if the second part is due in March this year, I don't have much specific cognition. Now this second part has been published, and it is going to be published next month at the starting point. When I flipped through this manuscript today, I felt that I had to write something that really ended, so I wrote these 3,000 words. Then I felt: This is the last scene of Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha in front of the readers. In the future... Maybe I really won't write about them anymore...

In the past two years, although the books are said to be over, they are still spinning in my mind. I often see them, but after this article, at least at this moment, I feel that there is no more to express . They are still living in Jianghai, but as far as I am concerned, I can finally let them go, and I don't need to carry them any further. Thinking of this, I finally feel a little sad, just like Wang Zheng's "Tell You", they will have their own lives, and I can't give them more...

It's like one day not so long ago when I found an old photo album that I haven't seen in years, a record of me, my parents, life from a long time ago, sometimes I feel like I'm about to forget them, But after opening it, you will feel: Ah, so you are still here...

The things that everyone cherishes have always been there, and they must exist somewhere, waiting for you to find her.


On the afternoon of June 18, 2012 (to be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please log in. readnovel., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)


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