Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 70 Car Thief

This day started from the morning, and the weather was a bit gloomy. Sitting on the bed, Bai Nana couldn't help but feel a little bad.

Maybe something will happen. She thought wickedly.

This temporary team of five consists of four men and one woman, and they are all first-class killers belonging to Pei Luojia's Asian Department. According to the temporary arrangement, a crazy person nicknamed "Tank" is the leader. This is the leader of the Asian Department. A symbol of the infinite expansion of the influence of this assassination. Expanding the assassination incident into a terrorist attack is extremely stupid from a certain point of view, but considering the position of the Asian Department in Pei Luojia in recent years, even if this thing is more brain-dead, it has to be done again.

The original plan was to manipulate a group of militants to directly control the school and occupy it for a period of time. It would be better to kill dozens of people. After the news that the luxury cruise ship was about to go to sea, everyone turned their attention to the cruise ship. Chen Guxia would go on it, and there would be many well-known rich men in Jianghai City. Obviously, it would be even more difficult to rob it or sink it. Be gorgeous.

However, a plan is a plan. Although Peroja Asia is located in Thailand, the five people who came this time are from every country. Bai Nana is actually Chinese, the boss of the "tank" is Russian, and Naka, nicknamed Viper, is from In Thailand, the hometown of the sniper nicknamed Hawkeye is Japan. As for the remaining one, he is a Jew from Israel. He gathers from many countries. They are of the same level and have different opinions. It feels awkward to get along with each other. There is nothing more intense than the dispute between Naka the Viper and the tank over the assassination policy.

As for Bai Nana, although she has always been good at silent assassinations, she will not argue with people over stupid policy issues. What annoys her is that although there are four men here this time, none of them are normal. of. The tank is only interested in his own developed muscles, the eagle eye is cold like a gay, the Israeli bomber is very beautiful, but when he looks at a woman, his eyes are like examining which hole can be stuffed with more explosives . In the end, Bai Nana could only find Naka as a temporary bed partner. The problem was that it seemed a little too normal.

Compared with routine bed, she prefers the rough and exciting feeling, the sense of domination or being dominated, such as letting a man tie her up, blood dripping with a whip, candles, wooden horses, screaming, crying, begging for mercy... ...or turn it all around, how delightful it is for her to use these things on men. Why are there so few normal people in the world?

Out of this boredom, she decided to go for a walk.

Summer has just passed, but the heat doesn't seem to dissipate, especially when the weather is gloomy like this, the atmosphere around becomes even more boring. After casually shopping in several nearby shopping malls, looking at the people hurrying around, she felt Feeling more and more bored, standing on the street, the feeling of gushing from the lower body became more and more serious. In her feeling, it was like a fountain-like chug... Where did she get so much blood? However, she couldn't help but look down several times, because the tampon should have been soaked long ago. After realizing that it was a hallucination, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed. How good it is soaked, dripping blood on the street...

This damn cloud, this damn pedestrian, this damn city, this damn world, this damn woman's body... can't there be one or two interesting things happening? These few days of every month, she felt that she was going crazy, but when she turned a street corner, she suddenly laughed.

It was one of the pre-arranged retreat points for the five of them. A black car was parked beside the road. Since it looked like it was going to rain, there were not many pedestrians on the road. A young man who seemed to be ignorant was standing at the door of the car. He took out a piece of wire and stuffed it into the crack of the car window, describing it as sneaky, looking around with a ridiculous expression.

Maybe something really interesting happened...


A moment later, inside the slowly moving car.

"Let me go, you stinky woman, what do you want to do? At worst, send me to the police station. I haven't done anything. Let me go, hey! This is not the way to the police station. What do you want to do..."

Both hands and feet were stretched, and the boy kept jumping on the back seat of the car, yelling, a little nervous, and a little scared, which made Bai Nana feel very good, humming a slow song while driving . Originally, there should be no extra problems during the operation. If people are killed in advance, it may affect future operations. But this time she is not going to kill people, just for fun. The little boy stole the car first, so he must She doesn't dare to make it public, the problem now is that she has to find a relatively secluded place before she can do something she likes.

In Jianghai City, she didn't know many secluded places, so she turned her thoughts slightly, and the car drove onto a coastal road. There were not many vehicles driving here. foul language.

"...Are you a pervert? What are you laughing at! What do you want to do! Am I just stealing a car... Either you send me to the police station, or I won't let you go, tell you, my uncle is You gangster, if you dare to touch me, I will find someone to fuck you a hundred times!...Do you, a woman with sexually transmitted diseases and no one wants you, know how to find a man like this...I bet you come to my aunt four times a month! Once A week...why didn't your dad throw you down the toilet when you were born..."

While cursing, the young man finally stood up with his feet together. At this moment, Bai Nana slammed on the brakes, and the young man jumped out from between the two seats in front of him, his forehead slammed It landed on the windshield in front of the car, and pressed his thighs hard on the gear lever. The next moment, the car sped out again at high speed, and the boy fell into the space of the passenger seat in a state of embarrassment, grinning his teeth in pain. For a moment, the car was full of women's charming laughter.

"You...crazy..." The young man cursed in pain while adjusting his body. After a while, a phone rang in the small handbag beside Bai Nana, and she took out a phone that was half the size of a brick , pressed the call button: "Hello?"

"There was an accident, we were under surveillance by the police, and everyone is currently being transferred, see you at the temporary assembly point."

"Okay, I'm driving over there in car No. 2..."

The moment he opened his mouth to speak, the young man rushed towards him. His hands and feet were bound. At this moment, he opened his mouth and bit Bai Nana's face. She turned her body to the side while holding the mobile phone. , There was a severe pain in her chest, the boy bit the wrong place, and actually bit her breasts hard, this kind of weather doesn't need to wear too many clothes, and she didn't even wear a bra underneath, at this moment, the pain is different from another A strange feeling came up clearly, which made her hand holding the steering wheel tremble slightly.


"What’s wrong with you?"

"Well... nothing, there is action... I'm very excited..."

Her cheeks were flushed, her voice sounded like a moan, and the person on the other end of the phone knew about her bad habits, but didn't take it seriously. After turning off the call, she tapped the boy on the back of the neck with the mobile phone, and then the boy's body suddenly collapsed.

Lifting off the thin short skirt, she pulled out the pistol from the holster on her thigh, and stayed in the air for a while. The liquid gushing out between her legs interfered with her thinking again, and she slowly put the pistol back. On the small car, a charming smile appeared on her face.

"It's okay, before they come, we can play for a while..."

Of course she would not know that this seemingly strange young man in front of her was very clear about her likes and dislikes, habits, erogenous zone and even her biological date. Of course, if the pistol hadn't stayed in the air, she might have noticed all this in advance...


People can't stand the description of... I mean... about that... well, you know. .

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