Hidden Assassin

Volume Three, Section 73: The Heart of a Killer

Sunday, September 28, 1997.

At noon, the rustling sound of cooking came out from the back room, accompanied by the smell of dishes, the music of "Noon News" came from the living room, and soon after, a woman's voice came from the kitchen: "Ye Han! Ye Han !" A moment later, Jiaming's figure appeared at the kitchen door, with a sunny smile on his face: "What's the matter? Dad Ye is going to the bathroom."

"Lazy people always like to go to the toilet." As an attending surgeon in a large hospital, the elegant and shrewd Mama Ye showed a helpless smile, and then took out a few dollars from her pocket: "There is no soy sauce in the kitchen, and the family has a lot of money." Ming you help out to buy a bottle, by the way, where is Lingjing?"

"Well, she and Shasha are competing outside in the arena. The juniors and sisters have finally left, and the arena has just been vacated."

"Wild girl... just can't stay idle..." Mama Ye laughed, "People say that she gave birth to a soy sauce, and she gave birth to Lingjing, but there was no sign of her when she was going to make soy sauce."

"And me." Jiaming said jokingly, "Isn't Lingjing my child bride-in-law, and it's not wrong that this share belongs to Lingjing."

"Hehe, you kid." She reached out and patted Jiaming on the head, and Mother Ye smiled, "I said you are good at everything, but you are too soft-tempered. Those students in the martial arts hall serve tea and water. It is a good thing for a boy to be gentle, but if he is too gentle, he will be looked down upon by those who don’t know the heights of heaven and earth. You, you all learned from your father Ye, that guy is always gentle You are lukewarm, but at least you look a little scary, you..."

"Tight-clamp-curse-ah, master, please forgive me..." Holding the money to buy soy sauce, Jia Ming ran out with his head in his hands, leaving Mama Ye standing there with a helpless and doting smile.

All the way through the small courtyard, when I ran to the small martial arts hall in front of which the gate was closed, two girls on the ring were rolling into a ball, their four legs were entangled together like twisted twists, and a quiet hand stretched out desperately. To Shasha's armpit, and Shasha's claws ruthlessly pounced on Lingjing's soft waist, what kind of move is this? Before he stopped, Shasha had already looked over here: "What's the matter... ah--Lingjing, you're cheating, you're sneaking up, haha, Jiaming, help me..."

The moment she was distracted while speaking, Lingjing seized the opportunity and sneaked up on her vitals. Shasha rolled around on the ring while asking for help. Lingjing suddenly evolved from a normal little sheep into a predatory big bad wolf. Rolling into a ball with each other relentlessly, listening to the silver bell-like laughter on the ring, Jia Ming waved the money in his hand helplessly: "I'm going to buy soy sauce, you continue..." Opening the small door and running out, feeling Sighed: "Two lilies..."

After buying things at the canteen in the residential area, when he walked all the way back, the bright smile on his face no longer existed. In the sky, the sun was shining brightly. Two small cars were quietly parked in the streets of the not-so-spacious community. Residents on bicycles passed by. There were not many pedestrians. After saying hello, from the residential buildings on both sides of the street, there was a tempting aroma of dishes, and the sound of the TV was varied. He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

This kind of life is what I have longed for countless days and nights, but... why do I still feel a little lost...

Humans are indeed insatiable creatures.

He shook his head and smiled, and ran back quickly.

During the meal, the news that the luxury cruise ship "Xingmeng" was about to go to sea was broadcast on TV with great effort. There are two vacant tickets, but it's a pity that Ye's father and Ye's mother are busy, otherwise we can go together."

Mother Ye smiled and said: "Where can you get a leave of absence in the hospital, not to mention that you have to dress very formally, and the people who go up are rich and rich, so you can just go and have fun. By the way, Lingjing, Shasha, bought those two pieces yesterday. Jiaming wasn't there when the dress was put on, so you can wear it later and show Jiaming. Although it's not very expensive, it's also very beautiful."

"It's useless to wear it specially for him to see. If he doesn't see it, he won't see it." Ling Jing said deliberately.

Jiaming also smiled: "Anyway, I'll see it sooner or later when I go up, not to mention..." He paused, "Besides, it's not decided whether to go or not?"

Lingjing and Shasha were startled for a moment, then showed relief expressions, and started talking and laughing again, but this time, there was no such thing as envying the luxury of the ship in the topic of the two girls. In terms of tacit understanding, the cooperation of the three has almost reached the state of heart-to-heart connection.

After lunch, Lingjing's family has the habit of taking a nap. Lingjing and Shasha share a room. When Jiaming rests here, he usually sleeps in a small attic on the second floor, where a bed is simply laid out. , you can see the outside scenery through the slanted top floor windows. At this moment, Jiaming was quietly half lying on the bed, looking at his hands.

Outside the window, white pigeons walked gracefully on the window lattice, and then fluttered away.

At a certain moment, Jia Ming put down his palm, and the door next to him opened silently. Wearing a white evening dress, stepping on small white high heels, Lingjing walked in gently, then closed the door, and turned gracefully in front of Jia Ming. in a circle.

"I know you haven't slept yet. How is it? Is it pretty?"

The evening dresses were not particularly gorgeous, compared to those messy evening dresses shown on TV, I am afraid that the only word to describe them was simplicity. **There is no special opening low, and there is not too much ** behind. The overall length of the dress looks like a mountain spring. If you look at it with a particularly harsh vision, I am afraid it can only be regarded as an ordinary dress. However, this dress fully brings out Ling Jing's natural atmosphere, fresh, elegant, and clever, plus that strange sense of maturity that is completely different from ordinary girls as if she has become a wife, it is From Lian Jiaming's point of view, he was slightly taken aback, then opened his hands with a smile.

"My Lingjing is always beautiful."

"Perfunctory." Lingjing wrinkled her little nose cutely, then obediently took off her shoes beside the bed, and shrank into Jiaming's arms, "The rustling ones are also pretty, hers are black, but When she walks in high heels, she sprains her feet, hehe, we chose a pair of shoes with super short heels for her..."

"I think you should also have a necklace..." Jia Ming stroked her snow-white neck with his fingers, and then took the opportunity to stretch into her clothes. Ling Jing smiled and grabbed his hand, pressing it against her chest He walked up to the tower in front of him, and then gave him a blank look: "Don't move, this is not at school, mom and dad will hear it, and we didn't bring that back, well, it's quite comfortable like this...".

"But this way, my posture is very strange..."

Lingjing moved her body with a smile, let his arm go around the back of the neck, and stretched into her dress, feeling the bud in the palm and the heartbeat of the girl in the palm, Jia Ming asked: "Do you have anything to ask me?" ?”

"You have something on your mind." Lying in Jiaming's arms, eyes closed and feigned sleep, a sweet smile was drawn at the corner of Lingjing's mouth.

"Oh, indeed..." Jia Ming paused, "It's not that I have any conflicts with Sister Yahan, it's just that... I have some problems. These problems are not important at first, but suddenly, I found that I have some problems. Mind, Lingjing, if I don't tell you now, will you and Shasha be angry?"

Lingjing opened her eyes: "If we are angry, will you tell us?"

"Well. If you want to know, I'll tell you."

"Then don't talk about it now. Dad said that every man has his own secrets... Although this sentence was said to me when he was found hiding money behind his mother's back, I think it's very interesting. Reasonable, when you want to keep a secret, Shasha and I will believe you, and when you want to tell it, Shasha and I will share it for you, because we are, we are... a family." Ming Zai She moved her arms and became a more comfortable sleeping position. She hugged Jiaming's hand tightly to her chest, and the girl murmured softly, "Don't talk now, it's so comfortable. If you don't want to travel, you can return the ticket." For Sister Yahan, don't sell it secretly, and, private money...don't hide too much..."

"Hehe." Jia Ming smiled, and after a while, his eyes looked out of the window again, although it was complicated, there was already a trace of calm.

Last evening, at the beach, just for a moment, there was subconscious fear in his heart.

People who have struggled countless times between life and death often have a kind of magical sixth sense. Whenever disasters approach, they will have magical inductions. For ordinary people, it may only be regarded as a myth, but as the best killer, this feeling is not unfamiliar. Of course, even if the other party has a sixth sense, others will have a way to hide it, just like tanks, white Nana and the others couldn't guard against Jiaming's attack at all, but perhaps because the opponent was too weak, the moment the sniper rifle was aimed, he didn't try his best to hide his murderous aura. If it was him before, this was almost impossible. possible things.

When a lion fights a rabbit, it must do its best. Although the killer has to think of a way out for himself at any time, but in such a battle, it is very stupid to hold back or underestimate the enemy. However, six years after rebirth, living in a warm and soft environment is too long , Such an environment gave him a sense of security that he had never had before, and also caused him to underestimate the enemy and be negligent that was unforgivable before.

At the moment of aiming, a person on the speedboat over there turned around suddenly, his reaction was as fast as lightning, and the sniper rifle was aimed at this place at the same time.

If the trigger was pulled, it would be hard to tell what would happen. He was on the front line faster than the other party, but the moment he saw that person's appearance and movements, he subconsciously chose to avoid it. No shots were fired from either side, yet he knew he had lost.

A person who has lost the heart of a killer cannot become a real killer. Even though he no longer wants to be a killer, and only wants to live a normal life with Lingjing and Rusha, this momentary retreat has left a deep impression in his heart. There was a shadow.

I... really want to regain this confidence, but it seems that I shouldn't take Lingjing and Shasha's risk. Since Cui Guohua is here, he should be the guard on the Xingmeng, and the tank and other five people have failed. They won't think about Xingmeng anymore, but in Jiaming's heart, he knows that the matter involving that person will not end so quickly. because he is—

King of killers!


Ask for votes! Ask for a recommendation ticket in the early morning! I want to see how many names I can reach, thank you all ^_^

Well, there is a saying that I forgot to say: Merry Christmas...


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