Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 75 Decision

"Hey bro, do you have any money?"

Sitting next to Jia Ming, the red-haired man patted Jia Ming's shoulder in a friendly manner, while the yellow-haired man kicked his bicycle: "The bicycle is not bad..."

Looking at the behavior of these people, Jiaming showed a faint smile on his face, but he didn't speak. Seeing that he remained silent, the green hair pushed him hard: "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"I'm thinking about a question."

"You..." The green-haired man looked more irritable. Hearing Jia Ming's answer that the bull's head was wrong, he immediately stretched out his paws again, but only halfway through, Jia Ming lightly pinched his wrists After a while, the man showed an extremely ferocious expression of resentment, and his body bent down slowly with his arms: "You...uh, uh..."

"What are you doing!" Seeing that his companion was restrained, before the red hair on the other side could make a move, one arm was also pinched in the same way, and then he could no longer sit on the railing, that arm was tightly pinched, and his body was on the ground. Turned into a squatting position, the yellow hair beside the bicycle knew it was not good, looking at Jiaming's indifferent smile, he moved forward and backed up from time to time, after a while, he only heard Jiaming say: "I If you move your hand any more, your hand will be broken...Do you have any family?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes... yes!" The two were shaking with pain, their teeth chattering wildly.

"Then there are concerns. Since there are people who are concerned, why do they have to risk their lives? What do you think?"

"Yes, yes ... yes ... yes! We ... we dare not ..." The two nodded like pounding garlic. After all, from the facts exposed at this moment, the fool can see the gap between the strength of both parties. , is too large.

"But... isn't this so that others can only bully the weak? It seems that there is no glory for only bullying the weak, what do you think?"

"We...we..." The two of them followed Jiaming's words, but when he heard him suddenly change his words, he didn't know how to continue for a while, and finally had to say: "We dare not..."

After looking at these two people for a while, Jia Ming sighed and let go of their hands: "Let's go." Seeing the look of the traffic lights scurrying away, he suddenly felt a little stupid.

Originally, a killer who had been concerned could not become a pure murderer. I knew this very well. If he met Yuan Lai Chaochuang under normal circumstances, his current choice would naturally be to avoid it. However, It was different when he raised his gun. When he was ready to kill, if he shot with 70% certainty that he would kill the target, he subconsciously chose to dodge. For Jia Ming, it was undoubtedly a A big blow, this shadow, is too difficult to erase.

An ordinary and unrestrained life, the ideal life he imagined should not be like this now. Although he once thought that being an ordinary person would inevitably suppress many aspects of himself, but the current mood, no matter what It's a bit useless anyway.

Thinking about these things in her heart, after a while, Ling Jing came out of the back alley with a small bag on her back: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Well, it's not too long. Why did you come out so late today?"

Jia Ming pushed up the bicycle, Ling Jing sat on the back seat, and just laughed: "It was so interesting just now, Manager Zhang said that he gave me a reward for my outstanding work in the recent period, guess what it is."

"... roses?" Jiaming said nonsense, "You have only worked for a few days, how can you get rewards, does that Manager Zhang want to chase you?"

"No way, stop talking nonsense." Ling Jing smiled, "I also find it strange, you know, he actually gave me a ticket for Xingmeng, and I happened to have five tickets in my bag. But speaking of it , I have performed very well at work these days, and everyone praises me for playing well."

"Well, my family's Lingjing is welcome there...but no matter how good the job is, it won't give you a boat ticket." Jiaming turned his head, "It costs a few thousand yuan, and most people can't buy it at all. arrive……"

Lingjing smiled cutely: "Are you jealous?"

"Someone covets my Lingjing's beauty, isn't it normal for me to be jealous?" Jia Ming laughed.

"Okay, okay, I know, I'm not a girl who will cheat on sex. And I'm the son of a big family. I heard that my father has a big career. He just graduated from school, so he came here The restaurant is just for fun, the book says that this kind of person likes mature and sexy big breasts, and doesn't like porridge and small dishes like me." While talking, Lingjing turned her head and looked in the direction of the restaurant, slightly wrinkled He frowned, "If he is really like this, I'll resign, huh?"

***************************************************** ****

The next morning, Sacred Heart Academy.

Because after the National Day, there will be a large-scale basketball game in the school. In recent days, the basketball courts of the school are always full. Wearing the cold dress of an old maid, Yahan is sitting on the side of a basketball court, looking at the front The players ran back and forth, listlessly tearing the bread in their hands and stuffing it into their mouths. After a while, Jia Ming appeared on the side of the field and walked over.

When a smiling face appeared in front of Yahan's eyes, the serious-looking female teacher frowned slightly, and then Jia Ming laughed and said: "I haven't seen you for two days, I have changed a lot, and I finally practiced the Nine Yin Manual ? The momentum is scary."

Listening to that hateful voice, Yahan tore off a piece of bread fiercely, frowned: "I'm very hungry, I don't have time to joke with you."

"Oh, it won't be because I didn't go and hit you. Um... Have you always been in love with me?"

Hearing what he said, Yahan suddenly laughed: "Go away, don't make me laugh outside, don't you want to return the boat ticket to me? I'm wondering who should I give it to." The eyes on the bridge of the nose looked left and right to make sure that no one around saw the melting of the Wannian iceberg, and then resumed the serious expression of sitting upright.

"Well, actually, I'm still thinking about it..." Sitting beside Yahan, Jiaming said lightly. The moment Yahan heard this sentence, Yahan's expression did not change, but her heart suddenly shook, and then, the emotions that took a whole night to calm down yesterday began to surge again.

"Well...uh...why don't you go...do you have anything to do?" His tone became soft and uneasy before he knew it, and Jiaming smiled lightly: "Well, I have encountered some things and I am currently looking for a more ideal place. Ways to solve it... well, some boring thoughts about life..."

"Could it be that the young boy who just fell in love encountered a love problem?" Yahan smiled, "Ask my sister, I can give you advice on this, girls' minds, after all, only girls can understand."

While talking, someone in the basketball court was heavily capped, and the basketball flew towards this side with a bang, and was caught by Jia Ming, but then he smiled: "It's about you, sister, that poor Xu Isn’t Momo chasing you? He can definitely get a boat ticket. If you also board the boat, wouldn’t it be cheaper for others? Don’t forget, you are my child bride-in-law. That Xu Mo wants to snatch you after knowing your identity. Man, it's really shameless."

A voice came from the other side of the basketball court: "Student, throw the ball over", Yahan suppressed her smile, and said to Jiaming who was still holding the ball in his hands and playing: "Go to hell, what are you talking about. Didn't you hear people tell you to throw the ball back?"

Looking at the basketball, Jia Ming took a deep breath, as if he had suddenly decided on something, reached out and slapped the ball, and then jumped up.

A somewhat strange shooting posture, and then, in everyone's sight, the basketball gracefully flew over a distance of more than ten meters in the air, and fell into the net at the most tricky angle. All of a sudden, including Yahan, everyone in the stadium was stunned. This was the first time he showed his sharpness in front of others.

"Well, in fact, Lingjing and Shasha really want to play, so I decided to have a good time..."


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