Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 82 Small Conflicts

There are three medical care rooms on the ship, the nearest one is located in the far end room on the right side of the second floor. It was after eight o’clock in the morning, and the endless blue water around the hull stretched to the line where the sky and water meet in the infinite distance, and the sky was clear. The clouds and shadows are vivid, and the autumn scene is so vibrant and bright that it is a bit dazzling, but now, Jia Ming's mood is really difficult to integrate into it. In any case, the scene of the sea will make him feel powerless, especially now.

"It's really not a very healthy mood. If you can kill two people with a legitimate reason, you will definitely recover..."

Whenever he was in a bad mood, all kinds of messy thoughts would come out of his mind, and he scanned the people passing him by the side of the ship and the aisle with innocent eyes, and none of them wanted to cause trouble. Pei Luojia killer, what a pity...

The health room at the end of the aisle is very large, with beds and seats separated by a screen on one side, the doctor's office in the middle, and a drug counter on the other side. A middle-aged woman in her forties sat in it. Most of the condoms on the counter are various expensive brands of condoms, colorful like chewing gum displayed in the supermarket counter. Seeing Jiaming walking by, the middle-aged woman inside smiled, and Jiaming also smiled, very politely Said: "Auntie, I want medicine for seasickness, and a box of pregnancy test strips."

Hearing the four words of pregnancy test paper, the middle-aged woman's expression suddenly became a little weird. She looked Jia Ming up and down, took a box of seasickness medicine to Jia Ming, and then searched for it from the counter inside. Here comes the pregnancy test. Also at this time, the ship's doctor in a white coat sent out a man and a woman. The man was Xu Mo, but the woman Jia Ming also had some impressions. The school doctor who entered the school with Chen Guxia, the name It should be called Li Yunxiu.

It’s really a narrow road to enemies. It seems that we were rivals in love in the previous life... Jia Ming pinched the bridge of his nose helplessly. Sure enough, when he saw Jia Ming at the counter, Xu Mo slowed down his pace. Then, the middle-aged aunt found He took the medicine and put it on the counter: "Hey, the pregnancy test strips you want are 68 yuan in total."

This is definitely a asking price to treat people like pigs, but Jia Ming naturally doesn't mind these things at this time. Just as he was about to pay, Xu Mo rushed over in three steps at a time, grabbing Jia Ming with one hand. Ming's clothes, picked up the box of pregnancy test strips with one hand: "You...you actually came out to buy this, why are you buying this!? Say!"

"It's none of your business, Mr. Xu, it's on sale on the ship, I'm willing to buy it..."


As if frightened by the other party's aura, Jia Ming showed a sincere smile on his face: "Uh, I played cards with some friends in the room, and we made an appointment to put a card on the face of whoever loses, or what? Test myself for pregnancy?"

"You're lying!" Shaking the pregnancy test paper in his hand, Xu Mo's expression became a little hideous, "Honestly, is it... is she pregnant, you..." Probably because of Gu Yahan's concern Fame, Xu Mo didn't say his name, looking at his expression, Jia Ming, who was also a little upset, smiled slightly, and stretched out a hand like lightning.

"If you don't want to break your fingers, let me go. Who are you to her? Do I need to explain to you?"

The pregnancy test paper fell on the ground, and Jia Ming stretched out Xu Mo's right index finger and middle finger and grabbed it. If he tried to fold it forcefully, it would definitely be broken. This should be one of Jia Ming's widely spread stunts after he became a famous man. The few people on the side were dumbfounded. Although Xu Mo didn't teach Jiaming's class, he was always a teacher and a student anyway. But from the looks of it, he looked like two rivals in love who were jealous of women. Although she didn't know more about it, Li Yunxiu still smiled and stepped forward.

"Uh, um, who is Gu Jiaming? I heard Teacher Yahan talk about you. I heard that you are her younger brother. This teacher Xu is also a good friend of Teacher Zhang. Although I don't know what happened to you, but this It's on a boat, are you two at least taking a step back for Teacher Zhang's sake..."

How did she know that Xu Mo's anger came because of Yahan, the woman she likes has another man, but that man is a high school student who can't be called outstanding anyway, and now, they even have a child. Xu Mo's mental state was extremely dangerous at this time, his eyes were red, and his body trembled slightly, but finally, with a wave of his left hand, he let go of Jia Ming, and Li Yunxiu, who was approaching, was almost hit by this blow, " Ah" dodged.

Xu Mo let go of his clothes, and Jia Ming let go of his fingers, picked up the pregnancy test paper and paid for it as if nothing had happened. Xu Mo turned his head and calmed down: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, I'm too excited gone."

"Oh, it's nothing..." At first I wanted to say something like you are a teacher after all, but after all, we are not familiar with each other, so there is no need to say these words. Seeing the young man named Gu Jiaming pay his respects as if nothing had happened. Li Yunxiu felt slightly amused about money, pregnancy test papers, and thought that Mr. Xu might have misunderstood something. He might buy this kind of thing for his sister or mother. Why did it look like his girlfriend was robbed? Same. She thought so in her heart, but after a while, the boy's behavior left her speechless.

"Uh, auntie, which brand of condoms is better here? I used to use...uh, of course I haven't used it. I heard people say...that brand is relatively thin, but it's safe...hehe, it seems It’s not very good, I think if it’s a different kind... Auntie, is there a place here that feels good and is safe... Uh, of course I don’t use it myself, haha, haha..."

The smile that was trying to hide it, and the tone of self-questioning and answering, completely broke Li Yunxiu's fairly good image in an instant, and the face of the aunt at the counter seemed to have some cramp. What's the deal with a kid talking to a middle-aged aunt about the quality of condoms...

"I kill you!"

The first one who couldn't help sweeping away the evil was Xu Mo, whose facial expression was distorted after all. He turned around suddenly and punched Jiaming. The heavy hand was too much, but at the next moment, Jia Ming easily avoided the punch, and almost couldn't hold back the punch, and stopped in front of the middle-aged aunt, but the middle-aged aunt screamed , was so frightened that she took a few steps back and fell to the ground. The doctor hurried in to see if she was injured. The scene was confused by this movement for a while.

On the opposite side, Jia Ming shrugged his shoulders, as if to say: "Look, look..." Then he walked towards the door with an innocent face, leaving Xu Mo trembling behind with red eyes.

It's really boring to be serious with ordinary people. When he walked out the door, Jia Ming shrugged boredly and weighed the two boxes in his hand. After walking a few steps and about to go upstairs, a man trotted up from below and passed him. Suddenly, Jia Ming was shocked, and looked at the man who was going up, his eyes became extremely clear.

Among them, there is also a faint coldness and excitement...

Okay, let's vent a little bit.

I'm really... so depressed...


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