Jia Taiping stared blankly at the woman in front of him. No matter how he thought about it, he had no impression at all.

The other party seemed to know what Jia Taiping was wondering about, and she continued: "Senior, you may not know me. I am a junior student two years below you. My name is Shi Yongyan, and I am now teaching at Wuhan University in Rongcheng.

Senior, where are you a teacher? Are those two your students? "

When Jia Taiping heard about Wuhan University in Rongcheng, a complicated look appeared on his face. It took him a long time to reply and said: "They are students in my class. I teach in a high school in Huangsang City."

high school?

A look of surprise was clearly visible on Shi Yongyan's face. How could a majestic genius from Wuhan University in Rongcheng be reduced to being a teacher in a high school in an ordinary city?

Could it be that the senior has still not come out of the shadow of the past?

That incident was so famous back then.

At that time, she had just entered school, but she had already heard of Jia Taiping's name.

That is a genius known throughout the school.

However, due to an accident, all four other members of Jia Taiping's team died, including his teacher. Only Jia Taiping returned to school alone.

From then on, Jia Taiping, a genius who became famous throughout the school and had high hopes for showing off his talents in the national competition next year, never recovered. In the end, he left the school without even graduating.

Unexpectedly, after many years, I would meet my senior again, and the senior was just a high school teacher in an ordinary city.

In the team, the other three teachers also looked at the middle-aged man who looked very embarrassed across from them with surprised expressions.

Is the other party just a high school teacher?

That kind of strength is enough to go to the island city and become a teacher in any high school in the provincial capital. He stayed in Huangsang City to be a teacher?

Several people were surprised when suddenly, a voice came.

"Teacher, do you have a gene bottle?" Liu Chuhe looked up at his teacher. Under normal circumstances, Shen Zhaodi would have two empty gene bottles in her schoolbag to facilitate the extraction of gene chains.

But now that girl Shen Zhaodi ran into the cave to take a bath without even saying hello. He had no use for the gene bottle now.

With so many big men here, Shen Zhaodi can't be allowed to come out with her butt naked to deliver gene bottles.

"No." Jia Taiping took the lead and looked at Liu Chuhe who was squatting and busy not far away. He wanted to ask, how are you doing? Will the genetic chain of the golden duck-billed monster be extracted?

"Senior, I have it." Shi Yongyan directly threw out two gene bottles, glanced at the fat student with interest, and said with a smile, "As expected of the senior's student, he can even extract the gene chain of such strange beasts."

Jia Taiping doesn't want to talk, I won't tell you, and I won't extract the gene chain of this thing.

Shi Yongyan asked naturally: "Senior, is the person who entered the cave also your student? Does your student want to get into a martial arts university?"

"I'm only in my third year of high school, so it's still early."

"Senior, it's not too early. There are many students who start preparing when they are in their second year of high school." After Shi Yongyan said this, he thought for a while but did not speak again.

What was rare was that the soldier did not urge him.

Finally, Liu Chuhe extracted all the genetic chains of the two golden duck-billed monsters, and Jia Taiping was really awesome.

Usually when they encounter six golden platypuses, if they are lucky, they can extract the gene chain of one. If they are unlucky, they cannot extract the gene chain of even one. Faced with the stronger golden platypus, Jia Taiping was able to extract two of them.

After Liu Chuhe put all two gene chains into the gene bottle, the soldier finally said: "Everyone, let's go."

As he said that, he paused slightly and turned to look at Shi Yongyan and another female teacher and said, "Please two more, go and bring that female student out."

Under normal circumstances, as a rescue team, they should take people away as soon as possible after encountering them.

Only this time, after seeing that they were two students, he gave them a little preferential treatment and allowed them to extract the gene chain of the alien beast.

Students are the future of the country. Generally, major officials will give them some preferential treatment.

Of course, these are just some preferential treatment, and the rules cannot be violated. So, now he is taking people away.

Shi Yongyan glanced at the cave and shook his head slightly and said: "Everyone knows that the golden duck-billed monster secretes rain liquid. It's not good for girls to take a bath in it. Anyway, we don't have much time, so just wait a little longer."

The soldier turned back to look at another pretty female teacher and said, "Teacher Cui Ying? Please..."

"Girls love beauty, what's wrong with taking a long bath?" Cui Ying also chose not to go.

For a moment, the soldier was helpless.

He is a man, he can't just run in and call someone, right? Now we can only wait.

Fortunately, everyone did not wait too long. After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Shen Zhaodi was carrying her black schoolbag and holding an empty gene bottle in her hand.

She looked at the gene bottle in Liu Chuhe's hand and said in surprise: "Have you already installed it? I even took out a bottle specially. It seems that it is not needed, so you can take it too."

As she spoke, she walked over and handed the gene bottle to Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe put away the gene bottle calmly, but looked at Shen Zhaodi's backpack.

It's true that this is an empty gene chain bottle, but I still have a bottle with real gene chain in my hand. With Shen Zhaodi's money-grubbing character, can she trust me to hold the gene bottle like this?

She should have snatched it away and put it in her schoolbag.

There was only one reason why she didn't do this. This girl must have gotten something good inside. It was a treasure worth more than the gene chain of a six-star alien beast, and it couldn't fit in her schoolbag.

You must keep an eye on her for a while, otherwise you will suffer big losses if she becomes embezzled.

As soon as Shen Zhaodi came out, Shi Yongyan walked over with a smile, looking at Shen Zhaodi as if Shen Zhaodi was her student or her most proud student and said, "I don't know what to call this classmate?"

"Shen Zhaodi." Shen Zhaodi suddenly looked like a good student.

"Okay..." A look of embarrassment appeared on Shi Yongyan's face. As long as the name was normal, she could praise it as a good name.

But Zhaodi... is obviously looking for her younger brother, how can I praise her.

"Okay... Classmate Shen, do you have any martial arts universities that you want to consider?" Shi Yongyan continued to ask. This is the reason why she has been waiting here for so long.

Shen Zhaodi shook her head slightly and said, "I haven't considered it yet."

After saying that, she paused slightly and then added: "Wu Da, the Imperial Capital, and Wu Da, the Demon Capital, can consider it."

This is indeed her goal, and this is also the first time she has revealed in front of outsiders the martial arts university she wants to go to.

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