In the five school trials, in many classes, the total scores of the entire class did not reach 10,000 points.

In Jia Taiping's class, there were students like Shen Zhaodi who had over 10,000 points, but there was no look of joy on his face. Instead, he looked at the entrance to No. 4 with a worried look on his face and paced back and forth anxiously.

Shen Zhaodi has come out, why hasn't Liu Chuhe come out yet?

No matter how fat he is, no matter how slow he walks, no matter how far he goes, there is no way he will be later than Shen Zhaodi.

Going the wrong way?

That's even more impossible. The video equipment they carry has navigation functions. Besides, even if Liu Chuhe came out from another entrance, someone would send him back.

It hasn't come out yet, what exactly is going on?

Is something wrong with him?

Except for Jia Taiping, the teachers and classmates from the five schools gathered outside Huangsang Mountain were all shocked by Shen Zhaodi's terrifying score.

Amidst the exclamations, a fat man wearing silver armor full of holes gasped and walked out, appearing at the only unsealed entrance No. 4. He also held two handles in his hands, which seemed to be the handles of a shield. .

As he walked through the entrance and exit, a voice sounded.

"Liu Chuhe from Huangsang City No. 2 Middle School, Class 3, Grade 3, has 11,036 points and is temporarily ranked first."

As this voice fell, outside all the entrances and exits, the rankings on the top 100 list also changed. Everyone's ranking dropped one place, and the name of the student who was in the previous 100th place disappeared.

And Shen Zhaodi fell directly from first place to second place.

For a moment, all the students and even the teacher were stunned.


"Look, the number one on the top 100 list has really changed!"

"Liu Chuhe, who is this? Have you never heard of it?"

"It's from No. 2 Middle School again. Besides Shen Zhaodi, is there such a strong person in No. 2 Middle School?"

Students from the other four schools were shocked and puzzled when they saw the sudden change in the list, and many students looked in the direction of No. 2 Middle School.

However, even the classmates from No. 2 Middle School also looked confused.

"Liu Chuhe? That aloof pretender who can't do anything?"

"That was before, he's a fat man now."

"His points can be higher than Shen Zhaodi's, and can he play better than Shen Zhaodi?"

"How is Liu Chuhe a master? You can't tell at all!"

"Him? No matter how you look at it, you can't tell that he is a master!"

"I remember he seemed to be counting down all the time!"

In the crowd, the worry on Jia Taiping's face finally disappeared. He was back. It's good to be back. All the students were back safely.

But that kid, how did he get so many points?

Also, what was he doing at the entrance? Why haven't you come back yet?

When Liu Chuhe heard his points, he immediately stopped and looked back at the official-looking person guarding the entrance of Gate No. 4. He asked curiously: "What's going on with my points? Why are there still zeros and zeros?" of?

Where did the next thirty-six points come from? Was the calculation wrong? "

He killed five evil sucking mosquitoes. Each one counts as 2,000 points. This is 10,000 points. After all, the remaining alien beasts were not killed by him, but were left behind by the alien beasts who fought hard or were beaten for a long time by others. The total gave him more than a thousand points, and he was quite satisfied, but what the hell was this zero and thirty-six?

"Our calculations are infallible."

I don’t know if it’s because Liu Chuhe is now the number one in points, but the other party patiently explained: “One sucker evil mosquito has 2,200 points. If you kill five of them, the total is 11,000 points. , the remaining thirty-six points are points obtained by assisting in killing other strange beasts."

"I worked hard for a long time, attracted so many strange beasts, and finally you gave me thirty-six points?" Liu Chuhe immediately shouted with a look of displeasure, "What do you mean there is no miscalculation? Those strange beasts I attracted There are more than thirty-six beasts, and if you give me one point each, it’s still more than thirty-six points!”

Before the official who was being questioned spoke, a figure walked over and shouted loudly: "How did you lose count of those alien beasts? If you hadn't taken advantage of this loophole, you could have killed so many alien beasts." ?Go quickly and stop messing around here."

"What does it mean to be messy? I've carried the monsters, okay? I've carried a lot of monsters.

You are discriminating against tanks. "Liu Chuhe argued crazily. This is too bullying. He has been beaten a lot, okay? "Actually, I don't have high requirements. Just give me some more points. It doesn't need to be more..."

Suddenly, the other party said: "Do you still want the money you got from your gene chain?"

"Yes, yes. You said..." Liu Chuhe immediately became obedient.

The other party nodded with satisfaction, paused slightly and then asked: "Eighty-three bottles of gene chain, you can keep one for yourself. Which bottle do you choose?"

Liu Chu asked without thinking: "Which gene chain is the most expensive?"

"Carrion fly, worth 70,000 yuan." This time, the other party's expression did not change. Many students also made such a choice.

"Then I want it." Liu Chuhe cursed the other party in his mind for being too shady, and asked expectantly, "How much do I have in total?"

The other party took out a bottle of carrion fly gene chain and handed it to Liu Chuhe and then said: "The total is 473,800 yuan. When you return, it will be automatically transferred to your account within 24 hours. Pay attention to check."

"How long is this within twenty-four hours? One minute is also within twenty-four hours, and twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes is also within twenty-four hours." Liu Chuhe continued to ask, these more than forty Wan, when the money is received will greatly affect his operation.

If the money is received early, he can hire a navy army to hype up the trial. If the money is received late, it is no longer popular, and there is no point in speculating on it.

The other party's face suddenly darkened, and he said angrily: "Go quickly, I don't know when the money will arrive, but I can be sure that if you don't leave, the money will arrive in twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes."

Liu Chuhe turned around and ran away in fright. When he returned to where the class was holding two shields with only handles left, he was greeted by curious eyes.

It's just that the sophomore boy in middle school used to be too cold. This guy didn't have many friends in the class, he had no friends at all. Now, no one can talk to him easily.

But, after all, this is a man who can kill ten thousand points.

Finally, a beautiful female classmate who looked very cheerful and lively asked the question that all the students wanted to know.

"Liu Chuhe, did you get more than 10,000 points?"

Liu Chuhe raised his head and glanced at the female classmate.

This girl seems to be called Ding Zizi?

There are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this class, with this appearance... No wonder those male classmates frantically invited her to form a team when they were in the car.

Bah, a bunch of scumbags!

"Is it difficult to score 10,000 points? Wouldn't it be enough to surpass it if you kill five monsters?" Liu Chuhe looked calm and calm. I didn't mean to cause hatred. I am MT. I am just practicing my professional skills. .

"Kill five alien beasts? You killed a four-star alien beast! Kill the four-star alien beast yourself!" Ding Zizi screamed in cooperation, successfully attracting the attention of everyone around her.

Liu Chuhe turned on the video again and started recording.

He had already thought of the title, "Shock!" In the joint trial of the five schools, he turned out to be the first! 》

In the command room, the senior leaders and principals of several schools were speechless.

"Is this the number one among our five schools?"

"A tank took first place all by himself..."

"Without the help of people from the military, he wouldn't have been able to reach the four-star alien beast area, let alone get first place. This is unfair."

As soon as a principal finished speaking, Principal Ding immediately shouted with an unhappy look on his face: "Why is it unfair? My students didn't send out a distress signal. We don't need help, but when the time comes, your students will be unlucky." Blame our students.”

"Old Ding, that's not what Principal Zhao meant. We didn't say that your students did something wrong, nor did we say that the military did something wrong. This is a matter of rules, and the rules need to be changed."

"Yes, the rules do need to be changed."

"How to change it? You can't let students see strange beasts, but they can't run away, but they just stay and get beaten, right?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you change it or not. There has never been such a strange... special student before. I'm afraid it will be difficult to have such a special student in the future. It won't have a big impact."

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