Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 37 Why Are My Classmates Different?

Liu Chuhe left the Enhancer Guild only after he granted Wu Xiaoxiao access to the laboratory. After all, the nanny was free and she had to clean for him when he was away.

Of course, it was impossible to grant her the laboratory permissions for real enhancement.

He left school early in the morning, but he had to take assessments and choose a room. When he returned to school, it was almost over.

"School isn't over yet at this time, and the dormitory isn't open yet. I'd better go to class first."

Liu Chuhe walked towards the third class of his senior high school class with a familiar face. He gently pushed open the classroom door, and then he was stunned. At first glance, he saw that this was a room full of strangers.

"Sorry, we went to the wrong door." Liu Chuhe was stunned for a moment, then quickly took a step back, closed the classroom door, and looked up at the door number above his head.

"Class 3, Grade 3, that's right?" Liu Chuhe scratched his head, what's going on?

At this time, a familiar and angry voice came from the classroom: "Liu Chuhe, get out of here."

"Isn't this the voice of Jia Peacock?"

Liu Chuhe pushed open the classroom door again with a puzzled look on his face, and was greeted by Jia Taiping's rude roar.

"Liu Chuhe, you still knew to come! What time is it? What else are you doing here? Why don't you just go to the cafeteria?"

Liu Chuhe suddenly realized: "Yes, I should have gone to the cafeteria, but I made a mistake. I also forgot to ask the guild to take care of dinner."

"Liu Chuhe!" Jia Taiping shouted these three words almost one word at a time, and you could even see a bulging vein on his forehead, "Today is the first day of school, and you are late! No! , It’s not that you’re late. What’s the difference between this and skipping school?

Do you think that just because you are number one in the trial and assessment, you can become a master? Let me tell you, just because you are ranked first in the trial test does not prove that you are the most powerful student. Others may not have used their strength, or they may have sought stability and not taken risks, but you still think you are really number one?

What else did you just say? What guild? You didn't come to school today because you went to join those messy guilds? Are you stupid? What kind of genius do you think you really are?

Let me tell you, those guilds see you as the number one in the trial for the time being and you are useful to them, so they absorb you into the guild, but what do you get? You get nothing!

In the end, when you are no longer of use, they will kick you far away. These are pretty good. "

Jia Taiping seemed to be tired after saying a lot of words in one breath. He paused for a moment, took a breath, and continued: "Your teacher, I like to study ancient Chinese. In the old technological era, there used to be a large number of guilds called guilds. What kind of guilds are there? Although there are fewer such guilds now, they are not absent. If you are deceived into one, your life will be ruined."

Liu Chuhe looked at Jia Kongque with strange eyes, "What is the old technological era? I am from that era. Does anyone else understand that era better than me?" You are pretending to be a cultural person here with me.

The problem is, you haven't pretended well either.

Haven't you always claimed to keep a low profile and put safety first?

Do you know that you are in big trouble? You actually said that the Strengthening Masters Guild is a sales organization, I remembered it. Believe it or not, if I go back and say a word, you will be directly banned by the Enhancer Guild.

After Jia Taiping taught him a lesson, he was still not satisfied and wanted to talk again, but when he saw all the classmates in the classroom, he still held back and waved his hands angrily: "It's the class period now, we can't delay it just because you are alone." Save your classmates’ time.”

"No, teacher, no delay."

"Teacher Jia, continue!"

"Keep going!"

Under the podium, after everyone heard Jia Taiping's words, they immediately started shouting, "What's the point of going to class? It's so fun to listen to the teacher's training."

Jia Taiping's face turned dark instantly: "Liu Chuhe, get out of here!"

? ? ?

Liu Chuhe suddenly had a question mark on his face. You were the one who told me to get in, and you were the one who asked me to get out. You treat me like a ball! I...just get out!

He exited the classroom instantly, closed the door, and then froze again.

"No, isn't this my class? Why have all my classmates changed? Where should I go?"

Jia Taiping turned around with an ugly expression and looked at the students below. He was just about to scold him, but when he saw the textbook, he lost his momentum instantly: "Um, where did we just talk?"

"Teacher, page 8 of the textbook."

"Oh, okay, let's do it..." Jia Taiping turned a page of the book and was just about to continue teaching when there was a crash.

He looked back and saw that the classroom door was opened again, and Liu Chuhe's figure appeared at the door again and asked: "Teacher, where should I go?"

"You! Go to Class 1! You don't even know about the school's reclassification, what else do you know! Come to me after school..." Before Jia Taiping could finish his words, there was another knock, and the classroom door was opened again. After closing the door, Liu Chuhe's figure disappeared from the classroom again.

"This is the most typical negative teaching material, so let's turn to... where are we talking about?"

Liu Chuhe walked towards the classroom of Class 1. He had just changed classes. He must be handing out books or something, so he couldn't really go to the cafeteria.


Suddenly a strong wind blew, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he raised his hand to grab it.


A book hit his hand.

"Full body hidden chain skills, what do I have to lose?"

Liu Chuhe glanced at the title of the book and walked towards the classroom.

In the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3, a teacher with a shiny head and no hair and a fierce look on his face scolded a tall female classmate with bronze skin in the back row of the classroom: "Sun Shengnan, on the first day of school, You just read this kind of miscellaneous idle books, and you still want to get into the University of Genetic Engineering? Or the University of Martial Arts? Unless the book flies back by itself!"

"Report!" Suddenly, a loud voice sounded from the door, and then a fat figure appeared from the door.

In an instant, everyone in the classroom looked over.

Song Xingyou was sitting in the middle of the first row, with a pair of black eyes staring at the door. It was this damn fat man who had prevented him from reaching the first place!

It was him who caused me to be beaten violently by my father last night, and it was he who caused me to have all my pocket money taken away by my sister-in-law!

In the corner of the classroom, Qi Zhisi's eyes revealed a sinister look that was inconsistent with his youth. Although he and Duan Yanchao successfully entered the first class, the results of this trial were far from what he expected. All his perfect plans were ruined by this fat man alone!

There were people who sabotaged his plan, but those people all paid the price, and Liu Chuhe, you are no exception! So what if you get first place in the trial? Really relying on your strength, can you win the first place?

In your senior year of high school, the most important thing is to look at the strength of your team. Just wait, when the time comes to form a team, I will leave you with no team to form!

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