Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 524 Another Hidden Chain Skill Explodes

Liu Chuhe really didn't know what was special about this place, except that there were more strange beasts, just like before.

But, slowly, they discovered something was wrong.

"We have been here for more than ten days. Counting the days before, we have been here for twenty days. Why haven't we found the teacher yet?"

"Or they didn't get in here?"

"Don't think so much now. We finally have the opportunity to enter here. Let's get more chain skills first."

Everyone continued to fight.

But before I knew it, another month had passed.

As a result, no one has come in yet.

"It's... it's been so long and no one has come in. It seems a little unusual."

"It stands to reason that even if we entered the overlapping space of the stars and the teacher and the others did not enter, there must be other people in the overlapping space of the stars. However, we have not seen the sixth person for such a long time."

"Weird, so weird."

"Our place should be a closed place, so others can't find us."

Fu Jianwei listened to the people who were constantly analyzing, and interrupted helplessly: "I said, isn't this a good thing? Can other places have so many strange beasts for us to kill like here?

Besides, the alien chain skills here are pretty good. We can make a big fortune when we go out, so just kill them first. Do you still want us to be discovered by others and then driven out? "

What Fu Jianwei said makes sense, but everyone finds it strange.

Because, they continued to kill like this and still didn't see anyone else entering here.

However, soon, everyone stopped thinking about this issue. They saw the third strange beast with hidden chain skills.

The strange beasts here are all kinds of mutated bronze beasts.

What they saw this time was also a group of mutated bronze beasts.

Mutated bronze tigers are also eight-star alien beasts, but they feel much weaker than mutant spearmen. However, the number of them appearing each time will be slightly more, usually seven or eight.

As a result, this time among the mutated bronze tigers, there was a strange beast that was obviously meatier than other mutated bronze tigers.

Liu Chuhe finally saw it again, a hidden chain skill that increased vitality.

Mutated Bronze Tiger (Eight-Star Alien Beast)

Hidden chain skills:

Tiger body and bear waist (Platinum quality)

The ancestors of the mutated bronze tigers are tiger beasts with the strongest vitality. Some of them have awakened their ancestors and their vitality has been (massively -) increased.

A lot!

This term has become a lot.

It adds more vitality than many junk star quality chain skills.


If I get this chain skill again, am I going to break the sky with my flesh? Flesh through the universe?

Everyone was reluctant to agree before they killed this strange beast. Liu Chuhe had just finished extracting the gene chain. When he looked back, he found that the other four people were all looking at him eagerly, and their eyes seemed to be shining. generally.

"No, what are you looking at me for?" Liu Chuhe said as he threw the gene chain into his Qiankun ring.

"I know that you can see that this strange beast has a hidden chain skill. The problem is that the hidden chain skill increases vitality, and you should be able to see that too.

How many of you are there? "


"Of course!"

"Why not!"

Fu Jianwei, Lu Jinyu and even Zheng Haopeng all shouted at the same time.

Liu Chuhe was immediately stunned.

"No, don't you look down on human shields? Do you want to become human shields? Do you also want this chain skill?"

Fu Jianwei was the first to deny it: "Who said we look down on human shields?"

"That's right. Besides, this chain skill is not necessarily for meat shields. Warriors also need it! We are all in single combat, so of course we ourselves also need meat."

"This chain skill increases the vitality by an extraordinary amount. I said, you already have a chain skill. I think we can share this one."

The other three people are really interested in this chain skill.

"Since all of us are interested in this chain skill, why don't we think of a way, whether it's drawing lots or drawing lots, who gets who?"

As Zheng Haopeng spoke, he looked back at Yu Yihan and said, "You don't seem to need this chain skill? Otherwise, will you be a referee?"

If Liu Chuhe had not obtained the hidden chain skill before and this chain skill appeared directly, he would definitely not compete with Liu Chuhe.

After all, Liu Chuhe extracted the chain skill.

But Liu Chuhe had already obtained a hidden chain skill.

And they helped.

So, seeing that everyone wanted it, he proposed that everyone should distribute it fairly so that everyone would have a chance to get it.

This is actually preferential treatment for Liu Chuhe, also because of Liu Chuhe's contribution to the team.

Under normal circumstances, if good things appear in a team one after another and everyone wants them, the first person to get the good things will not be eligible to get them again when they are distributed later.

When Yu Yihan heard the sound, he shook his head slightly and said: "Hidden chain skills are still hidden chain skills that increase life. In fact, I also need them.

After all, I also focus on individual competitions.

The method you mentioned is indeed fair, but I have a better proposal. "

Yu Yihan said, taking a deep look at Liu Chuhe, and then said: "At the very beginning, Liu Chuhe came to me and wanted to form a team together.

But at that time, I rejected him.

Now, I think the five of us are really suitable for forming a team.

Just like what he said, except for Liu Chuhe, the four of us mainly compete in individual competitions. We can force the opponent to challenge us one-on-one, and then use our rich one-on-one experience to defeat them. "

As she said this, she couldn't help but smile.

She didn't know why, but she remembered a saying she had seen before, about bringing the other party's IQ to the same level as hers, and then using rich experience to defeat the other party.

Why do these two sentences feel so similar?

She paused slightly and continued: "Then, there is also the chain skill we obtained before, which can release control and purify. These are all chain skills for team battles.

Coupled with Liu Chuhe, if we form a team, we can do a lot.

Even if we go back and miss the selection time, I believe that the school will give us the green light.

So, my opinion is, the five of us form a team.

As for Liu Chuhe, he had previously obtained the special chain skill to compete with vitality, as well as his various chain skills, so naturally the fleshier the better.

For the sake of our team, I suggest giving him this chain skill.

Of course, if you don’t have the idea of ​​forming a team, just pretend I didn’t tell you. "

Liu Chuhe nodded repeatedly after hearing this. She is indeed my ex-fiancée. At the critical moment, she still favors me. That's so good.

Zheng Haopeng did not answer immediately, but looked at Fu Jianwei and Lu Jinyu.

Yu Yihan and Liu Chuhe were childhood sweethearts. They had known each other since childhood, and they would definitely prefer Liu Chuhe.

Fu Jianwei did not hesitate this time and said directly: "I can't help it, I've known this kid since he was a high school student.

He entered our school because of me. He wanted to form a team, so I had no choice but to go. "

After Lu Jinyu thought for a moment, she nodded slightly. After so many days, the more times she fought with Liu Chuhe, the more she discovered that Liu Chuhe, let alone his flesh, had the chain... Skills are really scary.

The chain skills that change recognition, and that terrifying blow, even Liu Chuhe's poisonous chain skills are very strong. After all, Liu Chuhe's chain skills are only of gold quality.

Even during the battle later, she never regarded Liu Chuhe as a Galaxy-level being, but as a Xinghai-level being.

As long as Liu Chuhe becomes Xinghai level, he will definitely be extremely powerful.

Their team formation is really promising.

When Zheng Haopeng saw Lu Jinyu nodding, he also nodded and said: "In this case, I also agree to form a team.

In this case, this chain skill belongs to Liu Chuhe for the sake of our team.

However, you should level up quickly, as you have two chain skills to absorb. "

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