Fu Jianwei looked at the beautiful woman with big waves in front of him, feeling that he, who was always fearless, could not say a word for a moment.

I was talking from such a distance, and this woman heard me?

Are all the sun and moon level bosses so powerful?

Also, does this woman look familiar?

The key is this question, how should you answer it?

Fu Jianwei was having a headache when Liu Chuhe's voice rang out from the side.

"I say Fu Jianwei, the beauty is asking you what's so spicy, you should tell me."

Liu Chuhe was immediately happy. It was such a fate that he could meet Tang Nanjia here!

My sister Tang's ears are really good, and I can hear clearly from such a distance.

Fu Jianwei instantly wanted to kill Liu Chuhe with a knife.

Among them, apart from your childhood sweetheart Yu Yihan, we are probably the most familiar with each other.

So you cheated on me like this?

How do you want me to answer? You can answer it if you have the ability.


Fu Jianwei had an idea and pointed directly at Liu Chuhe and shouted: "It's him. He whispered those words, and then I repeated them for you to hear."

I don’t care, this is what Liu Chuhe said and it has nothing to do with me.

Liu Chuhe suddenly laughed. This old man still wants to trick me. Just when he was about to speak, Lu Jinyu's expression changed drastically. He quickly took a step forward and walked in front of Liu Chuhe and Fu Jianwei. Tang Nanjia said: "I have met Tang War God."

This Tang War God is from their mountain city, and she is also from the mountain city.

She even knew that this Tang War God had a very weird personality.

However, Liu Chuhe and Fu Jianwei still wanted to die and teased the Tang War God.

Even if Tang War God won't kill them, he will definitely teach them a lesson.

Especially Liu Chuhe. If she doesn't come forward, I don't know what Liu Chuhe will say.

Now, she can only show her elders and let Tang Zhanshen give them face.

One of her elders knew Tang Nanjia, and she also met Tang Nanjia.

When Fu Jianwei heard the words Tang War God, he immediately understood why he looked familiar to him.

This is one of the five strongest Sun and Moon classes in China!

This is no ordinary God of War!

That fool Liu Chuhe is still stirring up trouble!

Tang Nanjia heard the sound, looked at Lu Jinyu and nodded slightly: "Girl of the Lu family, I remember you."

Tang Nanjia breathed a sigh of relief, Tang War God just remembered him.

As a result, Liu Chuhe's voice rang in her ears again: "Tang War God, with such a simple lie, he is insulting your IQ. Anyway, if someone treats me like this, I can't stand it.

You need to teach him a lesson. "

Lu Jinyu was convinced immediately. No, if you are trying to trick Fu Jianwei, you should also check out the partner. Believe it or not, you need to trick yourself first!

You really made Tang Zhanshen angry. Don't talk about me. That elder in my family is not useful.

Hearing this, Tang Nanjia glanced at Liu Chuhe angrily and said, "Why do I feel that you are insulting my IQ?"

Lu Jinyu's face instantly showed a look of worry, Liu Chuhe, why are you looking for nothing? You are going to be in trouble.

"How could it be? How could I insult your intelligence, sister?" Liu Chuhe praised, "Sister Tang, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you are getting more and more beautiful."

"Well, you are getting more and more handsome." Tang Nanjia glanced at the other people and said, "You are so lucky. After entering the overlapping space of Wushan, you were able to come to the overlapping space of the stars.

Okay, let's go now, you have gained something. "

Lu Jinyu was stunned for a moment, what happened?

Do these two people know each other?

We are so familiar with each other that we call each other brother and sister?

But one's surname is Liu and the other's surname is Tang. They are definitely not biological siblings. Are they recognized as siblings?

Fu Jianwei was also stunned, so Liu Chuhe, the sixth child, was just teasing himself from the beginning to the end.

This bastard, these thighs are really good at hugging.

He also knew the vice-president of the Strengthening Master Guild, and he also knew Tang War God.

Liu Chuhe also understood and whispered: "So, Sister Tang, are you the one responsible for taking us away?"

“That’s right, this kind of situation has never happened in Wushan’s overlapping space before, but it has happened in other overlapping spaces.

Then, a teacher from your school led five students. As soon as they came in, they met the person responsible for maintaining the star pile space.

So, all that's left is to find you all and send them back.

It just so happened that I recently came to the overlapping space of the stars to take charge of some things, and I immediately helped find people. I didn't expect to meet you. "

"Sister Tang." Liu Chuhe glanced around and said with a thought, "You are responsible for taking us away, and no one else will see it anyway.

Or should I use your back door? "

"Huh?" Tang Nanjia's tone changed instantly.

"No, it's a real back door, not the back door you think. It's a serious back door." Liu Chuhe explained, "Sister Tang, otherwise you just pretend you haven't seen us and let us hang out here again?"

"This is the backdoor I'm talking about. What, you want another backdoor? I think you're itchy!"

Tang Nanjia glared at Liu Chuhe fiercely, and then said: "Speaking of which, you are lucky. You have stayed here for more than ten days, and the most unlucky ones were killed after less than a day. It was taken.

How many more days do you want to stay? "

Including Liu Chuhe, the five of them suddenly widened their eyes when they heard the number ten days, and looked at Tang Nanjia in disbelief.

What ten days?

They had obviously stayed for nearly a year and a half, why did it turn into ten days?

Tang Nanjia also widened his eyes, looked at the others in surprise and said, "You are like this, so you have entered the secret realm of the world!

Sure enough, you are now in the late stage of Xinghai, so you can only go through the vicissitudes of life. "

Liu Chuhe asked curiously: "What changes in the world?"

"This is the place you have entered before. Don't try to hide it. You can't hide your surprised look before.

Moreover, your strength has changed so much, and there is no place other than the vicissitudes of life.

The vicissitudes of life only appear in the overlapping space of stars.

Counting this time in the overlapping space of the stars, clouds and mists appeared three times in total. The first two times when clouds and mists appeared, the ruins of Three Days in the Sea appeared.

Entering inside is like traveling through time.

Staying there for more than a year is like just a few days outside.

The two previous times, those who entered the vicissitudes of life were also those responsible for the overlapping space of the stars.

Originally, everyone was still thinking about who would enter the vicissitudes of life this time.

Unexpectedly, it was you. "

Liu Chuhe was really dumbfounded, so only ten days had passed outside.

In ten days, I went directly from the late stage of Galaxy to the late stage of Xinghai!

Make a lot of money, really make a lot of money!

Everyone became excited instantly.

It turned out that it had not been more than a year, but only ten days.

So, they got over a year?

And the World Cup, if they go back now, they can also participate in the World Cup.

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