When Shen Zhaodi's knife fell, her body quickly retreated. When the blood of the attacked black evil worm spurted out, she appeared behind another black evil worm and slashed it again.

For a moment, in Liu Chuhe's sight, apart from the disgusting bloodthirsty worms, all he saw was Shen Zhaodi's slender figure moving back and forth.

Attacking and dodging, Shen Zhaodi's movements can only be described as flowing and flowing, like art.

He even had a feeling that Shen Zhaodi was a real assassin.

Du Haowei?

Compared with Shen Zhaodi, that guy is not even a half-assed assassin.

However, under Shen Zhaodi's constant attacks, the bloodthirsty worms that had just besieged Liu Chuhe stopped paying attention to Liu Chuhe, and instead turned their heads and started attacking her.

As more and more bloodthirsty creeps attacked her, Shen Zhaodi's figure became more agile and more embarrassed.


Liu Chuhe could even hear Shen Zhaodi's heavy breathing passing by his ears.

"Quick, taunt!"

Shen Zhaodi shouted loudly, her toes just touched the ground lightly, but her body jumped four to five meters away just to avoid the impact of a bloodthirsty worm.

No matter how agile she was, she was surrounded by countless bloodthirsty evil worms and she couldn't move anymore. Almost all of the bloodthirsty evil worms that originally besieged Liu Chuhe successfully turned around and started attacking her under her attack.

"Mockery? Please beg me." Liu Chu was so happy that you just mocked me, fat man, now you are begging me.

Shen Zhaodi was instantly stunned. She was a hunter.

In the land of China, as long as you become a geneticist, you can apply to become a hunter.

And every city has a hunters guild.

It is said to be a guild, but it is actually a platform. Tasks such as recruiting temporary teammates, strengthening masters to go out to strengthen, recruiting protection teams, or seeking a special genetic chain can all be posted here.

Shen Zhaodi became a hunter last year. Within a year, because of her age and her appearance, she also gained a certain reputation among the hunters in Huangsang City.

Therefore, even if we formed a temporary team, we quickly formed a team.

During this year, she went out frequently to fight against strange beasts. She also formed temporary teams with many people and met some strange teammates.

But no matter how weird his teammates are, they are never this deceptive.

As a tank, isn't it appropriate for you to taunt?

What do you mean I beg you?

You're not mocking the beasts, you're mocking me!

Liu Chuhe didn't have the taunting skill. After a moment's delay, Shen Zhaodi was surrounded by strange beasts.

Seeing that she has no escape, she will be devoured by these little lunatics the next moment!

At the last moment, Shen Zhaodi's slender waist suddenly swayed on the spot.

Liu Chuhe's eyes suddenly widened. Am I dazzled? Why did I see two Shen Zhaodi?

Two Shen Zhaodi, one on the left and one on the right, moving rapidly in two directions?

Although Du Haowei was fighting the alien beast, he was still curious and observing the young girl who was also an assassin. When he saw the two identical figures, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Double-faced" Mirror image!”

His eyes looking at Shen Zhaodi became extremely hot. This was an assassin's magical skill!

Create a mirror image, and the mirror image can also be controlled by itself.

The key point is that this is a silver-quality chain skill. Among all the known gold-quality chain skills, there is no chain skill that can release the mirror image.

Whether it's escaping or making a surprise attack, suddenly releasing an identical mirror image at a critical moment can turn the tide of the battle!

This is the only mirror chain skill among the three quality chain skills of bronze, silver, and gold!

Therefore, even though the Double-sided Mirror Shatter Monster with the Double-sided Mirror Chain Skill is only a four-star alien beast, the price of its gene chain is higher than that of many five-star or even six-star alien beasts.

Even if the other chain skill of the double-sided mirror-shattering monster, the double-mirror strike, can only be released with the double-mirror chain skill, if you only obtain the double-mirror strike chain skill but do not have the double-mirror chain skill, then Congratulations, you are missing a chain skill.

Even so, a group of assassins are still flocking to the genetic chain of the double-sided mirror-shattering monster.

Apart from platinum quality and above chain skills, this is the only mirror chain skill!

This Shen Da...Classmate Shen actually possessed such a chain skill. He instantly felt that his blind mist chain skill was no longer good.

I don't know what the principle of this chain technique is, but the separated mirror image is exactly the same as Shen Zhaodi, even the damage to the clothes on her body is exactly the same.

This group of bloodthirsty creeps obviously couldn't tell which one was the real enemy, or in their eyes, both of them were enemies. A group of little lunatics immediately divided into two groups, one group chasing each other.

Almost at the same time, Liu Chuhe rushed toward a group of severely injured bloodthirsty creeps, shouting as he rushed: "I'm going to be taunted, get ready to treat me."

His way of taunting is too cruel to draw hatred.

Fortunately, Shen Zhaodi took care of almost all the bloodthirsty evil creeps. Almost all of these bloodthirsty evil creeps were injured and bleeding. There were so many bloodthirsty evil creeps that he knocked down one of them with just a big pounce. Creepy.

The powerful force also pulled the bloodthirsty evil worm to roll twice on the ground, and his body was also successfully stained with the blood of the bloodthirsty evil worm.

Suddenly, one after another, the bloodthirsty worms turned around and rushed towards him.

In the distance, Chang Wenkang quickly released the healing chain skill and shouted to the distance: "Whoever is on the other side, help quickly."

Lin Gaoyang looked at the fat man covered in blood from a distance, not only attracting the bloodthirsty creeps from around him, but also attracting the bloodthirsty creeps from further away, he became uneasy.

It's not the first time he has encountered bloodthirsty worms. Of course, he knows that bloodthirsty worms will attack crazily when they see anyone or beasts stained with their blood, but normally no tank would attract bloodthirsty creatures in this way. Evil hatred.

It is true that the tanks are here to carry them, but one person cannot carry them all. Otherwise, why would we need soldiers?

This little fat man uses this method to attract hatred. Could this be true love?

While he was thinking, he quickly released the chain skill. A golden vortex appeared under his feet, and then a golden light that seemed like spring water flew out from his hand and fell on Liu Chuhe's body, quickly healing his injured body. body.

Liu Chuhe felt as if his whole body was bathed in the purest life nutrient solution. This golden chain skill was different.

But before he could be happy for too long, another small tributary of golden light appeared and fell on Ran Wenping.

Why are you cheating on me?

This is not a chain skill that heals a person!

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