Liu Chu was also happy that Wang Jingsong pretended not to know him. He quickly looked at the three students wearing Yunhai High School uniforms. There were three students, two men and one woman. The two men had the same appearance. They were obviously a pair. twin.

There were four people in Yunhai High School who entered the top ten, but now there are only three people. Obviously, after the number one person came here, they went directly to the storage room to select the gene chain.

The three of them also looked at the two people approaching.

Naturally, they have heard of Shen Zhaodi from No. 2 Middle School. There are no students in their generation who don't know this name.

As for the other guy?

The curious eyes of the three people all fell on this fat man named Liu Chuhe.

There is someone in No. 2 Middle School who has higher scores than Shen Zhaodi?

But it doesn't matter, they are the strongest! No matter how strong the others are, they are only competing for second place.

Not long after Liu Chuhe arrived outside the storage room, another burst of footsteps came.

He turned around and saw four people in his sight, a teacher and three students.

These three students are also two boys and one girl. One of them, a guy who looked a little thin and had yellow hair, walked in the middle of the three people. One look at his position and he knew that this guy must be Ke Jieming. After all, the second place must have a card. .

Before Ke Jieming could get in front of a few people, he shouted: "Isn't this Shen Zhaodi? I heard that you are only second in your school? You were almost squeezed out of the top five in the overall ranking. How did you get away with it?"

While he was talking, he had already walked in front of a few people, glanced at Liu Chuhe who was standing aside, and said exaggeratedly: "No, you lost to such a fat man?

You are miserable, or should you fall into your brother's arms and let him take care of you? Come on, call me good brother, and I can think about it. "

As he said that, he glanced at Liu Chuhe who was standing aside, and said with a look of disgust: "Fat man, get out of my way, don't get in the way here."

Pei Qikai, who was walking behind, frowned slightly, but didn't say much. Although Ke Jieming was a high school student, he had already had more than thirty girlfriends in less than two years of high school, and each one was prettier than the last.

Anyway, he never misses a woman he likes. It is said that there are some shady methods, but no one has any real evidence.

Later, Ke Jieming lost interest in the girls in their school. He also knew that there was a person like Shen Zhaodi, so he found Shen Zhaodi and asked Shen Zhaodi to be his woman.

As for the consequences, Ke Jieming, a mage, took the initiative to provoke an assassin with his hands, and the consequences were obvious.

At the school gate, Ke Jieming was beaten so badly.

Ke Jieming, who felt he had lost face, began to hate Shen Zhaodi. This time, he finally ranked above Shen Zhaodi, so he naturally wanted to ridicule her.

Although he also felt that what Ke Jieming said was a bit excessive, after all, they were teammates now, so he couldn't say much.

Shen Zhaodi looked at the ugly face in front of her and clenched her slender palms tightly, but soon her fists loosened again.

This is the Strengthening Masters Guild, and her sister works as an assistant here. She is afraid that her actions will have an impact on her sister.

Suddenly, beside her, Liu Chuhe took a step across without warning, stepped forward and kicked Ke Jieming.

"What happened to me being fat? Did I eat your food? It's none of your business!"

Shen Zhaodi is my teammate. If you tease my teammate in front of me, you are teasing my woman. You are looking for a fight!

Ke Jieming had no idea that someone really dared to do something here. He was kicked out unprepared and hit the door on the side with a bang. The door was opened with a bang and he fell inside. In a lounge.

"beat him!"

Liu Chuhe yelled, raised his hand to grab Wang Jingsong, pulled off the badge on Wang Jingsong, and then flew towards Ke Jieming who was lying in the room.

He lives here, how can he be familiar with the Strengthening Master Guild?

Because the Enhancer may have some important things to deal with, the Enhancer Guild has many such lounges. The Enhancer Badge above two stars can freely choose to open or close the door of the lounge.

The reason why he chose to use Wang Jingsong's badge is because using his own badge would reveal that he is a two-star enhanced master!

Shen Zhaodi rushed out as soon as Liu Chuhe made a move. Liu Chuhe had already made a move, so there was nothing to worry about.

Liu Chuhe is an enhancement master!

What's the problem if the reinforcement master beats someone in the reinforcement division guild?

Fatty Liu is somewhat bloody.


As the door was slammed shut, everyone around them finally reacted.

Liu Chuhe from No. 2 Middle School actually took action. This was the Enhancer Guild, or outside the gene chain storage room. Was he crazy?

Even though Liu Chuhe was a student, the Strengthened Masters Guild insisted on dealing with him. Even after being imprisoned for a year and a half, no one dared to say no!

Genetologist, who hasn't asked for help from the enhancement engineer one day? It's better for you to make trouble here! You are so brave!

After Tang Xinlei and Pei Qikai reacted, they quickly stepped forward and opened the door. Their teammates were locked in and beaten violently. They couldn't ignore it. But no matter how hard they pulled, the door couldn't be opened.

Outside the gene chain storage room, the two guards from the Enhancer Guild were still guarding here, but their eyes became more solemn.

Their task is to guard the gene chain storage room. Unless an enhancer is attacked in front of them, they will not care about other matters. Other guards will be responsible for handling it.

Not far away, an intensifier from the Intensifier Guild saw two students frantically tugging at the door and kindly reminded him: "Stop pulling, the door is locked. Only an intensifier badge with two stars or above can open the room." Door.

Also, there's no need to shout. The soundproofing of this room means that even if you break your throat, you won't be able to hear it. "

Several teachers from the Education Bureau who were in charge of leading the team heard the sound and shouted repeatedly: "Here, please help some masters to open the door."

"It can't be opened." The enhancer who spoke before explained, "After closing the door with a two-star or above enhancer badge, only the closed badge can open the door."

", why does he have a badge to close the door?"

"Because he stole my badge." Wang Jingsong's face was full of bitterness. I knew that nothing good would happen if I met this guy. If you want to beat someone, just beat them. The student looked like he deserved a beating. If not I couldn't beat him, I would have done it long ago.

The question is, you don’t have a badge yourself, so why are you trying to steal my badge? Aren't you cheating on me?

Several teachers almost exploded when they heard this. They were responsible for bringing students to choose gene chains. It was not a big deal at all, but they were forced to make a big deal out of it. Now that they are back, can Gualuo eat less?

Who would have thought that someone in the Strengthening Masters Guild would dare to take action!

The members of the Enhancer Guild did not expect that students would take action here. Except for the two guards responsible for guarding the gene chain storage room, no guards were sent at all.

Several teachers still refused to give up and asked: "Masters, is there no other way to open the door?"

"Yes, the president still has the authority to open the door."

"Then, please...please invite President Fang." Several teachers saw the last glimmer of hope.

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