In fact, the fees for overlapping spaces such as Holy Lotus Lake are charged for one day. If it exceeds 24 hours, you will be charged again.

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi came in the evening and left in the morning, so naturally they didn't need to pay any more, and they could even continue fighting inside.

But they have been fighting here all night, and they are tired both physically and mentally. They need to rest, and there is no need to stay here.

The two took the light rail and returned to school before class.

In the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3, Ding Zizi looked at the two people who returned to school together with strange eyes, "Did you go out all night last night?"

Your state...

You look tired, especially Shen Zhaodi, what's with those big dark circles under your eyes?

Didn't you sleep all night?

How promiscuous are you?

Or did you two sleep all night?

When Liu Chuhe returned to class, he didn't care about anything. He just lay down on the table and fell asleep after a while.

Shen Zhaodi was not much better. Although she didn't fall asleep directly on the table like Liu Chuhe, she also fell asleep with her head supported by one hand.

Throughout the morning, both Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi were sleeping.

Ding Zizi was shocked. You two are so tired. How intense was the battle last night?

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi didn't wake up until school was over at noon. Ding Zizi deeply suspected that the two of them woke up from hunger, because as soon as school was over, the fat man Liu Chuhe called to go to her restaurant to eat.

Liu Chuhe felt that if he came to Dingxiang Pavilion a few more times, he would be able to brush his face directly without having to be with Ding Zizi.

Miss Ding went to Dingxiang Pavilion for dinner. How could she wait? Miss Ding directly informed her what she wanted to eat. The chef calculated the time to prepare. As soon as people arrived, the dishes started to be served one by one.

But why does today’s dish feel so bad?

Lamb kidneys, pork kidneys, bullwhips... what are you doing?

Are you hinting at something?

I'm so young, do I need it?

Who do you look down on?

Looking at the dishes you ordered, the black-bone chicken is a bit normal.

Shen Zhaodi frowned slightly as she looked at the dishes on the table.

She did not eat first, but took off her backpack from her back, opened her schoolbag, took out a bottle of gene bottles, looked at Ding Zizi, and said with a smile: "Isn't your family selling gene chains?

Then you must have collected the gene chain. Last night I went out to kill some strange beasts and got four bottles of bloodthirsty and evil worm gene chain. We are teammates, so I won’t sell it to anyone else. I’ll sell it directly to you. "

Ding Zizi looked at the four bottles of gene chain blankly, unable to react. Did you go hunting last night?

Didn't you go out with Liu Chuhe?

The wave you are talking about is not that wave?

To kill strange beasts?

Then wasn’t the food on my table prepared for nothing?


No, that's not the point!

The key point is the gene chain of four bottles of bloodthirsty evil worms. This requires killing fifty bloodthirsty evil worms. If you are unlucky, you may have to kill sixty or seventy.

That was a four-star alien beast, and it was an alien beast known as the Little Madman. You just killed it like that?

Look at what he said, he said it in such an understatement.

You got four bottles of four-star alien beast gene chains in one night. What kind of team of gods did you join?

If the five-person team were to split evenly, they would have to kill more than a hundred heads!

A Juyuan-level team can't do it, it has to be a Galaxy-level team.

The two of them are probably going to form a passerby team again.

Even though I am so strong, I still fight every night. No, I have to work hard.

On the weekend, wait until the weekend is off and ask them if they can go hunting together. We are on the same team. If we want to compete together in the future, we must have a tacit understanding.

Well, there is no need to go to a particularly dangerous place. With Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chu there, it should be possible to kill some two-star and three-star beasts.

Ding Zizi thought about having to rely on the two of them to go out hunting. She looked at the four bottles of gene chain in front of her, took out her mobile phone to check it and said: "My store sells the bloodthirsty evil worm gene chain for one hundred and ten." Ten thousand yuan, those four bottles are 4.4 million.

Zhaodi, I have already transferred the money to you. "

Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi with admiration in his eyes. It turned out that it could be done like this. Did you sell the gene chain to Ding Zizi this way before?

After a night of surfing in Helian Lake, even though he was exhausted after being beaten all night, he could clearly feel his improvement, not only the improvement of the source energy in his body, but also the improvement of his stick skills. .

In the words of Electro-optical week, "Yesterday I kept asking you to give up the stick and replace it with a mace. Today, I don't have that idea anymore. I want you to go to the assassin class next door. Are you going to use a stick or a dagger?" ’

No matter what, there is always improvement.

With the improvement, it goes without saying that it is natural to continue.

No one asked Master Liu to strengthen his chain skills today. After school, he went directly back to the Strengthening Masters Guild, gave Wu Xiaoxiao a few casual instructions, and after a hearty meal, he joined Shen Zhaodi and entered Helian Lake.

Late in the evening, in Lotus Lake, many teams saw the legend that had just been circulated in the hunter circle today. The fat man who was running around and taking advantage of other people's treatment appeared again.

"What's going on? Why did the chain healing skill fly away?"

"Fat man, it's you again!

What the hell do you always do to catch our team? If you go north from here, you can encounter a team with two healers. Go find them! "

"It's you again, seeking death!"

Liu Chuhe found that it was much more difficult to get treatment today than yesterday.

Yesterday, many teams did not chase him after discovering them. After all, they did not know what his purpose was and whether there were any traps nearby.

But today, it seems that all the teams know that he is just a healer.

It's okay if he has a good temper, and he might throw a chain healing skill at him to stop him from causing trouble, but if he encounters a bad temper, he won't even care about the strange beasts, and just kill him directly.

Fortunately, you have to register your identity to enter the overlapping space. Most of the people who enter here are decent people and generally don't want to kill people and cause trouble.

Otherwise, he felt that he might really be beaten to death.

I was killing monsters well when a person suddenly ran out and sucked away the healing chain skill. Who wouldn't be angry if I replaced him?

Fortunately, they entered two hours earlier than yesterday, and they were also lucky today, and finally harvested six bottles of the gene chain of bloodthirsty evil creeps.

The next day, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi returned to school as tired as the previous day. They went to bed and slept until noon before waking up to go to Ding Zizi's restaurant for dinner.

The difference is that today's food is not so spicy, and the gene chain that Shen Zhaodi brought out has two more bottles.

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