Liu Chuhe is now extremely sure of one thing. Shen Zhaodi's attack is really strong, much stronger than the golden platypus. It makes sense for her to be called the woman who defeated all the men in the school.


"Shen Zhaodi, why did you hit me?"

Liu Chuhe was also convinced. How could there be such a teammate who would attack his own people without any problem!

After Shen Zhaodi stabbed Liu Chuhe, she quickly withdrew the dagger, bringing out a large stream of blood, and her mirror image disappeared, leaving only her body.

She took a step to the side, turned her body, turned behind Liu Chuhe, and stabbed him again.

"Aren't you full of blood? Now that you are not full of blood, their treatment can no longer be used."

Shen Zhaodi said matter-of-factly, and continued to move without stopping, dodging the attack of the golden platypus.

"What you said makes sense. The problem is, they don't use chain healing skills now!"

"I'll use it soon." As Shen Zhaodi spoke, she stabbed the eye of an unlucky golden platypus with a knife.

I really don't know how she practiced. The golden platypus was moving, but it felt like Shen Zhaodi could stab the golden platypus in the eye with just one stab.

A companion was injured, and the Golden Platypus began treatment again.

And Shen Zhaodi would attack Liu Chuhe at one time and the golden platypus at another.

In particular, she found that after these golden platypuses stopped attacking Liu Chuhe, they continued to move around Liu Chuhe, borrowing Liu Chuhe's body to block the golden platypus' attacks, as if they were a butterfly, surrounding Liu Chuhe. A flower dances.

Liu Chuhe discovered that Shen Zhaodi was really a tactical genius.

In ancient times, the King of Qin walked around the pillars, but now Zhao Di walks around Chu He.

The problem is, the King of Qin circled the pillars and returned to the pillars, but he didn't know how to cut the pillars!

What are you doing? I see you have stabbed me more times than the golden platypus!

What's going on? Would you rather stab me?

Just wait, I, Liu Chu, must avenge you. If you stab me today, I will stab you back sooner or later.

"Wait a minute... just stab me, don't stab me in the neck... it could kill someone!" Liu Chuhe suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and instantly he went crazy.

Shen Zhaodi wanted to ensure that Liu Chuhe could not be at full health, so she focused more on attacking Liu Chuhe.

As for a group of golden platypuses, they had to be healed after being injured, but as soon as they were healed, the healing chain skill flew to the human again.

For a moment, the battle fell into a strange state.

Shen Zhaodi: I will kill my teammates.

Golden Platypus: I heal my enemies.

For those who don’t know, I thought these two groups of people were competing to see who could act better.

Slowly, this group of golden platypuses healed less and less frequently, and in the end, they didn't even heal anymore.

When humans release chain skills, there will be some consumption, and the same is true for alien beasts. If they continue to be treated like this, they will not be able to hold on anymore.

"Quick, stop cutting me. These platypuses are out of blue. Cut them!" Liu Chuhe finally got free. He held two wooden sticks and beat the golden platypus in front of him crazily.

Healing chain skills are generally more expensive. Firstly, there are few healing chain skills, and secondly, because of the strange beasts with healing chain skills, no one likes to kill them.

These strange beasts with chain healing skills all live in groups.

After fighting, they will heal each other, just consume and fight you.

That is a treatment for all members, no one can consume them.

Nowadays, these six golden platypuses are being used up like alien beasts without chain skills.

Occasionally, a golden platypus seemed to recover and released a chain skill to heal it, but it still fell on Liu Chuhe.

The six five-star beasts were tortured to death one by one.

As the last golden platypus died, Shen Zhaodi gasped for breath. This was a five-star alien beast after all. She had been in a state of high tension during the battle just now.

After all, she was different from Liu Chuhe. It didn't matter whether Liu Chuhe made mistakes or not. Any mistake she made would be fatal.

She looked at Liu Chuhe and didn't know whether to praise or ridicule: "It seems that sometimes a human shield without defensive chain skills is not necessarily a bad thing."

As long as Liu Chuhe had a chain skill that increased his defense, it would not be easy for her to kill Liu Chuhe. In the situation just now, the more seriously Liu Chuhe was injured, the better.

"thank you.

Also, this group of golden platypuses are stupid. If they all attack me without treatment, I really can't handle it. Next time, if something like that happens, remember to carry one or two for me so I can run away. "

As he spoke, Liu Chuhe squatted down and began to check the gene chains of these six alien beasts to see which of them could be extracted.

Soon, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

"Luckily, one of the six golden platypuses can extract the gene chain. How much can this thing be sold for?"

"Can you extract its gene chain?" Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe in disbelief.

She can naturally extract the gene chain of ordinary alien beasts. The problem is, this is an alien beast unique to Oria. Who would learn how to extract the gene chain of such an alien beast?

The point is, even if you want to learn, you don’t have the opportunity to practice.

How could Liu Chu know this?

"The point is not whether I can extract the gene chain, but how much the gene chain is worth." Liu Chuhe was helpless. The gene chain of the five-star alien beasts was very valuable, so he had to extract it.

Shen Zhaodi thought for a while and then said: "The gene chain of the five-star alien beasts all starts at two million.

Gene chains with healing chain skills are not particularly cheap. These are three gene chains that all have healing chain skills. The price of similar gene chains should be around 4 million.

But this gene chain is unique to Olia, and it can be sold for more than one million yuan. If you want to sell it, go find Ding Zizi, five million should be no problem. "

Liu Chuhe nodded lightly. The benefits were much better than killing the little lunatic before.

However, it would be impossible for an ordinary team to kill the Golden Platypus.

The reason why he was able to kill six golden platypuses this time was that in addition to his chain skill to defeat the opponent, Shen Zhaodi was also extremely crucial.

Without control, he was able to rely on his own skills to dodge the attacks of the golden platypus. He felt that even Du Haowei of the Galaxy level could not do it.

Soon, Liu Chuhe extracted the genetic chain of the golden platypus and put it into the gene bottle that Shen Zhaodi carried.

"Let's go and find the next nest of golden platypuses."

He now feels that this is a really good place. After playing in Holy Lotus Lake for a while, he still needs to keep looking for people to treat him.

There is no need to look for him here. When he fights, the golden platypus will finish treating him.

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