Hidden Corners

Chapter 137: Chapter 137

Suiyang Yunjing Sales Office.

Li Chengyi bowed his head and signed his name on the house purchase contract.

After helping Skittles to complete the most troublesome clue exploration process in the dead end, he destroyed the main body of the infinite staircase.

Subsequent changes, Skittles is indeed an old dead man, spent a week, quickly found the prototype, and completed the escape from the infinite staircase.

The so-called infinite staircase is actually a closed building of a mental hospital that was once abandoned.

Because a group riot of mental patients occurred in that hospital, causing at least 15 people to die and more than 30 people to be injured.

Later, because the murder scene was too horrific, after the hospital collapsed, no one took over the building, and it was completely abandoned.

After Skittles found the building, she found a way to escape the next day.

Under the huge consumption of financial resources, a mental patient who escaped safely by hiding in a corner and relying on his own methods appeared in the investigation.

In that horrific murder.

The murderer was shot to death, and the murdered person was either dead or insane. There was only one person who was lucky to be safe, but maintained his original mild depression.

Skittle Candy also mastered the escape method through that person, and successfully completed the analysis of the infinite staircase.

"Mr. Li can buy a villa with full payment at such a young age. This is the first time we have seen a customer like you in Suiyang." The sales lady sold nearly 4 million orders in one go. His smile was also very soft.

Li Chengyi came back to his senses and glanced at the terms of the contract again.

"If there is no problem, when can I go to the Shanghai Certificate?"

"The time stipulated in the contract is one week later, and then you can just bring your ID card and come here. We will be accompanied by someone throughout the process." The sales lady replied.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Li Chengyi put away the contract and put it in his bag.

Standing up, he greeted the other party politely, and then walked towards the door.


All of a sudden, there was a faint faint vibration in the distance, drifting from afar.

With such a long distance, at least tens of kilometers, Li Chengyi could feel the ground shaking under his feet.

His face changed slightly, and he looked in the direction of the shock.

In the afternoon sky, a clear thick smoke was slowly rising, dyeing a small piece of the sky gray.

The sound of whining fire trucks came one after another.

Among them are a large number of police car sirens.

beep beep beep!

Li Chengyi's phone rang and vibrated.

He quickly took out his eyes and pressed to answer.

"Brother Cheng, the Baihua Chemical Plant in the southern suburbs exploded! It is said that it was caused by chemical dust and sparks from aging lines! But I immediately mobilized the surrounding monitoring.

It was discovered that there were images of the Security Agency and the Federation chasing unknown people with the help of sky eyes. Be more careful on your side, I thought it was just a chaos in the provincial capital, but I didn't expect it to spread to Suiyang now. " Skittle Candy said quickly on the other end of the phone.

Since the last time, the two of them secretly and tacitly matched the code and confirmed Li Chengyi's double identity.

Skittles has also become more respectful towards him.

Being well-informed, she naturally understands that Li Chengyi's achievements can be regarded as powerful in the Omnician and Transformer systems.

The most important thing is that no one knows how strong he is.

How many maintenance and supply forces are behind that exaggerated strength transformation module?

She couldn't figure it out at all.

This is what surprised her the most.

You must know that the force she couldn't find out before was a mysterious organization named Longhe.

"Don't worry, there is a high probability that it is just to divert attention. Suiyang has nothing to covet. So the other party's purpose is probably to attract the police and experts from above." Li Chengyi has contacted Ideal Township and knows the other party's behavior style.

"Brother Cheng, do you know some inside information?" Skittle Candy heard some details.

"I don't know. But I can guess it. Well, these things have nothing to do with us. Yiguo is not as weak as you think. The higher ups will definitely deal with it. Don't worry." Li Chengyi had talked about Yiguo with senior omnicist Ding Ning before. High level guild and omnicist structure.

Knowing that it is impossible to contain the power of the General Assembly and the General Administration based on the power that Utopia is now exposed.

How much power is contained in a country and a huge empire of several billion people can be guessed after thinking about it.

So he didn't pay much attention to it, but stopped a car on the side of the road and returned to the botanical garden.

In the past few days, he has been in the botanical garden almost every day, staring at the flower pots watered with the nutrient solution diluted with the blood of the Shadow of Resentment.

Every morning when he gets up, he has to check and use his radiant force field to continuously warm and illuminate these flowers.

In the beginning, all the flowers remained unchanged, but as time went by, gradually, some flowers began to wither irrepressibly.

And now... the eighth day.

Ten minutes later.

Li Chengyi returned to the botanical garden, corner.

A special area has been designated here to experiment with the blood of the shadow of resentment.

As soon as you approach this corner, pots of withered and blackened flowers come into view.

A total of 30 pots of various flowers were brought in, and 90% of them had withered and died.

Including the chrysanthemum that he valued before.

It stands to reason that chrysanthemums are also considered to be tenacious, but unfortunately, under the nourishment of this new nutrient solution, they still can't bear it.

Li Chengyi walked to a pot of dead chrysanthemums and reached out to grab a few branches and leaves.

The branches and leaves are black and hard, as if they have been dried by the sun.

It doesn't feel moisture at all.

'It was still green yesterday. Just a bit sluggish, not today.'

He sighed, walked to the other flower pots, and checked the situation bit by bit.

Not far away, the guy who was recording the situation of the flowers hurried over.

"Mr. Li, I carefully maintain these flowers every day. I have to take a look at them every day, but inexplicably, a large part of them suddenly died! The monitoring here is always on. If you don't believe it, you can directly check!"

That guy was also a staff member of the botanical garden specially transferred by Li Chengyi to take charge of this small experiment.

His tone was obviously afraid that Li Chengyi would suspect that he hadn't done a good job, causing a large area of ​​flowers to wither.

"I see, you've done a good job. It's none of your business, you can go and do other things." Li Chengyi nodded in understanding.

His eyes were still scanning the pots of flowers.




All dead!

Li Chengyi sighed slightly.

He couldn't remember how many times he sighed in the past few days. Every time he saw these pots of flowers dying, he would feel a little disappointed in his heart.

Today is no exception.

After wandering around, I saw that there were only withered black flowers left in all the flower pots.

Li Chengyi was completely disappointed and was about to leave.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a touch of light green.

It was a touch of light green that still remained in a flower pot.

"This is!?"

He became excited in an instant, and walked quickly to the flower pot.

It was only then that I discovered that the flower pot was planted with hyacinths. This flower, which had just been taken out of the greenhouse for experimentation, had already withered and turned into black branches and leaves spread out in the soil.

That touch of green is not hyacinth at all, but something growing out of the black soil near the edge of the flower pot on its side.

He reached out and carefully flicked the thing out of the way.

A touch of greenness suddenly appeared inside the black withered leaves.

Green leaves like green onions spread out like orchids.

In the center, there are some small purple and white flowers.

These flowers look strange, like the edge of a basket, pierced with purple spikes.

The petals are arc-shaped, forming a basket piece by piece.

The filaments form spikes, the ends of which are faintly yellowish.

The surprise in Li Chengyi's heart spread like water waves.

He stretched out his finger and gently touched the little flower.

As traces of flower energy surged up and flowed into the imprint, new information that had never been collected emerged.

'Spice head flower (contaminated): perennial herb with slender and hollow leaves, purple underground bulbs in narrow oval shape, white scales, crisp and tender taste, special spicy aroma, edible, containing protein, calcium, iron , carotene and other nutrients. It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizing. The flowering period is October-November. '

'Flower Language: Blazing Shadow Bloodline (due to being watered by the blood of the Shadow of Resentment, a mutation occurred. The original flower language blazing heart was integrated, causing the bloodline to mutate, forming a new unknown bloodline). '

Li Chengyi looked slightly weird.

He thought of the inferior shadow dragon blood in the quiet shop.

'If I guessed correctly, Jie Mao Feilian's flower language should also come from this way. But, what could this blazing shadow be? It can be mutated and has a name and surname. There is a high probability that it will be a relatively stable blood that already exists.’

He still knows a lot about the mark of the Flower of Evil now.

Knowing this ability itself, if you encounter an unnamed flower, it will not automatically fill in the name.

Instead, it will directly display unknown, or unnamed.

But this one here is actually a bloodline that already has a name.

Thinking of this, he quickly called the young man.

"Go around and get all the scallions here, and replace them with scallions in the future!"

"Thirty flower pots, all of them were replaced with scallions?" The boy was a little unbelievable.

The onion is a wild vegetable weed, usually no one buys it, and this pot also grows on the edge of the flower pot, and no one noticed it, so it grew slowly.

But speaking carefully, the guy also knows that he is wrong.

It stands to reason that he took overtime pay, so he should take good care of the flower pots here.

But the scallions grew in the hyacinth's flower pot, which meant that he hadn't noticed it at all before.

After all, this is the equivalent of weeds.

"All of them were replaced with scallions, but our botanical garden shouldn't be planting them in batches, right?" Li Chengyi asked.

"No. However, there is a lot of dry grass outside this thing. It is a kind of wild vegetable with strong vitality. We usually use it as seasoning and spices." The boy replied.

"Help me find all thirty flower pots, and I'll give you an extra month's bonus this year!" Li Chengyi said proudly.

Hearing that one more month's bonus is counted, the boy's eyes lit up immediately.

Without further ado, I hurried to other places to look for scallions.

After confirming that the experiment was successful, Li Chengyi was in a good mood. He specially found a staff member to come over and stare at the pot of scallions.

Then I went to mix some nutrient solution myself, and then returned to the botanical garden accommodation building.

Now several people in Destiny Garden have gone back, and the place is empty.

The last time it was the Skittles dead end that brought everyone together, now that the matter is over, everyone went back separately.

Li Chengyi sat on the sofa alone, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to the boss.

"Boss, how is the situation over there?"

no reply.

Probably busy.

Li Chengyi didn't care either. After all, no one would reply to unimportant messages immediately.

Or maybe Syndra is busy.

He took the remote control board and turned on the projection TV on the wall.

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