Hidden Corners

Chapter 186: Chapter 186

"I'll go out first. According to regulations, Alcon's research time is six hours. From the moment I enter here, the clock has already started." Li Daqi reminded.

"Thank you very much." Li Chengyi stuffed him with a cigarette.

"No, no, Alcon gives us a lot of public sponsorship every year. How dare you accept your things." Li Daqi declined with a smile, turned and left.

The door closed softly.

Only Li Chengyi and criminal Ni Xiangchun were left alone.

Turning around, Li Chengyi looked at Ni Xiangchun.

The man was yawning, and there were traces of engine oil all over his light blue work prison uniform.

Apparently, he had just been dragged to a labor camp and returned.

"Are you Ni Xiangchun?" He approached, looked around, and asked in a deep voice.

"Who are you?" As soon as Ni Xiangchun opened his mouth, a bandit breath rushed towards him.

"I'm here to rescue you!" Li Chengyi said mysteriously in a low voice.

"???" Ni Xiangchun received many researchers and faced many speech skills, but this was the first time.

He looked at Li Chengyi suspiciously, not knowing what he was talking about.

"You don't believe me?" Li Chengyi lowered his voice, "I've already paid off the guards here. I'll open the door in a while and change into the guard's clothes as soon as I go out. Don't make a sound, follow me, there will be a ready car outside."

"Are you kidding me?" Ni Xiangchun sneered.

"Don't try it, let's go out first." Li Chengyi walked to the left side of the alloy fence door, and reached out to wipe the door hard.


The door lock was suddenly cut off lightly.

The alloy door opened.

Ni Xiangchun opened his eyes wide in an instant, the eyeballs were about to bulge out.

This guy. What the hell! ? He really wants to take himself out of prison! ?

"What are you looking at? Someone paid me to come! Hurry up! There's only ten minutes left, after which the patrol will change! It's too late!" Li Chengyi urged.

Ni Xiangchun looked at the metal fence gate that was cut off by some kind of sharp weapon, and his heart was moved immediately.

Anyway, sooner or later he will die. No one left alive after going to the prison gate.

not as good as

Suddenly, with a stride, he rushed to the gate of the fence, opened the gate and ran out.

"Come on! Someone has escaped from prison!!" Li Chengyi stepped back abruptly, and slapped the alarm button on the wall.

Woo! !

The ear-piercing siren sounded instantly.

Less than two seconds.

Two muscular guards in bulletproof suits slammed into the door.

He saw Ni Xiangchun who had just rushed out of the fence head-on.

The two of them rushed forward and knocked Ni Xiangchun to the ground.

One stuck his neck and the other his hands, and he was instantly restrained to the ground.

"Ah!!! It was him, he opened the isolation door and wanted me to escape! It was him!!!" Ni Xiangchun writhed wildly.

"I don't even know you! I don't have anything on me, how can I open the isolation door lock?" Li Chengyi shook his head.

anger +3.

anger +3.

Feeling the rising evil thoughts, he nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, serious criminals are all strong. If we say that ordinary criminals still have the phenomenon of bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

Then it is basically impossible for serious criminals.

No matter how much Ni Xiangchun yelled, after being beaten up by two guards, he quickly calmed down.

And Li Chengyi also gained anger and evil thoughts as he wished.

Because Ni Xiangchun was beaten unconscious.

half an hour later.

Ni Xiangchun, with a bruised nose and swollen face, saw Li Chengyi outside the fence again.

"Brother Ni, it was just a misunderstanding. I was testing the reaction speed of the guards here. I was preparing for this real escape." Li Chengyi said sincerely.

"." Ni Xiangchun looked at him, his eyes burning with anger. Obviously, what happened just now made him angry again.

"Brother Ni, don't be like this, I have already checked and arranged the itinerary.

This time it was really no problem. follow me! "

Without delay, Li Chengyi stood up and gently reached out to open the fence door again.

Then it didn't stop, he turned around and opened the door of the room again.

It was empty outside.

The two prison guards who were supposed to guard were not there at all.

"Hurry up! Brother Ni! Hurry up!!" Li Chengyi hurriedly waved to Ni Xiangchun.

The anger in Ni Xiangchun's eyes gradually disappeared, and he walked carefully to the fence door, and looked at the corridor outside.

Indeed, no guards were seen.

Moreover, even the light of the electronic surveillance head dimmed.

Apparently it was temporarily blocked.

After hesitating for half a minute, he gritted his teeth and stepped out of the fence gate again.

This time there really were no sirens going off!

His heart skipped a beat.

Who would want to die?

If it hadn't been impossible for him to be betrayed, it would be impossible for him to be arrested.

Now finally.

Finally had the chance to go out and get revenge! !

Ni Xiangchun quickly rushed out of the prison room.

Sure enough, the person who rescued him this time did not show any abnormalities, and actually led him to run outside.

"This way! Hurry up, Brother Ni!" Li Chengyi ran ahead and kept greeting this way.

Ni Xiangchun looked at the empty corridors around him, his heart beat faster and his muscles tensed.

He rushed over quickly.

"Good job! Wait for me to go out, money, woman, whatever you want!! If you have my share, you will have it too!!" He said harshly.

"Thank you, Brother Ni! Come this way!" Li Chengyi quickly led the way and turned around.

Ni Xiangchun followed and turned.

Boom! !

Two burly and tall exoskeleton prison guards swooped down and threw him down hard, pressing him to the ground.

"Troublesome old brothers." Li Chengyi said with a smile on the side, "This guy is too stupid, he will believe anything he says."

Ni Xiangchun was stunned again.

He quickly reacted and looked at Li Chengyi.

"Ah!!!" He struggled and roared. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Are you kidding me!!?"

anger +5.

anger +4.

"He was too emotional, the two quickly cooled him down."


There was a muffled sound.

A prison guard skillfully slapped Ni Xiangchun unconscious, picked him up, and walked back to his original cell.

Everything is quiet.

Li Chengyi looked at the evil thoughts he had gained again, and nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the time, he suddenly found a good way to quickly absorb evil thoughts.

"There are still three hours, and we can do it again!"

hours later.

It was getting dark.

Li Chengyi left here smoothly under the warm farewell of everyone in the prison.

And his evil thoughts percentage also increased from 24% absorbed by Zhuang Yijing before to 56 in one fell swoop.

But the result in exchange was that Ni Xiangchun no longer looked at him at all.

No matter what he said to Ni Xiangchun, the other party ignored him and completely regarded him as air.

Compared with Zhuang Yijing's time, it was much more difficult to absorb the evil thoughts this time, which meant that Zhuang Yijing's willpower was actually stronger than Ni Xiangchun's.

Li Chengyi took a taxi back to his residence while expressing emotion.

However, although the direction of prison researcher is a little more troublesome, the benefits are not bad.

It is a sustainable development project.

Li Chengyi intends to persevere.

The research institute on the big bear side can only go to the research institute once a month. So thinking about the past, we have to wait for time.





The Suiyang City Federation was officially held again in the Federation Building in the downtown area.

In the spacious conference hall, service personnel have already placed name plates in every position.

The long oval-shaped table was covered with a thick red cloth, on which was printed the big golden characters of maintaining social stability.

Members of the federation filed into the conference hall one by one, and sat down in their seats.

As the director, Ding Zaocheng walked in with a calm expression. sit down.

The rest of the people also entered the door one by one.

Among them, Zheng Kai from Tiefeng Group looked like he had aged several years, haggard and with dark circles under his eyes.

Xu Zhenchang, the old man of the Xu family, had a calm expression. After sitting down, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he was taking a nap.

Wang Kaizhi, the ancestor of the Wang family who had spoken out against Tiefeng Group before, also walked in slowly with his hands behind his back and sat down.

The old son behind him quickly took out the brewed medicinal tea for her and put it on the table.

These are key figures.

Most of the strongest local forces in Suiyang are in this circle.

After the rest of the people sat down, they all looked this way unconsciously, as if watching the excitement.

blah blah.

Suddenly, there was a sound of subtle and powerful footsteps from outside the door.

"Mr. Li, this is one of the conference rooms where our City Federation often holds meetings.

General meetings are mainly held here, and there are two other locations. you please. "

A soft female voice came from outside the door.

Everyone in the room is a genius. Even the members of the association who came in through the technical expert route have already been politically sensitive after joining for so long.

Everyone has noticed that there is actually an extra seat at this time, which was not likely to change once in the past few years.

A nameplate was placed in that position.

It read: Mingyuan Company——Li Chengyi.

"Thank you for leading the way." At this moment, a peaceful young male voice came from outside the door.

The voice that was too young moved everyone present slightly.

Some people frowned, some squinted, and some held their phones with their heads down as if sending messages.

But most eyes were on the door.

Wait for someone to come in.

The footsteps were getting closer.


A tall, slender man with black hair and shoulders strode into the conference room.

The man's eyes are black with a touch of gold, as if wearing some kind of eye pupil modification module.

He was wearing a simple black suit and a dark purple shirt.

The key is temperament.

I don't know what's going on, but from the moment this person entered the door, whether it's his eyes, his posture, his expression, etc.

There is a faint sense of inexplicable aggression.

Obviously he was quite gentle, but it gave people a strong sense of threat.

It felt like a lion running into a herd of sheep.

"Everyone welcomes Mr. Li Chengyi and Mr. Li from Mingyuan Company." Ding Zaocheng, as the host, said.

Suddenly there was a burst of applause.

"Thank you, thank you all. Li is new here, please take care of me in the future." Li Chengyi clasped his fists and said politely.

He was quickly seated under the leadership of the waiter.

Just as he sat down, someone beside him said softly.

"Mingyuan's advertisement is very good. I saw it too. It's amazing."

This man was full of beards, wearing dark green glasses, and his hair was dyed white. He looked unorthodox, but the name tag in front of him read: Director of Keyu Fitness——Wan Chenghao.

"Thank you." Li Chengyi smiled back. Anyway, for the first time in a meeting, if you smile at everyone, you can reach out and don't hit the smiling person, so you won't offend anyone.

"Did you really kill Zheng Kai's son from Tiefeng Group?" Wan Chenghao asked again.

"I don't know either." Li Chengyi smiled.

"It seems that Tiefeng Group is not worth mentioning in your eyes. Killing that kid is considered a good deed." Wan Chenghao continued.

"I'm just here for a meeting, I don't know anything else." Li Chengyi continued to smile.

"Brother Li, this is watertight. A while ago, Zheng Kai's father died. His group's business was also attacked, and the loss was not small." Wan Chenghao said.

"His father is dead? We don't know about this either." Li Chengyi didn't know what expression to use at this time, but in order to maintain consistency, he continued to smile.

"Not only is his father dead, but his newly married wife also secretly transferred his assets and put on a hat. He has been in a lawsuit for a while. I heard that the sons his wife gave birth to his little lover are already in their teens."

"That's too miserable." Li Chengyi smiled.

".You smile so happily." Wan Chenghao was speechless.

"." Li Chengyi also had an innocent face. He had never held a meeting, so he didn't know what expression to use.

It was Da Xiong who told him before leaving that it was best to keep smiling.

As long as you laugh, others will think you are unpredictable and incomprehensible, and you can get closer to others. Looks less sharp and dangerous.

"Look, Zheng Kai is looking at you." Wan Chenghao reminded, pointing in the direction secretly.

Li Chengyi looked along, just in time to see Zheng Kai looking this way.

He smiled at each other.


Zheng Kai couldn't help but punched the table, his face turned blue.

anger +2.

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