Hidden Corners

Chapter 207: Chapter 207

The dazzling golden light shot out one after another like silk threads, penetrating Cadiz's body. It shot out from behind and flew towards the distant sky.

It lasted for a few seconds. The golden light slowly faded away and disappeared.

Flames swirled and smoke billowed.

Cadiz's entire body was thrown high and fell to the ground.

This time, her whole body was pierced by a huge explosion with a large number of dense holes.

The fake skin on his body was also metalized into scorched black, revealing the silver-gray metal layer underneath.

"It's over. The weak will be punished, and the strong will have everything."

Li Chengyi approached, grabbed Kadish's head, and lifted him up.

The huge golden right hand quickly retracted, turning into the size of a tower shield, pinching Caddis, and stretching out his hand to search him.


Suddenly, Cadiz's body flushed red, and his eyes quickly lit up with purple-black lightning.

in an instant.


A huge electric light exploded from Li Chengyi's hand, and the blazing electric current accompanied by terrifying high temperature hit the front of his body fiercely under the powerful impact force.


Li Chengyi's body was blown back and he retreated several steps, hitting the tree trunk behind him.

That is to say, his scale clothes weighed more than five tons, so he could not retreat far in the explosion.

And so far, among all his scale clothes, the one with the highest defense is this Titan Sunflower Ultimate Body.

Apart from the fact that speed recovery, induction, etc. are not as good as other armors, this set of ultimate body is already the most suitable armor for him to attack.

But this explosion was far more powerful than the previous scattered missiles and sniper cannons.

The large piece of armor on Li Chengyi's chest was blasted from the front until cracks appeared.

Even Ding Zaocheng, who fell to the ground in the distance, did not expect this explosion.

Originally, he thought that the mob had ended the battle, and he was sure of winning. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Cadiz made another trick.

‘The space in the complete body is limited, such a decisive direct self-explosion, etc., something is wrong! ! '

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Ding Zaocheng's mind.

"Thugs beware!! That's not the main body!!"

He yelled with all his might.

Not ontology?

Li Chengyi steadied his body and turned his head suddenly.

On his right, a black shadow was approaching at an unpredictable speed.

Ordinary people can't see clearly, but Li Chengyi's dynamic vision can be seen clearly.

That black shadow is another Cadiz at all!

The third Cadiz! !

"Is it over yet?!?" He withdrew his giant hand and slammed it head-on at the opponent.

The huge palm pressed down in the air, and the diameter of more than six meters was like a big seal, instantly covering the budget position in front of Cadiz.

But strangely, a brown diamond-shaped crystal floating beside Cadiz suddenly lit up with white light.

A layer of invisible force field instantly spread out above his head, blocking the falling of the giant hand.

Boom! !

There was a loud noise.

The force field and the giant golden hand collided at the same time, and a large airflow exploded, blowing away the surrounding leaves.

Take advantage of this.

Cadiz's figure accelerated again, closing the distance again.

The force field behind her collapsed, but she also managed to avoid the drop of the giant golden hand.

"I admit that I underestimated you."

"But now, it's different!"

This third body is her real body.

This time, she used her two spare bodies as bait to remotely control the operation.

Unexpectedly, the first one was blown up by the Sky Eye of the Security Department, and the second one was blown up by the thug in front of him.

As a last resort, her real body can only come forward.

The competition for the Book of Records determines the distribution of benefits within the company after her return.

She cannot fall down, her status and prestige were already in jeopardy before, but now she regards the Book of Records as the last straw.


"do not blame me"

"Burst mode, Stormwing!"

boom! !

In an instant, a large hole appeared behind Cadiz's back.

One-to-one, more than one meter long, a stream of blue particles like wings shot out from her back with a bang, shining a dazzling blue light.

The barley tea crystals melted into her chest, turned into a piece of brown mucus metal, and absorbed into the skin.

In the woods, the distance between her and Li Chengyi narrowed rapidly, getting smaller and smaller.

‘Floating Shadow of Quick Battle Killing Method! '

The double hooks popped out from her arms, and at this moment, Cadiz's figure seemed to disappear in mid-air.

The powerful power of technology combined with martial arts is fully displayed at this moment.

In the next moment, her figure split into two and appeared behind Li Chengyi at the same time.

Arm hooks move forward at the same time.

From appearing, to getting close, to flashing a shot. It took only a second in between.

Just for a second.

Li Chengyi himself was disturbed by the airflow and smoke caused by the collision between the giant hand and the force field.

There was no time to deal with Cadiz who suddenly came behind him.

He only had time to elbow back, trying to interrupt the opponent's attack.

But it's too late.

The attack speed of a complete body is far stronger than that of ordinary humans.

No matter the strength or the explosion, the impact force of this blow exceeded more than ten tons, gathered on the four phantom-like black hooks.

Li Chengyi's elbow hit one of the hooks, but couldn't make real contact.

The hook turned into a phantom and dissipated.

The other three hooks quickly faded and merged into two, which pierced heavily into the thick back armor of the scale coat.

With a bang, several flower scale fragments were pried away.

Li Chengyi turned around and hit back with a punch that missed again.

Before he made a shot, the opponent opened the distance far faster than him.

Hui Shan had to launch it head-on again, and Li Chengyi actually suffered a disadvantage in this split-second fight.

He stood in place, looked at the cracks in the golden armor extending from his waist to his back, and took a deep breath.

How long has he not been in such a mess since he got this set of ultimate body scale clothes?

It was only at this moment that he truly realized the full gold content of being a director of the Nuoer Group.

It's not a pustule like Andy, but a high-level person like Cadiz is an elite master who has worked his way up from the bottom step by step.

The high-temperature radiant force field raised the surrounding temperature even more.

But for both of them, it has no effect.

Li Chengyi's physical fitness has surpassed the limit of human beings, and with a little shadow dragon blood in his body, he is naturally not afraid.

And Cadiz is a complete body directly, and the materials all over his body are high-temperature-resistant structures, let alone afraid.

On the contrary, the members of the security agency in the distance are getting more and more uncomfortable.

"For a long time, I thought I was strong enough. So I kept letting go."

Facing Cadiz, Li Chengyi's little injuries under Hualinyi have completely disappeared under the super speed healing of the brilliant force field, leaving no scars.

"Thank u."

He thanked each other earnestly and sincerely.

"The trace of self-satisfaction that you made me rise has disappeared again."

"It seems that you don't think you have lost? Still want to fight?" Cadiz saw what he meant.

She was floating in mid-air, and the stream of blue light particles behind her was continuously ejected, making a buzzing sound.

"But it's normal. The world is too big and wide. Everyone has their own cards and their own research results. No one knows how strong their cards are until the moment of real collision."

She seemed quite understanding.

"It's like when I devoted myself to studying the module and improved the current burst mode, raising all the indicators to an exaggerated level. This kind of technology is similar to many national departments of the group.

Everyone touts that their stats are strong enough, but in real combat, it still depends on the reality. "

"You're right." Li Chengyi saw that the other party didn't seem to care about Jiuyi's visit at all.

He also vaguely guessed in his heart that the other party might have another agreement with Jiuyi.

Combined with this person's previous mercy, he has never killed anyone from the Security Department.

He vaguely understood.

In other words, it is unlikely that Jiuyi's reinforcements will arrive.

"Forget it, as a reward for your previous mercy."

He raised his hand, and the scale clothes on his body suddenly disintegrated in the thick smoke and flames, turning into countless golden sun petals and scattered.

Countless golden petals dance around and change color quickly.

From gold to purple, with a hint of gray and black.

The petals of the sun are also transformed into filamentous petals with countless knots in the blink of an eye.

tear up.

A pair of pitch-black metal wings spread out from his back, with a wingspan of nearly four meters.

A ferocious white bone dragon head condensed on the front chest. There is faint black smoke overflowing from the longan.

The top of the head was replaced by a black triangular metal helmet with three dragon horns.

"Next, the second round."

A pair of red diamond-shaped eyes lit up on Li Chengyi's helmet.


A circle of black air suddenly spread out from under his feet.

The black air swept through the black smoke and merged into the flames. In a few seconds, all the fires were extinguished and turned into a single black smoke.

But the high temperature around the flames disappeared instead of falling, getting hotter and hotter.

"A new type of exoskeleton?" Caddis said in a low voice. "Then give it a try and see who is stronger in actual combat!!"

Before the last word was pronounced, she had already exploded a sonic boom from mid-air.

At this time, she is in the burst mode, and she can reach the sonic boom level just by moving.

The stream of blue particles fell in midair like a meteor, rushing towards Li Chengyi.

This distance is only more than ten meters, and it doesn't take a second at all under the speed of sound.

Just a moment, a moment of a tenth of a second.

Cadiz came to Li Chengyi.

The hook fell head-on.


Li Chengyi raised his hand to block.

This time, his reaction nerves have been greatly increased, and he can barely keep up with the opponent's speed.

The hook collided with the scale of the flower scale, and the sharp hook and scale twisted and deformed at the same time.

Li Chengyi's other hand exploded with gentleness like lightning, and punched the opponent.

But the punch was dodged.

The short-distance moving speed of the speed of sound is too fast. Even if Li Chengyi can react, his own speed still cannot keep up.

Shadow Dragon is not a speed type, and if he had been a speed type back then, he would not have been able to escape from the quiet shop in the end.

But that doesn't mean he's absolutely at a disadvantage.

after all

Where he is really strong.

It's not a scale coat.

Instead, flower language!

'Flower Language·Hand of Intoxication. '

In an instant, Cadiz felt a strange and uncontrollable impulse gushing from the bottom of his heart.

She was about to distance herself again and dive to attack.

But this impulse forcibly controlled her, and she rushed towards the ground in front of Li Chengyi.

The speed is too fast, and sometimes it is also a kind of tragedy.

Just for a moment.

boom! !

She plunged into the ground like a ground drill, and her sharp hook was deeply hooked by the soil on the ground.

The entire upper itself, like a gopher, plunged halfway into the ground.

"!!??"what happened! ?

Cadiz couldn't understand what had happened to him. By the time she wanted to get up, it was too late.

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