Hidden Corners

Chapter 214 Chapter 214


As soon as these words came out, Wang Long, another male graduate student, couldn't help laughing.

"It's totally impossible. You have to pass the professional pilot's examination first. Only after that can you be eligible to apply for a political examination.

After passing the political review, you can get the special rainbow iron and make your own flying instrument. In the end, you are eligible to receive law training. This is top secret in our eleven universities, so don't even think about it if you don't have the qualifications. "

"So strict." Li Chengyi frowned.

"The biggest difference between professional and amateur is not only this. The key is that professional pilots study various tactics and train various equipment and weapon coordination every day. Amateurs are just playing." Wang Long said with a smile.

"Yes." Li Chengyi sighed.

"But don't worry, you can improve from basic subjects first." Tang Yuwei comforted.

"Speaking of which, Yuwei's own flying instrument has also been completed, but it is the last level of the special law training." Tang Zhiwei sighed.

"So powerful!?" Li Chengyi suddenly showed a shocked expression, and looked at Tang Yuwei, who was not surprising.

"It's okay. It's just that my constitution is not good enough. I have congenital Alzheimer's disease and my constitution is weak, and I am also allergic to gene potions and many medicines." Tang Yuwei looked a little sad.

Li Chengyi's face suddenly showed timely regret.

"It's a pity. If it weren't for bad luck, a genius like Miss Yuwei would definitely become a first-class professional pilot!"


This is the opportunity that the boss Syndra gave him.

For Tang Zhiwei, who wants to get a special rainbow iron under control just by paying some money, it is naturally impossible.

Ordinary rainbow irons can be bought outside, but special rainbow irons are top-notch resources that money cannot buy.

And becoming Tang Zhiwei's graduate student, investing 10 million into his liar project is just for this starting point and the possibility of contact.

The focus is still on Tang Yuwei.

"Has Miss Yuwei ever thought about changing her body?" Li Chengyi asked.

"It's useless. The brain cells of Olds patients also reject genetic drugs. One of the most important parts of the law training is to cooperate with drugs for consciousness training. If the training is successful, you can master many seemingly unbelievable terrifying control abilities." , and the gap between ordinary professional pilots is huge." Tang Yuwei shook her head and said.

"Let's not talk about this, everyone has his own destiny." Tang Zhiwei interrupted, raising his glass.

Seeing him holding up the wine glass, everyone swept away the atmosphere just now and clinked glasses.

From the corner of Li Chengyi's eye, he spotted Tang Yuwei. And you can still see a trace of unwillingness and sadness in her eyes.

Obviously, after putting in so much effort, it is definitely not a good feeling to end up at the last level.

And this is the breakthrough he found!

As a dead man, he couldn't and didn't have the time to learn various subjects from scratch. All he wanted was to make himself exoskeleton armor and weapons out of more advanced materials.

Because the special rainbow iron is a controlled material,

But now, Li Chengyi's thoughts have changed, he can't understand how the previous Li Shenhui's flying instrument suddenly shifted.

Thinking of this, he simply asked Tang Zhiwei.

Of course, the rhetoric is used. I have a friend who has seen something.

"This is the trick in the Zhongyi swordsmanship at Zhongyi University." Tang Zhiwei laughed. "Actually, that's not teleportation, but dispersion and reorganization in a very short period of time. It's just that the speed is too fast, and your friend can't see it clearly."

"Dispersion and reorganization in a very short period of time??!" Li Chengyi froze.

"Yes, professional pilots have many abilities that are quite powerful, and ordinary people can't understand them at all. Let's not talk about this, drink, drink!"

He continued to toast.

After drinking and eating.

After the group exchanged numbers, they went back to their respective homes.

Li Chengyi stood alone on the balcony of the hotel room, enjoying the cool breeze, thinking about the previous conversation.

"It seems that the previous plan was taken for granted." He frowned.

'It takes so long to become a professional pilot. I can't wait that long'

He couldn't help thinking of the girl Tang Yuwei.

If you want to get controlled materials and make your own exoskeleton and flying instrument, maybe it can only fall on this girl.

If it's someone else, maybe there's nothing you can do. But he is different.

If you can gain Tang Yuwei's trust and help her solve her congenital Alzheimer's disease, then...

But Olds disease is not so much a disease as a congenital deformity.

It's a generalized neural network deformity, it's not an injury. The Radiance Field cannot be repaired.

Modern medical technology so developed is powerless, which shows how troublesome it is.

When Li Chengyi saw this information, the first thing he thought of was not the Brilliant Force Field.

But the mother of hearts!

If Tang Yuwei can't stand the strengthening of medical technology, what about the direction of flower language?

Before leaving Suiyang, Li Chengyi specifically asked Rainbow Candy and the others how they felt after getting the Mother of Heart.

Everyone agrees that their bodies are getting better and better, and their spirits are getting better.

The whole has been strengthened in all directions.

This is also why he has the confidence to make a breakthrough from Tang Yuwei.

Moreover, the ability of Mother of Heart can also be used as a way to control Tang Yuwei in a disguised form.

"However, before that, we still have to get in and get Tang Yuwei's trust and acceptance, and then test, what is the situation of the ugliness and deterioration of the mother of the heart after she withdraws her power?"

Li Chengyi made up his mind about the plan.

The power of the mother of the heart can make people beautify, but it can also make people ugly and worse.

He has seen beautification before, but he has never used ugliness.

Think here.

He walked around the room a few times.

'The conditions in the mother of the heart, how can I truly accept me? '

Soon, he thought of a way.

Picking up his cell phone, he made a quick call.

"Xingtong, come to my room, there is something you need to do."


Without hesitation.

Soon, the door was knocked and opened by remote control.

Zhou Xingtong, whose hair was still a little wet, walked in in casual clothes.

"Boss, is there anything I can do?"

"See if we can get some small animals nearby. Well, big insects are also fine. Don't forget to bring the corresponding food, the cost will be deducted from the public expenses." Li Chengyi said.

"As long as it's small animals and insects?" Zhou Xingtong asked carefully.

"It's all right."


The door is closed.

Li Chengyi quietly thought about his future arrangements and plans, and time passed quietly.

After one hour.

Zhou Xingtong walked in carrying two small cages.

The cage is full of little white mice crawling around.

"There is a university laboratory near here. I contacted the phone number there and bought a dozen or so experimental mice at a higher price. Do you think it's okay?"

"Yes." Li Chengyi nodded and smiled. With this speed and efficiency, it was really suitable for Zhou Xingtong to be his secretary.

After putting down the cage, Zhou Xingtong left without asking what he was using it for.

The door was closed, and Li Chengyi lifted a small cage.

Carefully observe the mice inside.

These little mice were obviously frightened and kept running around in the cage.

'How to get true acceptance? ’ Li Chengyi thought for a while.

Suddenly he noticed that these mice seemed to have some injuries to some extent.

Apparently the lab people sold some of the injured mice on purpose.

He immediately opened the cage door, stretched out his hand and gently grabbed a little white mouse.

This mouse had a large piece of broken skin on its right forefoot.

"Poor little guy." Li Chengyi stretched out an index finger, and gently approached the little mouse's wound.

The invisible force field of brilliance was released slowly and silently, covering the injured area.


Visible to the naked eye, it can be seen that the wound has begun to darken and develop bleeding scabs.

Soon, the blood scab fell off, revealing smooth and tender red meat.

An injury healed in a matter of seconds.

Then Li Chengyi fed the little mouse some food, and continuously released the radiant force field to appease it.

About ten minutes later.

The little white mouse seemed to have stabilized a lot, and it no longer struggled casually in his hands.

Li Chengyi just kept releasing the radiant force field, but weakened the intensity to make him feel comfortable and warm.

"From now on, your name will be Bai Yi." Li Chengyi gently rubbed the mouse's head.

It was confirmed that the little mouse Bai gradually developed trust in him, and his heartbeat no longer accelerated, with fear.

Li Chengyi finally started his test.

He stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his left hand, activated the Mother of Flower Language Heart.

The invisible flower energy began to gather and condense in his palm.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

A purple-red round crystal slowly emerged.

The flower phantom of purple magnolia faintly emerges in the crystal.

This kind of crystal was named Huayuzhu by him.

Facing the little white mouse, Li Chengyi put the Flower Language Bead on its back, clinging to its hair.

Gradually, the Huayuzhu silently blended into its fur and disappeared.

"Sure enough, I'm accepted." Li Chengyi was overjoyed.

Flower language beads do not have to be swallowed, as long as they are touched.

But suddenly the joy on his face froze slightly.

Because the feedback from the Flower of Evil is here again.

This is the last flower language bead, which is bestowed by the mother of the heart, corresponding to the number of flower gods.

So far, he has opened five flower god positions. They are wisteria, gladiolus, sunflower, jellyfish, and purple magnolia.

Therefore, there can only be five flower language beads at most.

'I just said that it is impossible to split the flower language beads without limit, so it corresponds to the flower god position.'

The smile subsided.

Li Chengyi looked at the little white mouse in front of him and began to observe its changes.

Bai Yi didn't seem to know how to use Hua Yuzhu's ability at all, and still arched his nose foolishly, moving it in his palm.

Immediately, Li Chengyi didn't wait any longer. His purpose this time was not to see how the little white mouse beautifies himself.

Looking at Bai Yi, his thoughts moved. Activate the mother of heart's flower language ability towards the opponent.

'Do you want to take back the sub-body flower language beads? ’ An invisible feedback flooded into his mind.

'yes. '

Li Chengyi was sure, and then placed Bai Yi on the ground.


in a blink.

A streak of purple shot out from the back of the little mouse and merged into the back of Li Chengyi's hand.

He clearly felt that he could continue to divide the flower language beads and make new gifts.

And the little white mouse, Bai Yi, was still lying on the ground, nothing changed.

'Um? Are you all right? '

Seeing Bai Yi who hadn't changed much, Li Chengyi was a little disappointed.

Just when he thought nothing had really changed.


Suddenly, Bai Yi stopped.

It lay flat on the spot, motionless for a moment. It was as if the pause button had been pressed.

Only the chest rises and falls slightly, and it can be seen that it is still alive.

A thin, viscous sound like reptiles walking through the mud kept coming from Baiyi.

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