Hidden Corners

Chapter 228 Chapter 228

For a moment, the slime monster and the four of them looked at each other, but no one moved.

They observed each other for more than half a minute.

Several people confirmed that the silt monster had no aggressive behavior, and then slowly relaxed.

Li Chengyi walked forward slowly, stood in front of the mud monster, and observed it closely.

This guy has hands and feet, but is extremely thick, his neck is as wide as his head, and his body is nearly one meter thick. It looks like a wall from a close look.

The silt on his body was still flowing slowly and naturally, like sesame paste with little water, with many particles mixed in it.

"Hello?" Li Chengyi tried to speak.

Sludge Monster: "Gulu Gulu."

"To the left?" Li Chengyi tried to control it, and the voice was controlled by his mind and mouth at the same time.

But it was useless, the ooze monster didn't respond, and still stood there stupidly without moving.

Its cylindrical thick face has no facial features, only a flowing blackness.

"Can it move?" Li Chengyi stretched out his hand to touch the mud monster.

When your fingers touched its surface, it was icy cold, like touching plasticine.

The slime monster didn't respond, so let him touch it.



The whole body of the slime monster began to smoke, and a large amount of black smoke emitted, spreading upwards.

After half a meter of black smoke drifted out, it faded into invisibility and disappeared.

Accompanied by the smoke, the slime monster's body began to shrink rapidly, and within five or six seconds, it became smaller and smaller until it turned into a pool of black mud and stuck to the ground.

After a few more seconds, the mud on the ground also began to change color, faded and disappeared.

In the end, the entire slime monster disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.

"Two minutes and twelve seconds!" Xiao Zong reported the duration, "From the time this monster appeared to take shape until it completely disappeared at the end, it took a total of two minutes and twelve seconds!"

Li Chengyi nodded, squatted down and checked on the floor, and found that there was no mud at all with his hands.

Apparently the ooze monster has completely disappeared.

"It seems that there are still many secrets hidden in the dark city," he said in a deep voice.

"If we can find a way to control this monster, can we form a fighting team that is completely ours in reality?" Rainbow Candy asked a little excitedly.

"It's difficult." Li Chengyi shook his head. "This slime monster is not very powerful, and its duration is too short, and its movements are not fast. It can only deal with slow enemies. It is not very useful."

"It's more of research value. If you can find out how this thing is formed." Xiao Zong is also very interested.

Even if you are a blind person, you have encountered many strange things, but there are still very few anomalies like this that happen in reality.

"I'll go in later and get some more of these stones. Now let's get down to business. How did you find the prototype?" Li Chengyi got up and asked in a deep voice.

Several of them were people who had experienced big wind and waves, and quickly came back to their senses.

"No clue!" Skittles said in a deep voice, "We gathered Uncle Syndra's channels, but we didn't find any prototypes. But."

"but what?"

"But we discovered that the dark city is not a new blind spot, but has been recorded for a long time. Uncle Syndra's acquaintance helped us find some records at Baixing. It was a few blind spots more than ten years ago. Information about people who have entered and exited the dark city." Skittle Candy replied.

"Li En was able to enter more than ten years ago, which means that the dark city has existed for a long time. This does not prove anything." Li Chengyi said.

"Yes. What is valuable is some of the information they left behind." Rainbow Candy said, she took out the projection pen, pressed it, and pointed it at the wall on one side.

Suddenly, a circular light curtain appeared on the wall.

The light curtain clearly showed two young men with brown curly hair lying on a white hospital bed dying, with breathing masks on their faces and blood all over their bodies and necks.

"Hopkins and Li Jiade are the dead people who entered the dark city back then. They didn't disappear in the dead corner like many dead people did. Instead, they died of systemic organ failure after they came out. The reason is unknown." Rainbow Sugar introduced.

"The information left behind states that they escaped successfully through an invisible door in the dark city. Moreover, the dark city does not have any prototype of reality! According to them, this blind spot is changing every moment, and it will change with time." Constantly changing as the city changes. The point is that there are no prototypes.”

"They didn't find the prototype either?" Li Chengyi frowned.

"Yes." Skittle Candy nodded, "So Brother Yi, you must be careful this time, the information doesn't mention where the Invisible Gate is."

"The invisible door. I'll try to look for it." Li Chengyi nodded.

"If Li En can survive in the dark city, there must be some rules that can make it less dangerous. You must find it." Syndra reminded from the side, "The blind spot where Li En disappeared is not the dark city, which means he succeeded. Out of there, he can do it, and I believe you can too!"

He stared at Li Chengyi seriously.

"Don't worry, boss!" Li Chengyi nodded heavily.

The atmosphere here is a bit heavy, and the danger of the dark city is beyond doubt. Several people are a little worried.

The core of the company and the team is Li Chengyi. Once something happens to him, everything in front of him will collapse in an instant.

And they have long been used to trusting Li Chengyi, and under his leadership, they keep moving forward.

Now that this situation has happened, several people are a little uneasy.

"Next, let's talk about biological armor." Li Chengyi changed the subject. "Speaking of which, I didn't expect the gantry crane to be the first to activate the armor."

"Boss, what is the name of this biological armor? How does it function?" Xiao Zong was more concerned about the detailed data.

"You can call it Huahuanyi." Li Chengyi replied, looking at the thoughtful expressions of the three people, he continued, "This is the use of ultra-micro particle robot technology and the self-replication ability of robots to collect human body The impurities and various substances in the external environment, and then biochemically react to condense into a special armor substance."

"It's kind of mysterious." Rainbow Candy was taken aback when he heard that.

"It's normal. Everyone knows trees, right? Trees are very hard because their main element is carbon. But a large proportion of carbon comes from carbon dioxide in the air. Even big trees can turn carbon into wood from the air Wouldn't it be a piece of cake for such a hard substance and a more advanced particle robot?" Li Chengyi said seriously.


The three of them looked calm, and looked at him with a look of "Do you think I look like a fool?"

"Anyway, you all know that this fancy dress can increase your physical fitness except for your spirit, and the more times you wear it and the longer it lasts, the more your physical fitness will improve until it reaches a certain upper limit." Li Chengyi explained earnestly. .

"So advanced!? Uncle Syndra, does Baixing have such technology?" Baixing's technology is extremely advanced, Skittle Candy immediately looked at Syndra.

This guy used to be a member of White Star Top Capital.

"Well, I have indeed heard of it, but it is still in the laboratory stage. It is a project that combines biochemical technology and exoskeleton armor technology. However, this is the first time I have seen that kind of technology that is usually invisible and suddenly pops up. "Sindra was a little emotional, "Perhaps, it's a new improvement after I left."

After he finished speaking, he blinked slightly at Li Chengyi.

The movement was very subtle, only Li Chengyi saw it, and the other two didn't notice it.

Immediately, Li Chengyi understood that the boss was trying to smooth things over for him!

Ginger is indeed old and spicy.

And this acting is so lifelike!

"Judging from the situation of the Longmen Crane, it takes time to accumulate and the emotional fluctuations to reach a certain intensity to activate Hua Huanyi. This is the biggest guess, so you can try more when you are free." Li Chengyi urged.



Little Brown and Skittles agreed.

After talking about the matter, the three of them did not stay overnight, but left and went to a nearby luxury hotel.

The purpose is to avoid flashing into the dark city together.

Although their chances of flashing are very low, they are just in case.

In the dark city, if they are unlucky and encounter monsters, it will be instant kill for them.

So for the sake of safety, it is better for everyone to disperse far away.

In the middle of the night, in the basement of the villa.

Li Chengyi held a green light epee and stood in the middle of the open space. He calculated that the time was almost up, so he made all preparations in advance.

When there are enough evil thoughts, the flower gods are full of flowers, including purple magnolia and wisteria.

He intends to promote the wisteria flower first.

This Hualinyi, which can enhance all aspects of quality in a balanced manner, was what he relied on in the beginning, but now as the opponent becomes stronger and stronger, he gradually uses it less.

Now is the time to step it up.

'Evil thoughts: 163%'

Li Chengyi concentrated his thoughts, and lightly tapped his index finger on the wisteria grid marked with the flower of evil.


The evil thoughts of wisteria rose rapidly from 0 to a full value of 100.

A layer of faint purple light lit up from the first grid.

Belonging to the third evolution of wisteria, it was completely completed in just ten seconds.

The purple light faded and went out.

A trace of feedback flowed out from the flower of evil and entered his mind.

'Wisteria Flower Scale Clothes: 0% evolution rate for four times, evil thoughts: 0. Evolution times: 6.

Flower language: hand of obsession (alienated form of fear. All life forms that you touch will enter a state of compulsory obsession. The target of indulgence is the target specified in your mind in advance. The duration of indulgence depends on the comprehensive strength of life forms. Compared with own weak life, there is a probability of permanent fear dispelling)'


Li Chengyi was overjoyed.

The third evolution has obviously been comprehensively enhanced. The intoxicated hand of flower language can only take effect with two touches, but it only needs to be touched once, and the intoxicated hand can book the target in the heart first.

In this way, the convenience of operability is greatly improved.

This is simply a strong control skill in close combat!

Also, what is the effect of dispelling fear? It seems that it is not weak, and it needs to be tested later.

He was about to put on the flower scale clothes and try to see how the increase would be.

Suddenly, the vision in front of him became dizzy and distorted.

Li Chengyi's heart shuddered, he quickly grasped the green electric epee, took a deep breath, and stabilized his mind.


There was a flash in front of my eyes.

A large snowflake suddenly appeared in his vision.

After the snowflakes last for a few seconds, they slowly dissipate.

At this time, everything in front of him has completely changed.

The former basement has become an empty and dark city street.

He was standing in the middle of the driveway. The tall buildings on both sides are old and dilapidated, like rotten giant trees casting shadows, extending to the end of the distant field of vision.


Shrill sirens sounded over the city.

The faint gray mist in the air began to fade away.

'coming! '

Li Chengyi clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, and countless wisteria petals suddenly appeared around him.

The petals were flying around, like purple sand, forming a layer of beautiful purple-black armor on his body, like a work of art.

Compared with the previous Hualinyi, at this time, behind his arms and calves, there is an extra long and narrow spray hole like a knife mark on the armor.


Suddenly, a stream of purple-red particles sprayed out from the injection port. Reflect the surrounding ground into a lavender.

Boom! !

On the far side of the street, a familiar black figure, an armored silt monster, was holding a green electric epee and sprinting towards him at full speed.

With a click, Li Chengyi also raised the epee, stood it by his side, and stared at the monster that was approaching rapidly.

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