Hidden Corners

Chapter 231 Chapter 231

The air surged.

A gust of cool wind came in from the windows around the guild hall, blowing the corners of Li Chengyi's clothes slightly floating.

At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the scene on the zenith.

On a horizontal beam there, one can vaguely see a small box the size of a palm.

'Sure enough. Even when he was dying, he did not forget to point out clues to his own people. But why, why do you do it so covertly? Could it be that other than the people from their organization, there are other dead ends here? Or, this method of leaving only allows a fixed number of people to leave? Too many people? '

Li Chengyi's mind quickly flashed speculation.

He estimated the height of the lower beam, bowed slightly, and jumped up.


Just at this very moment.

The jets behind his arms and calves suddenly ejected streams of purple particles. A large number of particle streams formed a beautiful light and shadow like tulle in mid-air, propelling him to fly lightly.

This sudden auxiliary force made Li Chengyi a little flustered.

He reacted quickly in mid-air, and changed his direction with his arms up again. It was hard to avoid the ending of hitting the zenith with one head.

After rolling a few laps, he gradually adapted to the propulsion adjustment of his arms and calves.

This propelling particle flow can actually adjust the direction strength freely according to his ideas.

'sharp! Unexpectedly, after three evolutions, the wisteria flower still has this function! Even if you don't enhance your overall quality, this ability alone is worth it. '

Adjusting his lower body shape, he slowly floated to the beam, reached out to get the small black box on top, and then landed.


The box was opened, and inside was a stack of yellowed drawings.

Li Chengyi carefully took out the drawing and unfolded it.

On it, with crude techniques, are drawn instructions similar to comic strips.

A person, holding a black stone, places it on a tripod on a roof, and then stands back.

After a while, the tripod glowed faintly.

The light is marked with rough dotted lines, of unknown color.

Finally, a door opens, round and arched, also releasing light. In the center of the door, a figure like a key was drawn.

‘That means, the key is in this open door? ’ Li Chengyi probably understood.

As for the black stone before, it reminded him involuntarily of the stone he found from the silt monster.

Sure enough, turning over the back of the drawing, it was drawing that the black stone was taken out from the body of a silt monster.

"If this blueprint is true, then this key may be related to opening the invisible door"

Putting away the drawings, Li Chengyi took one last look at the mummy, turned around and left towards the exit.


The striped cat was still meowing, making Li Chengyi stop.

He turned around.

"Want to go together?" he whispered.

The striped cat looked up at him, but didn't move. It rubbed its head against the mummy's trouser legs again, then lay down and rested against the mummy.

Li Chengyi paused for a while, and did not make another sound.

The kitten has given him enough clues, and then, as long as he finds the roof with the tripod, everything will be solved.

Walking to the door, he carefully observed the outside. Did not see the existence of the armored ooze monster.

Then he rushed out quietly and jumped lightly on the street.


Four streams of purple particles spewed out from behind him, propelling him into mid-air.

He wants to look down from a high place and find the building with a tripod on the roof directly and as quickly as possible.

Li Chengyi flew up lightly, and Li Chengyi felt as if he was being held by the wind, floating up lightly.

He looked around, and in just a few seconds, he had already risen to a height of more than ten meters.

And the height is still increasing.

Twenty meters.

Thirty meters.

fifty meters.

Seventy meters!

Many surrounding buildings have already crawled under their feet, but there are still a few tall buildings, and only the waist can still be seen.

Li Chengyi first eliminated the surrounding small buildings one by one, and then checked the taller buildings one by one as the height increased.

There is something on the roof, which can be seen clearly at a glance from the top down.

The whistling wind became louder and louder, and the influence of the airflow became greater and greater, so he had to repeatedly adjust the jet direction and intensity of the particle flow, so as not to be blown away by the wind.

Not long.

Suddenly, a bright color appeared in Li Chengyi's field of vision.

It was an office building about ten stories high.

There is a sun room on the roof, and there are some withered vine branches on the ground.

On the edge of the roof facing the sun room, there is a silver-gray tripod standing.

The shape of the shelf is basically the same as that drawn on the drawing!

'found it! ’ Li Chengyi was overjoyed, quickly changed direction, and flew towards there.

The powerful adaptability of the shadow dragon bloodline allowed him to adapt to this light and floating way of flying in just a few minutes.

As the distance gets closer.


Suddenly, somewhere below, there was a slight noise.

Li Chengyi looked down.

There was nothing but silence below.

He narrowed his eyes and glanced around, making sure he found nothing, before continuing to fly towards the roof of the building.


Haven't flown off the roof yet.

The harsh siren sounded again.

Li Chengyi's complexion changed, and he turned his back, a dazzling golden light exploded in front of him instantly.



Deliberately touching the golden light with his hand, resulting in a huge driving force, brought him to accelerate instantly, and smashed down to the roof of the building like a bullet.

Before landing, he jetted out the particle stream rapidly, rolled over on the spot, lightly reduced the impact force, and rushed into the sunshine room door with precision.

laugh! !

at this time.

On the rock wall in the sky above, a huge gap slowly opened.

Inside the gap is the huge terrifying eye that covers the entire city.

The giant eyes turned slightly, looking down at everything in the city.

Soon, there was a slight scream, floating out from the corner, and then pieces of black ash-like things flew up and flew towards it.

The giant eye appeared for a full five minutes before slowly closing, disappearing, and sinking into the rock wall.

Li Chengyi has been hiding in the corner of the sun room, and also waited for five minutes, until the giant eyes of the outside world disappeared, and then slowly came out.

He also heard the screams just now.

‘Here, it seems that there are also new dead end people coming in. '

Standing on the edge of the roof, he looked down.

Abandoned and old neighborhoods were dark and dead silent.

There are no lights in the buildings, and the darkness is extremely dark, only lifeless.

Back before the tripod, he observed carefully.

The shelf is about three meters high, with a stone pillar erected in the center. There are some messy and indistinguishable lines and patterns carved on the pillars.

The overall shelf and stone pillars are silver-gray, while the pattern carvings are dark red.

Among all the patterns, there is a special space, which seems to be specially used for placing something.

'It's pretty smooth, I found the key point at once, and the next step is to find the silt monster. '

If he guessed correctly, the stones here should be the ones inside the slime monster.

After confirming the location here, Li Chengyi jumped down from the side of the building.

The jet of purple particles was buffered, and after a few seconds, he landed gently and stood on the street.


His feet hit the ground suddenly, and his whole body rushed out like a rocket, and began to move rapidly along the street.

Finding the ooze monster as quickly as possible was his only thought at this time.

One block, two blocks, three, four

Finally, on the sidewalk of the seventh block, he spotted a ooze monster.

This monster was leaning over to stuff a blackened man's body into its stomach.

While stuffing it, it also made a gurgling noise.


A dazzling golden light suddenly exploded from behind it.

In an instant, the almighty brilliance penetrated its entire body in a sneak attack.

A streak of golden light pierced through the back of its body like spikes. The intense purification and scorching heat made his whole body continuously steam a large amount of black air.

Glitter x4!

Four glowing flashes exploded in succession.


The whole body of the slime monster was like a biscuit, crushed, turned into fine powder, and collapsed to the ground.

Most of its body turned into black smoke, floating in the sky, and one of the black stones fell to the ground with a bang, rolled a few times, and stopped moving.

Li Chengyi bent down to pick up the stone.

After looking at the half of the male body left, he hurried back.

The dead end of the dark city is more dangerous than he thought, so it is best to get the key as soon as possible and find the invisible door.

Li En's clues are naturally to be investigated, but we must first find a way out before taking action.

Not long.

He returned to the roof of the office building.

Stand in front of the tripod and put the stone in your hand into the space of the stone pillar.


There was a soft sound.

The stone pillar suddenly turned automatically.

Then, the ground below it suddenly lit up with a red light. It's like an iron plate that has been baked red by a raging fire.

Silently, the stone pillar sank into the red light and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Li Chengyi stepped back quickly, opened the distance, and stared at the scene in front of him intently.

This kind of scene reminded him involuntarily of the situation when he summoned the secret sword before.

Both are very similar!

Slowly, in the red light, there is a two-meter-high silver-gray figure slowly rising out.

This is a large humanoid body covered in silver-gray thick armor.

On the head and chest, there are densely packed dark red luminous holes like honeycombs, like a burnt red stove, leaving messy air holes, from which hot air is constantly escaping.

There seemed to be two square boxes installed on the shoulders, and the sound of the chain gears' clicking and turning could be heard continuously from inside.

If these are considered to be in the category of science and technology, then the gray triangular shield with six sides floating around this human figure has become a special phenomenon that is completely incomprehensible.

The six-sided triangular shield slowly rotated around the human figure, and red fluorescent symbols lit up on the shield from time to time.

Each shield has a different symbol.


The arms of the silver-gray humanoid drooped, and a pair of sharp three-edged claws popped out from each wrist.

"Who are you?" Li Chengyi tried to communicate with the other party. At the same time, he also clenched the green electric epee in his hand.

Although the weight of a hundred catties on the epee could bear it, it affected his speed of movement, so he chose to hold one sword with both hands instead of two.

After all, the strength and toughness of this sword is very poor.

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