Hidden Corners

Chapter 245: Chapter 245

"That is to say, if we choose to completely merge and break through, we will be tied to you forever, the boss? We will be inseparable for the rest of our lives?" Skittle Candy concluded.

"It can be understood in this way."

"Then how much power can we gain?"

"I have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"Because... there are too many types of flower language, you can choose a flower language different from mine." Li Chengyi replied seriously.

"So, can you become very strong in a short time?" Rainbow Candy's eyes gradually brightened.


"That goes without saying." Skittle Candy actually didn't believe the boss's nonsense anymore.

As for the weird strong control ability just now, it can no longer be explained by technology.

The only explanation is that it comes from a blind spot.

It's just covered with a layer of technological skin as a cover.

But now, the boss is willing to share his strength with them, so that they can also fight for a way out in a dead corner.

What else do you say?

"I believe in you!" Rainbow Candy looked seriously into Li Chengyi's eyes.

"Really." Li Chengyi did not avoid the other party's gaze. "I hope you won't regret it."

"There's nothing you can do if you regret it. At least you have to live for two years before talking about it." Skittle Candy smiled.

"You're right. Since that's the case, let me explain to you how to determine the language of flowers." Li Chengyi changed the subject and said in a deep voice.

"The language of flowers. Is it related to flowers?"

"you know?"

"Boss, you circle around the flowers all day, who in the team can't see it?" Rainbow Candy sneered.

"You guessed it right." Li Chengyi also smiled, "Every kind of flower has its own unique flower language and flower illusion clothes."

"Every kind of flower? It really comes from flowers?" Skittle Candy was shocked.

"Yes. You can try to get in touch with flowers and inquire about different flower language abilities, so as to choose the flower language ability you want the most. Remember, you only have one chance." Li Chengyi reminded.

".This is too f*cking fantasy!?" Rainbow Candy said with a shocked face.

She observed Li Chengyi repeatedly to make sure that the boss was not joking with her, and then she was sure that it was true to choose the language of flowers from flowers.

"That's it. You can try it here, or you can try it slowly after you go back. I suggest you carefully choose the flower language as the main flower. This determines the upper limit of your future development." Li Chengyi carefully warned.

".I'll try it first!" Skittle Candy's eyes lit up, and after quickly inquiring about how to trigger the flower language query, she immediately turned around and ran away towards the distance.

You don't even need to think about it, you know you are looking for flowers that you can touch.

It's a pity that there are not many flowers blooming in the desert at this time of year.

Li Chengyi shook his head slightly, turned around and returned to his residence.

Soon, time passed, and the next morning was early.

The two 'sisters' of Skittle Candy and Longmen Diao came to knock on his door early in the morning.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The door opened with a click.

"What's the matter?" Li Chengyi was sleeping soundly. He had studied the fusion of flower language abilities for a long time at night, and planned to sleep more to rest his mind. Unexpectedly, these two guys came to knock on the door before seven o'clock.

Although "Boss" Skittle Candy has bags under her eyes, her eyes are terribly bright.


"What really?" Li Chengyi was speechless.

"What you said is true!" Skittle Candy took a step forward, with countless stars shining in his eyes.

Flower Language and Flower Magic Clothes are all artifacts that can be used in blind spots!

In this way, their chances of survival will be greatly improved!

This is simply a revolutionary change for the dead man!

"Have you tried?" Li Chengyi raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, but it's uncertain! There are too few types here!" Rainbow Candy nodded, her face full of excitement.

"Don't divulge the secret, explore slowly by yourself." Li Chengyi urged.


The Longmen Crane on the side looked confused, not knowing what they were talking about.

After the two finished speaking, he quickly interjected.

"Okay, okay, the Nuoer Group sent a message. They found the clues of the Book of Records in the Black Road Oasis in the center of the desert. If we want to go to the Black Road Oasis, we need to go through four checkpoints in the middle."

"You have to go through one by one to reach the last black road oasis. Therefore, most of the other dead end teams have set off now. Boss, please let me ask Joan, what are we going to do now?"

"Hey! Did he think he was playing a game? We're going to pass through every level, and we won't fly straight in?" Rainbow Candy said disdainfully.

"Nor's people said that the center of the desert is the territory of the Silver Cup Sand Bandit Army, and if they fly in, they will be blown up by missiles." Longmen Hang explained.

"Is Su Tan so messed up? What about the government army? They won't encircle and suppress such a big pile of sand bandits!?" Skittle Candy was shocked.

"This place is really chaotic. Many forces are fighting on their own and occupying territory. The official is similar to the boss of the largest territory. It's not like Yiguo and Baixing, which are all in a unified situation." Li Chengyi said.

"Then what should we do now?" Skittle Candy looked at him.


Li Chengyi let the two of them in, sat down, and poured a glass of water for each of them.

"Other teams have started to set off. There are at least 20 teams from Shalinpo, and there are still a lot of scattered people. Boss, if we don't prepare, it will be too late!" Longmen Hang saw that the boss was still thinking about it. Drinking water, suddenly more urgent.

"Don't worry." Li Chengyi smiled, "We will go, but we won't rush to the front."

"I see. Brother Yi, do you want the oriole to be behind?" Rainbow Candy reacted.

"That's not true. Just in case the book of records is the same as the blue book, and we can use it as soon as we get it, we can't make a long distance." Li Chengyi replied.

"What I want to talk about is the surrounding situation."

"The surrounding situation?" Skittle Candy thoughtfully, "Yes, there is something wrong. Brother Thug made such a big incident here before, but he came here this time. The officials here haven't taken action against us yet, even if they don't. , at least there should be some follow-up. But until now it's been quiet."

"What does this mean?" Li Chengyi asked.

"It means that they are probably not in a hurry." Skittles replied.

"Either they are held back by other things, or the place we are going this time is very dangerous. They may want to let us use up our strength before doing it." Li Chengyi replied.

"It makes sense." Even Longmen Crane could understand this.

The two nodded in unison.

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Let's look for our clues first." Li Chengyi explained, "The clues of the Nuoer Group will never be easily obtained. Judging from this posture, they just want to use us. So, let's go find Hans first. "

"Hahns" Skittle Candy's complexion changed slightly, "I was busy doing that before, and forgot to tell the boss, Hans' location is in the black road oasis in the center of the desert!"

"The destination given by Nuoer Group is also there. It seems that it should not be a coincidence." Li Chengyi frowned.

"Could it be that our information leaked?" Rainbow Candy whispered.

"Impossible, we'll find out if we take a closer look at that time." Li Chengyi said.




Inside the city of Belgastin.

Luxurious and elongated silver aircraft slowly landed in front of the green tower, the largest signal shielding tower in the city.

In the middle of the green tower, there is a unique luxurious banquet hall, which is specially used for the top rich officials in the city to entertain distinguished guests.

At this time, Mistin, the chairman of Nuoer Group, entered the door with a smile on his face and took a seat.

Like him, there are five other figures in total.

Huang Zhiheng, Chairman of Zhicheng Capital.

Trien Dondis, the principal of Andelin Technology.

Mayor Kabe West Union.

Deputy Mayor Midland Xia.

And the last person, Major General Simon of the Military Department.

There were six people present, five of whom were the highest power holders in control of the entire Belgastin.

Their power and manpower, across the economy and officialdom, are enough to form a huge alliance of interests in the entire city and many surrounding small towns.

But this time, it was their negotiated plan to attract dead people to come and consume the Black Road Oasis.

Its name is: Operation Oasis.

Wait until everyone is seated.

The lights gradually dimmed.

In midair, a huge suspended hexahedral light curtain suddenly appeared.

It is clearly shown on the light curtain that all the dead-end people teams located in Shalinpo are gradually embarking on the road to the Black Road Oasis.

"There are a total of 20 dead-end teams participating, with nearly a hundred scattered people. These numbers are barely enough to explore the way. I don't think this group of lunatics and psychopaths can consume much of the power of the Silver Cup Sand Pirates." Mayor Kabe is a weak-tempered moustache The red-haired man was pinching the mustache on his lips, frowning and staring at the light curtain.

"Don't underestimate them. This group of people are almost all dead fighters who are not afraid of death. According to the statistics of the world's psychological diagnosis and treatment, most of the dead people prefer to die in reality, rather than dying in fear. So they really want to fight It still looks very deterrent." Mistin said with a gentle smile.

"Mistin, did you really put the so-called secret treasure in the oasis?" Deputy Mayor Midland, a blond and blue-eyed glamorous mature woman, looked here with a little curiosity.

"Of course it's true, otherwise how could it attract so many blind people?" Mistin laughed. "But don't worry, they won't get the final reward."

"Aren't you afraid that they will really break through the sand bandit blockade?" Huang Zhiheng of Zhicheng Capital sneered.

"It doesn't matter, if Sand Pirates can't keep them, wouldn't there be everyone here?" Mistin replied. "At that time, the muzzle of the gun will be slightly crooked, and the coverage area of ​​the missile will be slightly larger. Just say that they died under the sand robber's weapon."

"That is to say, you never planned to fulfill your promise from the beginning to the end?" Huang Zhiheng asked with raised eyebrows.

"No, I'm a person who keeps my promises." Mistin shook his head, "Because I will definitely keep it, so... I won't let them have the possibility to realize this."

"I heard that the thug may come this time?" Simon, as a representative of the military department, suddenly said.

"I don't know, but there are three members of the Destiny Garden who belonged to the mob. They are very courageous." Mistin replied.

"In order to prevent them from escaping, I decided to send someone to arrest the three of them first." Simon said solemnly.

"Hehe. General Simon has a good plan. Behind the thugs there is a complete new exoskeleton system, and its power can even compare to the existing complete body transformation. Which one of you here doesn't know? Capture those three people and use them to threaten the thugs. Obtain the complete technical system behind it. This is probably what everyone wants to do.” Huang Zhiheng of Zhicheng Capital once again tore through the disguise.

Simon looked around in silence for a while, and found that everyone was tacitly aware of it, and there was no surprise on their faces.

"I can take a step back. That Li Chengyi must be handed over to me."

"Yan Xincai belongs to us! I like this kind of girl with delicate skin and tender flesh the most," the deputy mayor Midland said with a smile.

"I want Ji Shenglong. Everyone, remember to get the person, don't rush to do it, first interrogate the important information, compare them separately, and deal with it after confirming the correctness." Mistin reminded.

"You don't need to say that." Simon replied coldly.

Li Chengyi destroyed the test site for their ideal town many times. If they don't get the technology industry chain behind the thugs this time, their previous thanks will be in vain.

"So, when will we do it?" Mystin asked.

"Each of our families has a team of people to work together," Simon said. "Using the anonymous complete body, a quick solution, to avoid leaving traces of problems."

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Then, it's settled." Simon said in a deep voice.

Complete transformation of human beings is extremely expensive for ordinary people, but it is nothing to monopolies like them.

But this time, they teamed up and dispatched more than double-digit numbers in one go, led by two powerful masters whose strength is comparable to that of Ideal Township Zhou Yan, they will definitely be foolproof and complete the task quickly.

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