Hidden Corners

Chapter 259: Chapter 259

Noon on March 14.

Suiyang Yong'an Garden.

"Ah!! Finally home!!"

The Longmen Crane slammed on the big soft bed, feeling exhausted and didn't want to move anymore.

It took less than ten days to go to Su Tan this time, but it made him feel like a year.

Struggling on the edge of life and death several times, it almost fell into a box.

Fortunately, the last boss gave his strength.

"When you come back this time, take a good rest. Also, don't forget to read the information I gave you." Li Chengyi took off his coat and hung it on the hanger in the living room, his voice was heard far into the bedroom.

"Wait for me to take it easy. There is no rush for this matter, we must be absolutely careful!" Long Men Diao's mouth was covered by the quilt, and his voice was muffled.

"Right!?" Suddenly he jumped up and looked around, "Where's Sister Tang?"

"It's opposite the botanical garden." Li Chengyi sat down and turned on the TV. "She must have made her own decision."

He is also looking forward to the choice of Skittles.

Because according to the characteristics of the purple magnolia, after the daughter body chooses flower language, it will evolve a whole body strength.

At that time, even his main body may be strengthened.

In addition, he also wants to see what kind of chain reaction will be triggered after Rainbow Candy chooses the flower language.

"Then shall we go and see it now?" Longmen Diao suddenly became interested.

"No hurry." Li Chengyi leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested quietly, "Choice is often a difficult thing."

He has given the flower language information he collected to Skittles, and she must have made a decision about how to choose.

Inside the botanical garden.

Skittles stood in the greenhouse full of flowers, looked around, with a faint look of uncontrollable anticipation in his calm face.

She walked forward step by step without any hesitation, until she came to a cluster of purple flowers.

There are many flowers that are not in season in the greenhouse. This is the variety that Li Chengyi purchased in advance for experimentation, trying to test the influence of seasons on flower language.

The experimental results are of course useless.

Flowers that are not open in season have no flowery appearance at all, and are of no use other than beautiful.

According to the conclusion of the deduction, it must take a long enough time to accumulate enough flower energy.

But when it comes to Skittle Candy, it can be used as an introduction to choose a flower language.

Anyway, it's just a choice, and it doesn't take much fuss.

At this time, Skittle Candy was standing at the representative flower garden that Li Chengyi had planted for all their members.

Each team member corresponds to a main flower.

If they die, the flowers here represent them, and they will live together with their ashes.

This is Li Chengyi's promise to them.

And now.

Skittle Candy looked at the various flowers in this small garden, and suddenly understood why the original boss suddenly represented them in this way.

'Then, my main flower should be.'

Her eyes wandered, and she quickly locked on a dozen or so purple flower clusters.

After reading the flower language list given by the boss, she thought about it a lot and for a long time, but in the end, she decided to choose the flower she liked from the beginning.

Purple Hydrangea.

reach out.

Skittles lightly touch the tiny balls of purple hydrangea petals.

Suddenly, a faint cool air flow flowed into the palm along her fingertips, and then flowed into the heart of her body.

Suddenly, a clear message came into her mind.

'Purple hydrangea: alias hydrangea, hydrangea family, Hydrangea genus, deciduous shrub, likes warm and humid, not drought-tolerant, not too much water, not drought-tolerant, likes semi-shady environment, suitable for fertile and well-drained soil environment, flowering period: June-August.

It should be noted that the whole plant of purple hydrangea is poisonous. Once it is contaminated with its juice, it should be washed with plenty of water in time. Because of its toxicity, it can also be used to treat heart diseases. '

'Flower language: the heart of aggregation. '

‘Do you choose purple hydrangea as the main flower? '

'.!!?' Skittles opened her eyes wide, carefully feeling the information that suddenly flowed into her mind.

‘Is this biological armor! ? '

She finally understood why the boss had to raise so many kinds of flowers all day long.

The language of flowers This is the language of flowers! ?

Standing still for a few seconds, Skittles took a deep breath and looked at other flowers of various colors around.

"Yes, sure, choose!"

She was afraid that she would not be able to choose, so she said it three times in a row.

'It has been confirmed that the purple hydrangea is the current main flower. '


A faint lavender light inexplicably bloomed from the heart of Skittle Candy.

She could clearly sense that her whole body seemed to be under the purple light, slowly relaxing, as if soaked in an extremely comfortable hot spring, unable to extricate herself.

Soon, new information came out.

'The main flower has been determined: purple hydrangea. '

'Flower Language: Heart of Convergence (Consciously control objects to merge into one, the control distance and the quality of the control object are determined by the strength of your own consciousness, and you can control invisible energy)'

'The degree of evolution of the flower scale clothing: 0.1%, the number of evolutions: 4.'

united heart

The purple light in Skittles' heart quickly and slowly dissipated.

She withdrew her hand and looked at the group of purple hydrangeas in front of her. Everything that happened just now seemed like a dream, without any sense of reality.

She stretched out her hand, and her right hand was suddenly and silently covered with a new layer of flower illusion clothes.

The Huayiyi is no longer the silvery white it was before, but pure purple.


The purple, matte armor is covered with purple hydrangea petal patterns.

Not only that, the thickness of the flower scale clothes is also much stronger than before.

At this moment, Skittles can clearly feel that there is a trace of new breath in his body, which is constantly moving and flowing.

Every time the breath flows through, the muscles, skin and bones of that place will give off an extremely comfortable feeling.

It seemed that this breath was slowly strengthening her body.

"I didn't expect you to choose it." Li Chengyi's voice came from behind.

He didn't know when he came over, and he was standing no more than five meters away from her.

There were no other staff around, and he took the initiative to dismiss them all.

Skittles was not surprised and turned around.

"Next, what should I do?"

"Wait." Li Chengyi said.


"When the purple hydrangea is in season, it will fully bloom. Then... seek new evolution." Li Chengyi said, "As you evolve, you will become stronger and stronger."

"Evolution." Skittle Candy was thoughtful.

She still wanted to ask, but found that Li Chengyi had already turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, Li Chengyi was also surprised.

After Skittles chose to determine the main flower, he also received corresponding feedback.

Not others, but the main flower of purple magnolia.

A trace of cool flower energy emerged from the grid of the purple magnolia, flowed into his body, and began to strengthen all parts of his body.

This kind of strengthening is not much, and it is equivalent to the level he can get by choosing the main flower again.

Much weaker than Shadow Dragon Bloodline.

But something is better than nothing.

Moreover, the purple magnolia offspring are determined according to the number of flower gods. The more flower gods, the more offspring, and the more natural enhancements.

After leaving the botanical garden, he did not go to other places, but left the book of records to Syndra and the others to study. He asked Zhou Xingtong to arrange the company's aircraft and went directly to Zhaoshan City.

Zhaoshan City was also the place where he followed Syndra to investigate the dead corner of Fog Street.

And the blind corner of Wujie is the blind corner where Shanlihong is found.

After one hour.

On the gray driveway, Li Chengyi sat in the car, looking at the street outside through the side window.

The old building is no different from the last time I came here. Under the building is a mess of various shops.

A large number of cheap cars are parked in a row on the side of the road, occupying a lot of space in the driveway.

Occasionally, I can pass by a large-scale night entertainment store, but because it is daytime, the doors are closed.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Zhou Xingtong asked while driving the car.

Because of the assisted driving system, she is not tired even after driving for such a long time.

"Go to the Guanghe Farm in the suburbs." Li Chengyi had already checked the information and had a purpose in mind.


The car slowly accelerated along the road, turned several street corners in a row, and soon drove out of the city and headed towards the suburbs.

Not long after, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and the car finally arrived at Guanghe Farm.

The management staff of the farm had already brought people to wait at the gate.

The car stopped slowly.

Zhou Xingtong got out of the car and opened the door for Li Chengyi.

"Welcome, welcome, Mr. Li, I'm Zhao Xiaosi, the manager of the farm." The manager is a woman under 30 years old, her temperament and appearance are different, and she is not mature enough for her age.

"Manager Zhao, I heard that you plant a large number of hawthorns here, and you also have a special product, hawthorn juice. I happened to pass by here, so let's take a look." Li Chengyi smiled.

"Yes, our farm's specialty products are white pearl corn, big ball hawthorn, and football sweet potato."

"Is the hawthorn blooming now?" Li Chengyi interrupted her.

"Ah, there are already a few blooms, but because the season is not here, it usually blooms in April, so now most of them are buds." Manager Zhao replied quickly.

"Then let's go and see the Hawthorn Garden first."

Li Chengyi suggested.

He wants to study and study, what is the difference between the red in the mountains in Zhaoshan.

Why does Shanlihong in Wujie turn the language of flowers into a method of success?

Without wasting any time, the group went directly to the farm and walked towards the hawthorn garden.

Manager Zhao kept trying to sell other things on the farm, but Li Chengyi just dealt with it casually.


A hawthorn tree several meters high appeared in front of everyone.

Some of these trees already had clusters of small white flowers.

These small flowers are crowded together, in clusters of more than a dozen, distributed among the large dark green leaves.

The petals are white, the stamens are light yellow, and the filaments grow from the center of the stamens, and some of the ends are black and some are pink.

This is Shanlihong, the little flower that Li Chengyi met in the blind corner of the foggy street.

He asked Manager Zhao and the others in a low voice, and after getting permission, he stepped forward alone, stretched out his hand, and gently touched a small hawthorn flower that was shorter.

Soon, a trace of cool air flowed into the fingertips.

'Shanlihong: Alias ​​red fruit, big hawthorn, small deciduous tree in Rosaceae, likes cool and humid environment, the fruit can appetize and eliminate food, strong adaptability, cold and high temperature resistance, flowering period from April to June. '

'Flower language: the only heart (when faced with multiple choices, you can use flower language to determine your only desired goal. The more multiple choices, the greater the impact, and the more energy and time you need to consume)'

"This flower language." Li Chengyi frowned slightly.

It has to be said that many flower language itself has an inexplicable meaning.

Like this one, if someone who knows how to use it gets it, it could be of great use.

And if someone who doesn't know how to get it, at most it can be used to buy lottery tickets or speculate in stocks. It is of little use except to make some money.

'Now it seems that Shanlihong itself may not have anything to do with the set of heaven and earth, but it should be affected by external influences, resulting in flower mutation and pollution. Just like what I got. '

Jie Mao Feilian's flower language itself is not the blood of the shadow dragon.

Li Chengyi has also considered, and has been improving the knot and fly, so as to purify the dragon's blood, but unfortunately this kind of flower is basically a wild flower, and it is impossible to find a large scale.

So now he has purchased all kinds of wild plants in his botanical garden and started planting them in large quantities. Then wait for flowering.

Because the flowering period of Jiemaofeilian is from May to October, and the flower energy needs time to accumulate. So now we can only wait patiently.

He wouldn't be in such trouble if the plant wasn't a biennial or perennial.

After confirming that the mutation of Shanlihong has little to do with its own flower language, Li Chengyi quickly bid farewell to the farm and went to another key location.

Baijia Bookstore.

The old man of the Bai family has a lot to do with the dead corner of Wu Street, so he might be able to find clues.

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