Hidden Corners

Chapter 264 Chapter 264

beep beep.

While talking, suddenly the phone rang.

It's Li Chengyi's cell phone.

He glanced at Da Xiong, motioned for him to wait, and took out his cell phone from his pocket.

The caller ID is Little Brown.

He pressed the connect button.

"Hi, I'm here at Big Bear Hospital, what's the matter?"

"." There was silence on the phone for a while, until Li Chengyi almost thought that there was something wrong with the phone, and Xiao Zong's voice came out.

"Boss, I just died once!"

"!?" Li Chengyi was taken aback.

"Where are you now!?" he asked quickly.

"In the company"

"I'll come right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Chengyi looked at Big Bear.

"I'm going to the company, you immediately help me sample bone blast cells!"


ten minutes later.

With Li Chengyi's active cooperation and complete relaxation, the osteoblasts were sampled a little by the puncture needle and put into a petri dish.

After the sampling, the two quickly left the hospital and went to the headquarters of Mingyuan Company in Suiyang.

At the same time, other team members also rushed to the company.

The person facing away is also the back view, this special blind spot that appeared for the first time, gradually began to show terrifying lethality.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Mingyuan company headquarters building.

In the sixteen-story silver building, only a small half of the area was lit.

In the area of ​​the underground three-storey garage, an open space was separated here to accommodate the two dead-end people who were targeted by the person with their backs.

When Li Chengyi and others arrived, Xiao Zong was also here.

The boss led people to block the surrounding entrances and exits.

In the empty underground garage.

Longmen Hang was chatting with Syndra in a low voice, while Skittles was holding a silver-white instrument alone, not knowing what to do.

Xiao Zong stood in a corner and explained something to the company employees.

Li Chengyi and Da Xiong came down from the entrance, and at a glance they saw a separate glass room standing in the middle of the garage.

In the glass room sat two dead-end people who were eating.

Among the two, one is a middle-aged woman with a fat body, dressed in a wide T-shirt and black trousers, she does not look like a rich person, and is no different from ordinary people who go to the market to buy vegetables early in the morning.

The other was a stooped old man with white hair. Look at the age of at least eighty or more. The clothes are very elegant, but the strong fear can be clearly seen in the eyes.

"Boss, are you here!?" Seeing Li Chengyi coming down, Xiao Brown was the first to approach. Look a little tired and excited.

"Well, what's the situation? What do you mean by dying once?" Li Chengyi asked quickly.

Xiao Zong waved his hands to let the employees go down.

After everyone had left and only the team members were left, he opened his collar to reveal the collarbone area.

At the collarbone, there was only one blue crescent mark that appeared inexplicably last time.

"That's the mark! I obviously felt dead at that time. My whole body exploded, like a balloon. It burned up, scattered all over my body, splashed, decomposed, and scattered into the air, just like gasification."

"But more than ten minutes later, I was lying on the floor where I was, with all my clothes gone, but I was still alive!" Xiao Zong said solemnly, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Apparently, being dead feels bad.

"You mean this crescent moon, you resurrected?" Li Chengyi frowned.

"I remember the boss mentioned before, when in the dark city, Li En's subordinates, that is, the members of the Krait, once mentioned that the crescent moon mark has the effect of offsetting death. Now it seems that it is true." Big Bear On the sidelines.

"The two people in the glass room are the blind people who were affected this time?" Li Chengyi asked.

"Yes. One of them is Li Pinmei and the other is Tang Kai. They are both company customers, and when they came to the company, they were influenced by the first person who entered the dead end of the person who turned their backs. They are considered to be flashers." Xiao Zong explained.

"The most troublesome and dangerous thing about this blind spot is that it is extremely easy to flash. Even if you are not a high-frequency flasher like the boss, you can easily enter. It's just... like a virus!" He recalled the previous experience, and now And a little scared.

Li Chengyi patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the boss and Longmen Crane.

"Boss, do you have any clues?"

"It's very troublesome. Within five meters, people in the dead corner may be pulled in at any time." Syndra shook her head, "The only rule I understand is that this dead corner will respond to the mental strength of the dead corner person. Consciousness The higher the intensity, the slower she turns her head."

"Ever tried to attack?"

"I tried everything, including high-power explosives, but nothing worked. All attacks have no effect on it except for destroying the surrounding environment."

"What about physical strength?"

"no effect."

"." Li Chengyi looked at the two people in the glass room, frowning.

He is now also entangled by this person who turned his back on, and there is also a person who turned his back on the company.

Obviously, this is no accident.

How could it be such a coincidence that they both entered a blind spot together?

"After the dark city, it seems that some dead ends have changed." He suddenly said.

"Have you tried the Black Sea Ritual?" He asked again.

"I tried it, it seems...it made her turn around faster." Xiao Brown raised her hand.

"." Li Chengyi was speechless.

Walking to the glass room, he quietly watched the two people inside.

'Etherine? '

'What's wrong brother? '

This time, he carried a part of Iserine's phalanx on his body. The two connected through the phalanx, and they could talk to Iserine through a half-intervention way of holding hands.

'If I meet someone from behind again, can you pull me out in time? '

'You can try it. With the strength of my brother's consciousness, the turning speed of the figure should be enough for us to escape temporarily. ’ answered Etherine.

'Okay, let's try. '

A hint of determination flashed in Li Chengyi's eyes.

Now that he is entangled by this thing, he must come up with a solution as soon as possible.

After confirming that there was no problem, he turned around and looked at several people.

"I'll flash in and try. Don't let anyone come near you."

Everyone nodded slightly.

"give it to me."

Syndra solemnly said.

He turned a jewel at the tip of his cane.




There were several loud bangs in a row, and all the entrances and exits of the garage were blocked.

After Li Chengyi made sure there was no problem, he walked to the entrance of the glass room.

Open the door and enter.

The inside of the glass room is one-way, and the outside world cannot be seen.

The two people inside heard the movement and turned to look at him.

The old man meticulously took out a tissue and wiped his mouth.

"Can you test it with an older one?" He said in a low voice.

"Why?" Li Chengyi was surprised.

"It's unnecessary for a young man like you to save hopeless people like us." He seemed to know something and guessed something.

"I may not be able to save you." Li Chengyi shook his head.

"Then it's not worth it." The old man stood up and turned around. "After I became a blind man, my two sons didn't care about me anymore, and one daughter secretly bought me personal disability insurance. Everyone ran away from me, for fear that I would infect them and bring them in."

"In the end, it was you strangers who didn't know who helped me."

"Haven't we always been like this?" Li Chengyi said. "So it's best not to let your family know your situation so easily."

The middle-aged woman on the side was still eating, but her body trembled as she ate.

Big tears were dripping into the rice bowl, but she still didn't make a sound.

"Aren't you afraid?" The old man looked at Li Chengyi with doubts in his eyes.

"Is it useful to be afraid?" Li Chengyi asked back.

"Everyone knows it's useless, but there are always people who are lucky. They always hope that others will stand in front and withstand the danger." The old man lowered his head and gently wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

"So don't expect anyone to save you from the beginning. The only thing you can control is yourself." Li Chengyi said.

"Yes. I should have understood earlier." The old man squeezed out an ugly smile, "We blind people should have betrayed us."

He raised his head and looked at Li Chengyi.

"Watch out. She's coming!"

Li Chengyi's heart tightened, and he turned around suddenly.

One meter behind him, a black-haired woman in a white skirt stood in the glass room at some unknown time.

"Tell me, if I don't wait for her to turn around, but take the initiative to walk over to see her, what will happen?" the old man asked.

He obviously also saw the person who turned his back.

"I don't know." Li Chengyi said.

"I want to try it. Perhaps, putting it to death and reviving it is also a way to survive."

The old man showed a smile and took a stride, as if using all his strength, he rushed towards the person with his back.

Li Chengyi didn't stop him, but just watched quietly.

Not everyone in the dead end can still have the care of family members like Skittles.




The old man ran three steps, turned to the side of the person with his back, and saw her profile.

He opened his eyes wide, and suddenly his whole body froze.


A little black flame ignited out of thin air from under his feet, and kept going up, igniting his clothes.

"Of course not."

In the blink of an eye, his whole body turned into a human-shaped torch.

It was completely surrounded by black flames, after a few seconds.

The black fire dissipated, but it didn't affect anything around it, and even the ground remained the same without a trace.

people die.

But the person who turned his back didn't disappear, he didn't dissipate because of the dead person, but continued to turn towards Li Chengyi.

'Flower Language Fortress. '

The ultimate flower scale clothes of gladiolus covered Li Chengyi's whole body.

The golden long sword was held in the palm of his hand.

Layers of strengthened golden light belonging to the fortress kept passing over him. There is no physical city wall released, but only layer-by-layer strengthening effects.

same time.

Within ten meters around, a circle of pale golden flames rose slowly.


Li Chengyi bowed slightly, his whole body gathered softness, and his eyes locked on the target.

'A must-hit blade! ! '

Clang! !

The golden sword streaked across the lightning like a beam of laser light, instantly crossed the distance, and hit the back of the woman in the white skirt.

boom! !

At the same time, a piece of black fire blocked the front of the sword out of thin air, like a solid wall, firmly blocking the blade from moving forward.

"There is an entity!!"

"She has a body!! Can hit!"

Etherine's voice came faintly with excitement.

But Li Chengyi couldn't hear it now.

He saw countless golden lights turning into silk threads, flying out from the surrounding fire circle, entangled the person whose back was facing, and forcibly pulled him out from somewhere.

A large number of black flames gushed out from under the skirt of the person facing away, and merged into the flames blocking his sword edge.

Consciousness and physical strength are all being consumed rapidly.

The golden light and the black fire are also rapidly canceling out.

At this moment, the person whose back was turned turned around as before. Although it is very slow, it is obvious that it still has spare power! Can continue to turn around!

According to the opponent's speed, it only takes five minutes to turn around completely and look at Li Chengyi.

Time passed little by little.

One minute.

two minutes.

four minutes.

‘Brother, prepare to withdraw! ’ came Etherine’s voice faintly.

"Withdraw?" Li Chengyi's face under the helmet was slightly grim. He could feel that the person with his back was really strong, but he wasn't as incomprehensible as he thought.

at least

'Flower Language·Hand of Obsession. '

Suddenly, a slender golden sword emerged from his other hand, passed over the skirt of the person facing away, and touched the ground.


The person with his back turned his head for five minutes. At this moment, following the ground pointed by the sword tip, he twisted suddenly and looked back.

Li Chengyi withdrew his sword, stepped back quickly, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Before you said she couldn't be touched? Isn't it possible to touch her now?"

‘Brother, how did you do it! ? ’ Estherine’s shocked voice came faintly from around.

'She turned the first five minutes once, and now she can touch it, just in time for various experiments. ’ said Li Chengyi.

'But she will turn around after all? ’ said Etherine.

‘It’s okay, let her turn back when the time comes. '


This test was a little different from what Li Chengyi had expected. The Flower Language of Destiny did not get rid of the person who turned his back, but it seemed to forcibly pull him out from an untouchable level.

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