Hidden Corners

Chapter 297 297 Fighting 1

Under the blue sky.

The royal airship with pale gold patterns, like a bird with broken wings, tilted and smashed heavily towards the auditorium below.

The huge airship with a length of hundreds of meters crashed down from the top with a huge shadow.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud explosion.

A layer of white shimmer appeared above the Budokan, firmly resisting the impact of the falling airship.

That is the protective force field of the Budokan itself. It is also a device used to seal off the guild hall and not allow random entry and exit from inside and outside.

But at this moment, under the impact of the airship, the force field device violently stirred up circles of ripples. May crash at any time.

The crowd in the auditorium screamed and fled in all directions in horror. In just a few seconds, a large area of ​​seats ran away.


With the impact of the airship, the entire hall suddenly made a muffled sound, and all the devices that needed electrical support quickly fell silent at this moment.

"There is a problem with the supply line!!" The host Xiaolei said loudly, "Anyone with a mobile phone signal, please call the police immediately!!"

He was sweating on his forehead, and he quickly reacted to the accident and chose the best solution.

"Where is the security at the venue to maintain order!? Immediately contact the rescue team."

Before the words were finished, a dark red force field suddenly rose rapidly from around the entire guild hall.

It only took three seconds for the red force field to completely cover and take over the surrounding area.

Bang bang bang!

The first group of spectators who ran to the exit of the club vigorously beat the red force field.

"Open the door! Open the force field and let us out!"

"Open the door immediately! Are you crazy? You dare to block it at this time."

they yelled.

But the red force field was unmoved.

Several staff members in blue clothes hurried over and checked the force field.

"This...isn't the protective wall force field we activated at all!"

A maintenance worker's expression changed.

"Look at the sky!" Someone suddenly shouted.

All of a sudden, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

The royal airship that crashed just now is being approached and landed by some red aircraft.


There was another explosion, and a large hole opened in the belly of the airship.

A series of transformed people with dark red bodies flew out from inside. They seemed to be looking for something, swooping down and rushing towards the perimeter of the venue.

Spectators screamed and fled, trying to escape in other directions.

But no one knew that all the entrances and exits here were completely blocked.

That red force field wall was not arranged by Yi Kingdom at all. Instead, the Utopia Red Temple was adapted from White Star's technology.

At this time, below the venue, there is a waiting area for the Yan-shaped Bagua Gate.

Chen Jiahan and the others looked up.

"There is no one on the airship." Chen Jiahan whispered.

"Zhou Shuo's ID card is located here. There's no way he didn't come." Chen Zonghan said with a smile. "Maybe he discovered the problem early and hid for the time being."

"I guess I got the news in advance and escaped." One person said in a deep voice.

"The identity card is still in the blockade. Let the exchange team at Baixing support you." Chen Jiahan said coldly.

"The reply over there said that they have turned on the maximum power, and the time is only fifteen minutes at most. If it doesn't take longer, the garrison troops near Chaoyu will arrive." the subordinate replied.

"Let's go, use special positioning." Chen Zonghan said.

"What if it still doesn't work and I can't find it?"

"Then withdraw. We only have fifteen minutes at most." Chen Zonghan stopped talking. His attitude also gave Chen Jiahan and others some clues.

"In other words, whether we succeed in the assassination or not, it is no longer important now?" The Chen family wrote, "Furthermore, maybe our assassination is simply a matter of surrendering a warrant and diverting the attention of some people."

"Don't think too much, let's go. Zhou Shuo must be in the blockade. For fifteen minutes, this is our mission. Find the person and kill him."

Chen Zonghan turned around and walked in the direction of leaving.

Several people paused and quickly followed.

boom! !

After walking a few steps, an explosion occurred in the sky on Sendai, which was responsible for monitoring. Blue figures flew down one after another, and were stopped by red dots rising into the sky around them.

Flying machines and cyborgs, artillery fire and bullets, explosions and laser strafing.

In just a few seconds, the red and blue sides began to fight fiercely.

And the fight is in the middle.

A figure carrying a huge silver wheel of light rose into the sky and faced the two blue-light figures swooping down.

boom! !

A huge explosion exploded in circles in the form of an orange halo.

When Chen Zonghan finally entered the lounge area of ​​the clubhouse, he looked up at the sky.

"Liszt from Xinghu has also taken action, so we can't be too slow."

"What are we covering?" Chen Jiahan asked coldly.

"Stabilize the wall for fifteen minutes, and then someone will help us leave. The rest is not important." Chen Zonghan smiled.

"Then we still search for Zhou Shuo?"

"It's best if you can find it. If you can't find it, it doesn't matter." Chen Zonghan smiled.

"If I can't find them, can I kill some of the people I want to kill?" Chen Jiahan asked.

"Who do you want to kill?" Chen Zonghan was slightly stunned.

"Let it go." Chen Jiahan lowered his head, "There are too many nobles and aristocratic families here. They are like weeds growing on fertile soil. They should be repaired."

Obviously, the past that the Yanxing Bagua Sect was manipulated by those nobles from above had left a lot of depression in his heart.




A huge explosion sounded from overhead.

Li Chengyi moved very quickly and rushed to the ring next to Li Chongnan.


"Go first!"

The two men quickly stepped down.

At this time, the surroundings have begun to be restless and chaotic.

The crowd got up one after another and fled towards the exit.

But a red force field quickly rose, blocking all exits and exits.

Li Chengyi led the people back to the waiting area.

"Something's wrong here. Let's leave the club first. There are Jiuyi and the Security Bureau on the outside. As long as we leave this chaotic area, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

"It is impossible for the entire city of Chaoyu to be attacked, so this is definitely a local attack and will not last too long. The first thing we have to do is to leave the battlefield!"

Li Chengyi was someone who had been to Sutan and fought on a real small-scale battlefield. I had done enough homework on these things at the beginning, but now I can react quickly.

Prison Dragon also understood that the situation was critical and responded quickly.

"I just contacted the outside world and found that there is no signal on my mobile phone. Someone has blocked the signal here!"

"Retreat first!"

Zhuang Yijing and Prison Yanxiao were in a daze, and were led out together with Li Chengyi and Li Chongnan.

"Teacher! My dad! My dad is still here!" Halfway through, Li Chongnan suddenly paused.

"Go pick them up! Rush to the exit in a moment!" Li Chengyi said.

"Take care!" Li Chongnan nodded, turned and rushed to the Li family's VIP table.

In just a few blinks, her figure disappeared into the internal passages of the guild hall that extended in all directions.

Li Chengyi is not with them, so the first thing to do now is to send Prison Dragon and others out.

At this time, the three people with the weakest individual strength are more likely to be in danger.

If they are caught up in variables, something might happen to the three of them.

After they separated, Li Chengyi continued to rush towards the exit with the three of them.

Along the way, people who were as decisive as them soon appeared in the passage.

Some people were walking under the protection of guards, while others were looking for their companions and family members with panic-stricken expressions.

The number of people in the passage gradually increased.

Soon, in a minute.

Li Chengyi came to the exit gate of the guild hall.

A large and dense crowd has gathered here. It's full of viewers who want to leave.

But everyone was blocked by the thick red force field barrier and could not leave.

A group of security personnel were shooting at the wall with firearms, but to no avail. The bullets were bounced away, almost injuring people nearby.

Someone on the other side has already started to hit the red wall together. There are also people who continue to try to use communication equipment to contact the outside world.

The open space at the exit was as noisy as a vegetable market, with noise pollution and nothing could be heard.

Cursing, crying, anger, and many negative emotions emerged one after another at this moment.

"It is indeed blocked." Li Chengyi looked down at the dark red wall covering the entire hall.

"What to do now!? Where are the people from Jiuyi!? Where are the people from the royal family!? Are there so many great noble families that they can't do anything about it??!"

Prison Yanxiao's body began to tremble. She didn't want to die, at least she didn't want to die so meaninglessly.

"No weapon modification modules are allowed here. What can flesh and blood do?" Prison Dragon said solemnly, "Now we have to determine what the purpose of these attackers is. If they achieve their purpose, they may evacuate quickly."

"None of this matters. Anyone who dares to attack in Chaoyu can do anything. What we have to do now is to find the generator of this super large force field. There are Jiuyi and the Security Agency outside, and they It is unlikely that you would dare to put the generator outside. So it must be inside here!" Li Chengyi said coldly.

"You mean we take the initiative to find it!?" Prison Dragon was stunned. "no!"

"Why not?" Li Chengyi asked back.

"It's too dangerous!" Prison Dragon gritted his teeth.

"That's better than sitting still and waiting for death!" Li Chengyi's expression calmed down at this time. "And I suspect that this matter is related to Chen Jiahan of the Yanxing Bagua Sect."

Snap, snap, snap.

A burst of crisp applause came from the side of several people.

The team of the goose-shaped gossip gate approached quickly.

The one who applauded was Chen Zonghan, who had white hair and a white beard and was smiling.

"Little friend is really smart." He looked at Li Chengyi. "Would you like to follow me and leave here, leave this decadent country, and pursue our own true ideal land?"

Upon hearing these words, the crowd of spectators who had been close to them suddenly dispersed, quickly leaving a large gap.

No one present was an idiot. Hearing these words, they all immediately understood that this group of people was the real murderer of this attack.

"You guys, are you so confident that you can withstand Chaoyu's Jiuyi troops?" Li Chengyi stared at the opponent and asked in a deep voice.

"Haha. If we were the only ones, we wouldn't be able to do it." Chen Zonghan smiled, "But, do you really think that we, Utopia and Xinghu, can create such a large solid force field in Chaoyu?"

"Kill them!!"

Suddenly the surrounding crowd rioted, and I don't know who was in series inside. At this time, there were dozens of people from five teams rushing towards the Baguamen team.

After confirming that they were the murderers, the guards of the aristocratic families joined hands and rushed towards them.

Although they cannot carry weapon modules, the guards whose bodies have been transformed are far stronger than ordinary people with their bare hands.

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