Hidden Corners

Chapter 424 424 Return 2

‘The condition for using inverse marks is that there are points connecting the dead ends on both sides and locating the positions on both sides. You can easily open the channel. Moreover, the Flower of Evil uses the tentacles emitted from the blind spot itself to connect and link, so it is extremely concealable.

The number of tentacles in the blind spot is too numerous to count. The only trouble is the concealment.’

Li Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief as the channel to return to the real Yi Country was restored.

Standing up, he watched the vortex in front of him gradually fade and disappear.

He quickly raised his hand and held down the column of purple magnolia flowers.

Purple light lights up.

‘Flower language: Mother of the heart - pulling. ’

The moment he used the flower language feature, Li Chengyi pointed forward and quickly drew a strange purple symbol.

Use reverse marks accurately.


In an instant, streaks of purple fluorescence emerged around him, converging to form a three-dimensional complex array.

Li Chengyi's body was wrapped in it and gradually became translucent.


There was a sudden soft sound, and his whole body exploded. Together with the magic circle, it was completely broken into countless purple light spots and dissipated in place.

The light spot quickly dimmed, became transparent, and disappeared.

Everything quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.




Countless pictures and halos flashed rapidly in front of Li Chengyi's eyes.

It feels completely different from the feeling when entering Midran.

This time, he seemed to be stretched, squashed, and squeezed into a slender glass tube.

Then, like some kind of viscous liquid, it quickly flowed down the pipe in an unknown direction.


A sound like fart exploded.

Li Chengyi opened his eyes all at once.

Next to her is a red wooden desk with some scratches, and a black board covered with shoe prints under her feet. Opposite is a standing wardrobe with the door open, and there is the bare skeleton of Iselin, and there is a dog skeleton squatting on it. aside.

Soft normal sunlight came in from the right window, illuminating the entire room.

‘This is my room? ’ Li Chengyi stood up slowly, and then he realized that he was slumped on a high-backed chair, sweating profusely, and naked except for a colorful dragon shield pressed against his stomach, which became the only thing to hide his shame.

Not only that, all the additional decorations on the dragon scale shield, as well as the attached belts, metal buckles, etc., as long as they were made of non-dragon scale materials, were all gone.

Obviously, traveling through two blind spots brought him a lot of losses, at least the gold and silver he had on him was gone.

‘Why is there nothing like this in Chen Jiahan? Could it be that I didn’t meet the standards and didn’t go through the formal channels? ’

Neither Professor Miman's channel nor Li Chengyi's own counter-marking technique are formal channels.

That's why he guessed from this.

'never mind. No matter so much, it’s good to be back.’ He glanced at the clock and calendar on the wall.

Less than a day had passed since he left.

It's the morning of the next day.

But he has been in Midran for more than half a year.

Standing up, Li Chengyi opened the desk drawer and prepared to take out his AR glasses to contact others.


Suddenly a loud noise exploded in his ears.

His eyes were blood red, and all of a sudden he couldn't hear any sound.

'what happened? ? ? ! ’

Everything in front of him began to shake, as if there was an earthquake, but everything in the room remained as it was, not moving or jumping at all.

Obviously, this was a feeling that was unique to him.

‘It’s not an earthquake. It’s me! ! ’

Li Chengyi reacted instantly and reached out to hold the edge of the table, trying to maintain balance.

But it was too late.

The feeling that something was coming before came to my mind at this moment.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what was coming.

The image of the room began to distort, like countless distorted colored paints.


But soon, everything came to an abrupt end.

The picture in front of him was completely distorted and normal, and he regained his composure.

Li Chengyi stood there in shock, his skin all over his body was congested and red, covered with a lot of blood spots.

At the same time, there was a faint line of red blood flowing from the corner of his eyes, which looked weird and terrifying.

‘Just now, I seemed to hear the sound of the sea? ’

He took a deep breath, then came back and gave him a big gift.

That familiar sense of depression and threat, he recognized what it was as soon as he recovered.

Dead end!

And it’s an unprecedentedly difficult dead end!

‘It seems that my time in Midran was not included in the dead zone period. It was accumulated all the time’

Li Chengyi felt depressed.

How long had he been in Midran? More than half a year!

No one knows how difficult it is to accumulate blind spots over such a long period of time.

But he knew that that moment was probably just a foreshadowing.

According to the old rules, he will be completely pulled into a new blind spot on the third time.


Thinking of this, Li Chengyi couldn't help but cursed fiercely. He soon thought of something, quickly found the phone and dialed a special number.

But there was a busy tone coming from the number.

Li Chengyi's expression finally changed.

The number he dialed was left by the member of the Krait organization that he rescued from the dark corner of the dark city.

That woman was also a member of Sutan's big family, and she had helped them when they went to Sutan before.

Quickly changing his clothes, he put on AR glasses and entered the team channel.

"Tangtang, do you have any news about Joan?"

"Joan? A war broke out over Sudan a few days ago. We haven't been able to contact you for the time being. The signal is completely cut off. It was cut off by a physical blockade and the satellite was also blocked." - Skittles.

"How long does it take exactly?"

"I don't know, but I just contacted Joan last month, so it should be fine." - Skittles.

"Where is the big bear?" Li Chengyi called the big bear.

"In the laboratory, do you have any instructions from the master?" - Big Bear.

This guy actually sent a voice directly, with a seductive and lazy voice.

"Do me a favor." Li Chengyi took a breath. When he came back from this trip, he had memorized at least a hundred different martial arts secrets. The only thing missing was the accompanying prescriptions. What he wanted was for Big Bear and Skittles to work together to calculate Provide the necessary prescriptions for various martial arts.

In addition, because his new seal is a fusion of two, it is not yet fully formed and requires a large amount of high-energy nutritional input. There were not such good conditions in Midran, so naturally we had to complete the engraving fusion as soon as possible when we came back.

Twenty minutes later.

In the underground base of the Destiny Garden team, Li Chengyi stepped into the large closed laboratory.

Several input tubes around him hung down automatically and were grabbed by him with one hand.

Through the transparent glass window of the laboratory, Big Bear was wearing a white coat and looking inside with a solemn expression.

"Brother Yi, the fastest way to digest and absorb is to physically crush all food in the outside world and then inject it directly into the intestines and stomach. At the same time, simultaneously inject nutrients into the blood through injection. A two-pronged approach. But this puts a heavy burden on the body. "

"It doesn't matter, come on." Li Chengyi's expression remained unchanged as he walked to the center of the pure white laboratory and sat down cross-legged.

If he was still in Midran, he would have to slowly use food and drink to speed up the concentration of the seal.

But there are so many ways to supplement nutrition here.

Daxiong looked at Li Chengyi at this time, and felt that he had not seen him for just a few days, and this mysterious boss seemed to be a different person again.

His body was in good shape, just a little stronger, but his temperament became more profound and unpredictable.

"If you can't support it anymore, Brother Yi can press the sensor button on his body. I will stop quickly. According to the calculation data, your body needs at least three days of growth hormone stimulation and the infusion of nutritional and high-energy substances to fully reach a mature body. "

As a professional who has studied Li Chengyi's cells, flesh and blood for a long time, Daxiong is naturally an expert in this field.


Li Chengyi nodded and inserted the tube into the blood vessels of his skin. At the same time, he also wore a large tube on his mouth for pouring food.

This trip to Midran confirmed that it is indeed a good place to train one's strength, but now it seems that one must also pay attention to the significantly increased difficulty of the blind spots that will be faced after being sent there and back. Fortunately, Chen Jiahan is not a blind spot...

No matter what, he calmed down and began to speed up the completion of the second imprint with all his strength.

The new engraving has actually been completed. As long as his body can grow to the extreme, it will be able to naturally merge with the spirit.

But just growing to the extreme is not easy for him with strong blood.

Once the new seal is completely integrated, Li Chengyi understands that his strength will be greatly increased in all directions.

The initial imprint of huge power allowed him to cross several levels in an instant, and he was able to fight fiercely against the ninth level.

Now here comes another fusion engraving.





Just when Li Chengyi was preparing for the upcoming dead end dilemma.

The first all-out battle between Earth Moon and White Star finally broke out.

Low Earth orbit space.

On the surface of the huge white star, a dense array of silver-white light spots rose into the sky, like a swarm of bees, flying towards the blue moon.

The light spot approached and magnified, and it turned out to be a giant white cyborg more than ten meters long, holding a gun and shield.

They sprayed blue light particles from behind, formed a square formation one by one, and flew towards the earth and the moon at a terrifying speed of dozens of times the speed of sound.

There is no atmospheric resistance in space, and the speed is much faster than in the atmosphere.

At the same time, the black space fortresses in the Earth-Moon low-Earth orbit also lit up with dense light spots.

Pieces of small space fighters flew out from the hatch of the fortress.

The fighter plane is in the shape of a fish, with upper and lower wings, and behind it are a large number of special black aircraft in the shape of swords.

That's Feiyi!

Compared to the millions of cyborgs in White Star, the number of flying instruments and fighter planes flying densely in the fortress of Earth and Moon was only a fraction of the number of cyborgs in White Star.

The two sides were approaching slowly. In the huge distance in space, even dozens of times the speed of sound was not considered fast.

What really determines the outcome is the destructive power of both sides' weapons and the quality of the pre-calculation locking system.

In an instant, the moment the two legions came into contact, large exploding spots of different sizes exploded.

At this time, a huge floating carrier like a black fortress slowly emerged in the atmosphere of the earth and the moon.

On the mothership, high-end forces such as Jiuyi and Shadow Food gathered together and looked up at the battlefield.

at the same time.

Behind the numerous Cyborgs on White Star, a silver-gray mothership that looked like a giant eye also slowly emerged from the atmosphere.

Countless electronic lights and streams of dark blue particles flashed on the surface of the mothership.

In the middle of countless river-like particle flows, blurred white light converged to one point, gradually forming a female silhouette that was hundreds of meters tall.

It was a tall woman with white arcs shining all over her body, and white metal spikes like sharp knives rose from her sides, surrounding her in the center.

He wears a golden imperial crown representing the emperor, and his eyes are dancing with dazzling golden light, looking towards the earth and the moon. The eyes of Jiuyi met and collided.

"For freedom. Attack!"

The majestic cold electronic sound followed the light waves and spread to all surrounding channels.

With the Bai Emperor's order, the all-out war between Earth, Moon and White Star officially began at this time.

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