Hidden Corners

Chapter 463 463 Air Combat 1

White and red beams of light shot out from behind Li Chengyi, hitting a group of white cyborgs flying in the distance.

The bodies of some transformed humans exploded and turned into fireballs. Some of them just turned red for a moment and then quickly dodge.

Li Chengyi raised the laser cannon attentively and adjusted the aiming angle from a distance.

After a burst of synthesized beeps, the muzzle of the light cannon in his hand slowly lit up with a dazzling red light.

The original halo quickly increases in brightness.


In an instant, a red light shuttled out and hit the blue-light cyborg who was shooting at other spaceships.

But the beam was accurately deflected by a small shield on the modified man, and the shield quickly turned red and heated up.

The blue cyborg flashed to the side and flew out in a strange and irregular trajectory.


The blue laser cannon he held in his other hand aimed at Li Chengyi and hit him hard.

And this shot was instantly avoided by Li Chengyi with a flash of shadow.

Separated by more than 200,000 kilometers of space, the two soon discovered that the other party was unusually strong, and began to abandon other opponents and focus on dealing with each other.

Red and blue beams of light came and went, but they were unable to be fatal because both sides were moving extremely fast.

'It's far away, but the damage is too weak. ’ Li Chengyi frowned and fired dozens of times, and finally couldn’t help but throw the light cannon to a command ship behind him.

‘With this kind of distance, the language of flowers cannot reach it at all and can only act on itself. At the same time, if I want to get close, I can't affect the outcome of a larger-scale battle at all. ’

It only takes a few minutes to fly from one small battlefield to another. What's the point of fighting?

By the time he passed by, they had already finished fighting and started the next wave.

Only now did Li Chengyi understand why in space battles, pilots must be divided into strategic pilots separately, because here, the control distance of ordinary pilots is not used at all. The command ship must be enlarged.

laugh! Another burst of blue light came.

Li Chengyi's shadow flashed and appeared in another place without any warning, avoiding the beam of light.

But then, another blue light came.

Continuous blue beams of light were like raindrops, shooting at him.

Li Chengyi keenly discovered that the opponent's attack was different from before.

‘This is a line segment particle annihilation cannon? ’

It's also a blue laser, but now the opponent's weapon is obviously much stronger than before.

It no longer requires continuous beam irradiation. This line-segment particle cannon can destroy a fighter or aircraft in one second as long as it is hit.

"Do we have similar weapons?"

He asked the pilots behind him.

"Sorry, sir." The female voice in charge of technical support replied.

Li Chengyi immediately understood that this was the technical gap.

"Then how did you deal with this kind of opponent before?" Li Chengyi asked while dodging the opponent's particle cannon.

Because of his constant shadow flickering, communication began to be intermittent.

"It's high-ranking adults who use the continuous acceleration of the aircraft to carry out suicidal coverage and impact with one-time flying instruments. At such super high speeds, only high-ranking adults can quickly change direction, track and lock. The electronic interference on the opposite side is too strong. Yes, our artificial intelligence is far inferior."

"It's a joke, can't people predict the opponent?" Li Chengyi frowned.

He dodged a beam of light again, but a spaceship behind him was hit squarely on target.

Bang! !

The side of the spacecraft was shot through, and the interior began to burn and expand rapidly.


With an explosion of red light, the dozens of meters long airship was completely scrapped and turned into a fireball.

Li Chengyi looked ugly.

I originally thought that he would be much stronger than Shadow Dragon when he started playing, but he didn't expect that he would be extremely uncomfortable just after starting.

The shadow dragon's body is huge. With a shadow flash and super-high-speed impact, the enemy can't dodge at all.

But he just.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed, and the eyes under his helmet suddenly became sharp.

His eyes scanned the attack methods of the other flying instruments in the distance, and the flying instruments burst out at once, accelerating to a terrifying level in a very short period of time.

This is similar to the method of using a rail gun. The pilot is only responsible for fine-tuning in a short period of time.

Li Chengyi understood. Suddenly avoiding a blue light particle cannon, a shadow flashed and appeared on a spaceship, grabbing the dozens of meters long black spaceship with one hand.

"Take me and let's speed up together!"

He said in a deep voice on the channel.

"But..." The pilot of this airship wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Li Chengyi.

"This offensive efficiency is too low, do as I say!"

Li Chengyi asked why the battles between the two sides, except for the close combat battles, had few casualties but took a very long time. It turns out that with this kind of fighting style, it is strange that they can get up quickly.

It would be easy to fight a battle for more than ten hours, but a longer battle would only last a few days.

You must know that this is a confrontation between large armies, not counting the time of marching and waiting. This kind of high-intensity continuous fighting can determine the outcome in a few hours on the ground.

They have time to spend here, and Li Chengyi has no time to accompany them.

The blind spot is closing in behind him step by step. If he doesn't end the matter here quickly, the longer he delays his return, the greater the risk will be.

"Obey the order!" Li Chengyi repeated again, his voice stern.

The pilot who controlled the spaceship was silent for a moment, and finally activated the jet port at the rear of the spaceship.


The circular ion accelerator lit up with blue light and began to push the spaceship forward rapidly.

Speed ​​soars.

The airship took Li Chengyi and began to orbit irregularly.

twice the speed of sound.

Five times the speed of sound.

ten times!

Twenty times!

If there is no resistance in space, an individual can maintain a constant speed and fly forever.

And if you want to stop, you need to consume an equivalent amount of power to interfere.

This spaceship is basically a one-time burst of materials. The driving force is only equipped with a one-time amount, and the consumption is only for acceleration.

The speed is getting faster and faster, more and more urgent.

At first, Li Chengyi could roughly see the surrounding scenery clearly, but when the speed of sound increased to 80 times, everything around him became blurred.

The speed is still increasing.

Until one hundred times the speed of sound.

That is 34,000 meters per second.

Thirty-four kilometers per second!

The terrifying high speed makes the tip of the airship resemble a sharp blade, easily penetrating all obstacles in front of it.

But its own material also began to collapse and break during the collision.

Li Chengyi firmly grasped the airship, his whole body flashed with golden light, and the Flower Language Fortress quickly covered his whole body, strengthening his defense.

At this time, the airship was no longer controllable. Without the control of the pilot, it could only fly in a straight line.

But its speed is still increasing.

Disposable weapons, that is.


Finally, there was a loud noise, and the spaceship slammed into a large gray-white battleship of White Star.

The huge battleship, which was several thousand meters long, was caught off guard and was slightly shaken by the impact.

The airship was like a dagger thrust into a tree trunk, stabbing hard into his side.

Li Chengyi was so dizzy that he was shaken off, shook his head, and looked around again.

He was actually still a long way away from the blue transformed man.

‘Really! ’ He now deeply understands the pain of space battles.

No wonder everyone is shooting at each other with laser cannons.

‘I was originally worried that if I accelerated to a higher speed in one breath, if I couldn’t stop the inertia, I might keep rushing out of the battlefield. Now look at it’

There is a saying on the ground that Wangshan is a race to death, and this is a super enhanced version.

Bang! !

Suddenly, an object from behind hit Li Chengyi's vest at high speed.

The armor was slightly dented by the object, but quickly returned to its original shape.

This is the advantage of Bone Armor. It has very strong recovery properties and is much easier to use than Flower Scale Clothes.

Therefore, he mainly used bone armor, and the flower scale clothes were integrated into it, and the strength was greatly improved.

Looking back, Li Chengyi saw some small combat cyborgs on the battleship, carrying small kinetic energy guns and shooting at it.

His face turned cold, and he suddenly thought of something.

Bang! !

In an instant, a golden light exploded behind him.

The huge driving force led him to rush towards the White Star modified soldiers.

The flower language shines brightly, and finally at this moment, it finds its most suitable use.

By releasing the Brilliance at close range, Li Chengyi suddenly gained his own kinetic energy engine.

His body was like a sharp arrow, and he soared to five times the speed of sound in an instant.



Shine! !

Supplement three times in a row.

The speed of his flight reached fifteen times the speed of sound, and he still had time to adjust the angle slightly from the side and adjust the trajectory.

Countless golden gladioli petals were spinning and flying, and a five-meter long golden sword condensed from his hand.

The gray and white bone armor climbed up and also covered the golden sword, merging into a gray and white bone sword.

The hard but brittle golden sword was covered with bone armor, and its hardness and toughness were greatly improved.

The bone armor is also greatly supported.

laugh! !

In an instant, a white line drew across the three Cyborg soldiers.


Three fireballs exploded almost at the same time.

Li Chengyi had already left the affected area, and his bone sword struck hard on the surface of the battleship.

The tough, full-coverage force field was stabbed and collapsed.

As the white blood energy wrapped around and blessed him, Li Chengyi's power suddenly increased dramatically.

The sword blade pierced the force field and penetrated the outer armor.

White blood elements were like floods, pouring into the battleship along the breach.

The armor layer was quickly shattered by the impact, and the high-strength metal material could only slow down the invasion speed in front of Li Chengyi's blood element at this time.

Massive amounts of blood began to expand along the internal passages of the battleship, destroying all living creatures.

'too slow! ’ Li Chengyi sighed in his heart for ten seconds.


Another blue particle cannon hit his chest.

The speed of the beam was too fast, even he couldn't completely dodge it. From the moment I saw it, I was hooked.

Violent explosions and burning continued in his chest.

Shine! !

The golden light exploded, completely exploding the blue light.

A large crater was burned on the outside of the bone armor, but it quickly healed on its own.

‘The power is pretty good.’ A single weapon is comparable to a double seal level blood element.

Li Chengyi looked at the blue cyborg, who raised the beam cannon again and aimed it here.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

In an instant, continuous blue particle cannons were shot out rapidly.

"What the hell!"

Li Chengyi opened a radiant force field all over his body and switched into Titan Sunflower Fusion Flower Scale Clothes.

A huge triangular golden shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

The surface of the shield was covered with bone armor, and the golden light of Huayu Fortress spread quickly.

The power of the flower language, the radiant force field and the brilliance of the sunflower scales were all strengthened at this moment.

When wearing the flower-scaled clothing, the power of flower language can reach its peak.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

The blue particle cannon beam continuously shines on the tower shield.

The terrifying high temperature climbed rapidly, reaching tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of degrees! !

In a very short time, the tower shield began to dissolve and was penetrated.

At this time, Li Chengyi finally released a flash of light.

Bang! !

The golden light explosion actually interrupted and partially offset the continuous impact of the particle cannon.

At this moment, he hurriedly pulled away, but part of the bone armor in front of his body was still melted.

The strength of Sunflower Scale Clothes was far from being able to keep up with the situation he was facing at this point.

He stayed on the battleship for a full ten seconds before the blood element completely covered the entire internal space of the battleship.

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