Hidden Corners

Chapter 531 Pewter 1

After passing through the lobby, Li Chengyi reached out and pressed the elevator button, but there was no movement.

He sighed.

Black light flashed, flashing upward layer by layer.

The first floor was empty, with overturned tables, chairs, and computers everywhere.

On the second floor, black dust of unknown composition was everywhere, as if there was a fire.

the third floor.

The fourth floor.

Finally, on the twelfth floor, he found a server that seemed to have a weak signal.

The surface of the rectangular white server was covered with all kinds of ferocious claw marks, as if it had experienced unimaginable attacks and injuries.

Standing in the empty server maintenance room, Li Chengyi gently patted the surface of the chassis.


He spoke out.


no respond.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Li Chengyi's eyes, and he turned around to check elsewhere.


At this moment, there was a faint crisp sound from the chassis, as if some component was making a running sound.

The sound just seemed to be responding to him.

"Yueji? Is that you?" Li Chengyi was stunned and asked again.


There was a slight clicking sound inside the chassis again.

"If it's really you, then ring three times in a row." Li Chengyi said quickly.

Click click click.

Three snaps sounded in rapid succession.

Li Chengyi finally had light in his eyes.

I quickly searched around, and after a while, I found a camera that seemed to be in good condition, and I found a place behind the server to plug it in.


The camera quickly flashes blue light and rotates a few times.

"Restarting, please wait."

Li Chengyi waited patiently for a while, and it took about ten minutes for the camera to restart.

A familiar female voice finally sounded from the attached speaker.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Li Chengyi. I am the daughter of Rose and belong to the emergency backup system. You can call me Qiangwei."

The female voice uses exactly the same voice as Skittles.

This familiar yet distant voice reminded Li Chengyi of the scene when he was in Earth and Moon.

"What happened? What happened to the earth and the moon in the years I left? Where are the others!? Where are they?" He was eager to know the answer.

For seven years, for such a long time, he was trapped in the blind spot of Panguang, unable to break away. It was not until the world actively rejected help that he was able to escape smoothly.

The curse of the dead man can only last for two years at most, which may have already caused other people in Destiny Garden to

Qiangwei paused for a moment, and the electronic light flashed rapidly.

"In the five months since you left, team members have successively faced increasingly difficult and dangerous dead-end tests. The first one that couldn't support it was the gantry crane. With Paine's advice and help, he finally chose to take the risk. Enter a blind spot called Cloud City to hide from your certain fate."

"Then Mr. Brown also made a similar move, but he did not tell him the name of the blind spot he chose to hide in."

"Nine months after you left, Miss Daxiong finally transferred all group authority and quietly left Mingyuan without a trace."

"In the tenth month, the owner of Skittles also faced a terrifying dead corner that he could not survive. He decided to copy his consciousness and memory, completely transform his body, and turn into a silicon-based life. He tried to avoid the dead corner. But the attempt failed and he also chose to enter the dead corner. .”

"In the eleventh month, the Dead End Riots began. The number of Dead Ends increased significantly, and the entrances were directly materialized, appearing all over the twin stars. They were no longer accessible only to those in the Dead Ends, and anyone could see them with the naked eye.

A large number of monsters poured out of it, the city collapsed, and the army was unable to resist, resulting in heavy casualties. At the time of crisis, Yuanying came forward to join forces with the Twin Star Government to form a coalition government, mobilizing the high-end capabilities of both parties and entering the largest blind spot in reality, and never made a sound again. "

"In the fifteenth month, the high-level headquarters of the Double Star Royal Family suffered heavy casualties in a blind-corner monster attack. All the top human beings were wiped out, leaving only sporadic resistance forces, struggling to use the remaining cities as garrison points to resist the monster attacks."

"According to statistics, more than 90% of the electronic equipment in Double Star has been eroded by some kind of electronic virus dead zone monster and cannot be used. The basic physical rules of Double Star have changed, the planet environment has undergone major changes, and some incomprehensible mutations are suspected to have occurred. A large number of weapons and equipment have failed .”

"After the thirty-fifth month, the erosion of the dead zone slowed down, and the number of humans was reduced to about 10% of the original number. The remaining humans relied on the newly perfected automated artificial intelligence to produce supplies."

"The main body of Rose on the 37th was infected by some mysterious electronic virus. Its own database was damaged, its simulated personality was damaged, and it fell into a deep sleep."

"These are most of the main events that happened after you left. After that, according to the instructions of the main body, I lost all the cameras and sound-producing equipment, and in order to avoid attracting the attention of some special electronic viruses, I had to hibernate in the ruins of various places. Among the equipment, this damaged server is just one of my dormant spots.”

Qiangwei's voice instantly seemed to pull Li Chengyi into that tragic period when he was not present.

He had no idea that so many things would happen after he left.

"So, where are my family members?" He paused and asked with a hint of caution.

"During the final evacuation of the Mingyuan Group, they lost most of their leaders and had to promptly use the savior Paine as the temporary leader. Under the leadership of Paine and the assistance of his boss Syndra, most members of the group successfully evacuated the station and entered the backup underground Base. After that, the information was lost, and because the air was filled with unknown interference energy, it was impossible to contact remotely." Qiangwei answered.

Dead spots have emerged on a large scale and become so substantial that even ordinary people can see them.

Just thinking about this situation, Li Chengyi knew how terrifying it was. The despair and fear faced by the people in the blind spot, ordinary people did not even have time to adapt, and they ran into it directly.

That situation is simply a natural disaster!

Many dead-end monsters are not afraid of any weapon damage at all. Once killed, they will become stronger and resurrected. Special restraint methods must be found to effectively limit them.

"Wait! Paine? Didn't die in the end?!" Li Chengyi was suddenly stunned.

Under the curse of the two-year limit of the dead man, Paine didn't die? Two years is twenty-four months, but Paine was still there until the final withdrawal of the group?

"Yes, if Mr. Paine hadn't found a suitable refuge corner for many people, I'm afraid the situation would have been even more difficult to control." Qiangwei replied. "Now to answer your question, there are three members of the Li family who evacuated Suiyang City together under the protection of the group and are missing."

"So, do you know where the underground base is?" Li Chengyi asked quickly.

"There is no record."

"." Li Chengyi thought for a moment, put one hand on the server, and the Qiankun Bag instantly contained it.

As a standard fairy world in Panguang, there are still storage bags. The sword bag is actually a variant of the storage bag. However, this kind of treasure is very expensive and the materials are extremely difficult to find. Generally, only the top masters have the financial resources. And accumulation can get one.

This time, Taoist Master Holy Spirit gave the biggest one to Li Chengyi.

It is said to be the largest, but in fact the space inside is only the size of a 100-square-meter room with a height of five meters.

It's good for storing groceries.

Putting away the Rose Server, Li Chengyi continued to check the higher levels. This time he was much faster, but unfortunately there was no other gain.

On the last floor, he put down a dusty document in his hand, stood in front of the broken and leaky floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the entire Suiyang City.

Suiyang inside the huge black shield, seen from a height, only remains a piece of devastation.

In the streets, there are some scattered living people, like zombies, walking staggeringly.

Unmanned automatic patrol aircraft fly over the sky from time to time, and occasionally there are people sitting in the aircraft, but you can see through the window that the faces of these passengers are almost the same numbness, hollowness, and occasionally fanaticism and distortion.

It seems that all hope of life has been lost.

When a country loses even its highest authority and is destroyed, without security and basic order, the natural result is chaos.

Li Chengyi sighed, and the black light flashed towards the place where the most people gathered in the city.

From a high place, he could see that the place with the most complete appearance and the most patches of the building had many people gathered around it, which was obviously the target he was looking for.

Black light flashed, and Li Chengyi appeared directly under the tallest patch building.

A large group of thin people lined up were crowded around.

They hold broken and twisted metal bowls in their hands, waiting for the robot in front to distribute food.

Portions of steaming minced meat soup and porridge were poured into the extended bowl.

No one noticed Li Chengyi's appearance in the corner.

The people here seem to no longer care about anything and just live numbly.

Perhaps after the blind spot broke out, I saw too many anomalies.

Li Chengyi quickly entered the building through the small door on the side.

Silver robots came and went in the building, busy preparing food, pouring various powders of different colors into a large pot. These were not minced meat or rice at all. The final mixture turned out to be minced meat. The look and smell of soup and porridge.

Li Chengyi frowned slightly and walked up the stairs, checking each level.

Soon, the living person in charge was found on the fifth floor.

The information given by Qiangwei is a bit lagging behind, and the information after it shut down and hibernated needs to be supplemented and improved.

Two short-haired men with fat heads and big ears, wearing auxiliary exoskeleton equipment, were slumped on the sofa, eating snacks and chatting.

Seeing Li Chengyi coming up, the two of them looked at him lazily.

"If you want something to eat, go down there. We're just maintenance staff. We don't have to worry about enough food. Don't bother me." A fat man said casually.

Li Chengyi saw the hollowness in the eyes of the two men, stepped forward, grabbed the chest armor of one of them, and lifted him up with one hand.

"I just came back from space. Tell me, where is the Mingyuan Group?"

"Huh? Space? Don't be kidding. Brother, I'm just a nobody. Mingyuan Group evacuated, taking only the most important elites and talents with it. We are just goods left to die. Do you want to catch up? Give up. Can’t catch up.”

The fat man wiped his nose nonchalantly and said with a smile.

"Where have they gone?" Li Chengyi asked in a deep voice.

"Went to other planets. A big starship sent by the royal family took everyone away. Hahahaha. But the spaceship was also attacked during the jump start on the way. No one knows they went there now. Where." The fat man said with a smile.

"You have family up there, right? Don't worry about them, just worry about yourself. Every once in a while, monsters will rush out from the blind corner to hunt. You will die, I will die, and maybe everyone will die tomorrow. Die! Hahahaha!"

Another fat man said loudly with a nervous smile.

These two people have gone crazy.

Li Chengyi silently threw the man to the ground and watched him slowly trying to get up on the ground, but he couldn't stand up because he was too fat.

When he walked out of the door, he carefully sensed the location of the flower beads, and his body was quickly covered in a full set of wisteria flowers and scales.

Shadow flash.


He disappeared instantly.

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