Hidden Corners

Chapter 533 533 Investigation 1

On the seaside terrace, Li Chengyi walked over and sat on a white bamboo chair at the professor's signal.

"Want a drink?" The professor pointed out his hand, and a glass of fizzy red drink suddenly appeared in the air in front of Li Chengyi.

"Thank you." Li Chengyi held the drink and looked at the other party, "What is going on? Please elaborate."

"Actually, it's very simple." Miman smiled, "You destroyed the blind spot on Fog Street and let it restart, but the white wax tentacle hidden in the painting escaped. He was originally attracted by the breath of the white wax blind spot. The polluted things, after escaping and returning, will naturally bring back the specific location of the blind spot here."

He paused.

"Of course, compared to the other blind spots in the Earth and Moon, there is nothing particularly different except that they are a bit bigger. But perhaps the attack on the other blind spots in Bai Wa has also been completed. Now it is the turn of the Earth and the Moon. These cannot be And know.”

"Can a strong blind spot be able to erode the weak blind spots at will?" Li Chengyi asked.

"Of course, isn't the same thing true for the earth and the moon? Aren't the dead spots you experienced before all prey to the constraints of the earth and moon? They wanted to break free, but the earth and moon kept stuffing living creatures into contact with them as sacrifices to fill the small dead spots. The consumption of them also deepens their connection with the earth and the moon." Professor Miman obviously has a lot of research in this area.

"Is this really the case?" Li Chengyi was also stunned when he heard this.

He had guessed many times about the relationship between Diyue and those little blind spots, but he never expected that it would be like this.

As a scholar of the Behemothology sect, Miman's knowledge is definitely not bad. As long as the other party does not deliberately conceal and deceive, this statement is extremely credible.

"When you came back this time, did you not get pulled by the blind corner?" Mi Man said with a smile.

"I was originally prepared to deal with it, but I didn't expect it to be unnecessary." Li Chengyi nodded. This is also the strange thing about him.

"Be prepared, you are not over yet." Miman shook her head, "Originally, I thought it was Diyue who was pulling and repelling you, but this time you came back, I realized that Earthyue alone cannot forcefully pull you away. You There are too many threads on the body and it’s too complicated.”

"Not Diyue!?" Li Chengyi's heart trembled.

Yes, he suddenly understood that the flower of evil in his body was implicated in cause and effect so great that it was unimaginable.

The Emperor of Flowers, the Evil King City, had wiped out countless terrorist forces in dead ends. How could such a force's trump card, the Flower of Evil, be able to pull and push it at will with just a mere earth and moon?

"It is conceivable that in the future, you may be forced into a new huge blind corner, so it is best to be prepared at any time." Miman warned.

He stretched out a tentacle and tapped it lightly in mid-air.

A pale white light point exploded, forming a floating light curtain that appeared in the air beside the three people.

"Now, let's see where the people you care about have gone."

He was once again a little above the light screen.

Suddenly, the end of the tentacle flew out like a drop of ink, quickly spreading on the light screen.

The ink dyed the entire rectangular light curtain black, and a deep darkness emerged within it.

In the dark night, with the sickle moon hanging high in the sky, the dilapidated town surrounded by a sea of ​​trees seemed quiet and peaceful.

There are mysterious noises coming from the edge of town.

"It's actually here!?" Mi Man's tone seemed to change suddenly, showing some solemnity and uneasiness.

"Where is this?" Li Chengyi was also shocked by what he said.

"Mosha's blind spot. A bigger and more dangerous blind spot than the earth and the moon." Mi Man's blurry face frowned slightly.

"The earth and moon are big, but as far as I know, they shouldn't be strong, right?" Li Chengyi also frowned.

"That's because you haven't experienced the great era of the past." Miman shook his head, "otherwise, why do you think there are so many small blind spots bound by the earth and moon? Why do we old guys take the initiative to come here and live in the dead spots attached to the earth and moon? between the tentacles."

"So? Diyue was once very strong?" Li Chengyi reacted.

"Iselin, tell him about this. Tell him how powerful Diyue is as a place that was once qualified to be preached by the Behemoth Sect." Miman shook her head slightly, "I want to check it carefully. If it is really If you want to go there, you may need to make some preparations."

"Okay" Iselin responded quickly from the side and looked at Li Chengyi. "Brother should know about Lan Meng, right?"

"Yes." Li Chengyi nodded.

"Lameng is one of the very few transcendent beings who is considered the top super strong person. He is a super strong person who has touched the realm of omniscience. This can be seen from the fact that he can seize treasures such as the Book of Eternal Wishes and study them to make imitations. See it." Iselin explained.

"You know, many people can't even figure out the nature of the Book of Eternal Wishes, let alone study it."

"Ahem. Forget about me, let's talk about the topic." Miman on the side quickly interrupted the student's divergence.

Apparently he was probably one of these many people.

"The earth and moon used to be a blind spot with extremely terrifying power. This was not due to size, but because its essence was different from other blind spots. As a transcendent in the earliest period, Lan Meng traveled outside while constantly plundering and exploring a large amount of money from the outside world. Good things, stuffed into the earth and moon, also cause the earth and moon to become stronger and stronger in disguise.

It was not until later that Lan Meng left completely, entered the Black Sea to explore, and never came back, that everything came to a complete standstill. What is left is a strange blind spot with extremely deep capital potential, but without the top powerhouse to sit in it. "

When Li Chengyi heard this sentence, what flashed through his mind was, isn't this just fat?

He immediately understood why Professor Miman came here, and why Pewter Ash took the initiative to invade Earth and Moon. It seemed that the Heel Foot originated from here.

"Okay, it's been analyzed. The blind spot they are going to is a special giant blind spot called Mosha. It is huge in size, but extremely dense, and has clear fixed entrances and exits, which shows that there must be strong forces that often travel in the Black Sea. By."

Miman pondered for a moment.

"I don't have much internal information here. I once received a scholar from Mo Sha. He provided me with a lot of information about a single civilization in it. It was an open dead end. They seemed to be connected to many outside Black Seas. All forces are connected.”

"Professor, can I ask a question?" Li Chengyi said solemnly.

"Say." Miman looked up at him.

"How many forces are there in the Black Sea?" Li Chengyi has always wanted to ask this. During this time, he has been exposed to more and more information, and he has a rough outline of the Black Sea.

"I don't know." Miman shook his head, "The Black Sea contains the past, present and future. No one knows how big it is, and no one knows how many things it contains. Black represents the unknown, and there are only two categories of things in the Black Sea. : What can be known, and what cannot be known.”

He paused and continued.

"Actually, I prefer to call them logical classes and not classes."

"The blind spot that the original body Paine went to this time is originally open. This means that if they continue to use this as a transit point to go to other blind spots, it is very possible. This blind spot is connected to many other super large blind spots, and even There is a super dangerous blind spot with a huge difference in time and velocity. So, be careful when chasing after it." Miman warned in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Professor." Li Chengyi also wanted to ask about the division of power in the Black Sea, and he immediately expressed his doubts.

"Strength? What do you think is strength?" Miman smiled.

"Powerful enough to destroy everything and control everything with one strike?" Li Chengyi asked.

"None of these," Miman said with a smile, "Essentially, in the Black Sea, true strength is invincibility. Invincibility, invincibility without flaws. You don't have to beat everyone, but you must be invincible. No weakness."

"Doesn't being strong mean that there are no weaknesses?" Li Chengyi asked.

"There are all kinds of strange attacks in the Black Sea. There are countless attack modes, and you can even attack from many angles that you can't understand. And if you can't even understand it, how can you resist it? For example, using your own existence power Directly reduce or destroy your cognitive elements, making it impossible for any individual to recognize you, leaving you eternally trapped in despair and loneliness. There are many, many such attacks, and they cannot be solved simply by being destructive. What you need is omniscience.”

Miman said a lot in one breath.


Li Chengyi seems to have realized something.

Looking at it this way, it is true that the effect of omniscience is far greater than that of simple destructive power.

To be precise, being able to know everything requires great strength, because a lot of knowledge cannot be practiced and known without strength.

"Okay, without further ado, I will send you to Mosha now. Do you have anything to prepare?" Mi Man said.

"Wait a minute." Li Chengyi thought of Master Tianju Pavilion who had desperately sent him to escape before. Due to emotion and reason, Midran had to go back to report that he was safe, and Chen Jiahan had to confirm the situation.

"If you are ready, just crush this." Miman handed him a small irregular piece like yellow mud.

"Thank you." Li Chengyi nodded and looked at Yiselin again. "Besides, Iselin's hand, I don't know."

"In order to help you save people and buy me some buffer time, she forcibly attacked the White Wax members. One arm was cut off by the Eternal Wax Figure and could not be recovered. You really need to thank her for this. If she hadn't attracted attention for a moment, I'm afraid I would have also There is no way to teleport everyone." Miman sighed.

The greatest ability of the Clenched Hand lies in its hands, and now that Iselin is missing one hand, her strength is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

But she didn't seem to care.

"It doesn't matter. Brother, just go back and help me make a robotic arm. I won't be able to use this hand in my life." Iselin said with a smile.

Li Chengyi was silent.

He just felt that something was wrong. If it could be recovered, why did Iselin still not grow back after so long?

After all, so much time has passed, and it took so long for him to return.

Whatever the injury, it will be recovered soon.

He stood up and gently held Iselin in his arms.

All this time, she has stayed quietly by his side, accompanying and caring for him all the time. At critical moments, she even ignored herself and helped her save others.

It can be said that since he came to this world, Iselin was one of the best people to him.

"I will find a way to help you recover, don't worry! Also."

Li Chengyi stretched out his hand and opened his palm, with a purple ball rolling quietly on it.

"This is a gift for you." He leaned over and whispered in Yiselin's ear.

Listening carefully to the usage of the Flower Language Pearl, Iselin's eyes became brighter and brighter, showing strong interest.

"Can you choose whatever you want!?" She couldn't help but be surprised.

"Of course. Anything is fine." Li Chengyi nodded and reached out to pinch her little face.

"But it's best to choose an ability that allows you to leave blind corners and escape from constraints."

"No, I have to think about it!" Iselin said happily.

Li Chengyi turned his eyes and looked at Professor Miman. He opened his palms and a new flower language bead emerged.

"This is just a gift to repay the professor for saving people this time."

Professor Miman looked at Hua Yuzhu, the red light in his eyes flashed rapidly.

"Interesting. There seems to be a very wonderful and ancient mysterious substance hidden inside this thing. I can't actually see the most detailed structure."

He obviously does not recognize the aura of the Flower of Evil, which shows that he is not an ancient strong man from the same period as the Flower of Evil.

"But this seems to include a contract." Miman is indeed a professor, and he can see part of the content at a glance.

"Yes, the content of the contract is to contact you and me at any time, locate you and me, and help me fight together at critical moments. In short, once you accept this contract, we will always be in the same camp and cannot be changed." Li Chengyi explained clearly.

Miman was silent for a while, but still refused.

"Then there is no other way. First of all, I must be a member of the Behemoth Sect, and secondly, I can give in to my own will. I am not suitable to accept this contract."

Li Chengyi nodded calmly and took back the flower beads.

"Then let me repay you with a promise. If there is anything you want to do or find, Professor, you can entrust me to complete it."

Miman smiled again.

"This is okay. Although you are still weak now, you can look forward to the future." He seemed unable to see Li Chengyi's strength after the enhancement of Huashenyi.

"After that, I plan to go to Midran. According to the speed of time, I should be back soon. Then I will ask the professor to send me to Mosha." Li Chengyi said sincerely.

"no problem."

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