Hidden Corners

Chapter 542 542 White 2

In the last ten seconds, the fat woman reacted.

"You mean Xiao Ke? Her name is Keya. She is my daughter. The father doesn't know who she is. If she wants to adopt her, it's not impossible. It's just the money. After all, I have raised her for so long. She is already thirteen years old."

She instantly recognized Li Chengyi as a pervert who liked little girls and immediately started bargaining.

"Make a price." Li Chengyi said calmly.

Two minutes later.

He walked out of the store with the little girl Keya under his arm, and continued walking slowly deeper into the street.

Keya was held under his arm, motionless, and her head is still buzzing.

Was she sold?

One hundred and fifty thousand, sold by her mother to a strange man who didn't even know his full name? ?

She was still doing her homework two minutes ago, in a hurry, for fear of not being able to make dinner in time.

In the next two minutes, she completely lost her thoughts. The man picked her up like an ornament and put it under his arm before leaving.

"Mr. Li, can you put me down first so I can leave on my own?" It took a while for Keya to clear her chaotic mind and take the initiative to ask.

"Don't worry, I won't run away," she added. "I don't know why you paid for me, but I guess it's not to have sex with me."

Perhaps because she grew up in a red-light district, she speaks without any taboos about things between men and women, and is even quite natural, without any shame.

"Of course, kid." Li Chengyi replied.

He lowered the little girl to the ground and allowed her to stand firm. Only then did she realize that one of her legs was lame.

Not only that, there was a hideous scar on the side of her neck, which was previously hidden by her long hair and could not be seen.

The scar was so deep and long that it looked like it could almost cut off half of her neck.

"Don't worry, it wasn't my mother who cut it." Keya touched the scar on her neck and said calmly.

"One time, some gangsters came to the store to collect money. My mother couldn't help but yell at them. One of them stabbed her with a knife. My mother dodged behind me and used me to block the knife, and that was it."

"You are very strong." Li Chengyi nodded. No wonder his consciousness is so much stronger than others, and he is still so young.

This experience is truly helpless.

"Don't blame my mother. She has mental illness. Sometimes she is normal and sometimes she becomes ill. She can't control herself." Keya whispered.

The two of them, one big and one small, walked one behind the other. Li Chengyi listened to her words, thought about it, and asked directly.

"Do you go to school?"

"No, I stole some of other people's books to read myself, and a boy who liked me before gave me a set. But after I crossed out my face, he never came again." Keya answered.

"You are very good. The previous sufferings have sharpened your strong will, so I chose you." Li Chengyi was also thinking about the condensation method of the Human-Faced Yuan Shen Sword, which is actually in the same line as the previous skills of the Faceless Sword Sect. It's a parasitic route.

Implant one of your own soul seeds into the target's mind, allowing it to absorb the target's will, simulating its growth, becoming bigger, stronger, until it sublimates.

This is a very long process, which is why many elders practice the Thousand Faced Sword Canon very slowly.

"What's next?" Keya asked, "What do I need to do for you?"

".I don't know. I don't pity you, but you have what I need. But now, I find that I seem to have done something wrong." Li Chengyi frowned slightly.

"." Keya held her breath for a moment. She felt that the other party might regret it, and she might have to be sent back again, back to that devil's cave!

"Don't be afraid, it has nothing to do with you, and I won't send you back." Li Chengyi replied, "In exchange, if you are bought by me, you will work for me. No problem. Federal law stipulates that the contract you just signed Terms, you must abide by them one by one.”

"No problem." Keya breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't know what she was going to do, or what she would do in the future. She just knew she didn't have to go back.

that's enough.

As for other results, no matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than before, it will only be better. There is nothing to worry about.

Next, the two walked along the street and soon stopped at several places.

This time, Li Chengyi did not get close to the new target he found. Instead, he observed it from a distance and then marked it with his consciousness.

The second target was a retired veteran who had to work hard at a construction site and move heavy objects to treat his son's illness.

He has an iron will and his consciousness is much stronger than those around him.

The third target is a congenitally blind violinist without eyes. She carries a portable organ and sits on the street corner playing for everyone who passes by.

The fourth target was a bald dwarf beggar with disabled hands and feet, lying on the ground and crawling.

There are four targets in total, which are the human-faced Yuanshen Sword individuals that Li Chengyi found, with strong will and potential for sublimation.

He quietly inserted the seeds of consciousness into the minds of these four people according to the techniques of the Thousand Faced Sword Code, and took root and hid them.

Then bide your time.

This is the first step in forging.

The seeds of consciousness will not interfere with their lives, but they can accept their emotions.

Of course, Li Chengyi did not place all his hopes on the four people. Instead, he wandered around the city every day, looking for suitable seedlings and spreading the seeds of consciousness.

And Keya is the only person he keeps with him.

In addition to these, he also officially started searching for suitable flowers to complete the evolutionary complement of the Twelve Flower Languages.




In the blink of an eye, it’s been two years

"I'm going to trouble you again this time, Nia." In the office, Li Chengyi smiled naturally at Duranya.

"It doesn't matter, it's best if I can help." Duranya smiled and jumped out of the truck. This time, it was not colored crystals that were transported, but trees of wisteria plants.

The wisteria flower here is called purple water chestnut flower, which is the name given by the locals, but for the convenience of memory, Li Chengyi still called it wisteria.

"If it weren't for Nia, I would have searched everywhere by myself, but I wouldn't have been able to find so many so quickly." Li Chengyi said seriously, "As expected of Nia, she really helped me a lot."

"Mr. Cheng Yi is so generous." Duranya couldn't help laughing.

"But I heard that there have been frequent fights and shootings in the city recently. Nia, you must be careful when you go out and bring enough bodyguards." Nilan whispered to the side.

In the past few years, she has become accustomed to working. The high-intensity cleaning work has developed her capable and concise cleaning skills.

It allowed him to perfectly clean the two-story building plus the basement five times within two hours without missing a single trace.

Dunis became the manager of the office, and Solikaya also began to receive training and joined the ranks of assistants.

"Yeah, I understand." Nia nodded.

"By the way, Niya, can I transfer the money to you for these flowers?" Li Chengyi asked.

"No, this little money is nothing, just think of it as a gift from me." Nia smiled.

"Then if you say that, I won't be polite." Although Li Chengyi looked like he wanted to pay, he actually didn't even dig into his pockets. He was obviously determined to have sex for nothing.

In the past two years, he has purchased goods from Nia more than once, but every time he was exempted from the order.

Such a large odd total price can always be exempted. He suspected that Nia's father was investing in him in disguise.

So later Li Chengyi accepted all kinds of goods and property with peace of mind and it was natural.

In the past two years, he has also deployed many back-up men in Ludian City. Several gangs in the slums have been secretly controlled by him, and the number of people who have left the seeds of consciousness has reached more than 200 people.

Among these people, there are a few seedlings with very good potential, and they are very likely to complete the sublimation and condense the human-faced Yuan Shenjian.

Now he is always concerned about those seedlings.

Not long after, all the wisteria flowers in the carriage were removed.

The truck left, and Nia also got in the car, waved to a few people, and followed back.

After leaving the office, the truck drove all the way and soon passed through the city, crossed a small river, and entered a huge and vast grassland.

In the center of the grassland, a huge brown castle appeared in front of everyone.

Nia got out of the car, transferred to a white three-wheeled car, and drove staggeringly towards the castle.

Soon, the fountain pool on the front of the castle arrived.

Nia got out of the car and ran towards a man with a long back and gray hair standing by the pool talking to someone.

"Father!" she shouted cheerfully.

"You're back? Are you throwing money away again?" The man turned his head, revealing a serious and cold face with a big nose.

He has a big nose and looks very similar to his daughter. You can tell at a glance that he is his biological son.

"Anyway, it's my own private money. You said you wouldn't care how it is used." Nia raised her finger and shook it a few times, smiling.

"The main thing is how much can you spend by spreading like this? You can't spend it all in a lifetime and still not catch up with 1% of the growth rate. How many times have I said that spending money is an art and needs to be learned. Forget it, I don't have time to care. You, be careful lately, those people from White Praise have infiltrated into the Federation. People are being arrested everywhere. I won’t be able to stay for more than a few days after I come back this time, and I’m going to the Kingdom of Light soon.”

He really didn't have the energy to care what his daughter did. As long as it was safe, nothing else mattered.

What is important now is that White Praise is becoming more and more powerful, forcing many religious countries and religious groups to unite to fight against it.

As one of the few wealthy businessmen in the federation, he is actually one of the six branch heads of the business alliance organization of the Light Theocracy here. At this time, it is necessary to prepare a large amount of various material resources for the Light Theocracy.

The materials needed are too many and too precious, many of which cannot be bought with money, and it requires coordinating contacts everywhere.

At this time, it was impossible for him to have the energy to intervene in such a trivial matter as his daughter spending some of his own money.

"I understand. Don't worry. I only used less than one-tenth of the pocket money you gave me last time." Nia said gently, "Father, please pay attention to your health and don't be too tired and tire yourself out." ”

"I'm fine. I'm just a little tired."

Nia's father, Forman, reached out and gently pinched his daughter's cheek.

"It's all because of those lunatics in White Praise who always summon the half of God to destroy the world and want to create a kingdom of God on earth and purify all heretics. If they weren't so extreme, we wouldn't have the need to run around like this." He sighed .

"Thank you for your hard work." Nia took the initiative to hold her father's hand and said softly.

"Anyway, safety is the first priority. I feel relieved that Harpson will stay with you. Remember, if you encounter trouble or danger that even Harpson can't handle, you must use it as soon as possible. A constant rain of water on your neck," Forman warned.

"Yes. I remember."

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