Hidden Corners

Chapter 544 545 White Four

Li Chengyi also sighed when he saw this, and looked at Keya who was counting ants at the side.

"Just wait for me here, I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay." Keya nodded.

The two of them were currently on the ridge between two rice fields. There were old farmers working on both sides. It was not an inaccessible place, so there was no need to worry about safety.

After Li Chengyi finished explaining, he hurried towards Tom's direction.

Not long after, when he reached a corner that was out of sight, a black light flashed and the person disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already with Tom and the other three.

On the grass outside the small water forest, there were three adults covered in wounds and blood.

‘They are all good kids. There is no shortage of good materials that come to your doorstep. ’

Li Chengyi glanced at the three of them, and was the first to come to the woman who was almost out of breath. He stretched out his hand and gently touched her eyebrows.

A soft golden light suddenly lit up from the fingertips and poured into the woman's head.

That is the radiant force field.

Although this flower language is not strong, it is really the one that Li Chengyi uses most frequently.

Healing, detoxification and removing curses are almost like panacea-like abilities. Although none of them are super strong, they are not weak either and can kill someone.

But when used on an ordinary person, it would be a real miracle medicine.

The woman's vital signs quickly returned to normal. Li Chengyi took back his hand and walked towards the other person.

He did the same thing, and soon the man was fine.

Finally there is Tom.

‘Hey, it’s not poison? Is it some kind of pollution in consciousness? Curse? ’

When Li Chengyi checked, he found that Tom's condition seemed to be different from what he expected.

'But it doesn't matter, it can be removed with a little more force. ’

He immediately increased the intensity of the radiant force field, letting it cover Tom's body.

Soon, the curse was removed, leaving a little damage on Tom to avoid suspicion.

After doing this, Li Chengyi stood up. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out his hand and gently touched the center of Tom's eyebrows.


A purple-black sword-shaped pattern flashed past and disappeared instantly.

This is an unformed sword of wisdom, one of his own tens of thousands of swords of wisdom, which can protect Tom's life at critical moments.

Such a good seedling cannot be damaged accidentally.

After doing this, he flashed back to his original place and walked towards Keya.

‘From now on, this seedling can be named Detective as a code name. ’

The two of them did not stay any longer, but chose to return to the city.

He left the city inexplicably, then stayed on the field for a while, and then returned to the city inexplicably, leaving Keya confused.

But she didn't ask anything. Anyway, no matter what her boss did, she only needed to be responsible for protecting his safety.

Back at the office, Dunis is hiring someone to paint the exterior walls with waterproof paint.

"The people from New Moon came again, and when they saw Nia, they went back. Speaking of which, we are really grateful to Nia." Dunis said with emotion.

"Yes, Miss Nia is really our lucky star. If it weren't for her, my progress would have been much slower." Li Chengyi nodded in agreement.

At this time, Duranya and Nilan were playing chess together. The two of them were concentrating, and it was obvious that they were betting on something.

Li Chengyi looked at Duranya from the side. This is also a good idea.

She is born with a strong contagious consciousness and can easily pass on her consciousness and infect others.

Li Chengyi naturally also planted seeds in her consciousness. In the past two years, Dulannia was one of the two people whose consciousness grew the fastest besides Tom.

In fact, up to now, Li Chengyi has turned the entire Ludian City into his Thousand Faced Sword Farm. The seeds have been sown and everyone is growing safely.

As an old farmer, he worked hard to protect everyone and protect them from wind and rain.

Of course, we can't let it go through any wind and rain, we just need to help prevent it from being beaten to death by the wind and rain.

After entering the office, Li Chengyi called Dunis over. Take a look at the previous investigation report.

"There's a new job, please help me check it out."

"Boss, there's new business coming to our firm, do you want to take it? It's an investigation case, and I'll give you two hundred thousand at a time. If you succeed, you will get a share! A rare big client!" Dunis said quickly in a low voice.

"You can take it if you want. I'll do my job first, and I can recruit a few more people to help." Li Chengyi said casually.

"That's okay!" Dunis nodded.

If he sold the firm to Li Chengyi because of protection at the beginning, then now, he really feels a little different.

It went so well.

After the firm was renamed the Forever Firm, no matter which department he went to in the city to handle business, he no longer had the painful experience of begging his father and mother. Wherever he went, someone would come to handle it quickly without any delay.

His daughter Nilan cannot feel this change, but as an adult who often runs various departments, he can understand it best.

So he now understands that the boss is definitely not as simple as he seems on the surface.

I stayed at work with peace of mind.

"Has there been a big case recently in Shuishulin outside the city?" Li Chengyi asked.

"Yes, there is. It was a small cult gathering somewhere to hold sacrifices. As a result, more than thirty people disappeared together, and no one was left." Dunis nodded.

He paused.

"However, this matter was suppressed by the authorities. After all, it is an underground cult. It is informal. If you die, you will die. They are all rotten people with poor composition. If you pull out any one, they are almost enough to be shot. .”

"Is that so?" Li Chengyi thought for a moment. The three Toms did not die and survived successfully. They must have witnessed and come into contact with some dangerous key secrets, and something will happen in the future.

He waved.

"I understand. You should go out first."


After closing the door, Li Chengyi walked to the window and looked toward the water forest.

‘The seeds have begun to germinate, but I don’t know the reason for the germination. This is not good’

His mind moved.

Suddenly, three blurry cyan haloes of human bodies appeared in the field of vision.

The three figures floated motionless, and the halo gradually dissipated, revealing their true details.

The first one was surprisingly the Tom who had just been treated.

He was wearing a brown leather jacket, camouflage trousers, and a cowhide narrow-brimmed hat. He had his head lowered, his face was calm, and there was a hint of indescribable sadness in his brown eyes.

Below him, two Black Haven figures emerged of their own accord: Detective.

The second one was a bald dwarf with a deformed body and broken hands and feet. He held a broken bowl in his hand and tried to raise his head, but the eyes on his ugly face did not reveal begging, but calmness.

The black text below him reads: Gnome.

The third one is the familiar Duranya.

The gentle and kind-hearted lady was wearing a beige long skirt with a waist. Her exposed hands and forearms were as white as lotus roots. Although her face was unattractive and could only be considered ordinary, her eyes were like soft lake water, flowing clear.

The black text below reads: Noble Lady.

These three people are the ones with the fastest and most stable growth after he planted the seeds of consciousness, and they are also the three with the best quality of consciousness.

It is likely that three human-faced Yuan Shen Swords will be condensed in the future.

This kind of projection is just a little trick of Li Chengyi's own consciousness control. It is not difficult, but it can show the situation of the three people very intuitively.

Under the long-distance seed transmission, the status of the three people will automatically appear and feedback here.

Even strong emotional changes can be reflected here.

"They are all good children." Li Chengyi looked at the three of them with very soft eyes.

What is hidden in the water forest that can make Tom's consciousness increase so much at once.

He decided to go and see for himself.

I just happened to be a little tired recently from studying the spatial location of the Flower Language Pearl, so I might as well go out and relax.

The aura of Hua Yuzhu on Paine's side seems to be getting stronger and stronger as time goes by.

Li Chengyi carefully studied the positioning and transmission technology of Nihen and Huayu Beads, and made some inferences and analyzes little by little, and he got some results.

His strong understanding once again made a great contribution, helping him gradually start to follow the breath and extend into the depths of space, gradually forming a brand new technique for digging out deep traces of space.

After coming back to his senses, Li Chengyi walked to the corner of the curtain. In a flash of black light, he disappeared into the office.

The next second, in the water forest.

Deep in the dark forest, branches like door curtains hung down, blocking the light here even more gloomily.

The ground was wet and soft, like a swamp.

The densely packed dark green branches all around seemed to be covered with a thick layer of green mold, which made people feel hairy just looking at them.

Li Chengyi just glanced at it casually, his consciousness spread, and he quickly found a new place again.

He took a step forward, flew lightly, and flew towards there.

Not long after, an obviously destroyed wetland appeared in front of him.

Several black bodies in white robes were lying on the ground. All their eyes had been gouged out, leaving only two dry blood holes.

But this is obviously not a recent injury.

Li Chengyi approached, searched one of them, and found an old handwritten pamphlet.

When you open the rough pale yellow manuscript, you will see that it is filled with densely packed poems and sacrificial words in praise of a god named Ra.

'pull? This seems to be the name of the main god of the White Praise Theocracy,' Li Chengyi recalled.

Is he actually the person who gave the white praise?

Unexpectedly, this domineering and powerful Theocratic State actually has the ability to transform people's consciousness and greatly increase their strength.

Li Chengyi's mind was spinning, and a new idea quickly took shape.

‘If the detective can continue to rise like this, it will probably take three more times to reach the perfect limit, and then sublimate and transform. ’

"Who!!?" Suddenly a deep voice not far away came from the forest.

Li Chengyi came back to his senses, turned his eyes slightly, and looked in the direction of the sound.

In the darkness, two tall figures wearing white robes quickly appeared. The white robes on their bodies seemed to be distinguished by the silver stripes on the cuffs. The one with more stripes was in the front.

Both men wore white masks with only their eyes exposed. At this time, the eyes looking at Li Chengyi were slightly alert.

‘Killing intent +1. ’

‘Killing intent +2. ’

The two evil thoughts quickly flooded into Li Chengyi's mind.

"Exactly, as a passerby with completely white hair, I would like to ask you two, what is the purpose of White Praise coming here?"

He looked at the other person with a smile, and the Flower of Evil on the back of his hand instantly lit up with a faint purple light.

All white hair?

The two looked at Li Chengyi, unable to refute.

Suddenly, their eyes were gradually dyed with a hint of purple.

‘Language of Flowers: The power of persuasion (there is a probability of permanently persuading the opponent to change their camp attitude.). ’

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