Hidden Corners

Chapter 551 551 Heartbeat 3

Outside Ludian City.

Two figures in white slim-fitting clerical robes were standing on a higher peak, overlooking the entire urban area.

The clerical robe is a kind of simple clothing with long sleeves and trousers, with cuffs at the ends. There are specific symbols of the gods on the chest, front and back, as well as the code of the rank and position in the church.

Coupled with the gold and silver thread pattern that represents the supremacy of divine power, the overall look is simple and luxurious, with a hint of holiness.

"Knight Commander Marne, is this our destination this time?" the female knight standing behind asked in a low voice.

"Well, it is here that the two priests of the Divine Judgment Ministry disappeared. The forces of the Sunlight Council have our undercover agents, so there will be no traces. Even God's warning was not issued in time. Therefore, the murderer must be someone else. "The strong male knight a little ahead said in a low voice.

He has a neat moustache, resolute eyes, and dark complexion, which are traces of being exposed to too much light, representing the countless training and fighting he has received under the sun.

"Let's go. The position of the heretic's prophecy has been determined. The next step is to find it, deal with it quickly, and then retreat. The speed must be fast, so that the people in the council cannot find out the clues."

The Sunlight Council and White Praise are engaged in a large-scale battle. They go deep behind enemy lines and launch attacks. Once there is a big movement, the masters and strongmen of the Council will not miss the opportunity to leave their two golden knights behind.

Gold level, whether in parliament or in White Salute, is considered an absolute powerhouse.

They come and go like the wind, with the power to single-handedly destroy a small town. With the power of God blessing them, ordinary mortal weapons have extremely weak effects on them.

Only damage at the silver level and above can pose a threat to this level.

All gold-level experts are resistant to 30% of the power of mortal weapons.

This kind of weakening, coupled with the thick armor, the powerful body that has been tempered for thousands of times, and finally the superposition of different powerful magical arts bestowed by different gods, create a powerful and terrifying mobile fortress with no blind spots.

"Let's go, Yvonne. The task must be completed within one hour. If it takes longer, it will be discovered by the parliament's prophetic magic."

After finishing speaking, the Knight Commander of Marne took a step forward, and the person suddenly disappeared into the air and disappeared.

"Yes." The female knight responded slightly, also stepped forward and disappeared from the top of the peak into the air.

And the direction they were headed was surprisingly the detective house shop where Tom was.




Thousands of kilometers away.

Above a vast pale red ocean, Li Chengyi was floating in the air, holding a three-meter-long slender golden sword blade in one hand, overlooking the water.

The sea breeze made the black windbreaker on his body rustle, and also pulled his long silver-white hair back.

And below it, on the surface of the seawater, there was a giant octopus with a body length of several hundred meters, covered with wounds, floating on the seawater dying.

"My name is Boroduoluo. I am willing to surrender to you. What is your name?" The big octopus had countless small purple-black eyes on its head, staring at Li Chengyi in the sky.

"You can call me, Bailu." Li Chengyi adopted the Taoist name from the Tianju Pavilion Master Sect.

"Yes, the powerful White Deer King." Big Octopus is also a demigod. After a brief test session, he was convinced and decided to surrender to Li Chengyi.

This time, Li Chengyi didn't use flower language. He just left a seed of his own in his mind.

"Okay, you go back to recuperate. I will call you when needed." Li Chengyi said casually.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked into the distance.

A human-faced Yuan Shen Sword that was about to take shape in his Yuan Shen Sword Palace was trembling slightly and emitting a subtle warning sound.

"It seems that an uninvited guest has sneaked into the territory."

Li Chengyi glanced at Buduna in the distance, and a black light flashed beside her.

After the Shadow Flash distance is lengthened, although there is still a short activation time, when it is activated for the first time, it can be caught by surprise and has a high probability of causing an initial kill effect.

"Come back with me, someone is coming." He stretched out his hand.

Butuna obediently stepped forward and grabbed his forearm.

Long distance shadow jump begins.

Soon, the two of them disappeared into the sea together.

The space changed and shifted, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky above Ludian City. An invisible shadow enveloped the two people, making them disappear in the blink of an eye the moment they appeared, and their shadows flashed into the city below.

Below is the detective house where Tom is.

As a good crop that can immediately gather new Yuan Yin, there is no way Li Chengyi would let it face danger at this time.

At this time, in front of the detective house, two tall figures in white clothes were approaching the store quickly.

Suddenly, a green figure flashed past and stood in front of the two of them.

The visitor was wearing an exquisite green dress, with a slender waist, and her waist-length green eyes were like the finest emeralds.

It was Buduna who had just returned from outside.


She looked sharply at the two of them.

"Huh?" Gold level! ?

Ma and En looked up, but they didn't expect the person behind the scenes to show up so soon.

"Did you do it?" Ma En immediately spoke up and asked. The divine magic of questioning was activated instantly, shocking the opponent's spirit.

The magic involved a trace of divine will, which instantly descended above Buduna and impacted her mind.

A wave of dizziness flashed across her consciousness, and when Buduna came back to her senses, she was no longer in the city, but in the sky over a dark, desolate land.

‘Exile the space! ? ’ It’s just a special battle space commonly used by the Theocracy in Anze. It is empty and has nothing in it. It is used as a public dead space for all the Theocracy to fight.

When in a crowded place, someone will spread out the space and shift the battlefield.

"Just what I want." As a powerful gold-level person who can fight against demigods for a short time, Buduna roared, her body suddenly moved forward, her right arm turned into a dragon claw, and she grabbed the two opponents from the air.

The air was squeezed, and the huge force brought a huge explosive speed. This blow exceeded twice the speed of sound, exploded with a sonic boom, and scattered a circle of white air in mid-air.

"Holy White!" Ma En did his duty, and instantly condensed a white broad-edged giant sword in his hands and slashed forward.

Dang! !

His whole body was knocked backwards by the huge force and crashed into the black barren ground.

A huge crater dozens of meters wide was made between the rocks.

The power gap is obviously too big.

Ma En flew up, his whole body ignited with white holy flames, but he was not injured at all.

"Another damn pure white holy power magic!" Butuna's eyes flashed with extreme disgust.

White Praise's magic, pure white holy power, can maintain the user's peak state for a certain period of time and reduce all damage by 50%.

It's all damage, not just physical attacks.

This is a short-term magic created by imitating the resistance of demigods. Although it can only last half an hour, and a gold-level powerhouse can only use it once a month, it is enough to complete a fight.

It is a fighting method that the Holy Knights belonging to White Praise are very good at.

"Kill!!" The female knight behind also ignited holy flames all over her body, unfolded the pure white holy power magic, and rushed towards this side.

In this state, they are fearless and invincible.

Immediately the three of them fought together in mid-air.

What's disgusting is that Buduna can clearly outdo the two of them in every aspect, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't kill them both.

Even if he used the spell that injured the demigod before, it would not be able to do anything to him.

The crystal tentacles could only cause the two people's holy flames to dim slightly, that's all.

In this exiled space, Li Chengyi hid in the shadows and watched the battle quietly.

Seeing the injuries appearing on Butuna's body, and then quickly recovering, the victory clearly belongs to her. As long as the magic time passes, the two golden knights will definitely be defeated.

But with such a result, he was somewhat surprised that it could not be exterminated for such a long time.

Originally, before Butuna took action, she vowed that she could instantly kill the opponent with her action. When she faced demigods before, it was just because she was of a higher rank than her. But most of the ordinary gold-level people cannot be her opponent, but now...

"Such an increase is indeed very strong." Li Chengyi observed silently.

Time passes little by little.

Finally, half an hour passed.

The two people's holy flames began to dim and extinguish.

"My Lord is victorious!!! The pure white light will illuminate all things!"

The golden female knight roared and her body exploded.

The self-destruction turned into a dazzling white sun in mid-air, shining all around, dispelling the vast darkness and releasing warmth.

Butuna was the first to bear the brunt, her whole body was enveloped by the huge holy light, and her skin and clothes were instantly evaporated, revealing the flesh and blood fascia underneath.

She roared angrily, but did not reveal her true body. Instead, she huddled her body into a ball as much as possible to reduce the area illuminated.

Unlike the female knight, the knight commander Ma En made a completely different move.

He took the opportunity to raise his giant sword high and chant something in a low voice.

As he chanted, the giant sword in his hand lit up with golden inscriptions, all the way up the sword's spine to the tip.

"My Lord is holy! Drive out the heretics in the pure starry sky. There is no one who can defeat you. I hereby implore you to send down your spiritual thoughts, look down here, and purify the enemies of faith in front of you."

Ma En's chanting lasted for a long time, a full two seconds.

Although he recited very quickly, these two seconds were enough to interrupt the masters countless times when fighting each other.

Butuna seemed to be thinking the same thing. She opened her mouth and spat out a green dragon's breath and rushed towards Ma En.

But the dragon's breath was blocked by the invisible barrier around it.

Ma En's recitation seemed to stir up some kind of power in the giant sword in his hand. The two echoed each other and were turning into some kind of thread, sending his recitation and prayer to the boundless void somewhere.

"Damn! It's a holy weapon!!" Butuna finally came to her senses, "These lunatics! They want to blow up the holy weapon in exchange for a trace of the pure white god's will!!"

She had a look of horror on her face. The person who imprisoned her in the Shadow Dragon Prison was just the Archbishop of the Divine Theocracy, which was far weaker than White Praise.

And now, she actually has to face the sacred shadow of the most powerful god who is about to be summoned! !

Even if it's just a shadow, it's still a real god!

It is a powerful and supreme existence with weak divine power! !

She turned around and wanted to escape, but she couldn't move at all. Her whole body seemed to be glued and fixed in mid-air.

He could only look at Ma En not far away, and his whole body gradually became filled with a sacred and strong aura.

His eyes began to turn pure white, and dazzling white light emitted from his eyes.

A pair of white wings condensed with pure white light appeared behind him.

There is a crown-shaped golden halo on the top of his head.

call! !

At the moment when the crown and wings were formed, a huge pressure on the spiritual consciousness suddenly affected the area of ​​several kilometers around Ma En.

All the earth sank together, and the air turned into a strong wind, blowing around and causing a whistling sound.

"That's the arrival of the true god!! Run away!!!" Butuna finally remembered that she also had a master, and immediately shouted with fear on her face.

"Useless thing." Li Chengyi was speechless below. No wonder he was imprisoned in a prison, and even a gold-level paladin couldn't deal with it.

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