Hidden Corners

Chapter 556 556 Expansion 4

Pure white praises the Theocracy.

On the vast fertile plain, a huge majestic pure white castle stands quietly.

The weather is warm and sunny, the humidity is pleasant, and the wind carries the scent of grass and flowers.

In the Pure White God System, apart from the White God, the two most powerful gods were sitting opposite each other in the castle.

Kasman, the god of fire, and Korshu, the god of war.

The two gods are the two most powerful among the dozens of gods in the Pure White God System.

The castle is also a favorite place for their incarnations to descend.

When gods walk on the earth, they will not come in their true form, but in order to avoid risks, they will take the form of incarnations instead.

This can prevent accidents to the true body and damage to the divine fire.

After all, after the death of the real body, any creature that obtains a priesthood and divine status may ignite the divine fire and reach the sky in one step.

"Many of your highnesses in the pantheon have been behaving strangely recently. Among them, the gods of flowing water and music have lost contact for half a month. Has your highness, Kelxiu, paid attention?"

The God of Fire asked in a deep voice.

"Not only that, the God of Forging, the God of Weapons, the God of Reliefs, and the God of Knowledge all have problems. Their whereabouts have become more and more secretive, and the cooperation with the messengers has also been quite slow." The God of War frowned.

"This change was caused by the contact between Bai Wax's group of outer gods and the main god. They must be causing trouble!" When the God of Fire thought about the will of the outer gods, his anger surged in his heart.

"Perhaps I have some scruples in my heart and want to wait and see." A trace of worry flashed on the God of War's face.

"No, it must be the fault of the White Wax Outer God. I have a hunch. Although they are cooperating with the main god to arrange the ritual table, they are not without other actions. That divine intention is not as stupid as he showed." The God of Fire said coldly.

"Your highnesses with medium powers, are you not affected?" God of War asked.

"That's not true. I just went to the banquet a few days ago. Their kingdom is fine." The God of Fire nodded.

The star realm is extremely huge, and the divine kingdoms of various gods are located in different locations.

Not all gods choose to place their kingdoms near Anze.

Some are far away in the depths of the star realm.

"I reported it to the Lord God, but he didn't respond, maybe he acquiesced. The current plan can only wait until it is completely arranged and everything is destroyed. At least now, the resistance of the Sunlight Council is very strong, and we still need the power of White Wax." God of War Shen vocal channel.

"I hope those guys don't go too far, otherwise I will immediately take out his soul regardless of my divine will, and let him be nailed to the highest point of the Kingdom of God forever, and be pecked by the cold wind eagle!" The God of Fire said in a irritable tone. road.

The God of War sighed and didn't reply.




Federation of Venus.

National Hunter Headquarters.

"According to observations, the situation in Ludian City has been basically stable."

In the general conference hall, the head of the hunter headquarters sat side by side with a group of top hunters with the highest rankings.

In the empty conference hall, a secretary was constantly distributing the newly obtained intelligence materials, one to each person.

Headquarters Chief Leo rubbed his temples tiredly and glanced at everyone present.

"There is news from the Sunlight Council that there is still a stalemate on the outer battlefield. The tasks of our internal countries are mainly to stabilize social order and investigate the whereabouts of all potential infiltrators."

"Pure White Praise has repeatedly sent the Divine Judgment Division to attack small sects in various places. The impact at this time is very bad. The first thing we need to focus on is how to speed up as soon as possible." A high-ranking hunter just started to speak, and was interrupted by the head of the headquarters. .

"Wait a minute, the purpose of this general meeting is not this. The issue of the Ministry of Divine Judgment is resolved by the parliament. What we want to discuss today is another more troublesome issue."

He sighed.

"A more troublesome question? Is there anything more urgent than pure white praise?" A female high-ranking hunter frowned.

"In terms of emergencies, this is indeed the case." The head of the headquarters nodded.

Then everyone's expressions were shocked, and they all focused their attention on him.

He paused.

"I just received news that since last week, at least five members of the Sunlight Parliament from other countries have announced that they will be closed to visitors and will no longer accept any outside visitors."

"The Speaker sent envoys to communicate, but there was no news." The headquarter chief sighed.

"Has anyone found out the specific reason?" someone asked loudly.

"No." The headmaster shook his head, "I only know that it is directly related to the religious orders to which these members belong. After all, they are all leaders of their respective religious groups, and every move they make is directly related to the powerful existence of the dark world behind them."

"Is there no other useful news?" one person asked solemnly.

"There is only one order issued by the parliament." The head of the headquarters sighed, "That is"

He took a breath and looked around at everyone.

"Investigating a mysterious organization called the Garden. It has penetrated deep into our organization."


Many high-ranking hunters looked solemn.

Such a force that can directly affect an organization at the level of members of the Sunlight Parliament has silently penetrated into their entire organization. If you think about it carefully, it is simply terrifying.

"If you have obtained relevant information or intelligence, please report it as soon as possible. If the council finds out, there will be a huge reward." The head of the headquarters said solemnly.

When he went to the parliament on behalf of the Venus Federation Hunter Headquarters, the atmosphere he felt was more solemn than now, but there were many things and many secrets that he couldn't say here.

The erosion of gardens is actually more serious than hunters thought.

He was full of worries about where Anze would go in the future.




One week.

Li Chengyi continued to erode and break through the weak divine power of the elves and elemental gods.

Forcibly accept the gods among them as subordinates.

Its terrifying strength and efficiency made Randy feel jealous, and he became more and more respectful to him.

The power of the garden has also become stronger and stronger after the addition of fifteen true gods.

Although they were not willing to help the garden, no one dared to resist under Li Chengyi's strong pressure.

Because of the rebellious gods, the Kingdom of God has been completely destroyed, the divine fire has been extinguished, and even the godhood and priesthood have been completely destroyed, and they have slept forever in the infinite star realm.

If there had been no resistance from the gods, there would probably have been three more gods under Li Chengyi's command.

Inside the office.

Li Chengyi slowly took the nutrient solution, carefully applied it to the roots of the flower bushes, and dripped it into the soil.

Randy and Melo have just left, and the next deployment of the garden is about to begin.

After gaining weak divine power, he set his target on weak divine power.

The Alliance of Gods seemed to be aware of it, and the Sunlight Council issued many orders to collect intelligence on the garden.

But Li Chengyi didn't care. What he was eating was the elves and elemental gods. The Alliance of Gods also subdued a few by the way. Among the fifteen true gods, several are from the Alliance of Gods.

With the backing of a huge force, a large number of Wisteria variants began to gather near the urban area where he was located.

A huge garden built by Li Chengyi himself, the framework has been built in the suburbs.

Many flower pots in the office have been transplanted.

Only the new variety of wisteria that Nia had brought in was left, the leafy wisteria.

Everything is developing for the better.

Li Chengyi put down the nutrient solution bottle, stretched out his hand, and passed over the slightly white wisteria flowers.

The flower energy poured into his body continuously and merged into the Flower of Evil mark.

Not long after, the flower energy required for the seventh evolution of the wisteria flower was successfully supplied.

Only evil thoughts are left to replenish it.


Li Chengyi's heart moved slightly and he said via voice.

"Here." Gem Dragon walked out of the corner and looked at him respectfully.

"Have you done what you arranged?" Li Chengyi said calmly.


What's up! ?

Butuna looked confused. In her memory, the other party had not arranged anything at all recently?

Bang! !

A crisp sound spread through the garden.

Li Chengyi slapped Butuna hard on the cheek.

The huge force hit her head and she almost fainted.

A seemingly simple slap contains a large amount of special energy, which is hot and has a strong purifying effect.

The right side of her face quickly became swollen.

"Did you not take my words to heart!?" Li Chengyi said in a low voice, "I asked you to arrange for someone to pretend to catch the woman named Anya, did you forget!?"

"You didn't say anything at all!?" Gemstone Dragon couldn't help but retort.

"You dare to talk back!?" Li Chengyi interrupted her voice, his eyes turned cold, and a sword of wisdom exploded invisible in Butuna's abdomen.

With a pop, a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and she almost fell to the ground in pain.

"No, you really didn't say that." The honest boy was still struggling, with a look of injustice on his face.

Of course Li Chengyi knew that he didn't say anything, he just found an excuse to beat this guy up.

Feeling the large amount of evil thoughts coming out of the other party.

Anger +3.

Anger +3.

Hatred +2.

A series of evil thoughts quickly filled the need of the Flower of Evil.

Seeing Wisteria's evil thoughts rising rapidly, it soared to over 40% in just a few strokes.

"Well, did I really not say that?" Li Chengyi looked at Buduna and asked, touching her chin.

"Really." Butuna answered, enduring the pain.

"It seems that I really didn't say it." Li Chengyi showed an expression as if he was remembering.

"I'll just say it." Butuna suddenly became excited. Wasn't this an injustice to her? ?

Bang! !

Another sword of wisdom exploded inside her chest. The huge pain made her open her mouth immediately and wanted to howl, but she was immediately sealed by a silent death spell, unable to make any sound.

"Did I ask you to speak!?" Li Chengyi glanced at her with cold eyes.

The piercing murderous intention could not extinguish the anger in Buduna's heart.

The anger of being wronged and the pain in the body were all blocked in the chest by the huge pressure, unable to vent.

But she didn't dare to resist. After seeing the true god Randy being respectful in front of his master, she knew that in his eyes, she was just an extremely weak ant.

Angry and evil thoughts continued to pour into Li Chengyi's mark, and the percentage increased rapidly, and soon reached more than sixty.

Its speed amazed Li Chengyi.

Next, Butuna's mood seemed to go away from anger, and gradually stabilized.

Her face became colder, and there was an imperceptible hatred hidden deep in her beautiful eyes.

But what Li Chengyi wanted was these evil gangs who massacred the city and killed countless people. If they weren't of some use, he would have killed them all long ago.

Nowadays, being able to recycle waste can be considered as squeezing out the last bit of value.

Seeing that Buduna was useless, he snorted coldly.

"Go inform Randy and ask all the members to come over to the stronghold." The next evil thoughts will be absorbed from other members.

They are all a bunch of trash anyway, and if you beat a few of them for any reason, you should be able to make up the balance.


Butuna quickly left the garden. Her strong recovery power meant that she was now completely uninjured, but the humiliation and anger in her heart were wounds that could not be eliminated.

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