Hidden Corners

Chapter 576 576 Direction Four

In the courtyard at dusk.

Li Chengyi took Chen Jiahan with him and followed Yin Yue as he walked in the corridor.

Looking up, you can see the blurry infinite black sea above your head.

A series of strange blind corners, squirming, rolling, and passing from above from time to time.

They come in a variety of colors, and some are even translucent.

"When you go over there, remember not to give in and retreat. Fight for forbidden knowledge and be ruthless. If someone wants to destroy the knowledge system you have acquired, take action when necessary." Yinyue is still warning.

"Disciple understands." Li Chengyi nodded.

Chen Jiahan behind him had his sight and hearing blocked and simply followed behind him.

Not to keep secrets, but to save lives.

Although Chen Jiahan broke through the limit and became a martial arts evolver, he was still far inferior to Li Chengyi's body that was strengthened too much by the language of flowers.

In addition, his flower language ability did not directly strengthen himself. As a result, when he was practicing in Midran, he could only break through two seals with difficulty and was unable to continue.

Of course, his strength is quite strong. In Li Chengyi's test, this guy with two seals could hit three or four seals in a flash, but that's about it.

The resources obtained internally by Midran can only support him up to this point.

"Do not open the sensory blockade of your subordinates. The person who comes to pick you up this time is profound and may step into the holy position at any time. Therefore, for those who are lower than the five seals, looking directly at them may cause damage to their consciousness. This It will be extremely slow to repair the damage. The price will be high." Yin Yue turned around and warned again.

"Yes." Li Chengyi nodded.

He couldn't help but recall that he was like this when he met the Patriarch Tian Xuanzi before, and his consciousness was almost damaged by looking directly at him.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and blurred the image quickly, and he did not dare to delve deeper into the image, otherwise he might have been severely injured at that time.

The three of them walked forward along the corridor until they reached the center of the courtyard.

There were already two people waiting in the central open space.

One of them was the Master Guangli whom I met last time.

This female Taoist with extremely charming appearance was also accompanied by a female disciple, waiting to look up into the sky.

Seeing Li Chengyi arriving, she looked startled and smiled.

"It's actually Senior Nephew Bailu. Things in the world are unpredictable. The last time we said goodbye, many years have passed before we knew it. I didn't expect that we would see each other again."

"Bai Lu has met my uncle." Li Chengyi saluted quickly.

Although he has now entered the real fire, in his eyes, the other party is still burning with huge real fire flames. The fire is illusory and transparent. There is a vague black furnace inside, which is antique, surrounded by densely packed and countless strange insects flying around. .

Obviously that is Master Guangli's furnace of creation.

Looking at the firepower, the opponent's level is higher than his, and more than a little higher.

But if you think about it, you can understand that the other party, like Yin Yue, has been practicing for many years, so it is normal to have such a level of cultivation.

"This is my direct disciple Que Ru, who is also qualified to enter the True Division. You two are destined to be together." Guangli said with a smile.

The woman behind her had a cold look on her face, and she obviously didn't like to talk. After hearing this, she bowed slightly towards Yin Yue.

Li Chengyi also felt the aura of real fire from this Que Ru. I couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The other person's face was young, but there was some vicissitude in his eyes, and he was obviously not a young man.

"Que Ru actually met the qualifications to enter the True Department two hundred years ago. He just needed to accumulate merits. He just got the qualification letter now. I didn't expect that Senior Nephew Bailu would accumulate merits so quickly. It's really amazing." Guangli's words were revealing. A hint of curiosity.

Listening to what she said, Que Rumei's eyes could not help but slowly shift to Li Chengyi.

Both of them could sense that the other's cultivation level was similar and that they were both at the beginning level of True Fire, so they both nodded to each other and bowed.

"Here we come!" Suddenly Di Yin Yue raised her head and smiled.

Everyone looked towards the sky together.

All I could see was the black sea beyond Jie Xu.

A ray of white rays of light suddenly curved and flew across from the depths of the Black Sea. Then it penetrated the boundary membrane above the courtyard and landed gently a few meters away in front of a few people.

In the rays of light, a white-haired old Taoist looked like an ancient god and Buddha with a white halo behind his back. He held a fly whisk in his hand and had a golden vertical pupil between his eyebrows, shining towards the Yin Yue.

Yin Yue also took a step forward, and the vertical pupils between her brows also released golden light.

The two lights touched in mid-air, seeming to be checking something.

After a few seconds, the golden light faded and disappeared.

Yin Yue saluted the old Tao seriously.

"Senior Brother Yinjiu, I haven't seen you for many years. I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

The white-haired old Taoist has a gentle temperament, just like the Taoist God in mythology, stroking his beard and smiling.

"Junior Brother Yinyue is still the same, he still doesn't strive for improvement, which makes me a little disappointed."

So straightforward.

Followed by Guangli and Queru Li Chengyi who saluted, they were speechless.

If these words were said in another place, people would definitely think that this old Taoist had a grudge against Yin Yue.

But speaking at this time, the combination of Master Yinjiu's tone and behavior actually gave people an inexplicable sense of sincerity, which could not make anyone feel disgusted.

"That's it for this poor Taoist. He has limited qualifications and can't go any further. He can only rely on his disciples to see if there is any hope." Yinyue smiled bitterly.

"With the qualifications, I don't know how many people have been stopped from seeking the truth. Alas." Master Yinjiu also sighed.

Then his eyes fell on the people behind Yinyue.

Guangli obviously didn't care about him, so he just nodded slightly. His focus was on Li Chengyi and Que Ru.

As for Chen Jiahan, that doesn't count as a human being. Just ants.

"Are you just waiting for two people? Not bad." He gave a slight compliment. "Have you ever settled matters in this mortal world?"

"Reply to my uncle, that's it." Li Chengyi replied quickly.

"Return to Master, it's over."

Que Ru also nodded and lowered his head to show respect.

"That's good. It's not easy to go to Zhenbu once and come back again. Now that you're sure, it's time for us to hit the road." Yinjiu smiled.

"Excuse me, uncle." Li Chengyi bowed again.

"Get up." Suddenly he heard a low voice.

A pure white halo, like cotton, held his whole body up and flew up.

Not only him, but Taoist Que Ru around him was also lifted up and floated in this white light.

Master Yinjiu was just a few meters in front, sitting cross-legged, with his back to them, looking forward.

Li Chengyi looked back and saw that the Chen family letter was still there, so he simply waved his hand to temporarily seal it, turned it into a light yellow ball, and put it in his arms.

This is also much safer to avoid accidents on the road.

This time they were allowed to bring a servant with them to the True Ministry. It happened that Chen Jiahan had been forgotten in Midran for thousands of years and his lifespan was about to expire. He planned to take him with him to the True Ministry to see if he could You can't use the resources of the master to help him extend his life.

After all, Li Chengyi himself felt a little guilty for forgetting it here.

After doing this, he turned around and saw Que Ru's withdrawn gaze. Obviously she is also curious about the flower language sealing ability.

"The inheritor of the royal city? No wonder he entered the True Department so quickly." Master Yinjiu, who was leading the flight, said with a smile.

Even though his back was turned, he could clearly see everything behind him.

"My master's ability makes me laugh." Li Chengyi said in a low voice.

"This is not a trivial matter, but compared to Que Ru, your qualifications are indeed somewhat inferior. They can only be considered average." Yin Jiu replied.

He waved the floating dust, revealing a colorful space moving at high speed in front of him.

The Black Sea seemed to have turned into a kaleidoscope pipe under the extremely fast movement, and they were sliding down the pipe.

Li Chengyi tried to test his consciousness outward, but the moment his consciousness touched the outside world, it was dissolved.

It was not destroyed, but completely and inexplicably disappeared. It's like he doesn't have any consciousness.

"Don't go out and test the area casually." Yinjiu reminded, "Do you know where the real department is?"

Li Chengyi and Que Ru both shook their heads.

Yinjiu laughed again.

"If you follow what mortals say, the true part is located at the end of time and space, in the origin of the moment between creation and destruction."

What does it mean? What is that place?

Although Li Chengyi is now considered a real fire expert, he was still a little confused when he heard these words.

"I once heard my father say that the origin is the beginning of the initial explosion of time and space. Everything is still there. Is the true part there?" Que So finally spoke at this time.

"You have good skills. Being able to touch this level of knowledge obviously has a family background." Yin Jiu praised him, then looked at Li Chengyi, who was still unknown, and shook his head.

"Bailu is too young and lacks experience in this area. He has no corresponding guide behind him. It is normal for him not to know."

he explained.

"Que Ru is a descendant of a saint, and his qualifications are much stronger than yours. It is natural that he can enter the True Department. Although you have inherited part of the royal city's original inheritance, there are many inheritors. Qianye, Baihua, and the Flower God General, Each has its own heritage, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and..."

He paused.

"Inheritance is the inheritance of your bones, or is it a result of acquired transformation, mixed into one, let's see. Shadow Dragon King, tempered martial arts, strengthened immortal magic, the system is very complicated, but the innateness is insufficient, and you have to transform, and your future achievements will be limited. Listen. You said you are the Flower God General?"

Li Chengyi's heart moved slightly.

‘My Flower of Evil was not even noticed by the original Patriarch Tianxuanzi. From this point of view, does it mean that the Master regarded me as the Flower God General and passed it on? ’

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and then he didn't deny it and nodded in agreement.

He had a hunch that even if he confessed about the existence of the Flower of Evil, there would probably be the same abnormal changes as last time.

So I simply admitted it.

"But no matter what your root and bone inheritance is, when you get to the True Department, what really determines your future is to understand the method of enlightenment. After you practice to the perfection of the divine fire, you can compete for the forbidden knowledge system, which is the so-called method of enlightenment. The way of enlightenment. Don’t be humble wherever you are. Fight when it’s time to fight, remember that.”

Yinjiu warned again.

"Yes." X2.

"However, if you put it all together, it's just ordinary in the real department. It may not even have a chance to compete. These words are a little early.

Here I will tell you about the surroundings of the origin where the true department is located. There are some basic taboos to keep in mind. "

Yinjiu paused for a moment, gathered his thoughts, and continued again.

"You should know that time is a concept created by living beings to describe the changes of all things. This concept itself does not exist, what exists is the eternal change of all things."

Li Chengyi and Que Ru both nodded.

“So, the true location is the moment when the elders of our sect and I use our great supernatural powers to control the process of change across all things and return to the original moment when all things were still.

At the point of origin at that time, the true part of Tianju Pavilion was built. Such an environment is conducive to our practice and understanding, and to understand the root of the transformation of all things. It will lay the fundamental foundation for attaining the holy status in the future.

After all, the principles of time and space are extremely difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with. "

"Is this what is called crossing time and space?" Que Ru couldn't help but ask.

"It can be said that, to be more specific, it means going back to the origin of all things billions of years ago. But such magical power prevents you from leaving the true part. Once you leave, you will be instantly assimilated and dissolved by the static scene around the origin."

Yin Jiu sighed as if he remembered something bad. "Remember, don't leave the true scope of activities at will. The path of change is the foundation of all things, the starting point for omniscience, and the fundamental path for your practice and enlightenment. The Yin Code is the embodiment of the path of change."

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