Hidden Corners

Chapter 579 579 Searching 3

"The last two aerospace armies are the only ones left in the two galaxies. If we lose this time, we may never have another chance in the future!" The captain is a strong white man with a slicked back hair and resolute eyes. He is full of enthusiasm. His face was bloody, and he wiped the blood from his face with his hands.

"Maybe if we keep persisting and work hard to support, there will still be hope! Have you heard the gunshots? There is still fighting in the city center! They are not dead yet!" he said seriously and loudly.

"The Bula reinforcements will arrive in thirty minutes. This is our last chance! If we can't regain control of the base within thirty minutes, everyone will die!" the pony-tailed woman yelled.

"Then charge!" the captain roared, rushed out of the hiding place, raised his gun and fired straight ahead.

Laser beams shot out one after another, hitting the skeleton-like silver robots falling in mid-air in the distance.

These robots only use a simple spine to connect their limbs. They hold laser cannons and aim at several people before firing one after another.


A light cannon hit the energy pack of one of them.

An explosion occurred immediately.

A total of five people were blown away from the center by the huge explosion. The captain hit his head against the corner of the roadside. His skull was dented on the spot and he lost his breath.

Amidst the roar, the rest of the people got up with difficulty and glanced here. Some people wanted to rush over to save people, but were held back.

Amid the roar, several people endured the pain and quickly left in the other direction.

At this moment, a translucent invisible vortex suddenly appeared in mid-air beside the captain.

In the center of the vortex, a purple-black beam shot out and hit the captain between the eyebrows accurately.

Soon, the vortex disappeared, the purple light faded, and everything seemed like nothing happened.

The sound of bombings in the city became less and less, the flames began to spread, and thick smoke and fog enveloped everything around them.


The captain who suddenly fell to the ground opened his eyes, and purple-gold fluorescence flashed in his eyes.

"Where's the Skittles?"

He slowly got up, moved his hands and feet, and looked around.

"There shouldn't be any problems with my location transmission, right? Where are the people?"

The person occupying this body at this time is Li Chengyi, who was just teleported from the earth and moon.

In order to integrate here faster and obtain enough information, he immediately chose the shadow substitute ability to enter and obtain the identity of this recently deceased person.

"Um, this blind spot is so big!?"

Li Chengyi rubbed his temples and suddenly discovered that the space in this place was actually much larger than the earth and the moon.

At least more than fifty times the size.

And it contains a large number of star systems, and the internal ecology is completely like a cosmic system.

The Luolai people, the Bulla people, and the Yuanxing people jointly fought a terrorist war with the Star Network organization.

The main forces on both sides are some powerful people called Star Spirits. With the protoss as the main force, and the fleet's unmanned weapons as the auxiliary, countless people were dissipated and annihilated like dust in the war.

But the protoss is still there, shining like a hero.

The Yuanxing is somewhat like the Earth and the Earth and the Moon, while the Luolai and the Bulla people are from distant alien stars. In appearance, the former is a humanoid life with four eyes, and the latter has sharp ears, somewhat like the yellow elves of the elves. skin human.

The Star Network they were fighting against was a top-notch powerful organization composed entirely of Star Spirits.

The ambition to unify the entire surrounding galaxy drives this organization to continuously wage war against the Alliance.

Complex information flashed rapidly in Li Chengyi's mind.

It took more than ten minutes for him to absorb all the information in this body.

Then the appearance returned to its original appearance again.

He was not prepared to inherit the karma of this body's connections. Rather, it is purely about finding people quickly and leaving by yourself.

"It's just that I clearly positioned myself accurately and teleported here, but here."

Before he came here, he explored more than twenty suspicious blind spots, but they were all ordinary small blind spots. After entering, he could instantly sense the smell of Skittles.

But it's different here.

He could sense that the scent of Rainbow Candy's flower beads seemed to be obscured by something, and its location was blurred.

Walking out of the alley, I looked at the large collapsed buildings and buildings around me.

The entire city was burning, with loud explosions from time to time.

Rolling black smoke rose into the sky, shrouding the sky into darkness.

The acrid smell of smoke and chemicals is enough to kill any living thing in any corner of the city.

Li Chengyi didn't feel hot. His current body temperature could reach over three hundred degrees. The heat of dozens or hundreds of degrees on the street was nothing to him.

‘The direction of the induction is vague, but it’s confirmed, the Skittles are here. ’

The next step is to find the right way to find people.

He thought for a moment, then flashed and suddenly appeared on top of a silver-white skyscraper.

The source of shadow allows his figure to be hidden in the shadow and cannot be detected.

The top of the building is the highest point in the city, and you can see the entire city from here.

Black smoke pillars rose into the sky, and orange fire covered most of the area. There were no living people in the streets and alleys, only a few silver robots holding guns were patrolling and hunting survivors.

Li Chengyi frowned and began to blink rapidly.

The next second, his figure appeared on the desolate yellow-green plain.

Consciousness unfolds and there is no living person.

Then, it was over the vast sea.

Several huge disabled warships floated crookedly on the sea, emitting thick smoke, but there was still no sign of anyone.

He flashed again and again, constantly looking for a larger gathering of humans, but there was no trace.

"Poor world"

Li Chengyi finally gave up, raised his head, and looked at the distant starry sky above.

Skittles' vague aura is probably coming from the starry sky here.


He finally returns to the city where he appears and stands on the burning streets.

He stretched out his hand and pulled it away, and suddenly it was a scrapped robot thigh. flew into his hands.


The thigh blinked and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in the sword furnace inside Yuanshen Sword Palace.

The golden flame burned brightly and began to get slightly brighter.

The metal thighs quickly melted and dissipated in the flames.

Li Chengyi felt that a subtle warm current flowed from the brain into the body, spread throughout the body, and began to rapidly strengthen the skeletal muscles.

‘Is this the elevated feeling of burning in an oven? ’

he mused.

‘It’s very weak. If I rely on this kind of substance to improve my realm, burning and devouring it continuously for thousands of years will not necessarily double my strength. The efficiency is indeed too low. ’

Among the contents of the new teachings of the Yin Code, there are materials that are most common in the Black Sea and can quickly improve the realm of the Yin Code.

The first one on the list is the original body.

Then there is the Yuan seal, the engraving.

Then there are all kinds of powerful negative energy individuals.

‘Let’s try it first to see how much speed can be achieved by completely letting go of the intake and turning everything around into fuel. This can also quickly filter out the most cost-effective fuel around. ’

Thinking of this, he opened his arms.

A huge pulling force, with him as the center, rapidly expanded towards the main axis.

Strong winds swept across, and gravity pulled down the wreckage of cars and fighter planes at high speeds, and disappeared the moment they approached Li Chengyi.

A large amount of soil, stones, billboards, glass, metal, and other random things are gathering here at a rapid speed.

In the Yuan Shen Sword Palace, the golden flames of the sword furnace surged, burning a large amount of debris sucked into it at an extremely fast speed.

A steady stream of strengthening warm air, like a trickle, continued to flow into Li Chengyi's body, strengthening his physical body.

But his brows furrowed even more tightly.

‘It’s too slow and even a lot of matter is burned to ashes and it doesn’t have much effect. ’

‘I wonder how fast Que Ru is over there? Is everyone like me, extremely slow. ’





Taoist Pingqiu slowly stood up from his cross-legged position, and after passing on the Dharma to the last group of disciples, the True Department was temporarily closed.

It was time for him to rest, too.

After counting the achievements he had accumulated today, he walked to the gate of the Dao Palace and looked at the black sky in the distance.

"The still scene contains the secrets of the changes of all things. It is easy to become addicted to it and unable to extricate yourself if you watch it for a long time. Be careful."

A clear and soft male voice floated from behind.

Soon, a young Taoist with red skin and black horns on his forehead slowly approached and stood side by side with him.

"There are sixteen disciples in this group, what do you think?" the young Taoist asked again.

Pingqiu glanced at him.

"Barely, not as good as the last batch."

"Possibly a saint?" the young man asked.

"It's difficult. Among the recent batches, only Song Yunhe from the previous batch has hope of stepping into the holy throne.

His talents are extremely eye-catching. If you think about it, he should have reached the Divine Fire by now." Pingqiu sighed. "When he started, he was a master of Qi and Fire. In just ten years, he entered the Divine Fire. His understanding and skills are far ahead of the same period. "

"Yes. The difficulty of the holy throne is even more difficult than reaching the sky. And the multi-dimensional towers that are higher up are even more difficult." The young man also sighed.

"According to the fastest speed, it will be considered good if some of these people can step into the next realm within two hundred years." Taoist Pingqiu said calmly.

"Yes, the strengthening speed of oven burning is right there."

The horned young man waved his hand and suddenly a small dense red dot appeared in the air in front of him.

Each red dot represents a newcomer who is taking the first test of the real department. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of them.

Some red dots are brighter, which means their intensity is higher. When the brightness reaches the highest level, if it can break through, it will instantly turn green. It is considered to have passed the assessment.

"By the way, according to the message from the ancestor, we are going to have an all-out war with Bai Wa?"

The young man asked again.

Pingqiu glanced at him.

"No, it's over."

"!!?" The young Taoist was stunned and couldn't understand.

"All the dead-end worlds that Bai Wax belongs to in the two black seas have been completely destroyed. More than 90% of the worlds have been swallowed up by the ancestors. Due to the Liancheng Agreement, the old people are usually not able to devour the world casually. As soon as they got an excuse this time, they couldn't help it. .

The senior Dimensional Demon Gods of Multi-Vita, as soon as they received permission, they dispatched 90% of the time and cooperated with the two masters to complete the entire destruction task within half an hour. Pingqiu said lightly.

"This...!!" The young Taoist's face was dull, "My uncle asked me to ask if I could give some to his old man."

"It's too late. There aren't even a few drops of soup left." Pingqiu shook his head speechlessly.

The young Taoist was completely stunned and watched as Taoist Pingqiu shook his head and returned to the Taoist Palace.

He turned around and felt the cold wind blowing, his heart feeling cold.

"There are people in the court who can do things easily." The consequence of not being well informed is that you can't get a bite of the good stuff.

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