Hidden Corners

Chapter 592 592 Road 4

The three of them stopped answering. Chunfan and Li Chengyi, who had no choice, began to think about which one to choose.

Li Chengyi wandered around for a long time, and suddenly thought that his good luck flower language could affect even the ancestors, if it was used to collect taboo knowledge that suited him.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, his heart suddenly moved.

‘My current crape myrtle flower has not evolved to the ultimate body yet. If it is the ultimate body, it can definitely wait! ’ Suddenly he suddenly realized something.

‘If we follow this division of teachers, then the Flower of Evil system can also be considered a kind of forbidden knowledge! ? ’

This thought flashed across his mind like a flash of lightning.

The original land, the royal city, the Twelve Flower God Generals, the Armor of the Flower Emperor, etc. All of this, if you look at it from another perspective, it would be the original Flower Emperor who found the Flower of Evil system and relied on it step by step. Upper vertex.

‘If the Flower of Evil can be regarded as a forbidden knowledge system, then it would be understandable that the founder Tian Xuanzi could not hear the confidential information about the Flower of Evil before. Because this involves the fundamental rules of the Black Sea, forbidden knowledge is unique. ’

Various speculations kept flashing in Li Chengyi's mind.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and asked Qianyan Zhenjun.

"May I ask True Lord, why is forbidden knowledge unique?"

"I also asked my master's master, the founder Tian Qingzi, about this." Qianyan Zhenjun said with a smile, "That's because... By the way, why do I have to tell you so much? I am not your teacher. These Leave the questions to your teacher."

He suddenly smiled and stopped talking.

Li Chengyi was speechless and looked at Que Ru. She also shook her head, saying that she didn't know either.

What Li Chengyi was thinking about at this time was another point. If the Flower of Evil system was also taboo knowledge, was he already on this path?

Can I still choose the second option?

"Then I would like to ask, Zhenjun, how many forbidden knowledge systems can one person master at most?"

"As long as you can go to the extreme end, you can do as many as you like. But it will take a lot of time." Qianyan explains this directly. "Also, don't think about relying on the elders behind you to reverse the bad cause and effect of time and space. The result is that you will completely and permanently lose the possibility of in-depth forbidden knowledge, and completely block the way to break through the upper limit."

Hearing this, Li Chengyi thought of the many characteristics of the Flower of Evil system, and felt more and more that this system was the forbidden knowledge used by the first emperors to prove the Tao.

In this way, he thought for a moment and quickly walked to a crystal pillar.

'The Flower of Evil system, the first generation has used it to reach its peak. Although it failed in the end, according to the uniqueness of forbidden knowledge, the parts he mastered and the parts I mastered can only be combined to achieve a complete system. ’

He suddenly remembered the mysterious man who was attacked before and killed by Senior Brother Xuanyunzi.

I heard from Xuanyunzi that the attackers came from the previous Yuantu King City. From this point of view, we can understand why they attacked him.

In order to piece together the complete forbidden knowledge system belonging to the Flower of Evil

‘If that person really came from the two previous generations of the original land royal city, then why was the original system lost and thrown into my hands? ’

The Flower of Evil system is definitely the most powerful system. Just look at the traces left by the Emperor of Flowers in various places. Brother Xuanyunzi thought he didn’t hear it at the time, but due to the stasis of time and space, because of the help of the Flower of Evil , he did hear the exchange between the two.

The former overlord.

‘This means that even Tianju Pavilion recognizes the power of the Evil King City back then. Obviously, this system can reach the top.’

In a short period of time, Li Chengyi thought a lot.

"Have you made your choice?" Qianyan Zhenjun began to urge from behind.

Chunfan also made his choice with a look of helplessness at this time. Judging from his expression, he knew that he was the taller one among the short ones.

"It's him."

Finally, Li Chengyi pressed his hand firmly on the crystal pillar in front of him.

"Are you sure!?" Qianyan Zhenjun looked at the pillar and then at Li Chengyi.

Although he is stingy and jealous, when it comes to this life election, he doesn't want the other party to act out of emotion and regret it for the rest of his life.

"The difficulty and risk of this system are the highest. In theory, it is just for show." Qian Yan reminded, "There were many geniuses who chose it before because it was the highest intensity, but they were all gone. Because The uniqueness of forbidden knowledge means that others don’t know what they have encountered. Once you explore it and know the truth, it means that you are involved in it and have made the choice of forbidden knowledge."

"I'm sure, that's it." Li Chengyi reached out and patted the eternal vitality system.

He has the aid of Flower Language, which makes the difficulty much less difficult in disguise. He didn't believe in the flower language ability that could influence even the Patriarch Tian Xuanzi. There will be no way to affect a taboo knowledge system.

Of course, the most important thing is that if the previous two Flower Emperors really want to compete with him for a complete system, then if the second system he chooses is not strong enough, it will be completely useless. There is no way to fight against the Flower Emperor of the old era.

Therefore, only intensity is the only criterion for his choice, no matter how difficult it is.

At this time, Que Ru and Chunfan also saw the system he chose, and their expressions changed slightly.

Nine-star difficulty. This is the highest rated of all systems.

"Okay. Just make your own decision." Qianyan Zhenjun was too lazy to persuade him.

Some people have certain things, and they won't look back until they really hit the wall.

The three of them finished their selection and then descended from the minaret.

"Next, the corresponding information you selected will be stored in the forbidden library. Follow the roadside signs and go all the way to the innermost part. There is probably an accelerated service there, but be careful when using it. Don't die in it. Inside. Time acceleration is not that simple."

Qianyan Zhenjun couldn't help but remind him.

"Thank you, Zhenjun!"

The three of them bowed respectfully.

In fact, they all saw that Qian Yan was a duplicitous person, and he still had a trace of goodwill toward his disciples.

Leaving the minaret, the three of them walked together in the direction indicated by the road signs.

"How about the three of us in this group practice together from now on?" Chunfan took the initiative to show his kindness, "I heard that there are more than 70 geniuses coming this year, from all regions, among which the most promising ones are The three of them are known as the Three Sons of the Stars. When the time comes to compete, we will definitely not be able to fight alone."

"Competition? What competition?" Li Chengyi was stunned and didn't understand the meaning. Why compete when they all practice forbidden knowledge?

Forbidden knowledge is unique, so no one else can learn it, right?

"Why don't you know anything?" Chunfan looked at Li Chengyi in confusion.

"What should I know?" Li Chengyi asked.

"He was born as an ordinary person and is only a few dozen years old now. I don't know if it's normal." Que Ru added on the side.

"How many years old???" Chunfan was stunned. "Okay, I understand." After decades of accumulation, it is impossible to reach Qihuo so quickly. It is obvious that this person took other shortcuts and came in after promotion.

Theoretically, if a lot of Yuan Yin is burned, it can quickly reach Qihuo.

"If you don't tell me this, you wouldn't think that we are the only ones who can choose these systems, right?" Chunfan said helplessly. "Brother Dao, before anyone reaches the peak of a system, there will be countless people competing for it. For example, among the more than 70 people this year, at least five chose my system."

"I chose the one that is not very strong. There are about thirty people competing." Que Ru said calmly from the side. "But I don't intend to reach the top. I just want to use it to achieve the holy throne and then return it."

"You're not going to leave the dimension?" Chunfan was stunned.

Forbidden knowledge only plays an auxiliary role for the holy throne. What really plays a big role is the dimensional realm. Without forbidden knowledge, there is no way to open up a dimension of one's own.

"My qualifications are limited, but I am satisfied if I can attain the holy status." Queru's goal is very realistic and clear.

The two then looked at Li Chengyi.

"It depends on what I do. I just plan to give it a try. If it doesn't work, I'll just come back. The worst I can do is give up." Li Chengyi replied.

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to enter the system again if you come back?" Chunfan asked.

"Don't think so much. You think it's easy to become a saint. Of the more than 70 people we have this year, it's considered awesome to have five of us step into the saint's throne." Que Ru said helplessly.

Holy status, Dimensional Demon God, these realms are extremely difficult and span a wide range of levels. They are the ultimate sublimation of the entire life. It is not that easy to achieve.

Not long after.

The three of them came to a large black building with a large area.

The building looks like a huge rectangular cube with no windows and only a gorgeous and exquisite round arch entrance like a temple.

Next to the door stands a black stone tablet with the inscription: Forbidden Library.

A group of men and women in Taoist robes were standing by the door discussing something in a low voice.

At a glance, Li Chengyi saw that these people were all very delicate and perfect in appearance. Every part of their skin was in golden proportion and extremely coordinated.

Obviously, the physical strength level is very high, and there is a vague aura of real fire constantly emanating from the body.

With the strong flames of the oven, practitioners of the same type can feel their undisguised breath release as long as they get a little closer.

The most conspicuous among them is a tall man with eyes that are like countless stars in the sky, extremely deep.

The man has short red hair, wearing black bird feather earrings, and a set of extremely complex and gorgeous gold ring jewelry hanging on his chest.

An indescribable temperament spread from his body, causing almost no one around him to dare to get too close.

"One of the three sons of Qunxing, Zhou Lu. Be careful, the three sons are all divine fires." Chunfan reminded Li Chengyi in a low voice.

Li Chengyi nodded. Just from the other person's temperament, he could feel a strong sense of depression, which made the real fire in his sword furnace shrink.

This guy gave him a sense of threat that was no worse than that of the previous attacker.

A group of people standing at the door also saw the three people approaching, but judging from the aura of cultivation emanating from the three people, they didn't pay much attention.

After all, it's just three Qi Fires. This is a realm created by relying on external resources, so it's nothing.

Only divine fire, only divine fire, is the real qualitative change that can be achieved in one step.

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