Hidden Corners

Chapter 594 594 Practice 2

Within the city.

Countless meteors kept streaking across the dark gray sky.

A huge blue-black planet slowly rotates over this area, and the delicate textures of the land, oceans, mountains, and atmosphere on it can be clearly seen.

Below, in a gray rock building that resembles the word "out", a special meeting related to the instability of the entire ten territories is taking place.

All the omniscient representatives of the Three Righteous and Seven Evils were present.

There are a total of ten seats in the room, each with a black, cold rock high-backed chair and carved symbols on the back to represent the forces from which they come.

In the gray and black empty hall, ten chairs were placed in a circle, with omniscient representatives from each of the ten major forces sitting on them.

These ten major forces are:

First - Tianju Pavilion.

The representative is an old Taoist with long eyebrows who is sitting cross-legged in meditation. Wearing a black Taoist robe, simple and ordinary.

Second - Condor Country.

The representative is a man in platinum armor with the head of an eagle and the body of an eagle. He is sitting cross-legged on a chair, closing his eyes and concentrating, holding the handle of a short knife at his waist in one hand.

Third - Eternal Sea of ​​Ice.

The representative is a simple snowman made entirely of white ice and snow. The round head, round body, carrot-shaped nose, and curved mouth drawn with a red pen all look interesting.

The Fourth Qingyou Pavilion.

The fifth eternal yellow sand.

The Sixth Mirror City.

The Seventh Puppet View.

The eighth ancient temple.

Numbering towers on the ninth day.

The Tenth Cloud Sea Palace.

Except for the top three, the rest of the power representatives were shrouded in a black mist, hiding their figures.

Only the top three made no secret of themselves.

"The Behemoth Sect and the Mother of Nothingness are making moves again. How should we deal with it next? We still need to negotiate a charter, right?"

The eighth shadow suggested in a deep voice.

"Both Asraduni and the Mother of Nothingness have chosen another evil path to break through the boundaries. Even if they just move at will, it can have a huge impact on us. In this Liancheng meeting, I hope that you can put aside the past grudges and work together." The Snowman of Three's Eternal Ice Sea spoke.

Its voice is completely different from its cute appearance, and it has an unpleasant tone similar to that of a crow.

"Even if you break through, it's useless." The veteran of Tianju Pavilion slowly opened his eyes, "That kind of breakthrough means giving up oneself, blending into the unknown and breaking through the boundaries. If you break through, you will lose yourself. What's the point? They are just two losers. .”

"What Tianshou Taoist said is true. I just hope that if the four Caitian elders in your pavilion are unable to break through in the future, they will not choose the path of Asladuni like the Mother of Nothingness." Leng, the second representative of the Condor Kingdom, vocal channel.

"Of course not. Our lives are the supreme crystallization of order. Order comes from the known. All known things can only be composed of various particles, genes, cells, and organs according to the accidental order. Even life as a whole.

Therefore, we are the highest known products, and the process of cognition itself is based on the order of life. To choose to blend into the unknown is to give up on yourself and lose yourself. "

The Tianshou Taoist sneered, "Look at Asladuni and the Mother of Nothingness. Now they have become a chaotic and irregular natural disaster with only two names left in the unknown. Apart from that, what else do they have?"

"Disorderly chaos is a sin." A figure hidden in the black mist whispered.

"So what does Tianju Pavilion think is the right way to break through the boundaries?" the snowman of the eternal ice sea said. "Is this the concept of plundering the other forces?"

Obviously, they were very dissatisfied with Tianju Pavilion's expansion and plunder.

"I'm not the Fourth Elder, I'm just a newcomer who has just stepped into this realm. This question is too much." Tianshou Taoist smiled.

Seeing that the snowman still wanted to ridicule, he interrupted loudly.

"However, before coming, Master Tian Qingzi specifically mentioned that in order to deal with the invasion of the unknown, we and the Liancheng Omniscience Association should further integrate and cooperate to prepare for the tsunami natural disaster."

As soon as these words came out, the other representatives immediately fell silent.

Tianju Pavilion has become more and more domineering in recent times, constantly encroaching on the territory of surrounding forces.

Not long ago, the two new students who were qualified to join the Omniscient Society's forces were frightened by the representatives within the Society.

Now, in front of everyone, he proposes to merge with the Omniscient Society. His ambition is obvious to everyone.

"The issue of integration is of great concern and cannot be solved in a few words. It needs to be considered in the long term." The representative of the Condor Kingdom said coldly.

"That's natural, but" Taoist Tianshou smiled, "Just be afraid. If a tsunami is coming and we haven't discussed a charter yet, it will endanger the members of the forces who are ranked further down and cause damage, which will be bad."


All representatives of the forces ranked fifth and above felt awe-inspiring in their hearts.

"It's time for Tianju Pavilion to worry about it." One of the representatives of the forces said solemnly. "We have discussed it individually. Our five families are not as strong as you. Now we have gathered together to keep warm, moved to a corner, and contracted the defense line. If there is danger, we can respond in time."

Five companies merge into one?

Taoist Tianshou's face turned cold. It would not be difficult for them to annex one family, but it would be much more difficult for five families to merge into one.

Omniscient people can know each other's affairs, so in order to counter the other party's omniscience, strong people at this level will build cognitive loops for themselves.

Once Omniscient tries to explore the secrets of the opponent's territory, he may fall into a cognitive cycle.

This kind of mechanism is a cognitive trap, like a circular cycle of numbers that keeps going around and around, making it impossible for omniscient people to get out of the circle when they deduce.

But what Tianshou doesn't understand is that only those with the highest level of omniscience are qualified to set up such methods.

Even if these five companies are merged together, there will only be one apex.

‘It seems that Master’s plan to condense the only heaven will have to wait a moment or two. ’





In a pure white space.

Li Chengyi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged. A book beside him opened automatically. His consciousness swept across the surface of the book and read the large amount of information recorded above.

He once again adjusted the time to one to a thousand, which meant that he had been here for three years and had only been out for one day.

This speed of time is already terrifying.

But staying here, he would never feel any changes in peripheral flow velocity.

Over and over, over and over again.

The books around Li Chengyi also changed batch after batch.

The books in the library are always being updated, and the handwriting and graphics on the books will be automatically recorded as the outside world changes.

This is an omniscient means that connects all blind spots and most areas of the known range of the Black Sea at all times, so it is recorded here.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Li Chengyi's surroundings suddenly became empty, and he came out of his trance again.

His beard at this time had grown to his chest, and his hair was scattered around, growing longer than a human being.

An inexplicable sense of vicissitudes of life emanated from his eyes.

"A whole number, thirty years." He actually spent thirty years just studying and studying.

In the past thirty years, he has read all the relevant system books recorded here.

And also found information about eternal vitality.

He has read everything here, about the side content of this forbidden knowledge.

The next thing he has to do is to check for deficiencies and correct mistakes.

You must know that any book is written by life.

As long as you are alive, you may make mistakes.

Even if there is no fallacy, one family's opinion and one perspective on everything still have limitations.

So what he has to do now is to verify.

He put away the books, walked out of this space with almost no gravity, and breathed a sigh of relief.

At his level, not eating or resting for thirty years was nothing, just a little tired, but the relevant information about eternal vitality made him determine the direction that the divine fire needed to take next.

He did not return the book about the eternal vitality of forbidden knowledge, nor did he need to return it.

As soon as you let go, these books will disappear automatically.

Forbidden knowledge can only be mastered by one person, and no one else can access it no matter how much they want to know it. Even the records will be automatically destroyed.

‘Sacred Fire. After reading the taboo knowledge here, what I need to do now according to the records of the underworld is to first find a blind spot, study its internal evolution and changes thoroughly, and then ignite the divine fire. ’

After walking out of Yaoyuan, Chunfan and Que Ru were not there. There were only two or three Taoists holding books and putting them back to their original places.

Li Chengyi quickly left the Forbidden Library, recalling the knowledge he had just collected.

‘The divine fire here is not the fire of gods, but the fire of divine will that is transformed into a new qualitative change of consciousness. This is a higher form of consciousness, with better intensity, density and speed. This type of divine fire can only be ignited by raising consciousness to the extreme. ’

The divine fire here does not bring much power, but it can greatly improve the calculation speed, reaction speed, memory, etc., just like replacing the chip in a computer.

The control of the body will also be improved to a new level.

Li Chengyi made some calculations in his mind and immediately went to Qianyan Zhenjun.

"Practice place? There is no practice place here." Qianyan Zhenjun yawned and said lazily.

"Aren't you going to the library? Isn't Yaoyuan nice? Stay here and increase your savings."

"Disciple thinks so too, but I have basically read all the books there." Li Chengyi replied in a deep voice.

"The evolution is profound and profound, have you finished reading it all?" Qianyan Zhenjun raised his eyebrows.

"Because the disciple chose the direction of eternal vitality, I specifically searched for related books on evolution, and I have basically read them all. There are not many." Li Chengyi nodded.

Along with Eternal Vitality, there are indeed very few people selected and few works left behind. Obviously there are very few researchers in this direction.

Qianyan Zhenjun obviously also thought of this.

"In this case, if you want to ignite the divine fire now, you have to practice it. Go out and walk around by yourself. This is for you. It was left by your senior brother Xuanyunzi. If you are in danger, remember to crush it. The way out is smooth. Jump all the way up with the ancient blood, and you will see a formation vortex at the highest point, and entering it will be the territory of our pavilion at the edge of the unknown."

Qianyan Zhenjun introduced casually.

"It's a place for experience, but you have to remember that the time and space you are in now is the moment when the entire area is about to die. Just find a small blind spot to wander around and study, don't go into big ones."

"Yes. Disciple understands." Li Chengyi nodded seriously.

After returning the gift again, he exited the lobby and looked at the ancient blood suspended and immobile in the City of Nirvana.

Immediately, he jumped up, stepped on a drop of blood, and used his strength to step upward.

Others jumped up again,

Step on another drop of ancient blood.

There is another person in the distance who, like him, is also stepping on the ancient blood and jumping up.

The two of them looked at each other and said nothing.

On the road to enlightenment, we are already lonely, and the black sea is boundless. We are lucky to have each other by our side.

Li Chengyi has made up his mind to leave temporarily this time. If he can't break through the small blind spots, it's time to use his talents.

Using flower language to supplement the parts that are not fully recorded in the Forbidden Library, in this way, his divine fire realm should be able to shorten the time significantly.

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