Hidden Corners

Chapter 598 598 World 2

"I understand." Li Chengyi confirmed his guess.

He had seen many descriptions of knight warriors in books, but none of them had any extraordinary abilities.

Mages are only good at a few fixed spells, and different mages are good at different things. Mages can even inherit them through blood. Their power is also far less powerful than in the story.

"What I am good at is the spiral strangulation swordsmanship. It was created by Master Halway 180 years ago. So it belongs to the Halway school. This kind of swordsmanship is an epee swordsmanship created mainly for the purpose of surrendering the opponent's weapon. "

Li Chengyi listened carefully to the other party's teachings.

At the same time, the body uses a radiant force field to continuously release and restore itself.

In the Yuan Shen Sword Palace, the fire of the sword furnace was still burning, and the terrifying consciousness released allowed him to clearly remember every word of the other party in an instant.

Soon, Milton began practicing.

The double-edged sword was clenched in his hand, and he began to swing forward to make arc-shaped sword marks, slashing the opponent's weapon from different angles without colliding with the opponent head-on.

Li Chengyi understood and remembered it after just reading it once, and even derived more new tricks in turn.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Milton rehearsed the move before sheathing his sword.

"Come and try. Let's start with holding the sword. I'll teach you how to hold the sword."

He began to teach Li Chengyi carefully step by step.

Soon, ten minutes later, Milton looked at Li Chengyi, who had learned how to teach, a little confused, and his mind was a little confused.

"It seems that you have good talent, Lord Baron. Next, how to swing the sword"

Two minutes later, Li Chengyi held a double-edged sword that was almost as long as himself and waved it easily with a very standard posture.

Milton looked aside and was speechless.

Immediately afterwards, he began to teach Li Chengyi the swordsmanship of his own school, and it only took Li Chengyi an extra fifteen minutes to fully master this so-called complex swordsmanship.

Milton was completely at his wits end. He looked at the other party with complicated eyes, feeling that he shouldn't take this job.



The Baron Carlos in front of him can indeed be regarded as a genius.

Apart from the fact that his strength, speed and reflexes have not yet been fully trained, in terms of other skills, he can master any skill once taught.

"Then, come, let's spar. Swordsmanship is a skill that is strengthened in practice, so you need to learn how to face your opponents, flexibly adjust your tactics, how to attack and defend, how to dodge, how to design traps, how to escape from the battle circle, One-on-one, one-on-one, you have to practice.”

Milton felt a little embarrassed. Seeing Carlos's calm expression, he felt that his skills had been underestimated. Determined to show off some real skills to scare the opponent and let him know that he, a veteran knight, is not a vegetarian.


Half an hour later.

Li Cheng dropped his double-edged sword and panted slightly as he looked across at Milton, who was doubting his life.

"These are all too simple, can they be a little more difficult?"

"." Milton stared blankly at the sword in his hand, unable to answer.

The other party's reaction gave Li Chengyi new observation materials.

His mind is now recording all the unfamiliar information around him every moment.

Divine fire is the ultimate sublimation of consciousness, and the way consciousness sublimates in the underworld is to understand all things.

Know the principles of everything in a small piece of the world and understand the core of its operation.

"How can we deal with a one-to-many situation by just wielding a sword?" Li Chengyi suddenly asked.

"You can. Wear armor and carry a big shield." Milton came back to his senses and said with his scalp numb.

His mind was buzzing now, and he just felt like he had encountered some kind of monster.

"Then why don't you teach me these?" Li Chengyi asked.

Milton was stuck.

After a pause, he nodded.

"Then I'll teach you."

In the heavy warrior route, no matter how talented you are, it still takes time to develop. Now, no matter how talented the opponent is, there is no way he will not learn it all at once, right?

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had found a solution.

"Actually, a real knight must be able to bear heavy knight armor and be able to move freely. So you really need to train your load-bearing ability in this area."

Li Chengyi nodded clearly.

So the short skill training ended quickly, and the long-term weight-bearing endurance training began.

Time also began to fly by with training.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed

According to the rotation, it's time for horseback riding training.

On the school grounds, Milton had prepared two tall black horses. With the assistance of several soldiers, he helped Li Chengyi onto a young horse named Black Blood.

Looking at Li Chengyi, who was becoming more and more presentable, Milton couldn't help but recall the night conversation between Lei Kai and him a few days ago, and sighed in his heart.

He was very sorry. If such a talented warrior could grow up smoothly, he might be able to create a career in the future.


The back door of the school grounds opened, and a soldier carefully held the horse and pulled Li Chengyi to start walking in a circle.

This is to first let it get used to the bumpy feeling of the horse's back.

At this time, Li Chengyi's body was restored through his own secret brilliance force field, coupled with the huge and delicate auxiliary training of his consciousness, and his all-round quality was much better than two months ago. It has surpassed children of the same age and reached the level of teenagers.

While riding the horse at this time, he didn't care what Milton was thinking at all, but concentrated on feeling the difference in the horses in this world.

Body temperature, hair, blood flow, skin texture, smell, and other details are all fed back one by one under the touch of his palm.

hold head high! !

As they walked, the black-blooded horse suddenly raised its front hoof and leaned back.

It seemed frightened.

Under normal circumstances, Li Chengyi on horseback must have fallen down at this time, accidentally hit the back of his head, hit the ground, and lost consciousness.

And then died.

But at this time, Li Chengyi was calm and motionless, holding the reins in his hands, clamping his legs tightly, and sitting firmly, without any sign of falling.


A group of soldiers around him originally screamed, each with a look of fear on his face.

Because if something happens to the baron, they will definitely be beheaded.

But when they saw this, nine-year-old Li Chengyi sat firmly on the horse, motionless and natural. The group of people suddenly felt depressed and let out a long sigh of excitement.

Milton was the most surprised.

Looking at Li Chengyi with a calm expression, he suddenly felt that helping Lei Kai seemed to be a mistake.

The baron in front of him, who remained calm even when faced with danger and showed a talent for terror at a young age, is more like the legendary protagonists in biographical stories who have not yet grown up.

hold head high! !

At this time, the horse began to run and jump around again, but Li Chengyi on its back remained unmoved and allowed it to run and jump around.

The scene at this moment was deeply imprinted in Milton's heart.

An inexplicable impulse welled up in his heart.

Maybe I should support the baron in front of me

As soon as such an idea appears, I can no longer hold it back.

The incident of the frightened horses did not cause much commotion. Milton replaced a group of soldiers responsible for maintaining the school grounds and continued to teach Li Chengyi calmly.

But from that day on, his mentality changed.

Li Chengyi, on the other hand, became stronger and stronger with the help of Hua Yu. The collection of books is also increasing.

Since he considered this place as the starting point for igniting the divine fire, he was no longer in a hurry.

Anyway, the time and space near the City of Nirvana is completely still. When he goes back, he can apply to go back to the last second he left, as long as he has enough merit.

After confirming that his abilities were limited, he probably understood that he must have been pulled by a blind corner and forcibly pulled into an extremely dangerous world.

There is nothing devastating in this world, but his abilities are also limited to a very low level.

Such a comparison naturally magnifies many originally inconspicuous dangers.

Time flies, time flies like an arrow.

Under Milton's training, Li Chengyi became stronger and stronger and taller.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Inside the Blacksburg campus.

Lei Kai looked gloomy and strode into the school, wearing half armor.

Behind him were two guards with the same half-armor, both of whom were elite men of the Bear Food Army.

Three burly bearded men with a height of 1.9 meters brought quite a sense of oppression as soon as they entered.

This caused Milton and Li Chengyi, who were training inside, to react quickly and turn their heads to look this way.

Several nearby Black Fort soldiers quickly backed away to make room.

"Milton, why don't you do what you promised me!?" Lei Kai did not look at Li Chengyi, but stared at Knight Milton.

"It's been four years, and it's been delayed again and again. You should know what I'm talking about! I don't have that many four years to wait!" Lei Kai held the hilt of his sword and pressed forward step by step.

He is also a knight. Although he is a noble knight, his strength is not as strong as that of a commoner like Milton.

But the weapons and equipment on his body largely made up for the slight gap in strength between the two.

In addition, at this time, he also had two battle-experienced bear food soldiers under his command.

The long wait made his patience worse and worse. Watching this little kid Li Chengyi grow up in training. This kind of anxiety becomes more serious.

At this time, Lei Kai stopped pretending and stared at Milton almost explicitly, asking him to give an explanation.

"Lord Lei Kai, you should know that I am not your subordinate. It is the Earl who I swear allegiance to. Witnessed by the virtues of chivalry, I am willing to fight for the Earl, not you." Milton looked calm and showed no signs of it. Don't be angry.

He had anticipated this situation from the moment he decided to delay.

"Do you know what you are doing?" The confusion in Lei Kai's heart was confirmed, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He took a step forward and held the hilt of the sword, with slight distortion and anger on his face.

"Of course I know." Milton replied, holding the sword as well.

"You are looking for death!!" Lei Kai looked at the other party's calm expression and felt that all his four years of waiting had been in vain. The anger in his heart exploded, and he gripped the hilt of the sword and pulled it forward.

Dang! !

The two swords clashed instantly.

"Uncle Leikai, this is my castle, are you drawing a sword against me?"

Li Chengyi on the side came back to his senses, looked at this scene, looked calm, and slowly approached.

At this time, he was thirteen years old, already 1.7 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure and a lot of muscle lines.

Clang! !

Immediately following Baron Li Chengyi's statement, the three soldiers beside him drew their swords and stared at Lei Kai intently.

But at the same time, more soldiers guarding the school grounds also drew their swords and stared at Li Chengyi and Milton.

Four years of infiltration have replaced most of Black Fort with Lei Kai's people.

"Is this the method used here to kill me?"

Looking at this scene, Li Chengyi's pupils suddenly shrank, guessing that this might be a dead end targeting him and trying to kill him!

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