Hidden Corners

Chapter 669 669 Battlefield 1

In the castle, Li Chengyi and his two senior brothers spoke freely, and by the way, they also entrusted the master of the Xuanji Sect to settle down with them.

Although the two of them were extremely bitter, it had to be said that the mutual support among the sects in Tianju Pavilion was still very strong.

Qingming decided to be responsible for sending Li Chengyi to the battlefield, while Yuan Su stayed behind to settle the Xuanji sect leader. For convenience, several people simply called him Xuanji.

"Because the eternal vitality is too dangerous, without further delay, I will take you, junior brother, directly to the multi-dimensional tower teleportation gate. You can go directly to the battlefield." Qingming made a stroke in mid-air with his bare hands.

"Now let me tell you about the situation on the battlefield." An irregular black map automatically appeared in the air he passed through, floating motionless.

A small green dot lights up in the center of the map.

"This is our Tianju Pavilion." He pointed to the dot and explained.

He lit another red dot in the distance.

"This is a battlefield. There is a range of about 20 billion light-years in between, which is not that far, but you know how we can fly there by ourselves."

"The scale here is 100 million light years per centimeter. The color changes in shades, representing whether the time and space era where the battlefield is located is in the past or the present future. The white ones are in the past, and the black ones are in the future. Because there are multiple omniscient people taking action. , the future cannot be crossed, and most of the time and space on the battlefield are fixed from the beginning and will not be changed easily, which is very safe for us ordinary people."

He smiled, "At least you don't have to worry about not being able to attack."

Yuan Su on the side laughed.

"He used to encounter an omniscient opponent on the battlefield who couldn't even make a move. Only then did he make a move. The time went back to the moment he made the move, and the attack spell could only stay in the body forever."

"This is pretty good. Many saints who were with me were transported back countless years, along with the sanctified world in their bodies, back to their ancestors into the original small piece of planetary polymer." Qingming shook his head, A posture that could not bear to look back.

"Has the entire world been retraced?" Xuanji finally couldn't help but asked. Except for those parts of forbidden knowledge, she listened to the rest in general intermittently.

"That's right. The saint is indestructible and immortal, so he is not afraid. But he is not afraid. The world itself is afraid. I will give you hundreds of billions of years in one breath. Who can bear it?" Qingming said helplessly. .

"Time is a conceptual term of calculation scale created by us creatures. In fact, all things can only change, but only the omniscients with truly unlimited power can have the luxury of unlimited release of energy, and forcibly distort and trace back the changing state of anything." explain.

Xuanji seemed to understand. Although she was a saint, she still didn't understand many things for the first time.

"Let's put it this way." Li Chengyi added at the side, "I use unlimited energy in one breath to transform your current body back to its infancy. This is going back to your personal time. If I take everything in the space around you, If everything is retraced in this way, it means retracing the time of this area. Doesn’t it sound very simple?”

"." Simple as hell!

Xuanji was speechless. Although she understood, she was momentarily shocked by such a luxurious use of energy.

As if seeing her shock, Qingming nodded with emotion.

"Surprise, this is the realm where we masters are. Theoretically, we have unlimited power for mortals, but that is for the infinity within the world. Our world and dimensions will continue to flow. Spontaneously absorb the matter in the Black Sea from the surroundings, and convert it into energy to supply us. As long as the world dimension is not destroyed, our power will naturally be unlimited. But "

"But there are limits. Our limits are the limits of the world and dimensions. If we use it too fast or too large, it will drain everything in an instant." Yuan Su nodded. "But the omniscients, that is the real eternal infinite energy. Omniscient is omnipotent. They understand everything clearly, and they have many, many more ways to obtain infinite energy than us. When many, many infinite energy ways come together, they are naturally far superior to us. contribution. Not to mention higher-level means..."

"Forget it, no more words." Qingming stood up. "It's time to go. Let's stabilize our little junior brother's condition first."

The other three people also stood up.

"Then Xuanji will ask senior brother to lead him in first." Li Chengyi said, cupping his fists.

"It's easy to talk about." Yuan Su smiled.

"Let's go." Qingming put a hand on Li Chengyi's shoulder and shrank suddenly.

The two shrunk out of thin air and turned into two black spots, then exploded completely and disappeared like bubbles.

Qingming's shrinking dimension is very strange.

Li Chengyi's eyes flashed, and his surroundings suddenly turned into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, countless light gray solidified patches, like stickers floating on the black wall, appeared around the two people and passed quickly.

Most of these plaques are round balls. Big balls, medium balls, small balls, you name it.

Most of them are a group of small balls gathered together, looking like scattered building blocks.

Qingming grabbed Li Chengyi's shoulders and quickly shuttled forward.

"This is my dimension, the level of the Dimension Demon God. I can easily distort the corresponding dimension information of anything by thinking. In essence, it requires very little consciousness. You are still an embryo now. You will know it when you complete the complete body. The powerful dimensional demon can distort many, many things in an instant. This is why all saints and below are ants."

Qingming explained in passing while flying.

Not long after, the two people paused before their eyes, and the darkness quickly dissipated, exiting the shrinking dimension.

When Li Chengyi's vision became clear, they were already standing in a large temple built of dark rocks.

In the hall, there is a black vortex more than ten meters high suspended in the middle.

At this time, a large number of rainbow streams of light were constantly moving in and out of the vortex, obviously they were teleporting passengers like them.

"This is it. Be careful to converge your consciousness and don't let it go out at will. This distance needs to cross the cycle blockade area. Once it diverges, your extended consciousness may be torn apart in an instant."

"I understand." Li Chengyi nodded.

Qingming nodded, held his shoulders, and the two of them turned into a black light and rushed into the vortex.

The feeling of teleportation is difficult to describe.

At least Li Chengyi felt like he was entering a huge bottle filled with mucus.

I could feel the bottle shaking crazily and being squeezed. But because of the fluid effect of the mucus, he was not affected by much force.

One second, or faster.

The surrounding mucus subsided quickly. The surrounding area was empty and suddenly enlightened.

A huge silver-white wall caught Li Chengyi's eyes.

The wall occupied all his vision.

Upward, endless. Going down is equally boundless. The same goes for left and right.

In front of them, thousands of kilometers away in the void of the Black Sea, this silver-white wall was like a huge insurmountable dividing line, blocking Li Chengyi and Qing Ming.

There are erected ridges on the wall, which are ferocious gray and white patterns like spines.

Gray centipede-like insects sprouted densely on the pattern.

These insects kept making weird noises, waving thousands of long scimitar arms, directing the flying machines around to divert towards different entrances to the city wall.

Each of the insects' bodies is several kilometers long. They are all wearing fitted black robes, and most of their thousands of arms have their sleeves rolled up.

The head like a black mango is covered with small blood-colored eyes that are as dense as blisters.

Any aircraft that dares to sneak in and out of the city walls cannot escape their scrutiny.

"Those are the Thousand-Eyed Insects. Their eyesight can penetrate most shielding materials. Even saints can't stop their vision from penetrating. Pay attention, they have the word "Inspector" on their robes, they are high-level Thousand-Eyed Insects. Insects." Qingming took Li Chengyi and flew closer to the city wall, while transmitting messages and explanations.

"What happened to the advanced thousand-eyed insect?" This was Li Chengyi's first time on the battlefield, and he felt a little nervous.

This is not a mortal battlefield, but a real battlefield belonging to the engraved level, divine fire, saint, dimension, and even omniscience. The risk factor is the strongest.

"The advanced thousand-eyed bugs are all saints. Their clan actually belongs to the world bug clan. They are a world-destroying race that parasitizes its embryos into the depths of the dead-end world at birth and absorbs the heat from the dead-end core for a living. Most of their temperaments are extremely easy-going. Angry, irritable." Qing Ming said simply.

"That means, don't mess with them, right?" Li Chengyi understood.

"Just understand. They are the same clan as Patriarch Tianhong. Don't provoke them unless necessary. Anyway, as long as you abide by the rules, they won't cause trouble for you out of nowhere." Qingming nodded.

"Understood." Li Chengyi nodded.

He stopped talking and followed Qingming as he flew closer, his eyes constantly scanning the huge city wall.

"What is this city wall?"

"It's Silver City. The eternal cause and effect city wall built by our master." Qingming explained.

"What do you mean?" Li Chengyi didn't understand. What is eternal cause and effect?

"As the name suggests, this city wall that the old man has put great effort into building can prevent all enemies on the other side from crossing. This wall must be defeated before they can invade our territory of Tianju Pavilion. This is the concept of cause and effect."

Qingming looked at Li Chengyi, who was still a little confused, paused, and continued to explain.

“To describe it simply, because of this wall, there is an inside and outside, danger and safety.

So even if all the groups outside you find other ways to bypass this wall, they will not be able to attack or harm anything here because you have not defeated the wall of cause and effect. Without cause, there is no effect. Even if you cross this wall, you can't create established facts here. understand? "


Li Chengyi suddenly understood.


This method, this technique.

"Does this mean that as long as you are within this wall, you are safe?" he asked.

"Well, this is the conceptual field that Master has determined here, but it has a scope. The specific scope is all areas within one light-year surrounding the Silver City Wall as the center."

Li Chengyi was speechless.

Is this the method of omniscience?

For the first time, he felt that the fights he had done in the past were really just like babies hitting each other. They were too petty.

He raised his head and stared at the white and silver city walls that were getting closer and closer.

As we get closer, we can see countless ancient scars on the wall.

The wall itself is exaggerated enough, but at what level can it leave scars on it?

He couldn't imagine it.

The black light transformed by the two people merged into one of the colorful torrents entering the city wall, and together with other aircraft, quickly flew into the wall.

In the huge silver-white passage, various aircraft slowed down one after another and began to receive scanning inspection beams.

The monks standing on the flying sword began to take the opportunity to eat and drink to replenish their physical fitness.

The mage riding the magic pet takes the time to meditate cross-legged and adjust his body and mind.

The heavily armored giant mechas remained motionless, floating forward, waiting for inspection.

There are also weird and twisted organisms that seem to be communicating noisily, like a large group of grandparents traveling in other places, constantly sending out shock waves of shouting and screaming, as if they are amazed by everything they look at.

"You can't live in peace even if you go to the battlefield, can you please stop arguing, you bunch of country bumpkins!"

A woman in golden armor standing on a streamlined fish-shaped golden sailboat could not help but yell.

“Who are you calling a country bumpkin?!?”

Among the monsters, a thing that looked like black mud with bat wings sprouted a mouth and loudly retorted.

"What about you? What's the matter? A country bumpkin is a country bumpkin. You haven't seen the world since you entered the city, so just hold it in!" The woman in golden armor showed disdain.

"Do you think you are the only one who has entered the city? There are so many people around you who didn't say anything. How dare you speak so arrogantly!?" Another zebra with nine heads flew out and bared its teeth.

"What's the matter, there are a lot of people, right? Go out and challenge for a while!" The woman in golden armor made a date directly.

"Come on, come on! Let's fight her alone! Let's fight her alone!" A group of monsters instantly merged into a ball and turned into a big twisted ball with countless messy eyes.

Countless overlapping sound waves emitted from the big ball.

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