"Send me the nitro cherries!"

Chu Feng said.

Others may not be able to cook this ingredient, and even Atacino may be a little stressed.

In the original work, Komatsu failed to cook it for the first time.

But for Chu Feng, it was not difficult at all.

Lebu Beyala sneered:"Boy, do you want to cook?

Chu Feng replied:"Actually, you can eat it without cooking it, but it will taste better after cooking!""

Indeed, even if you eat it directly, the explosive power of nitro cherries can't do anything to Chu Feng.

However, after cooking, it will improve the taste and eat it to increase some strength.

Isn't this better?

Nitro cherries will soon be The staff sent it over and placed it in a small greenhouse to prevent it from exploding.

Chu Feng stood up and walked over.

"Boy, you only have 180 minutes.""

The number of ingredients points is the limit time for cooking and eating the ingredients.

From here, it can also be seen that cooking nitro cherries is indeed not easy, otherwise there would be no need for such a long time.

However, Chu Feng smiled.

180 Minutes? It doesn’t take that long!

Everyone looked at Chu Feng with different expressions.

"Can he really cook?"

"how can that be possible? Not even Joya, the king’s exclusive chef of the Kingdom of Jidar"

"I bet he will fail!"


Some staff members murmured.

Coco frowned:"Is it really okay? This is a super special cooking ingredient!"

Ma Qi didn't say anything, and looked nervously, praying for Chu Feng in her heart.

Atacino's eyes flickered.

If she is the one doing the cooking, I'm not 100% sure.

Chu Feng reached into the thermostat with both hands, holding a"second-generation kitchen knife" in his right hand. He looked up at Atacino next to him and said with a smile:"You must not be completely sure. Take a good look at how I cook!""

"Um!"Attasino nodded, with an excited face.

What she likes to watch most is Chu Feng's demonstration of cooking ingredients.

Because it makes people obsessed and enjoyable.

Her eyes fell on the nitro cherries, and Chu Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes. Eyes.

Because this nitro cherry is a bit special. Unlike ordinary nitro cherries, which only have three small fruits squeezed together, this one has six fruits squeezed together, just like a pomegranate. Like seeds.

Lebu Beyala noticed Chu Feng's expression and felt proud: Tsk tsk, I specially arranged a special one for you... Boy, what do you want to do?

Chu Feng glanced at Lebu Beyala and saw the other person's eyes. The proud look showed that he knew what he was up to.

However, this had no impact on Chu Feng. Instead, he could eat more delicious food.

Without any hesitation, Chu Feng immediately started cooking the nitro cherries. Cut off the dividing line on the surface without giving it any impact.

Swish, swish...

The dividing line on the surface of the nitro cherry is cut away in one go!

"Amazing!"Attasino looked at it closely, his beautiful eyes instantly enlarged, and his heart was shocked.

Although Chu Feng's movements were very fast, they were extremely precise, fast and steady, steady and light, light and thin...

This time, the cooking was enough for Atasi Nuo has been studying for a long time.

Coco's eyes naturally caught Chu Feng's movements, and he was stunned.

How could nitro cherries be a special ingredient in Chu Feng's hands? It felt as easy as cutting a watermelon.

"Is the meal ready so quickly? ?"Ma Qi couldn't understand Chu Feng's movements and looked confused.

He thought it would take Chu Feng a while to cook the nitro cherries, but he didn't expect that he could do it in a snap of his fingers!

The proud sneer on Lebu Beyala's face hadn't even begun yet. Completely subsided, and now seeing that Chu Feng had finished cooking the nitro cherries, his sneer instantly froze!

"impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

These are nitro cherries, and there are six of them squeezed together. How could it be cooked so quickly?

However, he couldn't believe it.

Because, at this time, Chu Feng took out the nitro cherries and swallowed them in one gulp, with a smear on his face. Showing a satisfied smile.

Naturally, the nitro cherries didn’t explode!

The staff around me looked confused.

What? Is that ridiculous


Yes, these people haven't realized what's going on!

After all, Chu Feng's cooking speed is too fast!

Chu Feng came over, sat down, looked at Lebu Beyala and said with a smile:"Okay, I'm done. Three times, it’s your turn to turn over the cards!"

"Actually, I think you can give up!"

You know, Chu Feng has currently scored 1230 points.

And Lebu Beyala only has 120 points.

And there are not many ingredients left.

Even if the points of the remaining ingredients are added up, it is barely more than Chu Feng's current score. Of course.

Lebu Beyala will not give up.

In addition, even if the opponent has the highest points and dies in the end, he is the winner. Betting that Chu Feng couldn't cook and eat all the ingredients, he started turning over the cards.

"No. 1, No. 54."

The staff turned over the card.

Not bad, the hit was"Santuchuan Gila Monster", with a score of 150.

This is a poisonous beast.

The capture level is 50.

Lebu Beyala entered the underground capture field with two knives. With a ferocious smile on his face and crazy eyes, he slashed the Santuchuan Gila to death after bringing it back, and immediately cooked and ate it, earning a total of 270 points..

Lebu Beyala looked a little ugly, so he had to continue flipping the cards.

This time, it was not so lucky. One ingredient was bullet chestnuts, and the other was sun wine.

Leb Beyala ate them all.

However, no points were obtained.

Everyone around the staff shook their heads and sighed.

"It's my turn to flip the cards! Chu Feng smiled and said:"No. 13, No. 51.""

The two cards were turned over.

Another hit!

However, no one was shocked.

Because Chu Feng had hit 6 times in a row, and this time it was 7 times. It was not surprising.

Of course, this kind of thing , something Leib Beyala and others have never encountered in a casino.

However, what made everyone look moved was the ingredient that hit because it was a poisonous potato, and the score was 150!

""Solanine" is a toxin contained in potato buds. The poison of poisonous potatoes is a new species of highly toxic called"new solanine".

Its toxicity is 0.01 mg, which is almost the same as that of ordinary solanine. 40,000 times.

Solanine has the property of changing its shape and properties after slight heat and stimulation. Since it is contained in the entire potato, it is impossible to completely remove it by cooking. The ground weakens the toxicity and changes its properties...

However, it is still poisonous. Although it will not kill you if you eat it, it will have serious side effects.

Nowadays, only Gioia can cook poisonous potatoes, but he cannot completely cook them. The toxins were removed and the taste was infinitely degraded, so his cooking method was not recognized.

"Tsk tsk tsk……"Lebu Beyala laughed ferociously,"Boy, do you want to eat these poisonous potatoes?"

In his opinion, normal people cannot eat this ingredient, but he can.

Because his body structure is different from ordinary people.

If you eat poisonous potatoes, use pain isolation and coat the inner walls of the digestive organs from the esophagus to the rectum with biodegradable plastic so that the poison will not be absorbed into the body.

In the original work, he did the same thing. If Coco hadn't arranged the order in which he ate the ingredients, causing poisoning, he would have succeeded.

Chu Feng smiled and said:"Poisonous potatoes are delicious ingredients, why don't you eat them?"

Others want to successfully cook poisonous potatoes, but it is really difficult.

However, Chu Feng has a special cooking method that can completely cook poisonous potatoes, remove all toxins, and increase the deliciousness by 120%.

This cooking method can only be operated by raising your cooking skill by 5 levels and adding"full level" food luck.

And Chu Feng has already met these two requirements!

When Atacino, Coco, Ma Qi and others heard that Chu Feng wanted to eat poisonous potatoes, their expressions changed.

Especially Coco, he knows how powerful Poison Potato is, and even his poisonous body may not be able to resist it with full confidence.

Seeing their nervous and worried expressions, Chu Feng smiled and said:"The poisonous potatoes are very delicious, and I will let you try them later."

Coco, Atacino and Ma Qi were speechless.

Lebu Beyala said with a cruel smile:"Send the poisonous potatoes over here!"

In his opinion, the poisonous potatoes are the ingredients to send Chu Feng on his way, as long as the other party dares to eat them!

Soon, a poisonous potato larger than a fist was delivered. It was dark and plentiful.

It seems that Lebu Beyala wants to punish Chu Feng to death.

If you eat such a large amount, even the gods will not be able to save you.

Atacino, Coco and Madge looked a little unhappy.

Chu Feng looked at such a big poisonous potato with a smile on his face:"Open your eyes wide and watch carefully. Let me show you the correct way to cook poisonous potatoes!"

Hearing this, Atacino trembled and said doubtfully:"You... know how to cook poisonous potatoes?"

Chu Feng replied:"Is there any problem?"


Yes, this guy is a freak, there is nothing he can't do!

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Coco and Ma Qi were stunned!!

The correct way to cook poisonous potatoes? real or fake?

Lebu Beyala was also stunned, and then smiled ferociously.

Cooking poisonous potatoes? How is this possible!

Chu Feng ignored everyone's expressions, took out the"second-generation kitchen knife" and threw the poisoned potatoes in his hand into the air.

Swish, swish... the kitchen knife was swung, and the light of the knife flashed.

The poisonous potatoes were all peeled off and cut into four pieces, which were placed on the cutting board.

The meat is black!

All are toxins!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng put the poisonous potatoes into a basin filled with warm water and soaked them.

Then... there was no more, Chu Feng sat directly on the chair and did nothing.

Everyone:"???" oh?

Is this the correct way to cook poisonous potatoes?

However, everyone said nothing and watched quietly.

10 minutes have passed!

Chu Feng stood up, walked over, took a look at the soaking condition of the poisonous potatoes, and smiled slightly:"Well, it's almost done!"

He took out the poisonous potatoes and placed them on the cutting board. They looked the same as before they were soaked.

"OK!"Chu Feng rolled up his sleeves and said,"Now is the beginning of cooking.……"

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