"coming soon!"

Chu Feng's eyes moved, and he immediately took a"empty step" and rushed into the sky.

At this moment, an almost transparent sword energy flashed past Chu Feng's feet.

It was really dangerous and dangerous.

The sword energy struck the trees. On the ground, the trees seemed to be fine, because this was a secret technique used by Qiao Ya to change the taste of living things.

People or animals that were affected by this secret technique would be controlled by Qian Ya and turned into monsters.

In the original work, Zeus, Matsushige and others are like this.

"Um? Averted?"There was a look of surprise in Qiao Ya's eyes.

You know, the attack was very concealed and the sword energy was very fast. How could he avoid it?

However, what he didn't know was that Chu Feng's"Detection Opportunity" had already known about him in advance. Therefore, Chu Feng took the lead and evaded.

At this moment, Chu Feng stood high in the sky, with a"second-generation kitchen knife" appearing in his hand, and slashed out with his backhand:"Two-day First Class!"


The hundred-meter white sword energy roared, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

Qiao Ya's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his hand and slashed out with the sword:"Slash in the air!"

A curved blade whizzed away.

It was very scary!

"The second-rate sword energy hit the"Air Slash" and disappeared directly.

"The aftermath of"Aerial Slash" was still roaring.

A large area of trees was chopped off.

Chu Feng moved and once again narrowly avoided the aftermath attack of"Aerial Slash". At the same time, the"Second Generation Kitchen Knife" that left a mark in his hand was released. Fly out and stab Joya

"A little trick!"

Qiao Ya sneered and tilted his head slightly to avoid the attack of the"Second Generation Kitchen Knife".

However, at this moment, Chu Feng immediately activated the"Flying Thunder Magic" and appeared at the location of the"Second Generation Kitchen Knife". He grabbed the kitchen knife with his left hand and activated the"Crazy Lightning Strike" with his right hand.

At this moment, Qiao Ya's expression changed. It was clear that Chu Feng was still in the sky just now, so why did Qiao Ya use it


He reacted in 0.5 seconds, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and slashed at Chu Feng with his backhand:"You are here to die!"

A master is a master, and his reaction is super fast!

However, Chu Feng is not a vegetarian."Detection of Opportunities" knows that Qiao Ya can fight back, so he also activates"Static Field" when he appears.

This time, Qiao Ya wants to fight back , but found that his body could not move, his face was horrified, and he was about to launch"instant skin peeling" to escape, but it was too late!

""Crazy Lightning Strike" pressed hard on Qiao Ya's head, driving Qiao Ya's whole body into the ground, causing smoke and dust to billow.

Chu Feng did not hesitate, and immediately used"Displacement Flash" to appear next to Alu.


At this moment, a streak of As expected, the terrifying sword energy flashed from behind, and Qiao Ya couldn't die even if he was hit by a crazy lightning strike on the head.

"Knowing this situation, Chu Feng immediately activated his"golden body".

The golden light bloomed on his body, and he forcibly blocked the attack of the sword energy.

The sword energy disappeared, the golden body failed, Chu Feng was intact, and he quickly took Alu with him. He took the"empty step" and whizzed away.


Qiao Ya pulled his body out from the ground and stood there, with a blur of flesh and blood on his head, the towel had fallen to the ground, and blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth, his face looking hideous. demon

"damn it! damn it!"

I was extremely angry inside.

The blow just now was very terrible, and a lot of food cells in my body were destroyed.

Now my whole body hurts!

I vented for a while, and then I flashed and disappeared.


Chu Feng's consciousness spread out, covering a radius of 10,000 meters. He was relieved when he found that Qiao Ya had left.

"Sure enough, his strength is still too weak. If he were strong enough, with his awesome skills, he would have killed Gioya long ago!"

"It seems that we need to improve our strength as soon as possible, otherwise the next time we meet Qiao Ya, it won’t be so good!"

Chu Feng's eyes flickered.

After all, Qiao Ya already knew Chu Feng's skills, and if he used them again, the effect would not be that good.

He threw the fainted Aru to the ground. This time, he finally woke up, with a confused look on his face.

"Let's go back!"Chu Feng said

"oh!"Alu's head is still dizzy.

He knows nothing about the battle between Chu Feng and Qiao Ya just now.

Back at Shilin Temple, the battlefield has been cleaned up, the wounded have been treated, and Atacino has just finished his work. ,sweating a lot

"Where did you go just now? Why didn't I see you? Atacino asked

"oh! Alu and I went out to fight!"Chu Feng said

"Miss Atacino, please bandage it for me too! Alu came over and said,"Chu Feng's attack was too harsh, my hand is about to be destroyed!""

Atacino took a look and saw that his whole arm was covered in blood, and the injury was indeed serious.

Chu Feng threw some"healing aloe vera" to Alu and said,"Go away and ask Xiaosong to bandage it for you!""

Then he pulled Atacino aside, asked her to sit down, and took out a"sprayed pear"":"I see you are exhausted too. Let’s eat something first!"

Looking at the loving look of the two of them, Alu shook his head and had no choice but to go find Xiaosong.

"Um!"Atacino nodded and took the"spraying pear", feeling very happy.

"You rest here for a while, I'll go catch the soap bubble fruits!"Chu Feng said

"OK!"Atacino nodded obediently.

Chu Feng said to Master Zhen, and then walked over like a soap bubble avenue.

"Hello Mr. Chu Feng! Acting Master Zhou saw Chu Feng and immediately came over to say hello,"Where are you going?" Do you need my help?"

If it weren't for Chu Feng, Shilin Temple would probably be destroyed.

This is a great benefactor!

We must treat him well!

Acting Master Zhou is a young man of about twenty-five years old, wearing a neat robe, and his head tied with a piece of white cloth , with a long ponytail on the back of his head, a handsome face, hands behind his back, feet together, standing there respectfully.

Chu Feng thought for a while and replied:"Okay, I want some soap bubble fruits." No, please help me get it!"

"OK! Acting Master Zhou nodded,"I'm glad to be able to help you!" I'll help you capture it right away."

After saying that, he immediately headed towards the Soap-bubble Fruit Avenue.

Chu Feng didn't say anything more, turned around and walked towards Atacino.

Acting Master Zhou Ye also understands the meaning of food, so it shouldn't be a big problem to capture the Soap-bubble Fruit.

"Hey, so fast?"Atacino saw Chu Feng coming and asked in confusion.

"The acting master helped us capture it. We can just wait here for him to deliver it."Chu Feng replied

"That's it! Atacino nodded, then thought of something, his eyes moved slightly, and asked:"By the way, what were you and Chef Qianliu talking about before?" Have you known each other before?"

Hearing this, Chu Feng smelled a hint of sourness.

Could this girl be jealous?

Shaking his head, Chu Feng said truthfully:"I didn't know her before. She heard about me and was a fan. She asked me for autographs and invited me to eat at her restaurant."

Atacino nodded, with a satisfied smile on her lips. When Chu Feng was away, she secretly asked Xiaosong to find out.

"Kumogakure Restaurant was left behind by Chiyo’s mother-in-law, and was later passed down to Chef Chiryu!"Atacino said,"However, Chef Qianliu is indeed very good, and he has promoted Kumogakure Restaurant. The food there is very delicious, and all the delicate and special ingredients are used. You can try it."

"Um! Chu Feng nodded,"When things get busy here, we can go there.""

That's a wave of strength bonus. Chu Feng naturally wants to get it.

"OK!"Attasino agreed.

"Mr. Chu Feng! At this time, acting master Zhou walked over quickly and said,"Soap Bubble Fruit, I brought it here for you!""

Looking around, I saw seven or eight transparent spheres exuding a faint golden light in his hand. They were like bubbles blown with soapy water. They seemed to burst when touched.

This is the soap bubble fruit, from Shirin Temple. The treasure of the temple.

Only those who know the meaning of food can touch it.

Otherwise, it will explode when touched.

Chu Feng took a soap bubble fruit, which looked light and airy. It's actually a bit heavy.

It's really a wonderful fruit!

Acting Master Zhou's eyes showed surprise when he saw Chu Feng grabbing the soap bubble fruit easily.

"Mr. Chu Feng is really amazing. He caught the soap bubble fruit so casually. It seems that he is proficient in food ethics!"

"By the way, Mr. Chu Feng, give it a try, it tastes very good!"

Chu Feng smiled and said:"The soap bubble fruit naturally tastes good when eaten raw, but it will taste even better after cooking! It’s better to eat it after cooking!"

Hearing this, acting master Zhou looked moved and exclaimed:"Mr. Chu Feng, can you cook soap bubble fruit? ?"

In his knowledge, only Grandma Qianyo can cook soap-soaked fruit, and she is not very skilled at it. In addition, even Chef Qianliu, who specializes in delicate ingredients, can't cook it!

Chu Feng didn't answer, and asked Atacino Said:"You come and try it first, if it doesn't work, I will teach you again!""

"Um!"Atacino nodded.

When they heard that they were going to cook Soap Bubble Fruit, Master Zhen, Alu, Xiaosong, Chef Qianliu and others rushed over immediately...

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