"But Luna is indeed an angel!"

Beerus, who dominates the world of time and space, was slightly stunned and felt a little strange.

Luna existed hundreds of millions of years ago and was also an angel in this world of time and space. There is no reason why the angel of the fifteenth universe in another world is not Luna. Na?

"No! I can guarantee that the angel of the fifteenth universe in our world is definitely not her!

Beerus from the Super Dragon Ball Heroes world frowned and shook his head:"I know this is an angel. I just said that she looks different from the angels in the fifteenth universe of my time and space.""

"Okay, there is no need to get too entangled in this issue."

Su Bai stood up. He had no ill feelings towards Luna. Moreover, Luna seemed to have a very good attitude towards him. Both of them were time travellers, but they also felt like fellow countrymen meeting fellow countrymen.

Seeing Su Bai, she turned away. Speaking of the topic, Luna glanced at him with a smile on her face.

To be honest, she was indeed a time traveler, and she traveled to the Dragon Ball world hundreds of millions of years ago.

Compared to Su Bai's luck, Luna was lucky. It was much more tragic. Not long after she became an angel, the God of Destruction in the fifteenth universe was eliminated by the king, and she fell into a deep sleep.

The most important thing was that Luna had no system and relied entirely on it. She grew up as an angel.

In a sense, Luna is a time traveler, but at the same time, she is not familiar with the plot of the Dragon Ball anime. If he cooks Chinese food, it is absolutely impossible for Luna to know that Su Bai is the same as her.

This is why Luna has been actively looking for Su Bai, because in her opinion, even though she is a big person. The daughter of a priest, but compared to Su Bai, Su Bai is actually more able to become a relative with whom she has a common discourse.

"Yes, there is no need to dwell on such unnecessary issues. Weiss from the Super Dragon Ball Hero World smiled slightly. He focused on Su Bai, with curiosity on his face:"By the way, Master Su Bai, your strength really surpasses the God of Destruction of the 18th Universe." Dharma?!"

"Slightly better!"

Su Bai said very calmly.

"How awesome!"

Wes from Super Dragon Ball Hero World couldn't help but admire.

His space-time spell breaker is also very powerful and has reached the angel level. It's a pity that...Was eliminated by Quan Wang.

Otherwise, in hundreds of millions of years, it will definitely be able to gain further strength.

Next, everyone started to eat.

About an hour passed. Su Bai and Luna arrived. He sat down in the manor in the God of Destruction Realm.

"What to say......"

"What to say......"

The two of them sat down in the small pavilion in the backyard and spoke at the same time.

"You should say it first......"

"You should say it first......"

After speaking at the same time, the two looked at each other and said something at the same time.

Then, both of them couldn't help laughing, and the restraint they felt after learning each other's identity disappeared instantly.

"Lady first.

Su Bai smiled and said,"So, you better say it first.""

"OK! Luna also smiled, took a deep breath, looked at Su Bai and said,"By the way, when did you travel through time?""

"More than twenty years ago."

Su Bai replied

"I mean, when did you cross over from our hometown to this world?"

Luna shook her head

"oh. 2020."

Su Bai replied. When he talked about 2020, he had a strange look on his face.

To be honest, when talking about this year in the Dragon Ball world, there is really something wrong with it.......weird


When Luna heard Su Bai's words, a look of shock suddenly appeared on her face.

"What's wrong?!

Su Bai looked at Luna in surprise and said,"What year was it when you traveled through time?""


Luna just looked at Su Bai, speechless for a while


Su Bai frowned.

"I'm in 3020, that is to say......My era is a thousand years after your era!"

Luna opened her mouth, her face full of disbelief.


Su Bai was also shocked. The era of Luna, a woman, was actually a thousand years away from his era.

"What will the world be like in a thousand years?!"

After Su Bai was shocked for a while, he suddenly became interested.

"Very miserable!"

Luna took a deep breath, with a look of reminiscence on her face:"It was a new era where ferocious beasts were rampant, cavemen invaded, and the talents of warriors were awakened around the world."

Hearing Luna's words, Su Bai couldn't help but open his mouth, with a bit of surprise on his face. What will the earth look like after a thousand years?

"When I traveled to this world, my hometown was still in a period of turmoil, and the strength of human warriors was far inferior to that of ferocious beasts and cavemen. I don’t know what’s going on now, hey..."

Luna sighed.

"should...There won't be any big problem, right?!"

Su Bai thought for a while, and according to the template he read online, in such turbulent times, there will definitely be a destiny protagonist who will appear and rise up in the chaos.

After all, nothing is impossible, because in a sense, he Su Bai is the main protagonist in this real Dragon Ball world

"I want to go back and see! but...Can't find the way back."

Luna had a slightly sentimental look on her face. She was not an orphan on earth like Su Bai. She also had a younger sister who was studying at a martial arts academy.

"go back to earth......"

Su Bai's eyes flickered, and now he suddenly had an idea, that is, the earth where Luna may be located may also be a parallel world to the earth where he is located.

Worlds, full of wonders.

It is indeed normal for Su Bai to have this idea.

"There is always a chance to return to Earth. To be honest, I am very interested in your era."

Su Bai had a look of interest on his face. In the era when the talent of warriors is awakened all over the world, ferocious beasts, cave dwellers, all kinds of things, isn't it very interesting?!

"With your and my current levels, if we return to Earth, we will probably stand on top of the Earth immediately! I came back just to see my sister."

Luna has no interest in fighting at all. To put it bluntly, she has no feelings for the humans of her time at all. If they perish, they will perish and it has nothing to do with her.

After all, her level has already reached It’s different

"talk later! This kind of thing cannot be said to be 100% possible!"

Su Bai grinned. The latitudes are different. Even if the Dragon Ball world is much larger than Luna's era, the strength may be limited when a high level comes.

Just like people from a low level world come to a high level world, His start will be different, and his growth will be different from that in his original world.


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