Chu Feng ate a lot and earned a lot of strength bonuses.

I am very satisfied.

However, Chu Feng also discovered a troublesome problem later, that is, some common ingredients in the food industry have very little bonus in terms of strength.

If you want to greatly improve your strength, you must find more delicious ingredients.

"Not good!"At this time, an anxious voice came,"The village chief...the village chief is sick!"

The person who came was two meters tall, with blood-red skin all over his body and a very long nose, comparable to Usopp's nose in One Piece.

Chu Feng naturally knew him. He was the Tengu Blanche, a villager in Yaoshi Village.

He is also famous in the human world. After all, he ranks third in the world of gourmet cuisine, second only to Zeus and Setsuno.

"Blanche, why did the village chief fall ill when he was in good health?"

"What happened?"

"The village chief has never been sick!"


Mabi and others were puzzled.

Blanche said:"I don't know. I went to look for him just now and found him lying on the ground. He couldn't scream no matter what.���Reaction, the body is very hot...Who knows how to see a doctor? Go and see a doctor quickly"

"I'm a doctor, let me go and have a look!"At this time, Atacino came out and said

"That's great! Blanche said.

So, everyone hurriedly went to find the village chief.

But Chu Feng shook his head.

Because, he knew that Damo Immortal, the villager of Monster Food Village, was not sick at all, but peeped into the female bathroom, causing Just too excited.

In the original book, this old man was like this.

In an open space not far from the kappa bathroom, there was a huge weirdo lying there, as tall as 7 meters. The weight of the winter melon is probably 6,000 pounds.

The white beard on the chin is long and thick, and there are strange patterns on the face.

This is the leader of Yaoshi Village, Bodhidharma.

At this moment, his eyes are shining. Shining with great excitement, the whole person seemed to be stupid.

"village head!"

"Village chief, how are you?"


Mabby, Blanche and others called.

However, Bodhidharma did not respond, and his eyes glowed strangely.

"Dr. Atacino, take a look! Mabi said anxiously,"The village chief looks very ill!"

Atacino took out his stethoscope to check the condition of Immortal Bodhidharma, and then said:"He is fine, he is just a little too excited.""

Too excited?!

Hearing this, everyone looked puzzled.

Atacino explained:"His heartbeat is racing now and he is very excited... He must have done something exciting!"

Mabi, Blanche and the others still didn't understand.

At this time, Chu Feng came out and said,"He must have peeked into the Kappa's female bathroom!"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

But Immortal Bodhidharma screamed excitedly...

Seeing Immortal Bodhidharma's expression, at this moment, everyone finally came to their senses and felt a little annoyed.

"The village chief is a bastard who can't change his habit of eating shit."

"I still like to peek so much"


Everyone cursed.

Blanche was so angry that she grabbed the beard of Bodhidharma and roared:"Go to hell, old man."

Atacino briefly treated Bodhidharma, and Bodhidharma got better and sat up.

"Hahaha……"Immortal Bodhidharma laughed,"You are causing trouble for everyone!"

Then his eyes moved and he said happily:"These two are humans from the human world! It has been many years since humans came here. Thank you for your help"

"You are welcome! Atacino said:"Village chief, please take care of your health in the future and don't do such things again.""

"Hahaha……"Bodhidharma laughed,"Okay! I will definitely change it!"

Mabi, Blanche and others were speechless. change?

Change yourself into a big-headed ghost!

At this time, Chu Feng came out and said:"Thank you everyone for your warm welcome. We have something to do, so we will leave first! Come back next time when we have a chance." He has already tasted the delicious food of Monster Food Village and gained a lot of strength bonuses. There's nothing else to do here, so let's go back and cook the oni shells to eat.

"Wait a moment! Blanche shouted, her eyes falling on Chu Feng and Atacino with a bit of pride,"You are chefs in the human world, right?" As far as I know, among the current chefs in the human world, except for Zeus and Setsuno, the other chefs are not very good."

"The cooking festival is coming soon! I will participate and defeat all the contestants in the human world."

Hearing Blanche's words, Chu Feng shook his head and didn't want to pay attention to it, but Atacino was a little dissatisfied and said,"Your name is Blanche, right? I know you, you are No. 3 in Gourmet Human Cuisine. Your cooking skills are indeed good, but there are more than two people who are better than you."

"My partner is better than you!"

"Your partner? who? Blanche asked. Atacino didn't answer, but his eyes moved and the topic changed:"Well, you and I have a competition. If you can't even beat me, let alone beat my partner!""

Blanche is a little arrogant, and Atacino wants to dampen his pride.

"you? Blanche looked a little disdainful,"Aren't you a doctor?" Can you cook too?

Atacino said:"I am a gastronomic surgeon and a chef!""

"If this is the case, let’s give it a try! Blanche said,"Tell me, what ingredients are you going to cook?""

Atacino was thinking.

Chu Feng stood up and suggested:"Just cook the air fruit! A showdown!"

Hearing this, Blanche was a little excited.

Because he had practiced cooking this ingredient countless times.

Now, he can cook it successfully.

You know, this is a super special cooking ingredient. If you haven't cooked it before, you won't be able to cook it at all. I don’t know where to start.

Of course, even if you have cooked before, you will only fail if you don’t know the method.

Blanche learned the cooking method from Bodhidharma.

"Air fruit? Blanche used to cook a lot! Is this even better?"

"Miss Atacino, you'd better cook other ingredients with Blanche, otherwise it won't be fair to you."


A lot of weirdos talked about it.

Blanche also said:"To be honest. I can successfully cook air fruits. If you try this ingredient, you will lose."

Atacino smiled and said:"By chance, I can also cook this ingredient!"

Chu Feng Said:"You cook at the same time, whoever cooks best and fastest will be the winner."

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